We Know They Are Killing Children—All of Us Know

its not about what is moral and what isn't.

A fetus isn't a person until he it goes through the birth process, just like a cake isn't a cake until it has been baked, and a seed isn't a tree until it has been planted and watered and nurtured.

premature babies at 21 weeks have survived.. What's the difference between killing a premature baby and abortion ??

A premature baby has been born, it is separated from the mother. A fetus remains physically attached to her, and resides inside her.

So, if someone remains living in their mother's basement, i.e. "attached" to her, they can be aborted? It hasn't separated from its mother and resides with her, living off of the mother's resources.

I don't believe you at all. You couldn't care less about abortion. You're only against it because you think every liberal in the country supports it. And you think talking against it supports your argument against gun control.

If you really cared about the lives of children, your first reaction to what happened in Newtown would not have been to whine about your stupid guns possibly being taken away. You're a fake!!!

The way I see it, we shouldn't be killing anything capable of advanced math.

That aborted fetus could have been the one that discovered the cure to cancer, or could have been the one to figure out a way to break physics and create Faster-Than-Light travel. Granted, it could also end up homeless and on heroin, but that's a risk you've got to take.

We've got to think of the future of humanity. Every aborted fetus is a potential scientist, or doctor, or physicist. Unless the health of the mother is at stake, then we're going to have to suck it up and raise the children that are given to us.

I don't believe you at all. You couldn't care less about abortion. You're only against it because you think every liberal in the country supports it. And you think talking against it supports your argument against gun control.

If you really cared about the lives of children, your first reaction to what happened in Newtown would not have been to whine about your stupid guns possibly being taken away. You're a fake!!!

you do realize that millions more children have died from abortion than school shootings right ?
furthermore your post assumes that some how gun laws will stop or impied the derranged from getting guns or killing children
Member #23991

A picture of a man with two guns, and gunslinger in your avatar tag. Don't bother to talk to me about killing.

Comparing a picture to actually slaughtering an innocent child is beyond retarded. You liberals will use anything, lie about everything in order to justify sheer evil. Some day all of you will be held accountable.. No one gets out of this life alive.. there is judgement coming whether you believe it or not. The bible has predicted with 1000% accuracy all of the prophesy therein except which is to come. So mock, laugh, slaughter children.. the day is coming.
premature babies at 21 weeks have survived.. What's the difference between killing a premature baby and abortion ??

A premature baby has been born, it is separated from the mother. A fetus remains physically attached to her, and resides inside her.

So, if someone remains living in their mother's basement, i.e. "attached" to her, they can be aborted? It hasn't separated from its mother and resides with her, living off of the mother's resources.

The absolute bloodlust in liberals is unshakable. For a mother to defend the slaughter of her own child takes incomparable evil. It goes against the very nature of who a TRUE mother is.
Drew Peterson got death penalty for killing his wife and the unborn human baby in her womb. Now somewhere there has to be a smart enough liberal who realizes she's not carrying little green frogs.

Fetal homicide laws are not laws against abortion.

Do you think abortion is a NATURAL right?

You idiot. There are only rights that we give ourselves.

The better the economy gets.....the louder the cries from nutters regarding social issues. Good economies are bad for nutter business.
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Has that bill been passed? Do you think it's likely to?
Now you are just sounding like a religiously crazed lunatic. Your mother had no obligation to you at all.
Wow. Just...wow.

Are you saying that the law prevented your mother from choosing an abortion if she wanted one, and that she was unable to have you adopted, if she wished?

I'm saying my mother had a moral obligation to not abort me. Human beings are hard-wired that way.

But then, the left has been busy snipping the moral obligation wires for decades now.

Have you noticed that everyone who supports abortion has already been born?
Now you are just sounding like a religiously crazed lunatic. Your mother had no obligation to you at all.
I'll simplify it for you: once you place an order, you have a responsibility to pay for it. You are not ending a piece of meat! You are destroying a sentient being; what they are, and what they can be! A fetus is a starter person; a person who has begun!

A fetus is not sentient. It is not aware it exists.
Same with coma patients. So we can just pull the plug, huh?
A fetus is not sentient. It is not aware it exists.

You know this how?

Umm, duh. Medical science knows this. Not even a newborn baby is aware it exists.

You don't think a fetus thinks about how warm and cozy it is, do you? You think it decides to suck its thumb, or take a piss? You think that it feels fear when aborted? It doesn't. It has no concept of fear.
It feels pain. This is undeniable.
What children are being killed? He makes no argument at all.

In the first example, the abortion doctor is right - it is more important that a woman have her freedom to choose than whether an abortion is murder or not.
Wow. Just...wow.

That's just one step away from advocating post-birth abortion.
Of course, I wouldn't expect any humanity out of a progressive. You guys are notorious in your disregard of human life.

That's why the history of progressivism is soaked in blood.
Permission, morals (whose) - has nothing to do with it.

A woman's body is hers and hers alone. What she does with it is no one's business. If you disagree with abortion, DON'T HAVE ONE.

And, while you're preaching to others to give up their NATURAL freedom, are you also adopting kids? Of course not. Nor should you have to.

But, get your Big Government off other people's bodies.

Couldn't agree more.

When a woman has an abortion what part of her body is no longer there?

Abortion ends the life of another human being. I really wish those who are "pro-choice" would just admit that they're ok with this instead of throwing up lame 'my body, my choice' and 'reproductive rights' bullshit arguments.
What children are being killed? He makes no argument at all.

In the first example, the abortion doctor is right - it is more important that a woman have her freedom to choose than whether an abortion is murder or not.

The ones that are aborted.

Wow what a stupid question.
Permission, morals (whose) - has nothing to do with it.

A woman's body is hers and hers alone. What she does with it is no one's business. If you disagree with abortion, DON'T HAVE ONE.

And, while you're preaching to others to give up their NATURAL freedom, are you also adopting kids? Of course not. Nor should you have to.

But, get your Big Government off other people's bodies.

Couldn't agree more.

When a woman has an abortion what part of her body is no longer there?

Abortion ends the life of another human being. I really wish those who are "pro-choice" would just admit that they're ok with this instead of throwing up lame 'my body, my choice' and 'reproductive rights' bullshit arguments.

Then they would have to face the monsters they are.. That they've slaughtered and support the slaughter of more children than all wars, The Holocaust- combined.
Rightwingers, as usual, contradict themselves. They want fewer abortions, while doing everything they can to keep birth control out of reach.

Why do you lie so much? Everyone is free to buy whatever birth control they want.

The rest of us, however, are under no obligation to buy free shit for other people.

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