We need a gay or transgender president!


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Yep, I just said it! Someone that will do a good job at the job and show everyone that it doesn't fucking matter.

Tired of the whining,,,lets just accept it and better yet maybe welcome one into the highest office in the land.
You Democrats wouldn't know a scientist if it bit you in the ass. And you wouldn't know a transgender if it fucked you in the ass.
Yep, I just said it! Someone that will do a good job at the job and show everyone that it doesn't fucking matter.

Tired of the whining,,,lets just accept it and better yet maybe welcome one into the highest office in the land.
You just had one
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Yep, I just said it! Someone that will do a good job at the job and show everyone that it doesn't fucking matter.

Tired of the whining,,,lets just accept it and better yet maybe welcome one into the highest office in the land.
You just had one

Lets have a transgender president this time!
Pew Research Center reports that only 6 percent of scientists identified as Republican and only 9 percent identified as conservatives.

On topic, we just had a black president did that make Americans any less racist? Did the most qualified presidential candidate make Americans any less misogynistic or hateful? Of course not, while I am not religious, evil is embedded in the human and it doesn't take much to set it free. "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." LBJ - Mexican or Muslim can be substituted in quote.

"Science, you could say, has a built-in left-wing bias, because it does not appeal to simplistic notions of God, country, tribal supremacy, or any of the other lesser angels of our nature that the GOP finds handy for its get-out-the-angry-vote drives." Steve Silberman
Why the GOP Hates the National Science Foundation | NeuroTribes

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken
We need a gay or transgender president!

In all likelihood, we've already had an openly gay president.
What's the biggest difference between Buchanan's day and ours? In Buchanan's day, as now, people knew who was gay and who was not, but they also knew that whom one loves and has sex with has no bearing on one's ability to perform work. Why?

Well, perhaps because among intellectuals studying classic writings from ancient Rome and Greece was a required part of what well people (people elite enough to pursue advanced academic instruction) did to obtain an advanced degree, maybe because many of the formal disciplines on which we so much focus these days and in which one can take a degree simply didn't exist. Back then, one got a college education -- making one generally knowledgeable -- and that covered just about everything as the body of knowledge just wasn't as great as it is now.
Having such a vastly deeper awareness than do modern degree recipients of the writings of the ancients, they became aware of things like the Sacred Band of Thebes. Let's be honest. One can obtain high school, baccalaureate, master's and doctoral certifications in myriad disciplines and never read the second of Plato's dialogues, Symposium, or any of them for that matter. As a result, most people qualifying as members of today's intelligentsia have very little awareness of the understanding of humanity in classical antiquity. That's really a shame, for though human society has changed since then, human nature and its manifestations have not.
Yep, I just said it! Someone that will do a good job at the job and show everyone that it doesn't fucking matter.

Tired of the whining,,,lets just accept it and better yet maybe welcome one into the highest office in the land.

America already had a gay President. Type in American Gay President into your search engine and learn...
Yep, I just said it! Someone that will do a good job at the job and show everyone that it doesn't fucking matter.

Tired of the whining,,,lets just accept it and better yet maybe welcome one into the highest office in the land.
If it doesn´t matter, don´t enforce it.
Yep, I just said it! Someone that will do a good job at the job and show everyone that it doesn't fucking matter.

Tired of the whining,,,lets just accept it and better yet maybe welcome one into the highest office in the land.

How about we just focus on the whole doing a good job part and show everyone that it doesn't fucking matter?

You know, be the change?

If you have a transgendered person that says we could solve problems A, B, and C like this and does it--------most of the US is going to back that person.
Frankly, I don't care if the president was a goat-fucking coprophiliac mincing around in a monokini. If he can return the country to the Constitutional standard, set the economy back on a paying basis, and straighten out those annoying little fat and raghead-wearing shitheads who learned quick that Obama was a happy kneeler, he'd get my vote.
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We don't need a gay of Transgendered president. But if we ever have one, I hope it does a good job.
Pew Research Center reports that only 6 percent of scientists identified as Republican and only 9 percent identified as conservatives.

On topic, we just had a black president did that make Americans any less racist? Did the most qualified presidential candidate make Americans any less misogynistic or hateful? Of course not, while I am not religious, evil is embedded in the human and it doesn't take much to set it free. "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you." LBJ - Mexican or Muslim can be substituted in quote.

"Science, you could say, has a built-in left-wing bias, because it does not appeal to simplistic notions of God, country, tribal supremacy, or any of the other lesser angels of our nature that the GOP finds handy for its get-out-the-angry-vote drives." Steve Silberman
Why the GOP Hates the National Science Foundation | NeuroTribes

"In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican." H.L. Mencken

94% Democrat scientists = crumbling infrastructure.
Yep, I just said it! Someone that will do a good job at the job and show everyone that it doesn't fucking matter.

Tired of the whining,,,lets just accept it and better yet maybe welcome one into the highest office in the land.

Cause the first black president had that effect on race relations?
You Democrats wouldn't know a scientist if it bit you in the ass. And you wouldn't know a transgender if it fucked you in the ass.

94% of scientist are democrats ;)

If 94% of scientists were white, you would see that as evidence of discrimination.

So much for the Rational mind of a liberal.
What percentage of NBA players are black? They should apologize for their Black Privilege.

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