We need an independent commission to look at what happened in Afghanistan

To get people out safely maybe?

To avoid people falling off planes as they take off?
Which people? You guys are the ones trying to stop any refugees from coming to the country. Don’t pretend like you all of a sudden have concern for their well being.

Are you talking about Americans who the State Dept said for months and months to not go to Afghanistan or if you’re already there to get the hell out?
I’d prefer the plan where everyone leaves after a big Bollywood dance routine at the airport as the plane takes off through parting clouds with rainbows.

But fantasies have a tough time with harsh realities.
So you Democrats approve of the way Biden has handled the withdrawal?
nothing to be afraid of,,

biden didnt listen to the poepel that already had plans and list in place and fucked it up,,

next time dont elect a mentally ill idiot,,
Maybe if Trump hadn't stopped the transition period where current admins pass on the current administration's unfinished business and stances on to the new incoming administration's transition team.... He and his admin were too busy creating and pushing the BIG LIE.....??? :rolleyes:
"Take responsibility" doesn't exist in today's RWNJ lexicon.

All we heard out of the Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus Administration was all their failures being blamed on Bush.

Now we are hearing the same denial shit out of the Joe Dufus/Ho Administration.

Joe Dufus is as incompetent as it comes. We have known this for 40 years. he has never got anything right. He fucked this Afghanistan withdrawal up big time.

He could have waited until winter when the Tailban stand down.

He should have got all the military equipment out.

He should have transitioned out the Afganis that helped the allies.

He should have gradually pulled American personnel out while providing adequate security.

However, the turd brain didn't do any of those things. He went on vacation. Once again with Democrat leadership the US is the laughing stock of the world. We see it every Democrat administration.
So you Democrats approve of the way Biden has handled the withdrawal?
If you chose to be reductive, I can’t help it.

It sucks. It always sucks. Anyone says that they could have done it better is a liar. Fear of it sucking is why we haven’t left in 20 years. It’s the reason Trump didn’t do it. It’s the reason Obama didn’t do it.

They’re afraid of how bad it sucks.
There was no getting out without leaving the Afghan citizens to pay the price.
The problem arose when W and Obama decided to stay apparently to protect the civilians ... after we'd killed any Taliban that had helped hide AQ and OBL was long gone to Pak.
It isn't just a Biden problem, it didn't start now, and it goes much deeper than what happened today. It requires some serious political soul searching and our broken hyperpatisan political system is incapable of doing that with integrity.

Some of the questions that come to me, as more and more news reveals hidden cracks.

1. What did various military and civilian intelligence say, know, miss?
2. What was relayed to Biden, and his national security team?
3.What was happening with Afghan leadership?
4. What information, if any, was ignored by Biden?
5. Could the outcome have been different while still allowing withdrawal and how?
6. What has the Taliban been doing since they signed that agreement?

More questions.
A good idea.
All we heard out of the Worthless Negro/Joe Dufus Administration was all their failures being blamed on Bush.

Now we are hearing the same denial shit out of the Joe Dufus/Ho Administration.

Joe Dufus is as incompetent as it comes. We have known this for 40 years. he has never got anything right. He fucked this Afghanistan withdrawal up big time.

He could have waited until winter when the Tailban stand down.

He should have got all the military equipment out.

He should have transitioned out the Afganis that helped the allies.

He should have gradually pulled American personnel out while providing adequate security.

However, the turd brain didn't do any of those things. He went on vacation. Once again with Democrat leadership the US is the laughing stock of the world. We see it every Democrat administration.

Biden is so fckd up mentally he didn't make any decisions....right now the ones that did are muttering oh fck
No, who need to be blamed are those in Afghanistan seeing they have had at least nineteen years to be ready for this day, so I agree there should be answers.
We wasted hundreds of billions of dollars propping up an Afghan Government and military that didn’t last two weeks without us
Maybe if Trump hadn't stopped the transition period where current admins pass on the current administration's unfinished business and stances on to the new incoming administration's transition team.... He and his admin were too busy creating and pushing the BIG LIE.....??? :rolleyes:
well he kinda had to since he didnt win the election,,
as for the transission,, there were plenty of people still there trying to help joe,, to bad he diddnt listen,,'

this guy lays it out pretty good,,

We are watching the BIDEN withdrawal plan in action.

The real question is, was this done on purpose or is Biden just incompetent?
Great question.

Seeing that the Tailban leader is someone the Joe Dufus/Worthless Negro administration let out of Gitmo and we know how the Worthless Negro loved his Muslim friends it could have all been on purpose.

However, probably it was just nothing more than gross incompetency.

We need an independent commission to look at what happened in Afghanistan​

1. We don't need any more 'independent councils', 'investigative committees', or 'inquiries' ... and everyone one this board knows why.

They are complete political wastes of time. Politicians use them to cover their own asses or to go after political opponents. Even the worst of circumstances can not cause politicians to come together bipartisanly. And when the dumbest, most inept, criminal facts come out one group does everything they can to protect their political brethren from consequences.

Case In Point: During the Benghazi hearing it was revealed that to protect the Ambassador and Americans there a Security company was hired....a team that had NEVER WORKED A JOB WHERE THEY WERE REQUIRED TO CARRY WEAPONS and had never been in a hostile, wartime area.

NO ONE was punished for this (as in FIRED))

There are definitely people who need to be fired over the 'Saigon 2.0' Afghan Exit F*-Up..., but an panel / committee / council will not get it done because it will be so political.

2. Need to be more specific than 'what happened in Afghanistan'.
It would be assumed that you are talking about the 'Saigon 2.0' Afghan Exit F*-Up, but one should not assume (as the saying goes) & there is a lot that has gone wrong in Afghanistan.
- If we are talking about the the 'Saigon 2.0' Afghan Exit F*-Up, are we talking about the political decisions resulting in the F*-Up, are we talking about why several Taliban members in the photo in the Presidential palace are carrying shiny new US weapons, one of many left behind as 'house-warming' presents?

Got to clarify.
well he kinda had to since he didnt win the election,,
as for the transission,, there were plenty of people still there trying to help joe,, to bad he diddnt listen,,'

this guy lays it out pretty good,,

What do you mean he "kind of had to"?

Other presidents have lost and still took the transition process seriously and fulfilled it.
Traitor Donny was having him over to Camp David for a fete.

Shove your partisan bs.
With respect, I think we know. Or at least I still recall an Iraq war bumper sticker "tell em Uncle Sam is coming and bringing Hell with him." W, "yer ether [sic] with us or 'agin us.'

9-11 was simply an opportunity for the neocons to do what they'd wanted to do ever since Scoop Jackson was basically kicked out of the dem party by Frank Church and Ted Kennedy. And ironically Ted thought Reagan was going to get us into WWIII, even though Reagan was very careful to never get drawn into a war in which we didn't prevail quickly over a smaller foe, and get the hell out, before public opinion went south. HW followed that rationale in Gulf War I.

UK committed to Afghan late in 2001. Nato was not far behind. US special forces were already there, hunting AQ and the Taliban once they refused to give us OBL.

But Afghan was small potatoes compared to Iraq, where oil was. And as McCain once said, "anybody can go to Bagdad but real men go to Tehran"

Suddenly what was left of our Cold War Army was getting its ass kicked in the middle of an Iraqi genocide, Israel was demanding a war with Iran, and Nato was left with it's thump up it's ass going "well that went to hell quickly"

LOL! It was the Worthless Negro's administration that escalated the Afghanistan war. Go look it up. I shit you not.

Not only that but this Joe Dufus clown supported all the NEOCON shit you are bitching about.

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