We need an independent commission to look at what happened in Afghanistan

What do you mean he "kind of had to"?

Other oresidentz have list and still took the transifio process seriously and fulfilled it.
doesnt change the fact that joe ignored all the people that had plans and tried to give them to him,,

Why do we need a commission? The answer is quite obvious. The last time we actually won a war, ww2, was when we declared a war. Everything since the 1950s has been illegal. It's all about feeding the contractors trillions of dollars and then testing out the toys every few years. Corrupt senators take their cut and retire with millions. End of story. We don't need a multi million dollar commission in which more money is laundered for BS answers that we should already know.
Which people? You guys are the ones trying to stop any refugees from coming to the country. Don’t pretend like you all of a sudden have concern for their well being.

Are you talking about Americans who the State Dept said for months and months to not go to Afghanistan or if you’re already there to get the hell out?

Y, this new found concern is right up there with the newfound concern for kids at the border on the hypocrisy list.
LOL! It was the Worthless Negro's administration that escalated the Afghanistan war. Go look it up. I shit you not.

Not only that but this Joe Dufus clown supported all the NEOCON shit you are bitching about.
y9ou and chick can both shove your partisan bullshit up your gaping Trump assholes
This a failure that spans four presidents. Naturally, you are incapable of any honest introspection. Biden will own it, but doesn't end there.

That Agreement excluded the Afghan government. Why?

Taliban broke most of it. Were there any consequences for the Taliban?

What was tbe Afghan government doing? What happened with their military leadership?

What did Biden know? Did he ignore information?

Lots of questions.
Biden had no idea what he was doing. We needed to leave, he thought it would be easier and he admitted he messed up. As for leaving, it should have been done in May and not September, it was more risk to our troops to stay there. Biden wanted to make the troops leaving a symbol and thus made the pullout date 9/11. Had he pulled out in May instead of wanting to take credit for leaving on a symbolic date, this would already be over. There is nothing we could have done to make it better unless we just stayed there and not started leaving.

Divert the attention all you want however this is Biden's and he specifically changed the date to bring attention to what a great President he is and it backfired, why waste millions or even billions on investigating the issue?
Biden had no idea what he was doing. We needed to leave, he thought it would be easier and he admitted he messed up. As for leaving, it should have been done in May and not September, it was more risk to our troops to stay there. Biden wanted to make the troops leaving a symbol and thus made the pullout date 9/11. Had he pulled out in May instead of wanting to take credit for leaving on a symbolic date, this would already be over. There is nothing we could have done to make it better unless we just stayed there and not started leaving.

Divert the attention all you want however this is Biden's and he specifically changed the date to bring attention to what a great President he is and it backfired, why waste millions or even billions on investigating the issue?

You're wasting your time, the loons are scrambling to justify a complete fck up by a complete fck up

We need an independent commission to look at what happened in Afghanistan​

1. We don't need any more 'independent councils', 'investigative committees', or 'inquiries' ... and everyone one this board knows why.

They are complete political wastes of time. Politicians use them to cover their own asses or to go after political opponents. Even the worst of circumstances can not cause politicians to come together bipartisanly. And when the dumbest, most inept, criminal facts come out one group does everything they can to protect their political brethren from consequences.

Case In Point: During the Benghazi hearing it was revealed that to protect the Ambassador and Americans there a Security company was hired....a team that had NEVER WORKED A JOB WHERE THEY WERE REQUIRED TO CARRY WEAPONS and had never been in a hostile, wartime area.

NO ONE was punished for this (as in FIRED))

There are definitely people who need to be fired over the 'Saigon 2.0' Afghan Exit F*-Up..., but an panel / committee / council will not get it done because it will be so political.

2. Need to be more specific than 'what happened in Afghanistan'.
It would be assumed that you are talking about the 'Saigon 2.0' Afghan Exit F*-Up, but one should not assume (as the saying goes) & there is a lot that has gone wrong in Afghanistan.
- If we are talking about the the 'Saigon 2.0' Afghan Exit F*-Up, are we talking about the political decisions resulting in the F*-Up, are we talking about why several Taliban members in the photo in the Presidential palace are carrying shiny new US weapons, one of many left behind as 'house-warming' presents?

Got to clarify.
Don't get too excited about Dufus being held accountable for this debacle. Remember how the Worthless Negro and Crooked Hillary skated on the Benghazi disaster?

The MSM will stop reporting on it and the few things you will see will blame Trump so it will be forgotten soon.
Don't get too excited about Dufus being held accountable for this debacle. Remember how the Worthless Negro and Crooked Hillary skated on the Benghazi disaster?

The MSM will stop reporting on it and the few things you will see will blame Trump so it will be forgotten soon.
Why aren't you over in Afghanistan right now......sounds like it's turning into the perfect place for you.
Interesting. Seems no one thinks we should have an independent co.mission. What are you afraid of?
The commission would require time and money and no case has been made that shows that it would be time and money well spent. Time to leave Afghanistan and not turn back.

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