We need to stop birthright citizenship IMMEDIATELY!

The racists know they can't get a majority of Americans to buy into their fear, much less the required super-majority, and so they have deluded themselves into believing a simple pen-and-ink change by the President is totally okay.

It's amazing how Trump has succeeded in getting the pseuedocons to prove themselves hypocrites on literally EVERYTHING for which they attacked Obama.

It's almost as if Trump was a New York Democrat playing a long running hoax on them.

G5000 do you support anyone having a baby in American soil be given an American citizenship? Even if illegally?
This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!
I think it's just a matter of changing the interpretation back to it's original intent.
I'm going to show you a photo of a creature which absolutely terrifies pseudocons. It causes them to curl up in a ball, shit their pants, and whimper.

It is a creature more terrifying than a Muslim suicide bomber, more horrifying than a transsexual, more disgusting than a negro on food stamps. It is a creature so unbelievably frightening, the pseudocon propagandists had to invent a new term for it.

Brace yourself.






What g5000 doesnt tell you is those precious little silver tooth money trees will turn into disgusting, taxpayer dependent, baby making, criminal filth...many will end up making LA’s Most Wanted list.
Non English speaking, indecent, immoral thirdworld filth has no place in our first world society, they simply can’t make it here standing on their own two feet, it’s been proven over and over again. We have plenty of pet humans here now and everybody sane and operating on their own checkbook knows it.
All Most Wanted - Los Angeles Police Department
Wow. You've been seriously brainwashed, haven't you, you little racist fuck. :lol:

Don’t need to be...I thought all sane people pay attention to statistics...no?
Look at every wetback infested shithole in America....look at every disgusting, fucked up Brown nation in the world. Look it up pussy...I make nothing up. Don’t be scared Gustavo...You’re filth, just admit it.
Yesterday, I pointed out that the pseudocons on this board either place Winner tags on the posts of the white supremacists in their midst, or avert their eyes. I have never once seen a pseudocons call one of you out for your white supremacist shit.

And in many cases, they come to your aid and defense.


See how this works...thanks to ignorant fools like you, wetbacks are quickly becoming the 21st century Kunta Kinte......hahahahaha
the 14th was simply giving blacks and all persons, the same birthright of children born to white foreigners/aliens....

we followed Common Law regarding birthrights... at least for white foreigners.... until the 14th, which made this common law birthright available to blacks and others of color... and shortly after, to Native Americans on reservations....

birthright citizenship was already law for white foreigners... before the 14th
I can literally do this every day. Catch the pseudocons defending, applauding, or deliberately ignoring the wide open white supremacists in their midst.

This place is infested with them.
the 14th was simply giving blacks and all persons, the same birthright of children born to white foreigners/aliens....

we followed Common Law regarding birthrights... at least for white foreigners.... until the 14th, which made this common law birthright available to blacks and others of color... and shortly after, to Native Americans on reservations....

birthright citizenship was already law for white foreigners...
links to sources please.
the 14th was simply giving blacks and all persons, the same birthright of children born to white foreigners/aliens....

we followed Common Law regarding birthrights... at least for white foreigners.... until the 14th, which made this common law birthright available to blacks and others of color... and shortly after, to Native Americans on reservations....

birthright citizenship was already law for white foreigners...

So what's your point? These invaders don't look exactly white. Not that even whites should be given a citizenship for popping out a baby.
Them gun tot'en anchor babies will be the death of the Republic for sure.
you know damn well this isn't the point.

this is NOT what the amendment is for and this MUST be stopped. you can call the US the bad guys all you want but at this point we're simply following the constitution as written and decided upon by the supreme court.

all the snark in the world won't change that. if you agree the constitution is the law of our land, then what's the problem with ending the misguided anchor baby movement? other than you love to whine about it.

It is the point. Unless of course you want the next President to be able to modify the Constitution by EO. If you or anyone want to modify the 14th or the 2nd, you'll have to change the Constitution. Otherwise it's a crap shoot.
the 14th was simply giving blacks and all persons, the same birthright of children born to white foreigners/aliens....

we followed Common Law regarding birthrights... at least for white foreigners.... until the 14th, which made this common law birthright available to blacks and others of color... and shortly after, to Native Americans on reservations....

birthright citizenship was already law for white foreigners...
Just another excuse for illegal aliens to cut line...
Them gun tot'en anchor babies will be the death of the Republic for sure.
you know damn well this isn't the point.

this is NOT what the amendment is for and this MUST be stopped. you can call the US the bad guys all you want but at this point we're simply following the constitution as written and decided upon by the supreme court.

all the snark in the world won't change that. if you agree the constitution is the law of our land, then what's the problem with ending the misguided anchor baby movement? other than you love to whine about it.

It is the point. Unless of course you want the next President to be able to modify the Constitution by EO. If you or anyone want to modify the 14th or the 2nd, you'll have to change the Constitution. Otherwise it's a crap shoot.
i don't want ANYONE to abuse EO's like obama and now trump are doing. that's stupid and a very bad precedence being set people are just wallowing in now.

congress needs to get off their overly confrontational lazy ass and start doing their job and stop all this bullshit cockblocking cause we don't like you on all sides.
This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!
I think it's just a matter of changing the interpretation back to it's original intent.
it's original intent was to give ALL PERSONS under our jurisdiction, the birthright citizenship we already were giving to children of white foreigners living here.
This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!
I think it's just a matter of changing the interpretation back to it's original intent.
it's original intent was to give ALL PERSONS under our jurisdiction, the birthright citizenship we already were giving to children of white foreigners living here.
i quoted the original intent word for word from the people who wrote it, and then followed up with the SC passing their opinion on it. if you could provide links in kind to back up what you are saying i'd be more inclined to stop being up your king in this match. : )
Just by being born on American soil does not make one American. The Chinese are flying their people in just to have babies in America, because for some reason, we have a retarded policy. These babies are supposedly every bit as American as actual American citizens.

You definitely are not an American. You WANT the invasion to cross over the border. Why any Americans should listen to such anti-American nonsense is beyond me.
yes they are citizens just like any person who is born on our soil and under our jurisdiction, unless they are Diplomats and have Diplomatic Immunity, where they do not answer to our jurisdiction/laws. Giving babies born here citizenship, was the way our founders got non-citizens to come and live here... it was an incentive for non citizens from Europe to come and populate our nation.... before the 14th Amendment gave that birthright to Slaves.

A. Graham, "The Original Congressional Debate on Birthright Citizenship" | Counter-Currents Publishing

"The minutes of the 1866 congressional debate over the citizenship clause of the Fourteenth Amendment make for interesting reading. The clause is proposed by Senator Jacob Howard, who adds that “persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers” are excluded from it as dictated by the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”[1]"

the way you are saying is completely wrong as per the people who wrote the amendment. you can argue with them if you'd like but if you're going to use the constitution as proof, use it as intended, not as you may wish for it to be.

the SC ruled on it back in the day - so the liberals need to stop changing it cause they want votes, or for whatever reason they feel the need to today.

"The Supreme Court stated in the Slaughterhouse Cases of 1873 that the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” excluded “children of ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign states born within the United States.” This was dismissed as an obiter dictum in United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898), but it was the prevailing interpretation up to that point. This was again confirmed in Elk v. Wilkins (1884), in which the Court decided that an Indian who had severed his tribal ties was nonetheless not a citizen due to the fact that he owed allegiance to his tribe at the time of his birth."
nope, you are reading it wrong.... completely wrong..... alien, foreign, children and family of diplomats and diplomats is one specific group of people.

if the 14th amendment was meant in any other way, then all the white European Scottish and Irish and Italian and German etc.children born here of parents not citizens, would not be citizens and subjected to deportation and that IS NOT what they wanted.

give it up, i ain't buying your bullshit. this was debated and decided upon by the supreme court to NOT apply to the anchor baby situation. your not liking it and or inability to comprehend it doesn't change it.

if you are not a citizen of this country then you are an alien. ergo - your babies are as well. i found you a very specific example, several of them actually, that spells this out under no uncertain terms. you're now trying to interpret what they wanted and or didn't want *after* they told you. you want cred for this then do as i did and offer views from the people who wrote, debated and judged on this AT THE TIME to address your views. you incessant NO NO NO ITS MY WAY is not proof that you are right. just that you WANT to be.

check and mate.
:lol: no, it was not decided in the mannr you are making up....

I AM QUOTING what the Supreme Court SAID on it in their decision/opinion on it in US vs Ark.... silly one!


Regarding birth rights in the 14th amendment is very clear, there is no fudge room.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

Under the 5th amendment to the Constitution.

The only way to change, rewrite, repeal or add an amendment to the Constitution, requires 2/3's of the Senate, 2/3's of the House, and then it has to be ratified by 3/4's of the states.
What does it take to repeal a constitutional amendment? - National Constitution Center

You'll note that the President has no say in this process.


the 14th was simply giving blacks and all persons, the same birthright of children born to white foreigners/aliens....

we followed Common Law regarding birthrights... at least for white foreigners.... until the 14th, which made this common law birthright available to blacks and others of color... and shortly after, to Native Americans on reservations....

birthright citizenship was already law for white foreigners...
Just another excuse for illegal aliens to cut line...
yes, more than likely, it is....

if we want it changed, we are going to need an amendment to the Constitution.
This is an emergency, day by day America is being conquered. No wonder a literal invasion has gathered on our doorstep.

How is this crazy law still in the book? No serious nation could allow anything of the sort. Even the republicans haven't paid any attention to the issue fully endorsing the crazy. What a disappointment. Only the man with balls, that is Trump has finally put some attention to the issue after 4D chessing the supreme court for his support. Just tells how completely useless our politicians are.

We need more real men with balls, more people like the God Emperor. Can't go wrong with that message going into the election. Just imagine if we had more people with common sense making the shots. Take back our country!
I think it's just a matter of changing the interpretation back to it's original intent.
it's original intent was to give ALL PERSONS under our jurisdiction, the birthright citizenship we already were giving to children of white foreigners living here.
That only applies to people who file for legal asylum and renounce their citizenship. They also have to have cause to be qualified for refugee status. Political persecution..... etc.
I can literally do this every day. Catch the pseudocons defending, applauding, or deliberately ignoring the wide open white supremacists in their midst.

This place is infested with them.

Here, I’ll make it super easy for you...put this in your signature.
I, BrokeLoser HATE wetbacks like Hitler HATED Jews.
yes they are citizens just like any person who is born on our soil and under our jurisdiction, unless they are Diplomats and have Diplomatic Immunity, where they do not answer to our jurisdiction/laws. Giving babies born here citizenship, was the way our founders got non-citizens to come and live here... it was an incentive for non citizens from Europe to come and populate our nation.... before the 14th Amendment gave that birthright to Slaves.

A. Graham, "The Original Congressional Debate on Birthright Citizenship" | Counter-Currents Publishing

"The minutes of the 1866 congressional debate over the citizenship clause of the Fourteenth Amendment make for interesting reading. The clause is proposed by Senator Jacob Howard, who adds that “persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers” are excluded from it as dictated by the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.”[1]"

the way you are saying is completely wrong as per the people who wrote the amendment. you can argue with them if you'd like but if you're going to use the constitution as proof, use it as intended, not as you may wish for it to be.

the SC ruled on it back in the day - so the liberals need to stop changing it cause they want votes, or for whatever reason they feel the need to today.

"The Supreme Court stated in the Slaughterhouse Cases of 1873 that the phrase “subject to the jurisdiction thereof” excluded “children of ministers, consuls, and citizens or subjects of foreign states born within the United States.” This was dismissed as an obiter dictum in United States v. Wong Kim Ark (1898), but it was the prevailing interpretation up to that point. This was again confirmed in Elk v. Wilkins (1884), in which the Court decided that an Indian who had severed his tribal ties was nonetheless not a citizen due to the fact that he owed allegiance to his tribe at the time of his birth."
nope, you are reading it wrong.... completely wrong..... alien, foreign, children and family of diplomats and diplomats is one specific group of people.

if the 14th amendment was meant in any other way, then all the white European Scottish and Irish and Italian and German etc.children born here of parents not citizens, would not be citizens and subjected to deportation and that IS NOT what they wanted.

give it up, i ain't buying your bullshit. this was debated and decided upon by the supreme court to NOT apply to the anchor baby situation. your not liking it and or inability to comprehend it doesn't change it.

if you are not a citizen of this country then you are an alien. ergo - your babies are as well. i found you a very specific example, several of them actually, that spells this out under no uncertain terms. you're now trying to interpret what they wanted and or didn't want *after* they told you. you want cred for this then do as i did and offer views from the people who wrote, debated and judged on this AT THE TIME to address your views. you incessant NO NO NO ITS MY WAY is not proof that you are right. just that you WANT to be.

check and mate.
:lol: no, it was not decided in the mannr you are making up....

I AM QUOTING what the Supreme Court SAID on it in their decision/opinion on it in US vs Ark.... silly one!


Regarding birth rights in the 14th amendment is very clear, there is no fudge room.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

Under the 5th amendment to the Constitution.

The only way to change, rewrite, repeal or add an amendment to the Constitution, requires 2/3's of the Senate, 2/3's of the House, and then it has to be ratified by 3/4's of the states.
What does it take to repeal a constitutional amendment? - National Constitution Center

You'll note that the President has no say in this process.


what the FUCK does this have to do with repealing a thing? you can't debate the topic so you just wah a lot and wonder why people think you're a doosher.

i've already said an EO is stupid and not what we need here. but then you ignore the SCOTUS ruling AT THE TIME of what 'under our jurisdiction" means so you can get a crybaby WAH WAH pic in and try to demean someone by you being the dumbass.

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