We need to stop the habit of calling Democrats liberals, here is why!!

Birchers we’re also anti-immigration, against global alliances and civil rights


The dems were against civil rights. They are the party of slavery and segregation. Remember the great lbj, "those n**gas gonna be voting for us dems forever". --lbj
Call them what they are . Anti American scumbags.
We know the US has a number of parties. Democrats; Republicans; Greens; Progressive; Socialists; Communists; Marxists, yet we see on no ballot a Liberal. So my question was based on some of the named above talking about being Liberal. They do not mean Republican yet in reality that is just what we are. We are for freedom. Which is how one claims to be a liberal. Democrats believe in killing the unarmed Ashli Babbitt and worse, they jail hundreds of ordinary citizens whose so called crime was they were at the Capitol building on January 6 doing what is included in the Constitution. Protesting. They did not murder any there. Democrats did though. A woman who was very tiny.
Birchers we’re also anti-immigration, against global alliances and civil rights

I studied the Birchers many years ago. I have to revisit what they were since it was about the same time I abandoned the Democratic party as a wrong party to be a member of.

Democrats had a very long history of being against blacks. So they had it down to a T. The only reason my own family was a Democratic party persons and still non racist was my mother was very heavy handed if any of the family was racist. She picked that up from her first Communist father who then was very loyal to Democrats. More on that however is where I lived I want to school with no blacks at all until I went to high school who had so few blacks I can't name any of the blacks. Even though I was on the school football varsity team we had no blacks at all on the team.
Birchers we’re also anti-immigration, against global alliances and civil rights

Democrats were very heavy handed against Blacks. As today's blacks learn the truth about Democrats, they do it slow but they change to Republicans.

Influential black conservatives in the early 21st century who have held public office include Senator Tim Scott, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears, and Cabinet secretaries Ben Carson, Condoleezza Rice, and Colin Powell. Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Armstrong Williams, Larry Elder, Walter Williams, Jason L. Riley, and Candace Owens are among the most influential black conservative political commentators.[2]

In the tradition of African American politics and intellectual life, black conservatives tend to side with Booker T. Washington as contrasted with W. E. B. Du Bois.[3] For many black conservatives, the key mission is to bring repair and success to the black community by applying the following fundamental principles:

  • The pursuit of educational and professional excellence as a means of advancement within the society;
  • Policies that promote safety and security in the community beyond the typical casting of a criminal as a "victim" of societal racism;
  • Not using the lens of race and the country's history of discrimination as justifications for not excelling to the best of your abilities;
  • Local economic development through free enterprise rather than looking to the federal government for assistance;
  • Empowerment of the individual via self-improvement (virtue), conscience and supernatural grace.[4]
Black conservatives typically oppose affirmative action and tend to argue that efforts to obtain reparations for slavery are either misguided or counter-productive. Black conservatives tend to be self-critical of aspects of African-American culture that they believe have created poverty and dependency.[5]

Ebony, in its May 2001 "100+ Most Influential Black Americans" issue, did not include a number of influential African Americans such as Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Armstrong Williams, Walter Williams and, most notably, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. The Economist described the exclusion of Justice Thomas from the list as spiteful.[6]

According to a 2004 study[by whom?], 14% of blacks identified as "Conservative" or "Extremely Conservative"with another 14% identifying as slightly conservative. However, the same study indicated that less than ten percent identified as Republican or Republican-leaning.[7][dead link][original research?] Likewise, a 2007 Pew Research Center survey showed that 19% of blacks identified as Religious Right.[8] In 2004, though, the Pew Research Center indicated only 7% of blacks identified as Republican.[9]
What is a liberal? Doing what? Passing massive laws? Well yes there is that. Liberal connotes a person who minds their own business. Does not pass laws trampling on your rights. But this is definitely not Democrats. I don't know who these alleged liberals are. I am not a liberal. I am totally in favor of human freedom. I am against teaching false history. Such as that Abe Lincoln waged war to free slaves.
Abe denied it. We have to take his word.
So My challenge is to only say liberal as to a freedom promoting person. Biden is not pro freedom. He has used Government to go after a good president called Trump. That Trump is being prosecuted reminds us most of what would Hitler do. It can even be what FDR would do since he harmed so many citizens of the USA. To learn about FDR, study how the Supreme Court acted to stop him. Read what he did to the Jews of WW2 by stopping them from reaching the USA on a ship.

I hope to get many yes remarks over the Democrats lying by calling themselves liberal. Let's not help them by saying they are liberal.
Meanwhile back in reality...the year is about 70 days old. The liberal state of Alabama (they must be liberal because they keep passing laws to trample on people’s rights) had to pass one law to sound tough on women...then they had to pass another law to prove they are not as batshit crazy as the first law proved they were.
What is a liberal? Doing what? Passing massive laws? Well yes there is that. Liberal connotes a person who minds their own business. Does not pass laws trampling on your rights. But this is definitely not Democrats. I don't know who these alleged liberals are. I am not a liberal. I am totally in favor of human freedom. I am against teaching false history. Such as that Abe Lincoln waged war to free slaves.
Abe denied it. We have to take his word.
So My challenge is to only say liberal as to a freedom promoting person. Biden is not pro freedom. He has used Government to go after a good president called Trump. That Trump is being prosecuted reminds us most of what would Hitler do. It can even be what FDR would do since he harmed so many citizens of the USA. To learn about FDR, study how the Supreme Court acted to stop him. Read what he did to the Jews of WW2 by stopping them from reaching the USA on a ship.

I hope to get many yes remarks over the Democrats lying by calling themselves liberal. Let's not help them by saying they are liberal.
You have got it all wrong. Being liberal has nothing to do with the amount or scope of legislation or the size of government. The real issue is what the legislation. And government does and who benefits and who suffers as a result. It is about the moving forward or being stuck in the mud at best , or reactionary at worst.

Liberals are not against freedom. We are very much in favor of freedom. Freedom from bigotry, freedom from infringement on reproductive rights, freedom from poverty and freedom from disease, freedom from the fear of being shot in any public place and freedom from a polluted environment

Conservatives want the freedom to amass obscene wealth, pollute the earth , control women's bodies, oppress those who express an alternative gender identity or sexual orientation and the freedom to treat health care, food and other necessities of life as privileges instead of rights. Conservatives are basically full of shit when they claim to care about and want to help others. That means YOU ROBERT

I feel obligated to counter the egregious and mendacious misrepresentation of liberals and progressives. The right wingers are either deliberately and dishonestly dumbing down the issues, or they are really just to stupid to grasp their complexity. It is a fight for the heart and sole-and survival- of this country.... a country that is increasingly becoming a haven for wealthy, white, Christian, straight men to the exclusion and detriment of everyone else. Cases in point ......

Choice, Privacy and Reproductive Rights
Those on the right claim that we love abortion and want no restrictions on it at all. Not true
Liberals do not fight for abortion. We do not think that abortion is a good or pleasant thing. We fight for a woman right to have domain over their own bodies.

I'll tell you what we also fight for. We fight for programs that will minimize unwanted pregnancies. We fight for access to birth control. We also fight for programs and policies that will provide supports and assistance to women and families so that they are more likely to carry an unexpected pregnancy to term instead of aborting it.

You can outlaw legal abortion but you can't stop women from having abortions and those abortions will be unsafe. We want to minimize the need for abortions, you want to criminalize it and create pain and suffering.

Jobs and the Economy.
The right claims that we don't care about jobs and prosperity which is absurd
We indeed want jobs and growth....for everyone , not just the privileged few. We want to reverse the obscene disparity in income and wealth. . We reject the failed supply side -trickle down economic theory that big give away s to the wealthy will benefit the masses. We understand that a strong middle class that can earn a living wage is the best medicine for a strong economy.

Criminal Justice.
They claim that we want to coddle criminals . Another misrepresentation

We support a fair and rational system of law enforcement and criminal justice. We support the police while recognizing the fact that some cops use excessive for and that more controls are needed to reign in some departments. We do not support mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses which clog our jails at taxpayers expense, and ruin lives.

Undocumented Aliens
They claim that we want open boarders and surrender the sovereignty of our country
We should and in fact have secured our boarders using practical, common sense means. Many undocumented people have been here many years and have built a life here. Their children know only this country. The work, put money back into the economy, and pay taxes. At the same time, they often must forgo government services and are unable to collect tax refunds. They should have a path to citizenship.

The Affordable Care Act (Obama Care )
They claim that it is "collapsing under it's own weight" while doing everything that they can to undermine it. They call it socialized medicine and claim that the " free market": is the best solution to rising costs and lack of coverage

Any thinking person can see that the free market has failed miserably. In addition, we do not advocate people getting something for nothing. Everybody pays their way to the extent that they can, be we recognize that some people can't afford the full cost of medical insurance. It is not only detrimental to the individual to allow them to get sick, remain sick and die. It is detrimental to the economy and to a civil society as well.

Trump recently renewed his pledge to scuttle the law which has become an integral part of the health care system and relied upon by millions. That is a pretty stupid move from both a pragmatic and political perspective. He has also vowed to exempt schools from requiring and vaccines and ushering in a new ERA of Polio and other horrific childhood diseases. That is not liberal. But it is stupid

LGBT Folks

On this, to a point, they actually do not misrepresent us in claiming that we want equality and dignity for LGBT people. At the same time, they maliciously lie about gay and trans people "choosing that lifestyle" and claims that it is being 'pushed on them' and the young people are being encouraged to be gay or trans. They are relentless cruel and abusive towards them and that is worthy of relentless counter attack.
Transsexuals, Gays and Lesbians are human beings and live among us. They have families and children. They hold jobs and pay taxes. They are not bothering you so get over it. Many conservatives also support LGBT rights as do various religious denominations. It is not a liberal vs. conservative issue. It is those who believe in equality and value diversity vs. the bigots who are still living in the last century and wish to once again create a shadow society and all of the social ills that would breed.

The Social Safety Net
They malign those who find themselves in need of assistance and claim that it is their own fault that they are poor. I have a major problem with that and will attack them for it.

Yes we have people who are welfare. Public assistance is a by product of capitalism . As the free market economy that conservative love so much expands or contracts due to market forces and world events, so does the need for labor.

Public assistance keeps many of those people afloat so that when they are need in the workforce that are healthy and ready to work again. Conservatives rail against socialism but don't understand that it is welfare to supports capitalism. You can't have it both ways.

Big government.
Shrink government at any cost? Think about it??
No, we don't believe in big government for the sake of big government. The real issue is not the size of government, but rather what government does and how well it does it. We believe in a smart and efficient government that is focused to the security of the US, the general welfare of the people, and the promotion of economic opportunity, and reversing income and wealth disparity. We believe in a government that does not shirk it's responsibility for protecting the environment, and protecting consumers from predatory corporations. We believe in a government that works for all of the people

Legalization of drugs
They have claimed that we want to just legalize all drugs. Bullshit!!
Wrong again. We are for the legalization and taxation of marijuana only. Other drugs should be decriminalized and their abuse should be treated as a public health issue.
You have got it all wrong. Being liberal has nothing to do with the amount or scope of legislation or the size of government. The real issue is what the legislation. And government does and who benefits and who suffers as a result. It is about the moving forward or being stuck in the mud at best , or reactionary at worst.

Liberals are not against freedom. We are very much in favor of freedom. Freedom from bigotry, freedom from infringement on reproductive rights, freedom from poverty and freedom from disease, freedom from the fear of being shot in any public place and freedom from a polluted environment

Conservatives want the freedom to amass obscene wealth, pollute the earth , control women's bodies, oppress those who express an alternative gender identity or sexual orientation and the freedom to treat health care, food and other necessities of life as privileges instead of rights. Conservatives are basically full of shit when they claim to care about and want to help others. That means YOU ROBERT

I feel obligated to counter the egregious and mendacious misrepresentation of liberals and progressives. The right wingers are either deliberately and dishonestly dumbing down the issues, or they are really just to stupid to grasp their complexity. It is a fight for the heart and sole-and survival- of this country.... a country that is increasingly becoming a haven for wealthy, white, Christian, straight men to the exclusion and detriment of everyone else. Cases in point ......

Choice, Privacy and Reproductive Rights
Those on the right claim that we love abortion and want no restrictions on it at all. Not true
Liberals do not fight for abortion. We do not think that abortion is a good or pleasant thing. We fight for a woman right to have domain over their own bodies.

I'll tell you what we also fight for. We fight for programs that will minimize unwanted pregnancies. We fight for access to birth control. We also fight for programs and policies that will provide supports and assistance to women and families so that they are more likely to carry an unexpected pregnancy to term instead of aborting it.

You can outlaw legal abortion but you can't stop women from having abortions and those abortions will be unsafe. We want to minimize the need for abortions, you want to criminalize it and create pain and suffering.

Jobs and the Economy.
The right claims that we don't care about jobs and prosperity which is absurd
We indeed want jobs and growth....for everyone , not just the privileged few. We want to reverse the obscene disparity in income and wealth. . We reject the failed supply side -trickle down economic theory that big give away s to the wealthy will benefit the masses. We understand that a strong middle class that can earn a living wage is the best medicine for a strong economy.

Criminal Justice.
They claim that we want to coddle criminals . Another misrepresentation

We support a fair and rational system of law enforcement and criminal justice. We support the police while recognizing the fact that some cops use excessive for and that more controls are needed to reign in some departments. We do not support mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses which clog our jails at taxpayers expense, and ruin lives.

Undocumented Aliens
They claim that we want open boarders and surrender the sovereignty of our country
We should and in fact have secured our boarders using practical, common sense means. Many undocumented people have been here many years and have built a life here. Their children know only this country. The work, put money back into the economy, and pay taxes. At the same time, they often must forgo government services and are unable to collect tax refunds. They should have a path to citizenship.

The Affordable Care Act (Obama Care )
They claim that it is "collapsing under it's own weight" while doing everything that they can to undermine it. They call it socialized medicine and claim that the " free market": is the best solution to rising costs and lack of coverage

Any thinking person can see that the free market has failed miserably. In addition, we do not advocate people getting something for nothing. Everybody pays their way to the extent that they can, be we recognize that some people can't afford the full cost of medical insurance. It is not only detrimental to the individual to allow them to get sick, remain sick and die. It is detrimental to the economy and to a civil society as well.

Trump recently renewed his pledge to scuttle the law which has become an integral part of the health care system and relied upon by millions. That is a pretty stupid move from both a pragmatic and political perspective. He has also vowed to exempt schools from requiring and vaccines and ushering in a new ERA of Polio and other horrific childhood diseases. That is not liberal. But it is stupid

LGBT Folks

On this, to a point, they actually do not misrepresent us in claiming that we want equality and dignity for LGBT people. At the same time, they maliciously lie about gay and trans people "choosing that lifestyle" and claims that it is being 'pushed on them' and the young people are being encouraged to be gay or trans. They are relentless cruel and abusive towards them and that is worthy of relentless counter attack.
Transsexuals, Gays and Lesbians are human beings and live among us. They have families and children. They hold jobs and pay taxes. They are not bothering you so get over it. Many conservatives also support LGBT rights as do various religious denominations. It is not a liberal vs. conservative issue. It is those who believe in equality and value diversity vs. the bigots who are still living in the last century and wish to once again create a shadow society and all of the social ills that would breed.

The Social Safety Net
They malign those who find themselves in need of assistance and claim that it is their own fault that they are poor. I have a major problem with that and will attack them for it.

Yes we have people who are welfare. Public assistance is a by product of capitalism . As the free market economy that conservative love so much expands or contracts due to market forces and world events, so does the need for labor.

Public assistance keeps many of those people afloat so that when they are need in the workforce that are healthy and ready to work again. Conservatives rail against socialism but don't understand that it is welfare to supports capitalism. You can't have it both ways.

Big government.
Shrink government at any cost? Think about it??
No, we don't believe in big government for the sake of big government. The real issue is not the size of government, but rather what government does and how well it does it. We believe in a smart and efficient government that is focused to the security of the US, the general welfare of the people, and the promotion of economic opportunity, and reversing income and wealth disparity. We believe in a government that does not shirk it's responsibility for protecting the environment, and protecting consumers from predatory corporations. We believe in a government that works for all of the people

Legalization of drugs
They have claimed that we want to just legalize all drugs. Bullshit!!
Wrong again. We are for the legalization and taxation of marijuana only. Other drugs should be decriminalized and their abuse should be treated as a public health issue.
Hey, you wrote a book. And you misrepresented, not yourself, if you told the truth, but the party you vote for.
Meanwhile back in reality...the year is about 70 days old. The liberal state of Alabama (they must be liberal because they keep passing laws to trample on people’s rights) had to pass one law to sound tough on women...then they had to pass another law to prove they are not as batshit crazy as the first law proved they were.
You did not ask me if I approve what happens in Alabama. It bugs you for the products produced by a man plus his mate, called IVO from being called human. What do you believe it is, a pumpernickel?
Meanwhile back in reality...the year is about 70 days old. The liberal state of Alabama (they must be liberal because they keep passing laws to trample on people’s rights) had to pass one law to sound tough on women...then they had to pass another law to prove they are not as batshit crazy as the first law proved they were.
Are you a Liberal since you object to calling the IVO human?
Birchers we’re also anti-immigration, against global alliances and civil rights

I think you said here on the forum you were for killing Ashli Babbitt. Removing all of her rights at one bullet.
Are you a Liberal since you object to calling the IVO human?
I’m a liberal because I believe in personal liberty; not the state passing laws governing someone’s personal health decisions. The state of Alabama--allegedly small government conservatives--have had to ram through two laws to not appear as batshit crazy as we all know they are. The same crapolla lies in every red state; they just haven’t had the trial law that triggered the second law yet.
I’m a liberal because I believe in personal liberty; not the state passing laws governing someone’s personal health decisions. The state of Alabama--allegedly small government conservatives--have had to ram through two laws to not appear as batshit crazy as we all know they are. The same crapolla lies in every red state; they just haven’t had the trial law that triggered the second law yet.
Alabama law protects her children. Why are you against protecting children?

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