We need to stop the habit of calling Democrats liberals, here is why!!

What is a liberal? Doing what? Passing massive laws? Well yes there is that. Liberal connotes a person who minds their own business. Does not pass laws trampling on your rights. But this is definitely not Democrats. I don't know who these alleged liberals are. I am not a liberal. I am totally in favor of human freedom. I am against teaching false history. Such as that Abe Lincoln waged war to free slaves.
Abe denied it. We have to take his word.
So My challenge is to only say liberal as to a freedom promoting person. Biden is not pro freedom. He has used Government to go after a good president called Trump. That Trump is being prosecuted reminds us most of what would Hitler do. It can even be what FDR would do since he harmed so many citizens of the USA. To learn about FDR, study how the Supreme Court acted to stop him. Read what he did to the Jews of WW2 by stopping them from reaching the USA on a ship.

I hope to get many yes remarks over the Democrats lying by calling themselves liberal. Let's not help them by saying they are liberal.
Couldn't agree more.
What is a liberal? Doing what? Passing massive laws? Well yes there is that. Liberal connotes a person who minds their own business. Does not pass laws trampling on your rights. But this is definitely not Democrats. I don't know who these alleged liberals are. I am not a liberal. I am totally in favor of human freedom. I am against teaching false history. Such as that Abe Lincoln waged war to free slaves.
Abe denied it. We have to take his word.
So My challenge is to only say liberal as to a freedom promoting person. Biden is not pro freedom. He has used Government to go after a good president called Trump. That Trump is being prosecuted reminds us most of what would Hitler do. It can even be what FDR would do since he harmed so many citizens of the USA. To learn about FDR, study how the Supreme Court acted to stop him. Read what he did to the Jews of WW2 by stopping them from reaching the USA on a ship.

I hope to get many yes remarks over the Democrats lying by calling themselves liberal. Let's not help them by saying they are liberal.

Correct. Democrats are not liberals. They are full on fascists.
What is a liberal? Doing what? Passing massive laws? Well yes there is that. Liberal connotes a person who minds their own business. Does not pass laws trampling on your rights. But this is definitely not Democrats. I don't know who these alleged liberals are. I am not a liberal. I am totally in favor of human freedom. I am against teaching false history. Such as that Abe Lincoln waged war to free slaves.
Abe denied it. We have to take his word.
So My challenge is to only say liberal as to a freedom promoting person. Biden is not pro freedom. He has used Government to go after a good president called Trump. That Trump is being prosecuted reminds us most of what would Hitler do. It can even be what FDR would do since he harmed so many citizens of the USA. To learn about FDR, study how the Supreme Court acted to stop him. Read what he did to the Jews of WW2 by stopping them from reaching the USA on a ship.

I hope to get many yes remarks over the Democrats lying by calling themselves liberal. Let's not help them by saying they are liberal.
A simplistic binary OP, for sure. :rolleyes:

Democrats aren't necessarily liberal. Liberals aren't necessarily progressive. Some progressives are neither democrat or liberal, but are actually neo liberal or regressive.

Republicans aren't necessarily conservative. Conservatives aren't necessarily magaturds. Some magaturds are neither republican or conservative, but are actually neo conservatives or populists.
What is a liberal? Doing what? Passing massive laws? Well yes there is that. Liberal connotes a person who minds their own business. Does not pass laws trampling on your rights. But this is definitely not Democrats. I don't know who these alleged liberals are. I am not a liberal. I am totally in favor of human freedom. I am against teaching false history. Such as that Abe Lincoln waged war to free slaves.
Abe denied it. We have to take his word.
So My challenge is to only say liberal as to a freedom promoting person. Biden is not pro freedom. He has used Government to go after a good president called Trump. That Trump is being prosecuted reminds us most of what would Hitler do. It can even be what FDR would do since he harmed so many citizens of the USA. To learn about FDR, study how the Supreme Court acted to stop him. Read what he did to the Jews of WW2 by stopping them from reaching the USA on a ship.

I hope to get many yes remarks over the Democrats lying by calling themselves liberal. Let's not help them by saying they are liberal.
Call them what they are . Anti American scumbags.
What is a liberal? Doing what? Passing massive laws? Well yes there is that. Liberal connotes a person who minds their own business. Does not pass laws trampling on your rights. But this is definitely not Democrats. I don't know who these alleged liberals are. I am not a liberal. I am totally in favor of human freedom. I am against teaching false history. Such as that Abe Lincoln waged war to free slaves.
Abe denied it. We have to take his word.
So My challenge is to only say liberal as to a freedom promoting person. Biden is not pro freedom. He has used Government to go after a good president called Trump. That Trump is being prosecuted reminds us most of what would Hitler do. It can even be what FDR would do since he harmed so many citizens of the USA. To learn about FDR, study how the Supreme Court acted to stop him. Read what he did to the Jews of WW2 by stopping them from reaching the USA on a ship.

I hope to get many yes remarks over the Democrats lying by calling themselves liberal. Let's not help them by saying they are liberal.

Democrats are two dogs chasing each other's tails.

Around and around they go, faster and faster in a blur until they appear as one dog...

Yes some republicans do claim JFK was good. But they do not mention he was a hell of a womanizer who was killed.

Yeah, but if you back at most our presidents, most of them were womanizers. That's not good but it's what they did.
You proved a majority of my case in fact. Thanks for lying. It is expected of Democrats. I watched a film yesterday that took place in what is now called Serbia. It is about the factual story of the Nazis taking what was Yugoslavia over and the Nazis killing 100 Serbians when 1 German soldier was killed and 50 of the Serbians when 1 nazi was injured. A Nazi General who was born in Austria commanded the troops then in Yugoslavia. He had about 30,000 Serbians shot and buried.

Actually there could perhaps be fascists in America. But not a hell of a lot of them. They when found get exposed. Isn't light supposed to rid us of them?

Who is being put into prison now? When Hitler ran things, it included those against him. And we see that Biden's enemies are going to prison. We see that when the name Ashli Babbitt comes up, Democrats approve her murder.

So we know Democrats approve murder and also approve putting people into prison for 20 years who were not even in DC on Jan 6. And Democrats alone defend this Hitler type of activity.

Who is persecuting Trump now? It is Democrats. So we know by their acts Democrats are not LIBERALS.

Democrats are giving out massive doses of what happened to the Brother and Sister who were guillotined under Hitler over them printing leaflets and spreading them to the citizens of Germany. The Scholl pair.

On 22 February 1943, Scholl, her brother, Hans, and their friend, Christoph Probst, were found guilty of treason and condemned to death. They were all beheaded by guillotine by executioner Johann Reichhart in Munich's Stadelheim Prison.

Sophie Scholl - Wikipedia

Don't want to die don't stick yer head where it don't belong.
Why do some Americans say liberal when they do not vote for such a party?
Because they lack knowledge of politics.
A simplistic binary OP, for sure. :rolleyes:

Democrats aren't necessarily liberal. Liberals aren't necessarily progressive. Some progressives are neither democrat or liberal, but are actually neo liberal or regressive.

Republicans aren't necessarily conservative. Conservatives aren't necessarily magaturds. Some magaturds are neither republican or conservative, but are actually neo conservatives or populists.
And your follow up is a simplistic binary for sure.

All parties probably have some decent people among them. But they learn over time that they sided with the wrong people. I used to side 100 percent with Democrats. I became middle aged and learned I backed democrats, the wrong people.

To educate the reader, we must use defined terms.
I define Liberal as a person who so values freedom he is very difficult to persuade to create rules and laws denying others of Freedom.

Let me use Ashli Babbitt as a good example.

So called Liberals enjoy immensely she was murdered. They even deny she was murdered and praise the killer of her.

Let's peek into her location the day she was murdered.

I will prove this by an actual video of her at the door she died at.

Her size. 5'2" Her weight. 110 #

PRESCOTT, AZ - Representative Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-04) issued the following statement in remembrance of Ashli Babbitt, who was killed in the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021.

“Six months ago today, Ashli Babbitt, a 110-pound woman with nothing in her hands, not a rock, not a stick or a bat, was shot dead by a still unknown Capitol Hill police officer. Her death has been ruled a homicide. Yet, we have very little information about her death. Our fake news media has asked no questions or sought information about this tragedy. So, I have. And now President Trump has joined me in seeking the truth.

In many instances, when a law enforcement officer kills an individual for any reason, that officer’s name is publicly released. There is then an investigation and the public is given updates, briefings and ultimately a copy of the investigation. But not in the case of Ashli Babbitt. Instead, there is a determined effort to cover up the full circumstances of this homicide and the American people won’t stand for it.

Why won’t the Department of Justice identify the shooter? Why won’t the Department of Justice release the nearly 14,000 hours of surveillance video taken on January 6? I have asked for this for months. Why haven’t the SWAT team members standing by Ashli at the moment of her murder been interrogated and their statements released? They were right next to her and saw no threat. Certainly, no lethal threat. Why were there no warnings given or escalation of command and force in proper law enforcement technique? Why have no charges been brought against the shooter for negligent homicide or more?

It is unjust to sweep Ashli’s death under the rug by merely saying she was in the wrong place at the wrong time, as so many have. Her life mattered. We do not allow the execution of citizens by street “justice” in our country. We have rejected vigilantism and police abuse for generations.

Ashli’s family and the American people deserve to know the truth about her death. A fair investigation is needed, and this cannot just be hidden from public scrutiny. Transparency is critical for the public to accept the conclusions. I will not stop my quest to find answers to who killed Ashli Babbitt,” said Rep. Gosar.
Video proof

I reference today's dems as libs....not liberals, in a negative connotation. Today's dems have nothing to do with the 1750s liberals. Same with today's conservatives who have no semblance of anything to do with what conservative even means.

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