We need to vote out all 2 or more term incumbents, regardless of party

Politics is the only profession where exprience is devalued and inexperienced is valued.

Another far left drone that proves that5 they do not understand what the founding fathers wanted..

Then again you far left drones set the bar so low with Obama..
I hear this all the time and I wonder how you think a freshman congressman is immune to corruption? Seems to me it would have the opposite effect from what you are looking for. Lobbyists do not have term limits and never get voted out. All new congressmen go to Washington and are immediately confronted with a literal army of very skilled political operatives, many never learn how to resist them and form their own path. The actual remedy is to quit requiring your elected officials to be "business friendly" because they go to Washington and immediately sell out to the multinationals and billionaires because they think it's what you want.

If it's the law for POTUS, why not all elected officials?

It seems reasonable. Of course freshman congressman can be corrupt, but that corruption could be limited if they could only serve 2 terms.

A lifetime in Congress is bullshit.
Not going to get good people if they know they will not be able to make a career of it, more like a bunch of opportunists who will go and be as dirty as they can before they get term limited out, then they go be lobbyists for 20 years. Face it, there is no solution to corruption as long as you are willing to overlook it in your own party and politicians.

So who is willing to overlook it? I am not.

Why would anyone overlook corruption based on party affiliation. Wouldnt that be corrupt itself?

If you voted for Trump you certainly overlooked his record of corruption, his admissions of bribing politicians, multiple bankruptcies, stiffing sub-trades, The Trump University fraud cases, and his charitable foundations problems with both the IRS and the State of New York.

The same could be said about Hilary and the Clinton corruption.

But one was private citizen for most of their lives and the other was political hack for most of their lives.

But what the far left sees in the other side they will ignore on their own side.
I do not support term limits set by law outside the amendment process.

I do support public campaigns that encourage people to vote against established power brokers.

Politics is the only profession where exprience is devalued and inexperienced is valued.

Another far left drone that proves that5 they do not understand what the founding fathers wanted..

Then again you far left drones set the bar so low with Obama..
You claim to know what they wanted? Praise tell!

and would that be the federalists or the anti-federalists?
Politics is the only profession where exprience is devalued and inexperienced is valued.

Another far left drone that proves that5 they do not understand what the founding fathers wanted..

Then again you far left drones set the bar so low with Obama..
You claim to know what they wanted? Praise tell!

and would that be the federalists or the anti-federalists?

If I have to explain it then you have proven you do not understand anything of the founding fathers!

Since the far left does not understand and they never will, I will explain it for the millionth time.

The government was set up to do your civic duty and then get out. The spirit of the government was not for career politicians. Just like they frowned on lobbyists..

But it just goes to show what a far left education will get you!
If I have to explain it then you have proven you do not understand anything of the founding fathers!

Since the far left does not understand and they never will, I will explain it for the millionth time.

The government was set up to do your civic duty and then get out. The spirit of the government was not for career politicians. Just like they frowned on lobbyists..

But it just goes to show what a far left education will get you!

Just for the fun of it, can you name the founding fathers who were career politicians? I can. The founding fathers 'frowned' on lobbyists? :banghead:
If I have to explain it then you have proven you do not understand anything of the founding fathers!

Since the far left does not understand and they never will, I will explain it for the millionth time.

The government was set up to do your civic duty and then get out. The spirit of the government was not for career politicians. Just like they frowned on lobbyists..

But it just goes to show what a far left education will get you!

Just for the fun of it, can you name the founding fathers who were career politicians? I can. The founding fathers 'frowned' on lobbyists? :banghead:

And you prove my point for me..

A far left education is a horrid thing, which is why the far left is more dangerous than ISIS.
If I have to explain it then you have proven you do not understand anything of the founding fathers!

Since the far left does not understand and they never will, I will explain it for the millionth time.

The government was set up to do your civic duty and then get out. The spirit of the government was not for career politicians. Just like they frowned on lobbyists..

But it just goes to show what a far left education will get you!

Just for the fun of it, can you name the founding fathers who were career politicians? I can. The founding fathers 'frowned' on lobbyists? :banghead:

And you prove my point for me..

A far left education is a horrid thing, which is why the far left is more dangerous than ISIS.
If you were only half as dumb as people say you are, you could have written 'daesh' in place of 'isis' as they consider that an insult.
Yea, well, I am sure snarky shit like that was said to anyone trying to get the corrupt out of office.

If one is not corrupt themselves, fuck incumbents.

They win 94% of the time because the system is rigged to the powerful.

Vote them the fuck out. It's not difficult.
when someone thinks its YOUR rep thats the problem,mine is fine.....how are you going to convince that person?....
You're not. You never will. Term limits are the only solution but getting that on a presidents desk would be harder than executive voters to do the right thing.
I hear this all the time and I wonder how you think a freshman congressman is immune to corruption? Seems to me it would have the opposite effect from what you are looking for. Lobbyists do not have term limits and never get voted out. All new congressmen go to Washington and are immediately confronted with a literal army of very skilled political operatives, many never learn how to resist them and form their own path. The actual remedy is to quit requiring your elected officials to be "business friendly" because they go to Washington and immediately sell out to the multinationals and billionaires because they think it's what you want.
They aren't immune to corruption, but studies show that the longer they are in office, the more corrupt they become. It takes a while to learn what you can get away with. A crook has to learn his trade.
I hear this all the time and I wonder how you think a freshman congressman is immune to corruption? Seems to me it would have the opposite effect from what you are looking for. Lobbyists do not have term limits and never get voted out. All new congressmen go to Washington and are immediately confronted with a literal army of very skilled political operatives, many never learn how to resist them and form their own path. The actual remedy is to quit requiring your elected officials to be "business friendly" because they go to Washington and immediately sell out to the multinationals and billionaires because they think it's what you want.

If it's the law for POTUS, why not all elected officials?

It seems reasonable. Of course freshman congressman can be corrupt, but that corruption could be limited if they could only serve 2 terms.

A lifetime in Congress is bullshit.
Not going to get good people if they know they will not be able to make a career of it, more like a bunch of opportunists who will go and be as dirty as they can before they get term limited out, then they go be lobbyists for 20 years. Face it, there is no solution to corruption as long as you are willing to overlook it in your own party and politicians.

So who is willing to overlook it? I am not.

Why would anyone overlook corruption based on party affiliation. Wouldnt that be corrupt itself?

If you voted for Trump you certainly overlooked his record of corruption, his admissions of bribing politicians, multiple bankruptcies, stiffing sub-trades, The Trump University fraud cases, and his charitable foundations problems with both the IRS and the State of New York.

The same could be said about Hilary and the Clinton corruption.

But one was private citizen for most of their lives and the other was political hack for most of their lives.

But what the far left sees in the other side they will ignore on their own side.

Lefties don't ignore it, they expect it. For Democrats it's just SOP.
If I have to explain it then you have proven you do not understand anything of the founding fathers!

Since the far left does not understand and they never will, I will explain it for the millionth time.

The government was set up to do your civic duty and then get out. The spirit of the government was not for career politicians. Just like they frowned on lobbyists..

But it just goes to show what a far left education will get you!

Just for the fun of it, can you name the founding fathers who were career politicians? I can. The founding fathers 'frowned' on lobbyists? :banghead:

And you prove my point for me..

A far left education is a horrid thing, which is why the far left is more dangerous than ISIS.
If you were only half as dumb as people say you are, you could have written 'daesh' in place of 'isis' as they consider that an insult.

We have you far left drones to prove why the far left religion is more dangerous than ISIS.
Yea, well, I am sure snarky shit like that was said to anyone trying to get the corrupt out of office.

If one is not corrupt themselves, fuck incumbents.

They win 94% of the time because the system is rigged to the powerful.

Vote them the fuck out. It's not difficult.
when someone thinks its YOUR rep thats the problem,mine is fine.....how are you going to convince that person?....
You're not. You never will. Term limits are the only solution but getting that on a presidents desk would be harder than executive voters to do the right thing.

Well not only that it would have to be ratified by the states as well..
If it's the law for POTUS, why not all elected officials?

It seems reasonable. Of course freshman congressman can be corrupt, but that corruption could be limited if they could only serve 2 terms.

A lifetime in Congress is bullshit.
Not going to get good people if they know they will not be able to make a career of it, more like a bunch of opportunists who will go and be as dirty as they can before they get term limited out, then they go be lobbyists for 20 years. Face it, there is no solution to corruption as long as you are willing to overlook it in your own party and politicians.

So who is willing to overlook it? I am not.

Why would anyone overlook corruption based on party affiliation. Wouldnt that be corrupt itself?

If you voted for Trump you certainly overlooked his record of corruption, his admissions of bribing politicians, multiple bankruptcies, stiffing sub-trades, The Trump University fraud cases, and his charitable foundations problems with both the IRS and the State of New York.

The same could be said about Hilary and the Clinton corruption.

But one was private citizen for most of their lives and the other was political hack for most of their lives.

But what the far left sees in the other side they will ignore on their own side.

Lefties don't ignore it, they expect it. For Democrats it's just SOP.

Of course they ignore it, all in the name of political correctness..
We have you far left drones to prove why the far left religion is more dangerous than ISIS.
If you were only half as dumb as people say you are, you could have written 'daesh' in place of 'isis' as they consider that an insult. It would have been better to have 'remained silent and be thought a fool than to' have spoken 'and have removed all doubt.'
I hear this all the time and I wonder how you think a freshman congressman is immune to corruption? Seems to me it would have the opposite effect from what you are looking for. Lobbyists do not have term limits and never get voted out. All new congressmen go to Washington and are immediately confronted with a literal army of very skilled political operatives, many never learn how to resist them and form their own path. The actual remedy is to quit requiring your elected officials to be "business friendly" because they go to Washington and immediately sell out to the multinationals and billionaires because they think it's what you want.
They aren't immune to corruption, but studies show that the longer they are in office, the more corrupt they become. It takes a while to learn what you can get away with. A crook has to learn his trade.
Newt Gingrich was in a long time before he stepped into leadership role
Yea, well, I am sure snarky shit like that was said to anyone trying to get the corrupt out of office.

If one is not corrupt themselves, fuck incumbents.

They win 94% of the time because the system is rigged to the powerful.

Vote them the fuck out. It's not difficult.
when someone thinks its YOUR rep thats the problem,mine is fine.....how are you going to convince that person?....
Rather than two terms, let's give them a maximum of 12 years in Congress...whether they serve in the Senate or the House or both. That should be plenty of time for them to get rich.

Fuck the entrenched, senile, lying bastards we have in Congress today...ALL of them!

Further, let's make them subject to every law that they pass to control the little people. No exemptions. (Are you aware that children of our Senators and Representative do not have to repay their student loans?)
Stop rioting and start voting these self serving assholes out of office.

All of them.

Term limits is the only option. Two Terms for the Senate and Four Terms for the House.

Eight to Twelve years is long enough for any politician to get their agenda done.
Yea, well, I am sure snarky shit like that was said to anyone trying to get the corrupt out of office.

If one is not corrupt themselves, fuck incumbents.

They win 94% of the time because the system is rigged to the powerful.

Vote them the fuck out. It's not difficult.

Yes vote out anyone who knows what they're doing and how a complex system works and bring in a bunch of people with no clue, like your President. That's not exactly going well to this point, mostly because he doesn't know how the system works.

How about you reform election financing so that politicians don't have to raise millions of dollars to fund campaigns, leaving them vulnerable to lobbyists and their money?

Do the smart thing instead of the dumbest thing imaginable. For a change.

Trump forever! I am happy to see you on board!

I will keep saying it, the man should be made Emperor, he is comedy gold EVERY DAY! Keeps us laughing for sure!

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