We need to vote out all 2 or more term incumbents, regardless of party

If it's the law for POTUS, why not all elected officials?

It seems reasonable. Of course freshman congressman can be corrupt, but that corruption could be limited if they could only serve 2 terms.

A lifetime in Congress is bullshit.
Not going to get good people if they know they will not be able to make a career of it, more like a bunch of opportunists who will go and be as dirty as they can before they get term limited out, then they go be lobbyists for 20 years. Face it, there is no solution to corruption as long as you are willing to overlook it in your own party and politicians.

So who is willing to overlook it? I am not.

Why would anyone overlook corruption based on party affiliation. Wouldnt that be corrupt itself?

If you voted for Trump you certainly overlooked his record of corruption, his admissions of bribing politicians, multiple bankruptcies, stiffing sub-trades, The Trump University fraud cases, and his charitable foundations problems with both the IRS and the State of New York.

The same could be said about Hilary and the Clinton corruption.

But one was private citizen for most of their lives and the other was political hack for most of their lives.

But what the far left sees in the other side they will ignore on their own side.

Lefties don't ignore it, they expect it. For Democrats it's just SOP.

The difference of course being that Hillary's "corruption" is based on a series of Republican rumours, which have been endlessly investigated and found to be false over and over again.

Trump's corruption is based on the court records, IRS records, ICE records, and his own admissions.

Big difference.
Stop rioting and start voting these self serving assholes out of office.

All of them.

Term limits is the only option. Two Terms for the Senate and Four Terms for the House.

Eight to Twelve years is long enough for any politician to get their agenda done.
That's way too long. That's almost a career. Plus, they get a pension. They should get one term in the Senate and 3 terms in the House.
Not going to get good people if they know they will not be able to make a career of it, more like a bunch of opportunists who will go and be as dirty as they can before they get term limited out, then they go be lobbyists for 20 years. Face it, there is no solution to corruption as long as you are willing to overlook it in your own party and politicians.

So who is willing to overlook it? I am not.

Why would anyone overlook corruption based on party affiliation. Wouldnt that be corrupt itself?

If you voted for Trump you certainly overlooked his record of corruption, his admissions of bribing politicians, multiple bankruptcies, stiffing sub-trades, The Trump University fraud cases, and his charitable foundations problems with both the IRS and the State of New York.

The same could be said about Hilary and the Clinton corruption.

But one was private citizen for most of their lives and the other was political hack for most of their lives.

But what the far left sees in the other side they will ignore on their own side.

Lefties don't ignore it, they expect it. For Democrats it's just SOP.

The difference of course being that Hillary's "corruption" is based on a series of Republican rumours, which have been endlessly investigated and found to be false over and over again.

Trump's corruption is based on the court records, IRS records, ICE records, and his own admissions.

Big difference.
It's no "rumor" that CGI accepted hundreds of millions in "donations" from interests that had business before the Dept of State.
Yea, well, I am sure snarky shit like that was said to anyone trying to get the corrupt out of office.

If one is not corrupt themselves, fuck incumbents.

They win 94% of the time because the system is rigged to the powerful.

Vote them the fuck out. It's not difficult.
when someone thinks its YOUR rep thats the problem,mine is fine.....how are you going to convince that person?....

They all need to go. If yours isn't a problem now, it certainly can be. We have many examples.

No one needs to serve more than 2 terms on the taxpayer dime. It's the law for POTUS, why not for all elected officials?
i agree with you....but you will have a hard time convincing lots of people out there that THEIR Congress person is just as much of a problem as the rest of them....
So who is willing to overlook it? I am not.

Why would anyone overlook corruption based on party affiliation. Wouldnt that be corrupt itself?

If you voted for Trump you certainly overlooked his record of corruption, his admissions of bribing politicians, multiple bankruptcies, stiffing sub-trades, The Trump University fraud cases, and his charitable foundations problems with both the IRS and the State of New York.

The same could be said about Hilary and the Clinton corruption.

But one was private citizen for most of their lives and the other was political hack for most of their lives.

But what the far left sees in the other side they will ignore on their own side.

Lefties don't ignore it, they expect it. For Democrats it's just SOP.

The difference of course being that Hillary's "corruption" is based on a series of Republican rumours, which have been endlessly investigated and found to be false over and over again.

Trump's corruption is based on the court records, IRS records, ICE records, and his own admissions.

Big difference.
It's no "rumor" that CGI accepted hundreds of millions in "donations" from interests that had business before the Dept of State.

But it is a rumour that Hillary Clinton gave favours and others forms of quid pro quo to those donors in exchange for that cash. In fact that rumour has been thoroughly investigated by multiple Republican Committees, the IRS and the FBI and found to be false.
Stop rioting and start voting these self serving assholes out of office.

All of them.

Term limits is the only option. Two Terms for the Senate and Four Terms for the House.

Eight to Twelve years is long enough for any politician to get their agenda done.
That's way too long. That's almost a career. Plus, they get a pension. They should get one term in the Senate and 3 terms in the House.

It takes years to learn how to do the job effectively, all while spending half your time fundraising for the next election campaign. And then just as they reach their peak abilities, you want to turf them.

But there hasn't been one right wing poster here who has suggested turfing the lobbyists and barring them from Washington. Or overturning Citizens United to get the "dark money" out of elections. Or banning PAC's who function as a means to get around funding and donation limits.

Why not get rid of the people who should never be in Washington in the first place?

You need qualified capable legislators in Washington. Your way ensures that none of them will ever run.
Politics is the only profession where exprience is devalued and inexperienced is valued.
And the only profession where it should be mandatory. How hard is to represent the people you work for?
Stop rioting and start voting these self serving assholes out of office.

All of them.

I agree.....as a people, we should take it on our selves to vote out, through the primary process, all incumbents....there should be a massive turn over on these morons.....
Stop rioting and start voting these self serving assholes out of office.

All of them.

Term limits is the only option. Two Terms for the Senate and Four Terms for the House.

Eight to Twelve years is long enough for any politician to get their agenda done.
That's way too long. That's almost a career. Plus, they get a pension. They should get one term in the Senate and 3 terms in the House.

It takes years to learn how to do the job effectively, all while spending half your time fundraising for the next election campaign. And then just as they reach their peak abilities, you want to turf them.

But there hasn't been one right wing poster here who has suggested turfing the lobbyists and barring them from Washington. Or overturning Citizens United to get the "dark money" out of elections. Or banning PAC's who function as a means to get around funding and donation limits.

Why not get rid of the people who should never be in Washington in the first place?

You need qualified capable legislators in Washington. Your way ensures that none of them will ever run.

If you understood the Constitution, you would understand that lobbyists are part of the system....it is called the 1st Amendment, and a redress of grievances....

Money is how you exercise your free speech.....and of course you left wingers want to get rid of it....since that will keep your guys in office....
IF they didn't have to play dialing for dollars Maybe they could spend more time reading the bills, and explaining them to us. my bid is 18 years max for the senate.
Politics is the only profession where exprience is devalued and inexperienced is valued.
And the only profession where it should be mandatory. How hard is to represent the people you work for?

If your constituent calls and says that their company has goods sitting on a dock for export and they can't get a permit from the Commerce Department to clear them to go on the boat, which is leaving port in 12 hours, what do you do? Who do you call?

If your constituent calls and says the IRS just slapped a lien on your house and are there with an eviction notice even though he's never previously been served with papers claiming he owes them money, who do you call, what do you do?

If you constituent calls and says he's trying to sell goods to the EU but can't get them into Europe, who do you call, what do you do?

The first law office I ever worked in, my boss had a phone book with the names and direct telephone numbers of "useful" people in government offices and banks all over the city. If I needed a property inspection yesterday, he had the name and phone number of a city inspector who would get it done for us. No calling the switchboard and getting transferred to some snivel servant who would tell us to send in a written request and they'd get around to it. These were the days before fax machines, computers and instant communication.

When I left his office, I no longer had that magic book. My job became 10 times more difficult without it. So I bought my own blank phone book, and every time I encountered a "useful", helpful person, their name and number went into my red phone book. And when I left that job, my red phone book came with me to my next job.
If you want to get the corruption out of politics, get rid of the corrupters - the lobbyists, the PACs and the money they bring.

Getting rid of the politicians, is akin to taking aspirin for a constant headache. It gets rid of the pain for a short time but as long as the tumour which causes it remains, the pain will be back and it will get worse. Cut out the tumour and the pain is gone permanently.
If you want to get the corruption out of politics, get rid of the corrupters - the lobbyists, the PACs and the money they bring.

Getting rid of the politicians, is akin to taking aspirin for a constant headache. It gets rid of the pain for a short time but as long as the tumour which causes it remains, the pain will be back and it will get worse. Cut out the tumour and the pain is gone permanently.

Again...there is a 1st Amendment....I know you left wing totalitarians hate actual freedom...and your first response to any problem is to get rid of the first freedom you can find...but we have protections against you and your totalitarian crap....
If you want to get the corruption out of politics, get rid of the corrupters - the lobbyists, the PACs and the money they bring.

Getting rid of the politicians, is akin to taking aspirin for a constant headache. It gets rid of the pain for a short time but as long as the tumour which causes it remains, the pain will be back and it will get worse. Cut out the tumour and the pain is gone permanently.

Again...there is a 1st Amendment....I know you left wing totalitarians hate actual freedom...and your first response to any problem is to get rid of the first freedom you can find...but we have protections against you and your totalitarian crap....

I said nothing about the right to speak. I said to get rid of the money they "donate" when they shake hands with politicians.

The first amendment says nothing about the right to bribe.
If you voted for Trump you certainly overlooked his record of corruption, his admissions of bribing politicians, multiple bankruptcies, stiffing sub-trades, The Trump University fraud cases, and his charitable foundations problems with both the IRS and the State of New York.

The same could be said about Hilary and the Clinton corruption.

But one was private citizen for most of their lives and the other was political hack for most of their lives.

But what the far left sees in the other side they will ignore on their own side.

Lefties don't ignore it, they expect it. For Democrats it's just SOP.

The difference of course being that Hillary's "corruption" is based on a series of Republican rumours, which have been endlessly investigated and found to be false over and over again.

Trump's corruption is based on the court records, IRS records, ICE records, and his own admissions.

Big difference.
It's no "rumor" that CGI accepted hundreds of millions in "donations" from interests that had business before the Dept of State.

But it is a rumour that Hillary Clinton gave favours and others forms of quid pro quo to those donors in exchange for that cash. In fact that rumour has been thoroughly investigated by multiple Republican Committees, the IRS and the FBI and found to be false.
It's not a rumor. Read the book "Clinton Cash."
Stop rioting and start voting these self serving assholes out of office.

All of them.

Term limits is the only option. Two Terms for the Senate and Four Terms for the House.

Eight to Twelve years is long enough for any politician to get their agenda done.
That's way too long. That's almost a career. Plus, they get a pension. They should get one term in the Senate and 3 terms in the House.

It takes years to learn how to do the job effectively, all while spending half your time fundraising for the next election campaign. And then just as they reach their peak abilities, you want to turf them.

But there hasn't been one right wing poster here who has suggested turfing the lobbyists and barring them from Washington. Or overturning Citizens United to get the "dark money" out of elections. Or banning PAC's who function as a means to get around funding and donation limits.

Why not get rid of the people who should never be in Washington in the first place?

You need qualified capable legislators in Washington. Your way ensures that none of them will ever run.
The only thing they learn in office is how to lie to the voters, take bribes, log role, stall, weasel, sell out their constituents and get rich off their power. At best they may learn how to get what they want better than those with less experience, but if everyone has the same experience, that argument is nullified. Furthermore, why should some states get for of what they want at the expense of other states simply because their Senator has been warming a chair in Congress longer?

As for lobbyists, their right to be there is enshrined in the First Amendment. It's called "petitioning the government for a redress of grievances."

McCain Feingold violated the First Amendment. I realize you Canadians don't believe in Freedom of Speech, but we do down here. The USA isn't a people's republic like Canada.
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If you want to get the corruption out of politics, get rid of the corrupters - the lobbyists, the PACs and the money they bring.

Getting rid of the politicians, is akin to taking aspirin for a constant headache. It gets rid of the pain for a short time but as long as the tumour which causes it remains, the pain will be back and it will get worse. Cut out the tumour and the pain is gone permanently.

Again...there is a 1st Amendment....I know you left wing totalitarians hate actual freedom...and your first response to any problem is to get rid of the first freedom you can find...but we have protections against you and your totalitarian crap....

I said nothing about the right to speak. I said to get rid of the money they "donate" when they shake hands with politicians.

The first amendment says nothing about the right to bribe.
Donations are already limited by law, cockroach.
I keep forgetting DL is Canadian, just spouting about stuff that doesn't affect her.

Her nation is racist because they are vetting immigrants. I wont sit back and listen to a racist candian.

Bye dear.
IF they didn't have to play dialing for dollars Maybe they could spend more time reading the bills, and explaining them to us. my bid is 18 years max for the senate.
That's way to long. I would prefer 6 years, but that would rule out any politician from serving in both the House and the Senate, so I would allow one term in the Senate and an equivalent duration in the House. However, that's still way too long, in my view. We don't elect them so they can make politics a career, and the longer they are in Washington the more corrupt they become.
If you want to get the corruption out of politics, get rid of the corrupters - the lobbyists, the PACs and the money they bring.

Getting rid of the politicians, is akin to taking aspirin for a constant headache. It gets rid of the pain for a short time but as long as the tumour which causes it remains, the pain will be back and it will get worse. Cut out the tumour and the pain is gone permanently.
Politicians are corrupt by nature. That's what happens when you spend other people's money, you always find a way to direct some of it to yourself. So long as Congress controls how $4 trillion is spent, then people will do whatever they can to influence how it gets spent.

Yes, let's cut out the tumor by stripping Congressmen of as much power as we possibly can.

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