We peasants must learn to live with fewer things

None of which "should" cause someone to buy more than they can afford.
If you allow yourself to be taken by slick bankers and your own lack of self control you deserve what you get.
It's all about personal responsibility,something that is unfortunately lacking these days.
Its obvious you are too dull to understand that if someone tells you that your payments are going to be less than what you rent for and you will be able to refinance after a year to keep the payments low then its not a lack of self control. Its simply a lack of knowledge regarding how the banking industry works.

Than they are even bigger dumbasses for signing something they dont understand.
I bought my house, cash sale deed, as was, no guarantee at all.

I will sell it, cash sale deed, as is, no guarantee at all.

When I do that, I will build a house, and TWO lawyers will look at and approve every single thing I sign.
Sounds like you can afford to do that. Not everyone has that luxury but still desires to live in a home that they own.
If you can't afford to cover your ass, you cannot afford to expose your ass.
There is no promise in the contract that you will be able to secure financing again. Since the promise was given by industry professionals people took that gamble on their encouragement. If they got the first loan at a good rate why would they doubt they could get another loan at a similar rate?
Its obvious you are too dull to understand that if someone tells you that your payments are going to be less than what you rent for and you will be able to refinance after a year to keep the payments low then its not a lack of self control. Its simply a lack of knowledge regarding how the banking industry works.

Than they are even bigger dumbasses for signing something they dont understand.
I bought my house, cash sale deed, as was, no guarantee at all.

I will sell it, cash sale deed, as is, no guarantee at all.

When I do that, I will build a house, and TWO lawyers will look at and approve every single thing I sign.
Sounds like you can afford to do that. Not everyone has that luxury but still desires to live in a home that they own.
If you can't afford to cover your ass, you cannot afford to expose your ass.
There is no promise in the contract that you will be able to secure financing again. Since the promise was given by industry professionals people took that gamble on their encouragement. If they got the first loan at a good rate why would they doubt they could get another loan at a similar rate?
Stupid things happen to stupid people.

Only a fool assumes he can refinance in the future.

Nobody can predict the future.

I'll never feel sorry for people who make stupid decisions.
And all the realtors I've dealt with over the years would never try and push a house you couldn't afford unless you've lied about your income and or dept.
See what I mean about intelligence? Realtors are worried about commissions. As long as you qualify for the loan they could care less if you can afford it. They are paid based of the price of the home.

And you're a complete dumbass if a realtor is capable of convincing you to purchase a home you cant afford.
It's no different than the dumbass who just has to have that fancy car even if he has to pay on it for ten years.
You see that all the time in the hood..a Caddy parked in front of a shack,neither of em paid for.
That has nothing to do with your claim that a realtor would never try to get you to buy more house than you could afford does it? Why would you say something so idiotic?

How exactly can a realtor make you buy a house you cant afford?
Thats all on you. And apparently you've been taken by one or you wouldnt be so interested in blaming them.
So just how far underwater are you asslips?
By telling you along with the lender you can refinance to keep your payments at what you paid for rent? Again why would you say something so stupid like realtors would not try to talk you into buying more house than you could afford?

So you're saying the realtor is smarter than you?
No surprise there....
People are stupid,plane and simple.
I havent made a house payment in over twenty years and I've purchase four properties since our first home.
You buy what you can afford and pay it off quickly to avoid interest and before you know it you'll be in the house you really want with no payments.
The problem is todays youth want everything now.
Seriously,how stupid do you need to be to buy a house you cant afford?
The dumbing down of America continues...And judging by the last two presidential elections it appears to be dems who are the morons.
Lot of em got pressured into it by their Realtor.......hurry ..hurrry its only going to cost you more.....

With most of the help being from the Lenders.

Its easy to say that everyone who got duped is "stupid". Its harder to convince anyone that stupidity is the case across the board...across the nation all at once.

Something else besides "stupidity" was at play

Yes, greed on both sides of the ball... greedy lenders, greedy realtors and greedy people who wanted that which they could not afford. It was a perfect storm.

I dont think the people were "greedy" I think they were looking toward a professional for guidance and the professional told them they can get a 200k home for 160k payments. That was actually one of the "talking points" amongst realtors and mortgage officers.
People simply try to deny the power of marketing. Realtors and lenders market in order to make their money.

I dont know about you,but I'm not about to let slick marketing hold sway in the largest purchase I'll likely make in my life.
Those that do are morons.
Than they are even bigger dumbasses for signing something they dont understand.
I bought my house, cash sale deed, as was, no guarantee at all.

I will sell it, cash sale deed, as is, no guarantee at all.

When I do that, I will build a house, and TWO lawyers will look at and approve every single thing I sign.
Sounds like you can afford to do that. Not everyone has that luxury but still desires to live in a home that they own.
If you can't afford to cover your ass, you cannot afford to expose your ass.
There is no promise in the contract that you will be able to secure financing again. Since the promise was given by industry professionals people took that gamble on their encouragement. If they got the first loan at a good rate why would they doubt they could get another loan at a similar rate?
Stupid things happen to stupid people.

Only a fool assumes he can refinance in the future.

Nobody can predict the future.

I'll never feel sorry for people who make stupid decisions.
It was not an assumption if the industry experts are telling them it was guaranteed. I know I personally heard the words "unprecedented amount of funds available" and "government push for financing" plenty of times.My first mortgage was literally $50 less than what I was paying for rent. My balloon date was 2 years out. I refinanced in 8 months and bought another home the same way and rented the first one out. It was just timing.
See what I mean about intelligence? Realtors are worried about commissions. As long as you qualify for the loan they could care less if you can afford it. They are paid based of the price of the home.

And you're a complete dumbass if a realtor is capable of convincing you to purchase a home you cant afford.
It's no different than the dumbass who just has to have that fancy car even if he has to pay on it for ten years.
You see that all the time in the hood..a Caddy parked in front of a shack,neither of em paid for.
That has nothing to do with your claim that a realtor would never try to get you to buy more house than you could afford does it? Why would you say something so idiotic?

How exactly can a realtor make you buy a house you cant afford?
Thats all on you. And apparently you've been taken by one or you wouldnt be so interested in blaming them.
So just how far underwater are you asslips?
By telling you along with the lender you can refinance to keep your payments at what you paid for rent? Again why would you say something so stupid like realtors would not try to talk you into buying more house than you could afford?

So you're saying the realtor is smarter than you?
No surprise there....
People are stupid,plane and simple.
I havent made a house payment in over twenty years and I've purchase four properties since our first home.
You buy what you can afford and pay it off quickly to avoid interest and before you know it you'll be in the house you really want with no payments.
The problem is todays youth want everything now.
Of course the realtor is smarter than me in that regard. Its their field of expertise you idiot. I bet a person that shovels dog crap for a living is smarter than you at shoveling dog crap.
Lot of em got pressured into it by their Realtor.......hurry ..hurrry its only going to cost you more.....

With most of the help being from the Lenders.

Its easy to say that everyone who got duped is "stupid". Its harder to convince anyone that stupidity is the case across the board...across the nation all at once.

Something else besides "stupidity" was at play

Yes, greed on both sides of the ball... greedy lenders, greedy realtors and greedy people who wanted that which they could not afford. It was a perfect storm.

I dont think the people were "greedy" I think they were looking toward a professional for guidance and the professional told them they can get a 200k home for 160k payments. That was actually one of the "talking points" amongst realtors and mortgage officers.
People simply try to deny the power of marketing. Realtors and lenders market in order to make their money.

I dont know about you,but I'm not about to let slick marketing hold sway in the largest purchase I'll likely make in my life.
Those that do are morons.
Well it worked out for me. I own 7 homes plus the one I live in. If thats being a moron then I'm a moron.
Lot of em got pressured into it by their Realtor.......hurry ..hurrry its only going to cost you more.....

With most of the help being from the Lenders.

Its easy to say that everyone who got duped is "stupid". Its harder to convince anyone that stupidity is the case across the board...across the nation all at once.

Something else besides "stupidity" was at play

Yes, greed on both sides of the ball... greedy lenders, greedy realtors and greedy people who wanted that which they could not afford. It was a perfect storm.

I dont think the people were "greedy" I think they were looking toward a professional for guidance and the professional told them they can get a 200k home for 160k payments. That was actually one of the "talking points" amongst realtors and mortgage officers.
People simply try to deny the power of marketing. Realtors and lenders market in order to make their money.

I dont know about you,but I'm not about to let slick marketing hold sway in the largest purchase I'll likely make in my life.
Those that do are morons.
In any deal, like a new car, boat or land, I walk out if I smell slick marketing.

I don't deal with weasels and will tell them so.
And you're a complete dumbass if a realtor is capable of convincing you to purchase a home you cant afford.
It's no different than the dumbass who just has to have that fancy car even if he has to pay on it for ten years.
You see that all the time in the hood..a Caddy parked in front of a shack,neither of em paid for.
That has nothing to do with your claim that a realtor would never try to get you to buy more house than you could afford does it? Why would you say something so idiotic?

I know far more people who overestimated income to realtors and banks, than banks and realtors that knowingly over loaned to underfunded people.

But, that doesn't fit the politics of victimology.
Weren't the bankers supposed to be the adults in the room? I would never load my car keys to my 12 year old son even if he did promise to go to the grocery store for me.

I'd think where serious mortgage money is on the line, there would be adults on both sides of the table.

I don't sympathize with idiots that bit off more than they could chew.

Most would never have gotten loans in the first place were it not for federal pressure.

Let banks determine who they want to lend to, with no government input or backup, and banks will do fine as will qualified borrowers
I dont think you truly understand what banking is about. If there were no government pressures banks would simply cater to the rich much worse than they do now.

Cater to the rich? Like low interest loans because they are more likely to pay them back? That kind of catering?
Come on man,even you know it's a bad idea to loan money to people who dont have the werewithal
With most of the help being from the Lenders.

Its easy to say that everyone who got duped is "stupid". Its harder to convince anyone that stupidity is the case across the board...across the nation all at once.

Something else besides "stupidity" was at play

Yes, greed on both sides of the ball... greedy lenders, greedy realtors and greedy people who wanted that which they could not afford. It was a perfect storm.

None of which "should" cause someone to buy more than they can afford.
If you allow yourself to be taken by slick bankers and your own lack of self control you deserve what you get.
It's all about personal responsibility,something that is unfortunately lacking these days.
Its obvious you are too dull to understand that if someone tells you that your payments are going to be less than what you rent for and you will be able to refinance after a year to keep the payments low then its not a lack of self control. Its simply a lack of knowledge regarding how the banking industry works.

Than they are even bigger dumbasses for signing something they dont understand.
I bought my house, cash sale deed, as was, no guarantee at all.

I will sell it, cash sale deed, as is, no guarantee at all.

When I do that, I will build a house, and TWO lawyers will look at and approve every single thing I sign.

Yep..I havent had a house payment since my first house.
You pay off the first and use it as a spring board for future purchases. I dont understand why thats so hard to get for some people.
With most of the help being from the Lenders.

Its easy to say that everyone who got duped is "stupid". Its harder to convince anyone that stupidity is the case across the board...across the nation all at once.

Something else besides "stupidity" was at play

Yes, greed on both sides of the ball... greedy lenders, greedy realtors and greedy people who wanted that which they could not afford. It was a perfect storm.

I dont think the people were "greedy" I think they were looking toward a professional for guidance and the professional told them they can get a 200k home for 160k payments. That was actually one of the "talking points" amongst realtors and mortgage officers.
People simply try to deny the power of marketing. Realtors and lenders market in order to make their money.

I dont know about you,but I'm not about to let slick marketing hold sway in the largest purchase I'll likely make in my life.
Those that do are morons.
Well it worked out for me. I own 7 homes plus the one I live in. If thats being a moron then I'm a moron.
Sounds like it makes you a slumlord, no different than a deceptive realtor, crooked hedge fund operator, or any other parasite preying on the stupid.

; - )
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Yes, greed on both sides of the ball... greedy lenders, greedy realtors and greedy people who wanted that which they could not afford. It was a perfect storm.

None of which "should" cause someone to buy more than they can afford.
If you allow yourself to be taken by slick bankers and your own lack of self control you deserve what you get.
It's all about personal responsibility,something that is unfortunately lacking these days.
Its obvious you are too dull to understand that if someone tells you that your payments are going to be less than what you rent for and you will be able to refinance after a year to keep the payments low then its not a lack of self control. Its simply a lack of knowledge regarding how the banking industry works.

Than they are even bigger dumbasses for signing something they dont understand.
I bought my house, cash sale deed, as was, no guarantee at all.

I will sell it, cash sale deed, as is, no guarantee at all.

When I do that, I will build a house, and TWO lawyers will look at and approve every single thing I sign.
Sounds like you can afford to do that. Not everyone has that luxury but still desires to live in a home that they own.

Very few pay cash for their first home. If you buy within your means there wont be a problem. Allow yourself to be sucked into something you cant afford and expect a world of shit.
So who's fault is it if you get yourself into into that world of shit?
Yes, greed on both sides of the ball... greedy lenders, greedy realtors and greedy people who wanted that which they could not afford. It was a perfect storm.

I dont think the people were "greedy" I think they were looking toward a professional for guidance and the professional told them they can get a 200k home for 160k payments. That was actually one of the "talking points" amongst realtors and mortgage officers.
People simply try to deny the power of marketing. Realtors and lenders market in order to make their money.

I dont know about you,but I'm not about to let slick marketing hold sway in the largest purchase I'll likely make in my life.
Those that do are morons.
Well it worked out for me. I own 7 homes plus the one I live in. If thats being a moron then I'm a moron.
Sounds like it makes you a slumlord, no different that a deceptive realtor, crooked hedge fund operator, or any other parasite preying on the stupid.

; - )
Sounds like you are retard. Where did I say I was slum lord? I simply used the banking industry to acquire property.
I can buy a car
If you can afford a house, you can afford an attorney to review what you're signing
Thats not true. The review of mortgage documents could easily triple what you pay for housing in a month. You simply have no clue what you are talking about.


Are you a fucking moron?

What kind of a fucking retard signs a mortgage without having an attorney review it?
Are you retarded? I just said people that cant afford an attorney.

It's like a blind person driving a car.

Again, what kind of a moron buys a house and signs a mortgage without an attorney review?
Are you retarded? I just said people that cant afford an attorney.

It's like saying "I just bought a car, can't afford gas"

I had no idea Democrats were really THAT stupid
None of which "should" cause someone to buy more than they can afford.
If you allow yourself to be taken by slick bankers and your own lack of self control you deserve what you get.
It's all about personal responsibility,something that is unfortunately lacking these days.
Its obvious you are too dull to understand that if someone tells you that your payments are going to be less than what you rent for and you will be able to refinance after a year to keep the payments low then its not a lack of self control. Its simply a lack of knowledge regarding how the banking industry works.

Than they are even bigger dumbasses for signing something they dont understand.
I bought my house, cash sale deed, as was, no guarantee at all.

I will sell it, cash sale deed, as is, no guarantee at all.

When I do that, I will build a house, and TWO lawyers will look at and approve every single thing I sign.
Sounds like you can afford to do that. Not everyone has that luxury but still desires to live in a home that they own.

Very few pay cash for their first home. If you buy within your means there wont be a problem. Allow yourself to be sucked into something you cant afford and expect a world of shit.
So who's fault is it if you get yourself into into that world of shit?
$50 less than what you are paying for rent is within your means. If you get into a world of shit its ultimately your fault for actually trusting the industry experts to tell the truth.
Lot of em got pressured into it by their Realtor.......hurry ..hurrry its only going to cost you more.....

With most of the help being from the Lenders.

Its easy to say that everyone who got duped is "stupid". Its harder to convince anyone that stupidity is the case across the board...across the nation all at once.

Something else besides "stupidity" was at play

Yes, greed on both sides of the ball... greedy lenders, greedy realtors and greedy people who wanted that which they could not afford. It was a perfect storm.

I dont think the people were "greedy" I think they were looking toward a professional for guidance and the professional told them they can get a 200k home for 160k payments. That was actually one of the "talking points" amongst realtors and mortgage officers.
People simply try to deny the power of marketing. Realtors and lenders market in order to make their money.

Also when you go to a professional you ask that professional for advice. I dont know anyone that gets fucked up by a doctor and people say "who gets surgery on something they dont understand"

So know you want to equate surgery to buying a house?:wtf:
You do realize anyone with even the slightest bit of intelligence can get their real state license right?
I can buy a car
Thats not true. The review of mortgage documents could easily triple what you pay for housing in a month. You simply have no clue what you are talking about.


Are you a fucking moron?

What kind of a fucking retard signs a mortgage without having an attorney review it?
Are you retarded? I just said people that cant afford an attorney.

It's like a blind person driving a car.

Again, what kind of a moron buys a house and signs a mortgage without an attorney review?
Are you retarded? I just said people that cant afford an attorney.

It's like saying "I just bought a car, can't afford gas"

I had no idea Democrats were really THAT stupid
Terrible analogy. You dont need an attorney to buy a home. Its a luxury. You dont need gas to buy a car either. You need gas to drive it.
With most of the help being from the Lenders.

Its easy to say that everyone who got duped is "stupid". Its harder to convince anyone that stupidity is the case across the board...across the nation all at once.

Something else besides "stupidity" was at play

Yes, greed on both sides of the ball... greedy lenders, greedy realtors and greedy people who wanted that which they could not afford. It was a perfect storm.

I dont think the people were "greedy" I think they were looking toward a professional for guidance and the professional told them they can get a 200k home for 160k payments. That was actually one of the "talking points" amongst realtors and mortgage officers.
People simply try to deny the power of marketing. Realtors and lenders market in order to make their money.

Also when you go to a professional you ask that professional for advice. I dont know anyone that gets fucked up by a doctor and people say "who gets surgery on something they dont understand"

So know you want to equate surgery to buying a house?:wtf:
You do realize anyone with even the slightest bit of intelligence can get their real state license right?
What does that have to do with the fact they are then considered professionals?
Its obvious you are too dull to understand that if someone tells you that your payments are going to be less than what you rent for and you will be able to refinance after a year to keep the payments low then its not a lack of self control. Its simply a lack of knowledge regarding how the banking industry works.

Than they are even bigger dumbasses for signing something they dont understand.
I bought my house, cash sale deed, as was, no guarantee at all.

I will sell it, cash sale deed, as is, no guarantee at all.

When I do that, I will build a house, and TWO lawyers will look at and approve every single thing I sign.
Sounds like you can afford to do that. Not everyone has that luxury but still desires to live in a home that they own.
If you can't afford to cover your ass, you cannot afford to expose your ass.
There is no promise in the contract that you will be able to secure financing again. Since the promise was given by industry professionals people took that gamble on their encouragement. If they got the first loan at a good rate why would they doubt they could get another loan at a similar rate?

You ever stop to think that some people are just meant to rent?
Than they are even bigger dumbasses for signing something they dont understand.
I bought my house, cash sale deed, as was, no guarantee at all.

I will sell it, cash sale deed, as is, no guarantee at all.

When I do that, I will build a house, and TWO lawyers will look at and approve every single thing I sign.
Sounds like you can afford to do that. Not everyone has that luxury but still desires to live in a home that they own.
If you can't afford to cover your ass, you cannot afford to expose your ass.
There is no promise in the contract that you will be able to secure financing again. Since the promise was given by industry professionals people took that gamble on their encouragement. If they got the first loan at a good rate why would they doubt they could get another loan at a similar rate?

You ever stop to think that some people are just meant to rent?
What does that mean and who picks these people?

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