We righties need to be prepared for a Trump loss

Not saying its gonna happen BUT as we all know you are wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Personally I think a Biden administration would be an economic disaster and truth be told that is virtually all I care about, hence my Trump vote.
Having said that I am not so narrow minded as to assume that others think like me. Anything can happen and the wise person does their best to prepare for it.
I hope to God we don't see any unhinged responses from the right like we did from the left when Hillary lost.

Keep your composure if the worst happens and for God's sake don't come on here......

I wish Democrats would EVER take their own advice. Unlike Democrats:

Conservatives / Republicans do not need to be told to 'get ready for' an election loss. If Republicans lose an election Conservatives do not lose their f*ing mind, do not cry because their candidate lost, and do not run out into the street and scream at the sky like psychopaths.

Conservatives / Republicans do not collude with Russians to get Russian-authored propaganda to intentionally use in an attempt to overthrow the government and the newly elected President.

Conservatives / Republicans do not spend the next 4 years undermining, obstructing, and engaging in non-stop sedition and treasonous attempts to affect further political coup attempts.

Conservatives / Republicans do not engage in domestic terrorism because they lose an election, do not side with / take money from enemies f our nation, do not burn down our community / neighbors' businesses, loot, burn, destroy, assault, and murder people just because we did not get our way...our political leaders running our cities do not side with / aid and abet foreign-funded domestic terrorists while they do these things....

Conservatives /Republicans do not attempt to destroy the nation if a politician loses an election...We do not call for the winners of the election to be rounded up, arrested, put on trial, jailed, tortured, and even murdered,

Conservatives do not demand that the supporters - people who voted for these politicians - to be rounded up, put in re-education camps or just put to death to eliminate the chance that we could lose again....like Democrats ' Leftist extremists have been doing...because they can not win over enough people with their radical agendas and ideologies like the Democrats

Conservatives and Republicans are not THIS f*ed up in the head, unlike Democrats / liberal media / snowflakes have proven themselves to be.
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?
If you cared you would care about kids stuck at home on zoom calls and missing out on sports. You would care about small business owners. You would care about people depressed and suicidal due to lockdowns and or loss of business. You would care about higher cases of drug and alcohol abuse and lastly you would care about higher cases of child abuse. You stupid bitch.
I do care about those things and I know the only way to get them back it to control the outbreaks of this virus. Sending everyone out to catch it and risk dying isn’t a plan.
Locking child abusers with children isn't either. Treat people like adults.

Oh please. Stop pretending like Republicans suddenly care about abusers and their victims. If they did, social programs to help combat it would get a hell of a lot more money and time than they currently do.

People can be treated like adults when they act like adults.

Huh? I am an Independent and a logical person. My kids are stuck at home and cannot even play sports due to this so called virus that has a 99.96% survival rate and Trump at 74 and heavy recovered in three days. I am tired of pansies like you and the media making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Listen to you. You sound like a petulant child being denied his favorite toy. People are dying. 1,000 Americans a day. That's many 9/11s a week and stupid fucking Trump supporters can't even see their way to wearing a damn mask...that will hasten our economic recovery and SAVE LIVES.

We all want to "get back to normal" or at least near normal. We can't do that without masks, testing and tracing. If Trump were the leader we needed during this pandemic, we'd be well on our way to an economic recovery like other countries are managing to do.
No you don't want to get back to normal..... you're too busy reveling in your new sense of outrage and hysterical fear. You get to feel oppressed, outraged, titillated by fear, and it's an excuse and a justification for your controlling the movement and behavior of others.

You wouldn't have it any other way, and you gleefully recount every additional death to use as ammo against the rest of us, who aren't scared little pussies like you.

Your behavior is disgusting..... consider suicide.
I would have it a very different way. I would love to be celebrating that we’re rounding the curve and that infections are going down and the deaths are decreasing, but that’s not happening. It’s not gonna happen until Trump is out of office because he is a danger to society.
Deaths are decreasing. Name one professional or college athlete to die from COVID. Just one. The danger to society is people like you. People who loot, riot, burn, scream and shout and disrespect our brave police officers. I had The virus. You didn’t. So please don’t tell me how to feel about this.

I have never looted, burned or rioted. I am retired military, asshole.
They aren’t rising due to COVID despite what the fake news says. You may not physically do those acts but you support the party that supports them by calling them a “myth” and mostly peaceful and calling Antifa an idea. Spare me. Again, what is the average age of people dying from COVID? You keep dodging that question.

Yes, they are rising due to COVID.

Seriously, what planet do you live on?

Then why is the average age of those dying 78? Do you want to lockdown forever?

Nobody wants to lockdown at all...and we wouldn't have to if people followed simple guidelines...like WEARING A FUCKING MASK and socially distancing.

Other countries are managing to "get back to normal" and their economies are recovering. Ours never will as long as we have have a patchwork of mitigation measures and some places that refuse to put any in place. Jesus, nobody is even talking about lockdowns anymore except where there are clusters and outbreaks.
Biden did during the debate. My kids are learning via zoom, fans aren’t allowed in NFL stadiums. It’s not normal.
Biden did what during the debate? Don’t you fucking morons understand that we wouldn’t have to shut down if you would follow CDC guidelines?

That is correct. Schools are shut down because they keep having outbreaks. The NFL doesn’t have fans because you don’t want to have crowds during this time. It’s temporary, deal with it.
He said there would be more shut downs. Define "temporary".

Cali is basically shut down and people are asked to put their mask on in between chews and yet the numbers remain high there. Virus will spread. That is what viruses do. We cannot stay locked up for three yrs or more.
California’s numbers are dropping.

California is not shut down, we are under restricted openings. You can get a haircut, dine out and even go to the movies.
Depends where you are. Can you do so in LA?

LA is easing restrictions. L.A. County to ease some coronavirus rules, though a wide reopening remains elusive

That's how it works. As cases go down, restrictions can ease. The way to make cases go down...WEAR THE MASK.
So people need to wear a visible symbol of submission or the unconstitutional restrictions will continue then?

Nah, I don't think so.
You don't. You can keep using aluminum foil.
No, I think I'll just go on living my life and ignoring ya'll and all your nonsense.
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?
If you cared you would care about kids stuck at home on zoom calls and missing out on sports. You would care about small business owners. You would care about people depressed and suicidal due to lockdowns and or loss of business. You would care about higher cases of drug and alcohol abuse and lastly you would care about higher cases of child abuse. You stupid bitch.
I do care about those things and I know the only way to get them back it to control the outbreaks of this virus. Sending everyone out to catch it and risk dying isn’t a plan.
Locking child abusers with children isn't either. Treat people like adults.

Oh please. Stop pretending like Republicans suddenly care about abusers and their victims. If they did, social programs to help combat it would get a hell of a lot more money and time than they currently do.

People can be treated like adults when they act like adults.

Huh? I am an Independent and a logical person. My kids are stuck at home and cannot even play sports due to this so called virus that has a 99.96% survival rate and Trump at 74 and heavy recovered in three days. I am tired of pansies like you and the media making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Listen to you. You sound like a petulant child being denied his favorite toy. People are dying. 1,000 Americans a day. That's many 9/11s a week and stupid fucking Trump supporters can't even see their way to wearing a damn mask...that will hasten our economic recovery and SAVE LIVES.

We all want to "get back to normal" or at least near normal. We can't do that without masks, testing and tracing. If Trump were the leader we needed during this pandemic, we'd be well on our way to an economic recovery like other countries are managing to do.
No you don't want to get back to normal..... you're too busy reveling in your new sense of outrage and hysterical fear. You get to feel oppressed, outraged, titillated by fear, and it's an excuse and a justification for your controlling the movement and behavior of others.

You wouldn't have it any other way, and you gleefully recount every additional death to use as ammo against the rest of us, who aren't scared little pussies like you.

Your behavior is disgusting..... consider suicide.
I would have it a very different way. I would love to be celebrating that we’re rounding the curve and that infections are going down and the deaths are decreasing, but that’s not happening. It’s not gonna happen until Trump is out of office because he is a danger to society.
Deaths are decreasing. Name one professional or college athlete to die from COVID. Just one. The danger to society is people like you. People who loot, riot, burn, scream and shout and disrespect our brave police officers. I had The virus. You didn’t. So please don’t tell me how to feel about this.

I have never looted, burned or rioted. I am retired military, asshole.
They aren’t rising due to COVID despite what the fake news says. You may not physically do those acts but you support the party that supports them by calling them a “myth” and mostly peaceful and calling Antifa an idea. Spare me. Again, what is the average age of people dying from COVID? You keep dodging that question.

Yes, they are rising due to COVID.

Seriously, what planet do you live on?

LOL, you quote the Wash post as a valid news source????????????? Positive tests do not equal "cases". If a person tests positive but never has any symptoms he or she is NOT a case. Neither are the many false positives.

We know which planet you live on-----------the planet of the Kenyan messiah the great Obozo.
Not saying its gonna happen BUT as we all know you are wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Personally I think a Biden administration would be an economic disaster and truth be told that is virtually all I care about, hence my Trump vote.
Having said that I am not so narrow minded as to assume that others think like me. Anything can happen and the wise person does their best to prepare for it.
I hope to God we don't see any unhinged responses from the right like we did from the left when Hillary lost.

Keep your composure if the worst happens and for God's sake don't come on here......

My biggest concern is Rs losing the Senate. If Dems get the White House and all of Congress, things will get ugly in a hurry.
True. I prefer to stick my head back in the sand on that one if you don't mind lol
Well gramps, you stick your head in a lot of things. One of which should not include procreating.

All the conservative business rags are already saying and building into their inveatment models, that Bidens proposed policies will make more money for middle class America. What's left of it, after MAGA.

We were doing just fine til the Chi coms fucked us with the leftist here locking everything down killing small business.....

You are like Locusts........destroy everything and move on.........and you are so far up XI's butt I wonder if it's hard for you to even type American.......and not Chi com.
Pretty please stop rewriting history.... TRUMP asked for the lockdown.

President Trump March 16, 2020. Public Announcement

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room

3:21 P.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you very much. Thank you. So, I’m glad to see that you’re practicing social distancing. That looks very nice. It’s very good.

I want to thank everybody for being here today. This morning I spoke with the leaders of the G7 — G7 nations — and they really had a good meeting. I think it was a very, very productive meeting. I also spoke with our nation’s governors.

This afternoon, we’re announcing new guidelines for every American to follow over the next 15 days as we combat the virus. Each and every one of us has a critical role to play in stopping the spread and transmission of the virus. We did this today, and this was done by a lot of very talented people, some of whom are standing with me. And that’s available. And Dr. Birx will be speaking about that in just a few minutes.

It’s important for the young and healthy people to understand that while they may experience milder symptoms, they can easily spread this virus, and they will spread it indeed, putting countless others in harm’s way. We especially worry about our senior citizens.

The White House Task Force meets every day and continually updates guidelines based on the fast-evolving situation that this has become all over the world. It’s all over the world. It’s incredible what’s happened in such a short period of time.

On the guidelines of the task force, the new modeling conducted by Dr. Birx, and our consultation with governors, we’ve made the decision to further toughen the guidelines and blunt the infection now. We’d much rather be ahead of the curve than behind it, and that’s what we are. Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible. Avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people. Avoid discretionary travel. And avoid eating and drinking at bars, restaurants, and public food courts.

If everyone makes this change or these critical changes and sacrifices now, we will rally together as one nation and we will defeat the virus. And we’re going to have a big celebration all together.

With several weeks of focused action, we can turn the corner and turn it quickly. A lot of progress has been made. I’m also pleased to report today that a vaccine candidate has begun the phase one clinical trial. This is one of the fastest vaccine development launches in history. Not even close. We’re also racing to develop antiviral therapies and other treatments. And we’ve had some promising results — early results, but promising — to reduce the severity and the duration of the synd- — of the symptoms.

And I have to say that our government is prepared to do whatever it takes. Whatever it takes, we’re doing. We’re doing it in every way.

And with that, I’d like to just introduce Dr. Birx, who’s going to discuss some of the things that we strongly recommend.

Thank you.

yes, he followed the advice of the "experts" as you libtards keep screaming that he must do "follow the science" right?. He did exactly that and now you fools are saying it was wrong, is that because it may have actually reduced the number of deaths early this year?

Currently the death rate from covid is way down from earlier in the year, we know how to treat it now and lives are being saved. You should be happy. But no, politics is more important to you libs than your lives or the lives of others. You are pathetic excuses for human beings.
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?
If you cared you would care about kids stuck at home on zoom calls and missing out on sports. You would care about small business owners. You would care about people depressed and suicidal due to lockdowns and or loss of business. You would care about higher cases of drug and alcohol abuse and lastly you would care about higher cases of child abuse. You stupid bitch.
I do care about those things and I know the only way to get them back it to control the outbreaks of this virus. Sending everyone out to catch it and risk dying isn’t a plan.
Locking child abusers with children isn't either. Treat people like adults.

Oh please. Stop pretending like Republicans suddenly care about abusers and their victims. If they did, social programs to help combat it would get a hell of a lot more money and time than they currently do.

People can be treated like adults when they act like adults.

Huh? I am an Independent and a logical person. My kids are stuck at home and cannot even play sports due to this so called virus that has a 99.96% survival rate and Trump at 74 and heavy recovered in three days. I am tired of pansies like you and the media making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Listen to you. You sound like a petulant child being denied his favorite toy. People are dying. 1,000 Americans a day. That's many 9/11s a week and stupid fucking Trump supporters can't even see their way to wearing a damn mask...that will hasten our economic recovery and SAVE LIVES.

We all want to "get back to normal" or at least near normal. We can't do that without masks, testing and tracing. If Trump were the leader we needed during this pandemic, we'd be well on our way to an economic recovery like other countries are managing to do.
No you don't want to get back to normal..... you're too busy reveling in your new sense of outrage and hysterical fear. You get to feel oppressed, outraged, titillated by fear, and it's an excuse and a justification for your controlling the movement and behavior of others.

You wouldn't have it any other way, and you gleefully recount every additional death to use as ammo against the rest of us, who aren't scared little pussies like you.

Your behavior is disgusting..... consider suicide.
I would have it a very different way. I would love to be celebrating that we’re rounding the curve and that infections are going down and the deaths are decreasing, but that’s not happening. It’s not gonna happen until Trump is out of office because he is a danger to society.
Deaths are decreasing. Name one professional or college athlete to die from COVID. Just one. The danger to society is people like you. People who loot, riot, burn, scream and shout and disrespect our brave police officers. I had The virus. You didn’t. So please don’t tell me how to feel about this.

I have never looted, burned or rioted. I am retired military, asshole.
They aren’t rising due to COVID despite what the fake news says. You may not physically do those acts but you support the party that supports them by calling them a “myth” and mostly peaceful and calling Antifa an idea. Spare me. Again, what is the average age of people dying from COVID? You keep dodging that question.

Yes, they are rising due to COVID.

Seriously, what planet do you live on?

Then why is the average age of those dying 78? Do you want to lockdown forever?

Nobody wants to lockdown at all...and we wouldn't have to if people followed simple guidelines...like WEARING A FUCKING MASK and socially distancing.

Other countries are managing to "get back to normal" and their economies are recovering. Ours never will as long as we have have a patchwork of mitigation measures and some places that refuse to put any in place. Jesus, nobody is even talking about lockdowns anymore except where there are clusters and outbreaks.
Biden did during the debate. My kids are learning via zoom, fans aren’t allowed in NFL stadiums. It’s not normal.
Biden did what during the debate? Don’t you fucking morons understand that we wouldn’t have to shut down if you would follow CDC guidelines?

That is correct. Schools are shut down because they keep having outbreaks. The NFL doesn’t have fans because you don’t want to have crowds during this time. It’s temporary, deal with it.
He said there would be more shut downs. Define "temporary".

Cali is basically shut down and people are asked to put their mask on in between chews and yet the numbers remain high there. Virus will spread. That is what viruses do. We cannot stay locked up for three yrs or more.
California’s numbers are dropping.

California is not shut down, we are under restricted openings. You can get a haircut, dine out and even go to the movies.
Depends where you are. Can you do so in LA?

LA is easing restrictions. L.A. County to ease some coronavirus rules, though a wide reopening remains elusive

That's how it works. As cases go down, restrictions can ease. The way to make cases go down...WEAR THE MASK.
Why? I cannot infect anyone. I have the antibodies. LOL...and you forget that touching your face can cause the infection to spread and it’s tough to put on or remove a mask without using your hands.
Be great if you would get tested for antibodies again! It's been about 6 months.... 4 you.... scientist don't know how long the antibodies for the corona virus SARS 2, last.... you could contribute to science, finding out!!!
I just said I gave plasma on the 1st and I am still positive and I am going again on Thursday. These antibodies should last for life. Now COVID-19 could mutate but until it does I am safe and my plasma actually helps others.
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?
If you cared you would care about kids stuck at home on zoom calls and missing out on sports. You would care about small business owners. You would care about people depressed and suicidal due to lockdowns and or loss of business. You would care about higher cases of drug and alcohol abuse and lastly you would care about higher cases of child abuse. You stupid bitch.
I do care about those things and I know the only way to get them back it to control the outbreaks of this virus. Sending everyone out to catch it and risk dying isn’t a plan.
Locking child abusers with children isn't either. Treat people like adults.

Oh please. Stop pretending like Republicans suddenly care about abusers and their victims. If they did, social programs to help combat it would get a hell of a lot more money and time than they currently do.

People can be treated like adults when they act like adults.

Huh? I am an Independent and a logical person. My kids are stuck at home and cannot even play sports due to this so called virus that has a 99.96% survival rate and Trump at 74 and heavy recovered in three days. I am tired of pansies like you and the media making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Listen to you. You sound like a petulant child being denied his favorite toy. People are dying. 1,000 Americans a day. That's many 9/11s a week and stupid fucking Trump supporters can't even see their way to wearing a damn mask...that will hasten our economic recovery and SAVE LIVES.

We all want to "get back to normal" or at least near normal. We can't do that without masks, testing and tracing. If Trump were the leader we needed during this pandemic, we'd be well on our way to an economic recovery like other countries are managing to do.
No you don't want to get back to normal..... you're too busy reveling in your new sense of outrage and hysterical fear. You get to feel oppressed, outraged, titillated by fear, and it's an excuse and a justification for your controlling the movement and behavior of others.

You wouldn't have it any other way, and you gleefully recount every additional death to use as ammo against the rest of us, who aren't scared little pussies like you.

Your behavior is disgusting..... consider suicide.
I would have it a very different way. I would love to be celebrating that we’re rounding the curve and that infections are going down and the deaths are decreasing, but that’s not happening. It’s not gonna happen until Trump is out of office because he is a danger to society.
Deaths are decreasing. Name one professional or college athlete to die from COVID. Just one. The danger to society is people like you. People who loot, riot, burn, scream and shout and disrespect our brave police officers. I had The virus. You didn’t. So please don’t tell me how to feel about this.

I have never looted, burned or rioted. I am retired military, asshole.
They aren’t rising due to COVID despite what the fake news says. You may not physically do those acts but you support the party that supports them by calling them a “myth” and mostly peaceful and calling Antifa an idea. Spare me. Again, what is the average age of people dying from COVID? You keep dodging that question.

Yes, they are rising due to COVID.

Seriously, what planet do you live on?

Then why is the average age of those dying 78? Do you want to lockdown forever?

Nobody wants to lockdown at all...and we wouldn't have to if people followed simple guidelines...like WEARING A FUCKING MASK and socially distancing.

Other countries are managing to "get back to normal" and their economies are recovering. Ours never will as long as we have have a patchwork of mitigation measures and some places that refuse to put any in place. Jesus, nobody is even talking about lockdowns anymore except where there are clusters and outbreaks.
Biden did during the debate. My kids are learning via zoom, fans aren’t allowed in NFL stadiums. It’s not normal.
Biden did what during the debate? Don’t you fucking morons understand that we wouldn’t have to shut down if you would follow CDC guidelines?

That is correct. Schools are shut down because they keep having outbreaks. The NFL doesn’t have fans because you don’t want to have crowds during this time. It’s temporary, deal with it.
He said there would be more shut downs. Define "temporary".

Cali is basically shut down and people are asked to put their mask on in between chews and yet the numbers remain high there. Virus will spread. That is what viruses do. We cannot stay locked up for three yrs or more.
California’s numbers are dropping.

California is not shut down, we are under restricted openings. You can get a haircut, dine out and even go to the movies.
Depends where you are. Can you do so in LA?

LA is easing restrictions. L.A. County to ease some coronavirus rules, though a wide reopening remains elusive

That's how it works. As cases go down, restrictions can ease. The way to make cases go down...WEAR THE MASK.
Why? I cannot infect anyone. I have the antibodies. LOL...and you forget that touching your face can cause the infection to spread and it’s tough to put on or remove a mask without using your hands.
Unless you are being tested every day, you don't know if you will infect anyone. You aren't immune just because you claim to have gotten COVID.

You cant figure out how to put on a mask without touching the cloth? Do you also harm yourself eating pudding with a plastic spoon?
They use my plasma to help infected patients. I am immune. Duh.
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?
If you cared you would care about kids stuck at home on zoom calls and missing out on sports. You would care about small business owners. You would care about people depressed and suicidal due to lockdowns and or loss of business. You would care about higher cases of drug and alcohol abuse and lastly you would care about higher cases of child abuse. You stupid bitch.
I do care about those things and I know the only way to get them back it to control the outbreaks of this virus. Sending everyone out to catch it and risk dying isn’t a plan.
Locking child abusers with children isn't either. Treat people like adults.

Oh please. Stop pretending like Republicans suddenly care about abusers and their victims. If they did, social programs to help combat it would get a hell of a lot more money and time than they currently do.

People can be treated like adults when they act like adults.

Huh? I am an Independent and a logical person. My kids are stuck at home and cannot even play sports due to this so called virus that has a 99.96% survival rate and Trump at 74 and heavy recovered in three days. I am tired of pansies like you and the media making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Listen to you. You sound like a petulant child being denied his favorite toy. People are dying. 1,000 Americans a day. That's many 9/11s a week and stupid fucking Trump supporters can't even see their way to wearing a damn mask...that will hasten our economic recovery and SAVE LIVES.

We all want to "get back to normal" or at least near normal. We can't do that without masks, testing and tracing. If Trump were the leader we needed during this pandemic, we'd be well on our way to an economic recovery like other countries are managing to do.
No you don't want to get back to normal..... you're too busy reveling in your new sense of outrage and hysterical fear. You get to feel oppressed, outraged, titillated by fear, and it's an excuse and a justification for your controlling the movement and behavior of others.

You wouldn't have it any other way, and you gleefully recount every additional death to use as ammo against the rest of us, who aren't scared little pussies like you.

Your behavior is disgusting..... consider suicide.
I would have it a very different way. I would love to be celebrating that we’re rounding the curve and that infections are going down and the deaths are decreasing, but that’s not happening. It’s not gonna happen until Trump is out of office because he is a danger to society.
Deaths are decreasing. Name one professional or college athlete to die from COVID. Just one. The danger to society is people like you. People who loot, riot, burn, scream and shout and disrespect our brave police officers. I had The virus. You didn’t. So please don’t tell me how to feel about this.

I have never looted, burned or rioted. I am retired military, asshole.
They aren’t rising due to COVID despite what the fake news says. You may not physically do those acts but you support the party that supports them by calling them a “myth” and mostly peaceful and calling Antifa an idea. Spare me. Again, what is the average age of people dying from COVID? You keep dodging that question.

Yes, they are rising due to COVID.

Seriously, what planet do you live on?

Then why is the average age of those dying 78? Do you want to lockdown forever?

Nobody wants to lockdown at all...and we wouldn't have to if people followed simple guidelines...like WEARING A FUCKING MASK and socially distancing.

Other countries are managing to "get back to normal" and their economies are recovering. Ours never will as long as we have have a patchwork of mitigation measures and some places that refuse to put any in place. Jesus, nobody is even talking about lockdowns anymore except where there are clusters and outbreaks.
Biden did during the debate. My kids are learning via zoom, fans aren’t allowed in NFL stadiums. It’s not normal.
Biden did what during the debate? Don’t you fucking morons understand that we wouldn’t have to shut down if you would follow CDC guidelines?

That is correct. Schools are shut down because they keep having outbreaks. The NFL doesn’t have fans because you don’t want to have crowds during this time. It’s temporary, deal with it.
He said there would be more shut downs. Define "temporary".

Cali is basically shut down and people are asked to put their mask on in between chews and yet the numbers remain high there. Virus will spread. That is what viruses do. We cannot stay locked up for three yrs or more.
California’s numbers are dropping.

California is not shut down, we are under restricted openings. You can get a haircut, dine out and even go to the movies.
Depends where you are. Can you do so in LA?

LA is easing restrictions. L.A. County to ease some coronavirus rules, though a wide reopening remains elusive

That's how it works. As cases go down, restrictions can ease. The way to make cases go down...WEAR THE MASK.

Thousands would be.

Again, they initially said not to touch your face and now its OK? LOL because you touch your face every time you put on and or take off a mask. Maybe thats why the spread keeps happening?
Not saying its gonna happen BUT as we all know you are wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Personally I think a Biden administration would be an economic disaster and truth be told that is virtually all I care about, hence my Trump vote.
Having said that I am not so narrow minded as to assume that others think like me. Anything can happen and the wise person does their best to prepare for it.
I hope to God we don't see any unhinged responses from the right like we did from the left when Hillary lost.

Keep your composure if the worst happens and for God's sake don't come on here......

I wish Democrats would EVER take their own advice. Unlike Democrats:

Conservatives / Republicans do not need to be told to 'get ready for' an election loss. If Republicans lose an election Conservatives do not lose their f*ing mind, do not cry because their candidate lost, and do not run out into the street and scream at the sky like psychopaths.

Conservatives / Republicans do not collude with Russians to get Russian-authored propaganda to intentionally use in an attempt to overthrow the government and the newly elected President.

Conservatives / Republicans do not spend the next 4 years undermining, obstructing, and engaging in non-stop sedition and treasonous attempts to affect further political coup attempts.

Conservatives / Republicans do not engage in domestic terrorism because they lose an election, do not side with / take money from enemies f our nation, do not burn down our community / neighbors' businesses, loot, burn, destroy, assault, and murder people just because we did not get our way...our political leaders running our cities do not side with / aid and abet foreign-funded domestic terrorists while they do these things....

Conservatives /Republicans do not attempt to destroy the nation if a politician loses an election...We do not call for the winners of the election to be rounded up, arrested, put on trial, jailed, tortured, and even murdered,

Conservatives do not demand that the supporters - people who voted for these politicians - to be rounded up, put in re-education camps or just put to death to eliminate the chance that we could lose again....like Democrats ' Leftist extremists have been doing...because they can not win over enough people with their radical agendas and ideologies like the Democrats

Conservatives and Republicans are not THIS f*ed up in the head, unlike Democrats / liberal media / snowflakes have proven themselves to be.

I have a question for all of our resident libs and maskers.

What will constitute an end to this? At what point can we return to normal life?

Is it zero cases? because if that is the criteria the only way to achieve that is to stop testing

Is it a vaccine? Will you get it when its available in a few weeks?

Is it a therapeutic to cure it? Several of those are working now, sooooooooooooo?

or will it end on November 4th if senile Joe and the HO win?

so tell us libs, what will constitute an end to this craziness? or are we to wear masks for the rest of our lives and watch all small businesses go broke?
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?
If you cared you would care about kids stuck at home on zoom calls and missing out on sports. You would care about small business owners. You would care about people depressed and suicidal due to lockdowns and or loss of business. You would care about higher cases of drug and alcohol abuse and lastly you would care about higher cases of child abuse. You stupid bitch.
I do care about those things and I know the only way to get them back it to control the outbreaks of this virus. Sending everyone out to catch it and risk dying isn’t a plan.
Locking child abusers with children isn't either. Treat people like adults.

Oh please. Stop pretending like Republicans suddenly care about abusers and their victims. If they did, social programs to help combat it would get a hell of a lot more money and time than they currently do.

People can be treated like adults when they act like adults.

Huh? I am an Independent and a logical person. My kids are stuck at home and cannot even play sports due to this so called virus that has a 99.96% survival rate and Trump at 74 and heavy recovered in three days. I am tired of pansies like you and the media making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Listen to you. You sound like a petulant child being denied his favorite toy. People are dying. 1,000 Americans a day. That's many 9/11s a week and stupid fucking Trump supporters can't even see their way to wearing a damn mask...that will hasten our economic recovery and SAVE LIVES.

We all want to "get back to normal" or at least near normal. We can't do that without masks, testing and tracing. If Trump were the leader we needed during this pandemic, we'd be well on our way to an economic recovery like other countries are managing to do.
No you don't want to get back to normal..... you're too busy reveling in your new sense of outrage and hysterical fear. You get to feel oppressed, outraged, titillated by fear, and it's an excuse and a justification for your controlling the movement and behavior of others.

You wouldn't have it any other way, and you gleefully recount every additional death to use as ammo against the rest of us, who aren't scared little pussies like you.

Your behavior is disgusting..... consider suicide.
I would have it a very different way. I would love to be celebrating that we’re rounding the curve and that infections are going down and the deaths are decreasing, but that’s not happening. It’s not gonna happen until Trump is out of office because he is a danger to society.
Deaths are decreasing. Name one professional or college athlete to die from COVID. Just one. The danger to society is people like you. People who loot, riot, burn, scream and shout and disrespect our brave police officers. I had The virus. You didn’t. So please don’t tell me how to feel about this.

I have never looted, burned or rioted. I am retired military, asshole.
They aren’t rising due to COVID despite what the fake news says. You may not physically do those acts but you support the party that supports them by calling them a “myth” and mostly peaceful and calling Antifa an idea. Spare me. Again, what is the average age of people dying from COVID? You keep dodging that question.

Yes, they are rising due to COVID.

Seriously, what planet do you live on?

LOL, you quote the Wash post as a valid news source????????????? Positive tests do not equal "cases". If a person tests positive but never has any symptoms he or she is NOT a case. Neither are the many false positives.

We know which planet you live on-----------the planet of the Kenyan messiah the great Obozo.
The stupid Leftists keeps telling me I am not immune when I have the COVID antibodies. If thats the case what is the point of vaccines. She is so stupid it hurts. She keeps parroting mask wearing but people have to touch their face when they put on and take off the mask so doesn't that spread the virus? Crickets. Leftists are such assholes it hurts.
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?
If you cared you would care about kids stuck at home on zoom calls and missing out on sports. You would care about small business owners. You would care about people depressed and suicidal due to lockdowns and or loss of business. You would care about higher cases of drug and alcohol abuse and lastly you would care about higher cases of child abuse. You stupid bitch.
I do care about those things and I know the only way to get them back it to control the outbreaks of this virus. Sending everyone out to catch it and risk dying isn’t a plan.
Locking child abusers with children isn't either. Treat people like adults.

Oh please. Stop pretending like Republicans suddenly care about abusers and their victims. If they did, social programs to help combat it would get a hell of a lot more money and time than they currently do.

People can be treated like adults when they act like adults.

Huh? I am an Independent and a logical person. My kids are stuck at home and cannot even play sports due to this so called virus that has a 99.96% survival rate and Trump at 74 and heavy recovered in three days. I am tired of pansies like you and the media making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Listen to you. You sound like a petulant child being denied his favorite toy. People are dying. 1,000 Americans a day. That's many 9/11s a week and stupid fucking Trump supporters can't even see their way to wearing a damn mask...that will hasten our economic recovery and SAVE LIVES.

We all want to "get back to normal" or at least near normal. We can't do that without masks, testing and tracing. If Trump were the leader we needed during this pandemic, we'd be well on our way to an economic recovery like other countries are managing to do.
No you don't want to get back to normal..... you're too busy reveling in your new sense of outrage and hysterical fear. You get to feel oppressed, outraged, titillated by fear, and it's an excuse and a justification for your controlling the movement and behavior of others.

You wouldn't have it any other way, and you gleefully recount every additional death to use as ammo against the rest of us, who aren't scared little pussies like you.

Your behavior is disgusting..... consider suicide.
I would have it a very different way. I would love to be celebrating that we’re rounding the curve and that infections are going down and the deaths are decreasing, but that’s not happening. It’s not gonna happen until Trump is out of office because he is a danger to society.
Deaths are decreasing. Name one professional or college athlete to die from COVID. Just one. The danger to society is people like you. People who loot, riot, burn, scream and shout and disrespect our brave police officers. I had The virus. You didn’t. So please don’t tell me how to feel about this.

I have never looted, burned or rioted. I am retired military, asshole.
They aren’t rising due to COVID despite what the fake news says. You may not physically do those acts but you support the party that supports them by calling them a “myth” and mostly peaceful and calling Antifa an idea. Spare me. Again, what is the average age of people dying from COVID? You keep dodging that question.

Yes, they are rising due to COVID.

Seriously, what planet do you live on?

LOL, you quote the Wash post as a valid news source????????????? Positive tests do not equal "cases". If a person tests positive but never has any symptoms he or she is NOT a case. Neither are the many false positives.

We know which planet you live on-----------the planet of the Kenyan messiah the great Obozo.
The stupid Leftists keeps telling me I am not immune when I have the COVID antibodies. If thats the case what is the point of vaccines. She is so stupid it hurts. She keeps parroting mask wearing but people have to touch their face when they put on and take off the mask so doesn't that spread the virus? Crickets. Leftists are such assholes it hurts.
yes they are, and that is why they should never again be in power.
Not saying its gonna happen BUT as we all know you are wise to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Personally I think a Biden administration would be an economic disaster and truth be told that is virtually all I care about, hence my Trump vote.
Having said that I am not so narrow minded as to assume that others think like me. Anything can happen and the wise person does their best to prepare for it.
I hope to God we don't see any unhinged responses from the right like we did from the left when Hillary lost.

Keep your composure if the worst happens and for God's sake don't come on here......

I wish Democrats would EVER take their own advice. Unlike Democrats:

Conservatives / Republicans do not need to be told to 'get ready for' an election loss. If Republicans lose an election Conservatives do not lose their f*ing mind, do not cry because their candidate lost, and do not run out into the street and scream at the sky like psychopaths.

Conservatives / Republicans do not collude with Russians to get Russian-authored propaganda to intentionally use in an attempt to overthrow the government and the newly elected President.

Conservatives / Republicans do not spend the next 4 years undermining, obstructing, and engaging in non-stop sedition and treasonous attempts to affect further political coup attempts.

Conservatives / Republicans do not engage in domestic terrorism because they lose an election, do not side with / take money from enemies f our nation, do not burn down our community / neighbors' businesses, loot, burn, destroy, assault, and murder people just because we did not get our way...our political leaders running our cities do not side with / aid and abet foreign-funded domestic terrorists while they do these things....

Conservatives /Republicans do not attempt to destroy the nation if a politician loses an election...We do not call for the winners of the election to be rounded up, arrested, put on trial, jailed, tortured, and even murdered,

Conservatives do not demand that the supporters - people who voted for these politicians - to be rounded up, put in re-education camps or just put to death to eliminate the chance that we could lose again....like Democrats ' Leftist extremists have been doing...because they can not win over enough people with their radical agendas and ideologies like the Democrats

Conservatives and Republicans are not THIS f*ed up in the head, unlike Democrats / liberal media / snowflakes have proven themselves to be.

View attachment 407407

Barry's faied coup attempt was not so 'quiet'....
I have a question for all of our resident libs and maskers.

What will constitute an end to this? At what point can we return to normal life?

Is it zero cases? because if that is the criteria the only way to achieve that is to stop testing

Is it a vaccine? Will you get it when its available in a few weeks?

Is it a therapeutic to cure it? Several of those are working now, sooooooooooooo?

or will it end on November 4th if senile Joe and the HO win?

so tell us libs, what will constitute an end to this craziness? or are we to wear masks for the rest of our lives and watch all small businesses go broke?
When we have this corona virus deaths, down to where the flu deaths average a year....about 35000 deaths a year...

when we've achieved herd immunity through vaccination, things will be 100% back to normal... that still will have deaths, but only about 10% of the deaths we would have, without the heard immunity through vaccination.....

( note, I am saying herd immunity through VACCINATION... contrary to what some quack doctors claim, herd immunity NATURALLY, has NEVER been achieved for any virus, ever!!)

A second way to get back to normal before we've achieved herd immunity through vaccination.... an immediate one...

would be cheap, and accurate INSTANT RESULT TESTING, readily available for anyone...something like an instant result home pregnancy test only with saliva, with a result in a minute...

That we all could do in our own homes, before heading out for the day, to work, or school, or to play etc...

Or that bars or restaurants or sports venues or concert venues can use to allow patrons inside these establishments...

Or that elementary or high schools or colleges could use daily.

The isolation of ONLY those infected, those with positive tests, will bring everything back to life again.

This kind of readily available instant testing would be money well spent by our government!

Instead of spending trillions in bail outs and stimulus, each shot! Imo
I have a question for all of our resident libs and maskers.

What will constitute an end to this? At what point can we return to normal life?

Is it zero cases? because if that is the criteria the only way to achieve that is to stop testing

Is it a vaccine? Will you get it when its available in a few weeks?

Is it a therapeutic to cure it? Several of those are working now, sooooooooooooo?

or will it end on November 4th if senile Joe and the HO win?

so tell us libs, what will constitute an end to this craziness? or are we to wear masks for the rest of our lives and watch all small businesses go broke?
When we have this corona virus deaths, down to where the flu deaths average a year....about 35000 deaths a year...

when we've achieved herd immunity through vaccination, things will be 100% back to normal... that still will have deaths, but only about 10% of the deaths we would have, without the heard immunity through vaccination.....

( note, I am saying herd immunity through VACCINATION... contrary to what some quack doctors claim, herd immunity NATURALLY, has NEVER been achieved for any virus, ever!!)

A second way to get back to normal before we've achieved herd immunity through vaccination.... an immediate one...

would be cheap, and accurate INSTANT RESULT TESTING, readily available for anyone...something like an instant result home pregnancy test only with saliva, with a result in a minute...

That we all could do in our own homes, before heading out for the day, to work, or school, or to play etc...

Or that bars or restaurants or sports venues or concert venues can use to allow patrons inside these establishments...

Or that elementary or high schools or colleges could use daily.

The isolation of ONLY those infected, those with positive tests, will bring everything back to life again.

This kind of readily available instant testing would be money well spent by our government!

Instead of spending trillions in bail outs and stimulus, each shot! Imo

Think of all the people in your state. Do you think every one would test before leaving the house? Your state has a little over a million people. Now try to imagine trying to control the actions of people 300 times that amount. It isn't going to happen.
If Trump loses, he and his flock will blame the media and the Deep State and Hillary and the electoral process and we'll get on with our lives.

They won't look in the mirror any more than the Regressive Left did when Trump won in 2016.

Good gawd, we need a decent third party before it's too fucking late.
If Trump loses, he and his flock will blame the media and the Deep State and Hillary and the electoral process and we'll get on with our lives.

They won't look in the mirror any more than the Regressive Left did when Trump won in 2016.

Good gawd, we need a decent third party before it's too fucking late.

What do you want to bet that if Biden wins, the left will be blaming all the hardships he brings to this country on President Trump? Just like they did during DumBama's years.
How can you call yourself a Trump supporter? Wearing a mask that doesn't protect you, sanitizing, and washing hands your hands is for pussies. I'll bet you even follow your mayor and your governor's guidelines. You know you're going to lose your Red Trump hat if you keep this up.

BTW You don't need antibacterial soap. Washing with any hand soap for 20 secs does the deed. The 20 seconds is important.

Simply making the point that I do all these things while at the same time, reject the notion it should be mandated by government. Another point that shoots down your (and every other liberal) argument is that we Trump supporters do as he says and march in lockstep, and that's why Trump is responsible for all these cases and deaths. We are not liberals. We think for ourselves.

The CDC reported that most of the Covid infections were with people who wore masks. There are credible medical professionals who have stated masks are a waste of time, and may even do you harm if worn for a prolonged period of time. As I mentioned earlier, even the WHO came out with a statement that lockdowns are not the solution.

What we on the right do is weigh our particular circumstance, and make our own decisions. One size does not fit all, especially with a virus we've only begun to do research on.
With the exception of N95 mask which have been professionally fitted, masks provide protection for others but very limited protection for the wearer. We knew that last March. The only way to stop or slow down an airborne epidemic without a vaccine is by putting a barrier between the carrier and others. Masks, distancing, and quarantining work well in slowing down transmission. Countries that follow the guidelines have done well. Those that haven't have done poorer.

In March there was a picture of Trump wearing a masks. However, after Redfield said they protected others not the wearer, we rarely saw Trump in a mask. I guess he though if didn't protect me, it was worthless. So many of our problems we face such as, coronavirus, poverty, homelessness, global warming, etc are due to a lack of social conciseness.
if mask work why did Harris and Biden staffers get covid 19?
Probably from the same place other people that wear masks get it, dining out or from a close personal contact.
Stop crying. Get it and recover. Booo hooo it’s a virus with a. 99.96% survival rate
It’s a virus that has killed over 200,000 Americans. You gonna tell their families “boo hoo, suck it up”?

Typical un-American Trumpster.
Yep. Average age of death is 78. Booo hooo. F you, bitch.
Testy, testy inhumane Trumpster. It's totes adorbs that I'm the bitch because I care about my fellow citizens. What does that make you who doesn't care about his fellow Americans?
If you cared you would care about kids stuck at home on zoom calls and missing out on sports. You would care about small business owners. You would care about people depressed and suicidal due to lockdowns and or loss of business. You would care about higher cases of drug and alcohol abuse and lastly you would care about higher cases of child abuse. You stupid bitch.
I do care about those things and I know the only way to get them back it to control the outbreaks of this virus. Sending everyone out to catch it and risk dying isn’t a plan.
Locking child abusers with children isn't either. Treat people like adults.

Oh please. Stop pretending like Republicans suddenly care about abusers and their victims. If they did, social programs to help combat it would get a hell of a lot more money and time than they currently do.

People can be treated like adults when they act like adults.

Huh? I am an Independent and a logical person. My kids are stuck at home and cannot even play sports due to this so called virus that has a 99.96% survival rate and Trump at 74 and heavy recovered in three days. I am tired of pansies like you and the media making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Listen to you. You sound like a petulant child being denied his favorite toy. People are dying. 1,000 Americans a day. That's many 9/11s a week and stupid fucking Trump supporters can't even see their way to wearing a damn mask...that will hasten our economic recovery and SAVE LIVES.

We all want to "get back to normal" or at least near normal. We can't do that without masks, testing and tracing. If Trump were the leader we needed during this pandemic, we'd be well on our way to an economic recovery like other countries are managing to do.
No you don't want to get back to normal..... you're too busy reveling in your new sense of outrage and hysterical fear. You get to feel oppressed, outraged, titillated by fear, and it's an excuse and a justification for your controlling the movement and behavior of others.

You wouldn't have it any other way, and you gleefully recount every additional death to use as ammo against the rest of us, who aren't scared little pussies like you.

Your behavior is disgusting..... consider suicide.
I would have it a very different way. I would love to be celebrating that we’re rounding the curve and that infections are going down and the deaths are decreasing, but that’s not happening. It’s not gonna happen until Trump is out of office because he is a danger to society.
Deaths are decreasing. Name one professional or college athlete to die from COVID. Just one. The danger to society is people like you. People who loot, riot, burn, scream and shout and disrespect our brave police officers. I had The virus. You didn’t. So please don’t tell me how to feel about this.

I have never looted, burned or rioted. I am retired military, asshole.
They aren’t rising due to COVID despite what the fake news says. You may not physically do those acts but you support the party that supports them by calling them a “myth” and mostly peaceful and calling Antifa an idea. Spare me. Again, what is the average age of people dying from COVID? You keep dodging that question.

Yes, they are rising due to COVID.

Seriously, what planet do you live on?

Then why is the average age of those dying 78? Do you want to lockdown forever?

Nobody wants to lockdown at all...and we wouldn't have to if people followed simple guidelines...like WEARING A FUCKING MASK and socially distancing.

Other countries are managing to "get back to normal" and their economies are recovering. Ours never will as long as we have have a patchwork of mitigation measures and some places that refuse to put any in place. Jesus, nobody is even talking about lockdowns anymore except where there are clusters and outbreaks.
Biden did during the debate. My kids are learning via zoom, fans aren’t allowed in NFL stadiums. It’s not normal.
Biden did what during the debate? Don’t you fucking morons understand that we wouldn’t have to shut down if you would follow CDC guidelines?

That is correct. Schools are shut down because they keep having outbreaks. The NFL doesn’t have fans because you don’t want to have crowds during this time. It’s temporary, deal with it.
He said there would be more shut downs. Define "temporary".

Cali is basically shut down and people are asked to put their mask on in between chews and yet the numbers remain high there. Virus will spread. That is what viruses do. We cannot stay locked up for three yrs or more.
California’s numbers are dropping.

California is not shut down, we are under restricted openings. You can get a haircut, dine out and even go to the movies.
Depends where you are. Can you do so in LA?

LA is easing restrictions. L.A. County to ease some coronavirus rules, though a wide reopening remains elusive

That's how it works. As cases go down, restrictions can ease. The way to make cases go down...WEAR THE MASK.
Why? I cannot infect anyone. I have the antibodies. LOL...and you forget that touching your face can cause the infection to spread and it’s tough to put on or remove a mask without using your hands.
Be great if you would get tested for antibodies again! It's been about 6 months.... 4 you.... scientist don't know how long the antibodies for the corona virus SARS 2, last.... you could contribute to science, finding out!!!
I just said I gave plasma on the 1st and I am still positive and I am going again on Thursday. These antibodies should last for life. Now COVID-19 could mutate but until it does I am safe and my plasma actually helps others.
I was doing a fly by and had not read anything you wrote prior to the post I responded to, sorry!

BUT that's great news!!! Glad you still have antibodies! And that you are helping people live!!! Saving lives!!!!

Know that with corona viruses, these antibodies will not last forever! The corona viruses, like the common cold, you lose your antibodies after time. This morning an immunological doctor on the news was saying we still have a lot to learn...but that so far we know that those who are asymptomatic carriers, antibodies do not last long, and those who had symptoms last longer, and those super duper sick last even longer....none forever is their assumption because they've never seen antibodies last forever with any of the other corona virus version.

However, he said....What we don't know yet, is if people like you, who once had them, could likely develop NEW antibodies quicker than the rest of us, if reinfected with the disease again, down the road! And he mentioned something called T cell antibodies, which are something different, that could last longer...

Anyway, you are better off than most of us, in surviving this virus, even if infected again down the road.

I'm pretty convinced that it was not the Remdesivir that saved Trump, but it was the convalescent plasma he took the night before.... mainly because this convalescent plasma was also given to Chris Christy, and he too was saved. Christy did not get Remdesivir.
I have a question for all of our resident libs and maskers.

What will constitute an end to this? At what point can we return to normal life?

Is it zero cases? because if that is the criteria the only way to achieve that is to stop testing

Is it a vaccine? Will you get it when its available in a few weeks?

Is it a therapeutic to cure it? Several of those are working now, sooooooooooooo?

or will it end on November 4th if senile Joe and the HO win?

so tell us libs, what will constitute an end to this craziness? or are we to wear masks for the rest of our lives and watch all small businesses go broke?
When we have this corona virus deaths, down to where the flu deaths average a year....about 35000 deaths a year...

when we've achieved herd immunity through vaccination, things will be 100% back to normal... that still will have deaths, but only about 10% of the deaths we would have, without the heard immunity through vaccination.....

( note, I am saying herd immunity through VACCINATION... contrary to what some quack doctors claim, herd immunity NATURALLY, has NEVER been achieved for any virus, ever!!)

A second way to get back to normal before we've achieved herd immunity through vaccination.... an immediate one...

would be cheap, and accurate INSTANT RESULT TESTING, readily available for anyone...something like an instant result home pregnancy test only with saliva, with a result in a minute...

That we all could do in our own homes, before heading out for the day, to work, or school, or to play etc...

Or that bars or restaurants or sports venues or concert venues can use to allow patrons inside these establishments...

Or that elementary or high schools or colleges could use daily.

The isolation of ONLY those infected, those with positive tests, will bring everything back to life again.

This kind of readily available instant testing would be money well spent by our government!

Instead of spending trillions in bail outs and stimulus, each shot! Imo

Think of all the people in your state. Do you think every one would test before leaving the house? Your state has a little over a million people. Now try to imagine trying to control the actions of people 300 times that amount. It isn't going to happen.
The ones that won't test at home will be tested by their employers or school or bar or restaurant, before they let anyone enter.... I'm sure these business establishments would gladly do such to be back to normal business flow, and patrons would gladly comply, so to have a nice meal out, or nice nightcap at a bar, or schools to have in person learning again or school sports again, etc.

The ones that won't test at home will be tested by their employers or school or bar or restaurant, before they let anyone enter.... I'm sure these business establishments would gladly do such to be back to normal business flow, and patrons would gladly comply, so to have a nice meal out, or nice nightcap at a bar, or schools to have in person learning again or school sports again, etc.

And do you think every business is going to do that? Because if the government mandates it, it will only last up to the Supreme Court where it's ruled unconstitutional.
If Trump loses, he and his flock will blame the media and the Deep State and Hillary and the electoral process and we'll get on with our lives.

They won't look in the mirror any more than the Regressive Left did when Trump won in 2016.

Good gawd, we need a decent third party before it's too fucking late.

What do you want to bet that if Biden wins, the left will be blaming all the hardships he brings to this country on President Trump? Just like they did during DumBama's years.
Don't forget he DumTrump years, with him blaming Obama for anything and everything! :beer:

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