We should not have a multicultural society - Signed Jeb!

We were never a homogeneous nation. Ever.

I never said we were, though...our biggest mistake was importing negroes...it's all been downhill since...and now with wide open borders for the last 15 or 20 years we're almost done as a nation...there are no "united" states...we aren't united in ANYthing...

I thought you southerners loved the Negros, when they were slaves.

I don't really care WHAT you "thought"...

slavery was wrong..the absolute worst thing this country could do to itself...the original colonists were the first slaveholders, by the way...but your anti southern, anti white bias doesn't account for that little problem...doesn't fit your narrative.

I am white so I'm not anti white, and I lived in the south for awhile, but I prefer the north, I'm more anti bible belt.
We were never a homogeneous nation. Ever.

I never said we were, though...our biggest mistake was importing negroes...it's all been downhill since...and now with wide open borders for the last 15 or 20 years we're almost done as a nation...there are no "united" states...we aren't united in ANYthing...

I thought you southerners loved the Negros, when they were slaves.

wow, that was uncalled for. Northerners weren't any better, if not worse
We were never a homogeneous nation. Ever.

I never said we were, though...our biggest mistake was importing negroes...it's all been downhill since...and now with wide open borders for the last 15 or 20 years we're almost done as a nation...there are no "united" states...we aren't united in ANYthing...

I thought you southerners loved the Negros, when they were slaves.

I don't really care WHAT you "thought"...

slavery was wrong..the absolute worst thing this country could do to itself...the original colonists were the first slaveholders, by the way...but your anti southern, anti white bias doesn't account for that little problem...doesn't fit your narrative.

I am white so I'm not anti white, and I lived in the south for awhile, but I prefer the north, I'm more anti bible belt.

whites can certainly be anti white...affirmative action, for example, is an anti white concoction that was implemented by...white people...

Just stay up north and don't worry about what we do in the south, then...you already proved your anti southern bias by your ridiculous comment about liking slavery...
We were never a homogeneous nation. Ever.

I never said we were, though...our biggest mistake was importing negroes...it's all been downhill since...and now with wide open borders for the last 15 or 20 years we're almost done as a nation...there are no "united" states...we aren't united in ANYthing...

I thought you southerners loved the Negros, when they were slaves.

wow, that was uncalled for. Northerners weren't any better, if not worse

negroes were imported for over 80 years under the "stars and stripes"...only 4 years under the "stars and bars"...and of course we all know that lincoln's "emancipation" "proclamation" didn't free the slaves in the north or the border states.

...and the southern leaders knew slavery was a dying practice...the industrial revolution was occurring and there was less need for high maintenance farm animals when there was a machine available that would do 10 times the work with a fraction of the overhead.
We were never a homogeneous nation. Ever.

I never said we were, though...our biggest mistake was importing negroes...it's all been downhill since...and now with wide open borders for the last 15 or 20 years we're almost done as a nation...there are no "united" states...we aren't united in ANYthing...

I thought you southerners loved the Negros, when they were slaves.

I don't really care WHAT you "thought"...

slavery was wrong..the absolute worst thing this country could do to itself...the original colonists were the first slaveholders, by the way...but your anti southern, anti white bias doesn't account for that little problem...doesn't fit your narrative.

I am white so I'm not anti white, and I lived in the south for awhile, but I prefer the north, I'm more anti bible belt.

whites can certainly be anti white...affirmative action, for example, is an anti white concoction that was implemented by...white people...

Just stay up north and don't worry about what we do in the south, then...you already proved your anti southern bias by your ridiculous comment about liking slavery...

You black bias is exactly why there were slaves. Don't you worry, I'd never live down south again thank you.
We were never a homogeneous nation. Ever.

I never said we were, though...our biggest mistake was importing negroes...it's all been downhill since...and now with wide open borders for the last 15 or 20 years we're almost done as a nation...there are no "united" states...we aren't united in ANYthing...

I thought you southerners loved the Negros, when they were slaves.

I don't really care WHAT you "thought"...

slavery was wrong..the absolute worst thing this country could do to itself...the original colonists were the first slaveholders, by the way...but your anti southern, anti white bias doesn't account for that little problem...doesn't fit your narrative.

I am white so I'm not anti white, and I lived in the south for awhile, but I prefer the north, I'm more anti bible belt.

I doubt anyone cares. but looking down ones nose on others is not pretty
I never said we were, though...our biggest mistake was importing negroes...it's all been downhill since...and now with wide open borders for the last 15 or 20 years we're almost done as a nation...there are no "united" states...we aren't united in ANYthing...

I thought you southerners loved the Negros, when they were slaves.

I don't really care WHAT you "thought"...

slavery was wrong..the absolute worst thing this country could do to itself...the original colonists were the first slaveholders, by the way...but your anti southern, anti white bias doesn't account for that little problem...doesn't fit your narrative.

I am white so I'm not anti white, and I lived in the south for awhile, but I prefer the north, I'm more anti bible belt.

whites can certainly be anti white...affirmative action, for example, is an anti white concoction that was implemented by...white people...

Just stay up north and don't worry about what we do in the south, then...you already proved your anti southern bias by your ridiculous comment about liking slavery...

You black bias is exactly why there were slaves. Don't you worry, I'd never live down south again thank you.

What "black bias" are you talking about? I never owned any slaves....
I'm not the least bit "worried" about where you live...get over yourself..
I thought you southerners loved the Negros, when they were slaves.

I don't really care WHAT you "thought"...

slavery was wrong..the absolute worst thing this country could do to itself...the original colonists were the first slaveholders, by the way...but your anti southern, anti white bias doesn't account for that little problem...doesn't fit your narrative.

I am white so I'm not anti white, and I lived in the south for awhile, but I prefer the north, I'm more anti bible belt.

whites can certainly be anti white...affirmative action, for example, is an anti white concoction that was implemented by...white people...

Just stay up north and don't worry about what we do in the south, then...you already proved your anti southern bias by your ridiculous comment about liking slavery...

You black bias is exactly why there were slaves. Don't you worry, I'd never live down south again thank you.

What "black bias" are you talking about? I never owned any slaves....
I'm not the least bit "worried" about where you live...get over yourself..

this is your bias
I never said we were, though...our biggest mistake was importing negroes...it's all been downhill since...and now with wide open borders for the last 15 or 20 years we're almost done as a nation...there are no "united" states...we aren't united in ANYthing
We were never a homogeneous nation. Ever.

I never said we were, though...our biggest mistake was importing negroes...it's all been downhill since...and now with wide open borders for the last 15 or 20 years we're almost done as a nation...there are no "united" states...we aren't united in ANYthing...

That's so freaking historically inaccurate, I don't even know where to begin.

Black folks were here PRIOR to the declaration of independence. One of the first folks to DIE, fighting the British was a black man. Subsequently, much of the nations wealth was achieved by the labor of black slaves, and cheap labor from places like Ireland, China and Mexico.

If anything, this nations greatness is very much the result of immigrant and slave labor.
I don't really care WHAT you "thought"...

slavery was wrong..the absolute worst thing this country could do to itself...the original colonists were the first slaveholders, by the way...but your anti southern, anti white bias doesn't account for that little problem...doesn't fit your narrative.

I am white so I'm not anti white, and I lived in the south for awhile, but I prefer the north, I'm more anti bible belt.

whites can certainly be anti white...affirmative action, for example, is an anti white concoction that was implemented by...white people...

Just stay up north and don't worry about what we do in the south, then...you already proved your anti southern bias by your ridiculous comment about liking slavery...

You black bias is exactly why there were slaves. Don't you worry, I'd never live down south again thank you.

What "black bias" are you talking about? I never owned any slaves....
I'm not the least bit "worried" about where you live...get over yourself..

this is your bias
I never said we were, though...our biggest mistake was importing negroes...it's all been downhill since...and now with wide open borders for the last 15 or 20 years we're almost done as a nation...there are no "united" states...we aren't united in ANYthing

That's not "bias"..it's a fact...imagine america without racial tension....imagine how clean and safe the cities would be.
imagine how good the schools could be.
imagine how empty the prisons would be.
imagine if all the trillions of dollars spent to pacify them had gone to advancing our nation...
imagine how much the crime rate would drop..we'd be less violent than switzerland without all the negro dysfunction
We were never a homogeneous nation. Ever.

I never said we were, though...our biggest mistake was importing negroes...it's all been downhill since...and now with wide open borders for the last 15 or 20 years we're almost done as a nation...there are no "united" states...we aren't united in ANYthing...

That's so freaking historically inaccurate, I don't even know where to begin.

Black folks were here PRIOR to the declaration of independence. One of the first folks to DIE, fighting the British was a black man. Subsequently, much of the nations wealth was achieved by the labor of black slaves, and cheap labor from places like Ireland, China and Mexico.

If anything, this nations greatness is very much the result of immigrant and slave labor.

attucks wasn't "fighting the british"..he was standing there when they fired...

and "slave labor" didn't build this country...guess again...
For once the guy is right...we should strive for assimilation, not multiculturalism.


I hope you like Jazz and Rap.

Those are the only real American homegrown music.

And for pete's sake, learn Spanish. Most of the states have either Spanish or American Indian names.
We were never a homogeneous nation. Ever.

I never said we were, though...our biggest mistake was importing negroes...it's all been downhill since...and now with wide open borders for the last 15 or 20 years we're almost done as a nation...there are no "united" states...we aren't united in ANYthing...

That's so freaking historically inaccurate, I don't even know where to begin.

Black folks were here PRIOR to the declaration of independence. One of the first folks to DIE, fighting the British was a black man. Subsequently, much of the nations wealth was achieved by the labor of black slaves, and cheap labor from places like Ireland, China and Mexico.

If anything, this nations greatness is very much the result of immigrant and slave labor.

attucks wasn't "fighting the british"..he was standing there when they fired...

and "slave labor" didn't build this country...guess again...

It's not a guess. It's the fact.

Slave labor was one of the sole reasons the Industrial Revolution was so successful. That and the agrarian south.
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! The Statue of Liberty-

nuff said
Multiculturalism was a term adopted out of necessity due to the West's failure at assimilating some groups. It has served no one well.
We were never a homogeneous nation. Ever.

I never said we were, though...our biggest mistake was importing negroes...it's all been downhill since...and now with wide open borders for the last 15 or 20 years we're almost done as a nation...there are no "united" states...we aren't united in ANYthing...

That's so freaking historically inaccurate, I don't even know where to begin.

Black folks were here PRIOR to the declaration of independence. One of the first folks to DIE, fighting the British was a black man. Subsequently, much of the nations wealth was achieved by the labor of black slaves, and cheap labor from places like Ireland, China and Mexico.

If anything, this nations greatness is very much the result of immigrant and slave labor.

we don't care. we've heard it a million time already
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! The Statue of Liberty-

nuff said

Yes, but they were also wanting to assimilate and become an AMERICAN. not make us into where they came from. I think that's the problems we have with it in this day and age. 30years ago and before that, we didn't.
We were never a homogeneous nation. Ever.

I never said we were, though...our biggest mistake was importing negroes...it's all been downhill since...and now with wide open borders for the last 15 or 20 years we're almost done as a nation...there are no "united" states...we aren't united in ANYthing...

I thought you southerners loved the Negros, when they were slaves.

wow, that was uncalled for. Northerners weren't any better, if not worse

Tell that to the ones who died in the civil war. The north didn't have plantations and were not slave states, and as far as I know did not have the KKK.

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