We should not have a multicultural society - Signed Jeb!

straight white christians, especially male ones; arent allowed in the Left's multicultural society unless they hate themselves
I thought you southerners loved the Negros, when they were slaves.

wow, that was uncalled for. Northerners weren't any better, if not worse

negroes were imported for over 80 years under the "stars and stripes"...only 4 years under the "stars and bars"...and of course we all know that lincoln's "emancipation" "proclamation" didn't free the slaves in the north or the border states.

...and the southern leaders knew slavery was a dying practice...the industrial revolution was occurring and there was less need for high maintenance farm animals when there was a machine available that would do 10 times the work with a fraction of the overhead.

Aside from that being total bullshit, "less need for high maintenance farm animals", racism is pretty ugly.

It really has no place in our politics.

deny anything you like..people who know history know what I said is accurate...

...and negroes were imported into this country to work as farm animals.that has nothing to do with calling me a racist for explaining history to you....what did YOU think they were doing?

Nothing you post here is accurate.

You should be with your friends at Stormfront.

refute or debunk with facts, then...and your tired "go to stormfront" is just comical...I think you're supposed to call me a "racist" now, too, aren't you?...you are following your script, right?
Some friends of yours stopped by looking for you, Rot:


that's very witty and clever...you really have a talent.

Most of the US population is German and Irish. I do want legal immigration, everyone working here needs to get prevailing wage and pay taxes and live under the US laws. Do you know you'd have less of a chance of getting a genetic disorder if you were a child from multi cultural backgrounds .

do you know that meaningless proclamations without valid support are...meaningless?

Americans of German-descent top the list of U.S. ethnic groups, followed by Irish, 35.8 million; Mexican, 31.8 million; English, 27.4 million; and Italian, 17.6 million, analysis of Census and American Community Survey data shows.

“A lot of people aren’t aware that German is the largest ancestral group in the country,” Don Heinrich Tolzman, author of “The German-American Experience,” told Bloomberg. “It’s an eye-opener, and it’s something that’s commonly overlooked.”

The Largest U.S. Ethnic Group? It’s Germans

That was a few years ago, 2012, might be Mexicans by now.
I saw we abolish Saint Paddy's Day parades. We must not have a multicultural society!


Damned Irish! Always dancing all over the place, scuffing up the sidewalk, tipping their hats and saying, "top o' the mornin' to ye...". Who needs them?
Down with Mormons and their enclave mentality!

Down with the Irish and making us all wear green!

Down with Oktoberfest! Spell October the right way or leave America!

Down with French toast!

Down with pizza!
Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door! The Statue of Liberty-

nuff said

sorry..an inscription on a statue that was given to us by another country doesn't mean much...pretty words...platitudes...but not how to build a first world nation...we have enough people here now that we can't take care of..
I'd be in favor of closing immigration entirely for a decade or so...AFTER we build a wall and deport ALL the illegals...
Not gonna happen, Captn.

eisenhower deported them AND closed immigration......it can happen...it already has once
Our country was founded on "pretty words and platitudes".
I'm betting that if I searched your post history I'd find the words "Christian nation" somewhere in there, yet what you promote is directly opposite.

We've done a lot of shit "before".
We locked away Japanese
We slaughtered generations of Natives


I say, THEN we learn from the shit we did "before".

The outside world will continue to turn while you, Trump and all of you other isolationists build your wall and kick out everybody that doesn't look or talk like you.
Enjoy your little bubble-world until it pops all over your face..... or, in your case, the small of your back
We need to measure Jeb's cheekbones, nose, and forehead with a caliper. Just to make sure he's a real American.

Most of the US population is German and Irish. I do want legal immigration, everyone working here needs to get prevailing wage and pay taxes and live under the US laws. Do you know you'd have less of a chance of getting a genetic disorder if you were a child from multi cultural backgrounds .

do you know that meaningless proclamations without valid support are...meaningless?

Americans of German-descent top the list of U.S. ethnic groups, followed by Irish, 35.8 million; Mexican, 31.8 million; English, 27.4 million; and Italian, 17.6 million, analysis of Census and American Community Survey data shows.

“A lot of people aren’t aware that German is the largest ancestral group in the country,” Don Heinrich Tolzman, author of “The German-American Experience,” told Bloomberg. “It’s an eye-opener, and it’s something that’s commonly overlooked.”

The Largest U.S. Ethnic Group? It’s Germans

That was a few years ago, 2012, might be Mexicans by now.
That wasn't the part I wanted you to prove.

see, you conveniently/purposely left out the part about genetic diseases...care to support THAT claim?
Down with Mormons and their enclave mentality!

Down with the Irish and making us all wear green!

Down with Oktoberfest! Spell October the right way or leave America!

Down with French toast!

Down with pizza!


who dresses you in the morning????

how do you even function? what if you had to post without creating a straw man?

none of those groups call for the infringement of the rights of others, the way, say Mexican SCHOOLCHILDREN got offended at the mere sight of American schoolchildren wearing an AMERICAN FLAG, where the Mexicans actually live right now, on Cinco De Mayo
Left-wng nutjobs want everybody to celebrate their flags, their home countries, except Americans. If Americans do that they are "xenophobic, nativist, racist......................"

idiots and hypocrites
Down with Mormons and their enclave mentality!

Down with the Irish and making us all wear green!

Down with Oktoberfest! Spell October the right way or leave America!

Down with French toast!

Down with pizza!


who dresses you in the morning????

how do you even function? what if you had to post without creating a straw man?

none of those groups call for the infringement of the rights of others, the way, say Mexican SCHOOLCHILDREN got offended at the mere sight of American schoolchildren wearing an AMERICAN FLAG, where the Mexicans actually live right now, on Cinco De Mayo
I was going to say, "Down with Cinco de Mayo!", except it's a made-up holiday by the beer companies. We can't pin that one on the darkies.

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