We should stop having a national panic attack every time there's a shooting incident

I don't enjoy the carnage of school shootings. Quite the opposite.

But that is an ironic statement from a woman who advocates the legal carnage of children at abortion clinics.

Shame on you, Dragonlady.
You and others on the right believe – incorrectly – that addressing gun crime and violence involves ‘banning’ AR 15s and the like, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

There are measures that can be taken having nothing to do with the regulation of firearms, such as expanding Medicaid in all 50 states, ensuring that young men have access to affordable mental healthcare, something conservatives should overwhelming support given their insistence that mass shootings are the result of mental illness.

But instead of engaging in good faith discussions about finding a solution, conservatives resort to lies and fearmongering about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscations’ – or in your case, dismissing perfectly appropriate concern about gun crime and violence as unwarranted ‘panic.’
Actually no, because some of you care more about slaughtering fetuses than saving living children... because rights... or something. I notice the same fervor defending abortion rights as there is defending 2A rights.

The fervor is identical.
He’s right – if fetuses were being shot with AR 15s conservatives would be clamoring for a ban.

But his point is spot on, as this is about politics and the right’s use of hot-button wedge issues as partisan weapons against political opponents, such as abortion and guns.

For most on the right abortion is not about ‘saving babies,’ it’s about Republicans using the issue to energize the base and realizing political power – and those efforts have been overwhelmingly successful, the Supreme Court overturning Roe later this month is proof of that.

Likewise with guns, by contriving and propagating lies about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscations’ Republicans succeed in energizing the base to consolidate political power and to use as a partisan weapon against opponents.
No, we don't want to do it because your plans all involve disarming victims and doing nothing about the criminals.

Democrat, someone too stupid to notice that murders are POSITIVELY correlated with gun laws. The more gun laws, the more disarmed victims, the more shooting deaths, the more retarded you are calling for more gun laws ...
Yeah we should throw a party and just expect it.
Spoken like someone who is enjoying the carnage. When you're not prepared to do ANYTHING meaningful to stop it, you have to wonder who is profiting or gaining from the death and public fear it engenders, especially when 80% of Americans favour bans on AR weapons and big magazines.

When even the police are afraid to go up against one of these weapons, you have a problem.
Look, until the government stops being the enemy of the people under certain leadership, then the conversation might get it's leg's and start walking. Until then the government ain't going anywhere with this stuff. Another thing, the blood of the innocent currently are on the Democrat leadership's hands.
Mass shootings are the price we pay for living in a free country.
A free country that's been taken over by leftist. That changes a lot. Until we get republican's sticking together like leftist Democrat's, who knows where this country is heading next.
Spoken like someone who is enjoying the carnage.
For conservative it’s more about acceptance, resigned to mass shootings as the price of freedom from tyranny.

Needless to say, that’s idiotic nonsense.

Conservatives neither enjoy the carnage nor are they indifferent to it – they see it as an unfortunate consequence of modernity, not unlike deaths in traffic accidents, where no one advocates for getting rid of cars as a solution.

Indeed, conservatives will often resort to sophistry about motor vehicles being used as ‘weapons.’

Of course, conservatives have no solutions for gun crime and violence – we’ll often hear rhetoric about mental illness but most on the right still refuse to take the necessary steps to comprehensively address mental illness.

Conservatives know that gun crime and violence – mass shootings in particular – are a potentially dangerous topic that could hurt them politically, hence the lies about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscations,’ to put political opponents on the defensive, to vilify Democrats, and wait for the storm to pass, which it always does.
Sincere question: Do you want to do anything to prevent people like Ramos from getting a gun? Yes or no.
An honest conservative would answer something like this:

“I want to do something that doesn’t involve keeping law-abiding citizens from buying an AR 15, including those under 21 – but I don’t know what that is.

There’s no way to see into the future, there’s no way to know when a mentally ill person is going to commit a mass shooting.

But violating my right to defend myself as I see fit is not a solution, you can’t violate the rights of others because of the bad acts of a few sick people.

Children die all the time from all manner of causes, the world is a cruel, brutal, unfair place where terrible things happen, often beyond our control – we need to accept that there is simply no way to prevent such sad, tragic events, that some problems have no viable solutions.”

But there are no honest conservatives.
“(This is the part where you fail to answer and scamper off like a little coward bitch)”

You guys are so predictable. :laugh:

Watch, I’ll ask you the same yes or no question again and you won’t answer it.

Sincere question: Do you want to do anything to prevent people like Ramos from getting a gun? Yes or no.

Go on you little bitch. Run away. It’s a big scary yes or no question. We both know you’re too much of a little coward bitch to answer. Go on. Show me what we both know you’re going to do. :laughing0301:

LOL, it's hilarious what you consider a "serious" question, faggot douche
It’s hilarious that you won’t answer a simple question, ****.

And Mr Clean walks over to his leftist buddy, puts one arm around his shoulder and slides the other down the front of his pants ...

You're not so "clean" anymore. LOL. BTW, since you're stupid I'll just point out I didn't say his question wasn't simple, you stupid schmuck. I said it wasn't "serious." Serious questions don't come with insults. But MY GOD YOU ARE STUPID. You saw "serious" and that in your mind meant "simple???" LOL
And Mr Clean walks over to his leftist buddy, puts one arm around his shoulder and slides the other down the front of his pants ...

You're not so "clean" anymore. LOL. BTW, since you're stupid I'll just point out I didn't say his question wasn't simple, you stupid schmuck. I said it wasn't "serious." Serious questions don't come with insults. But MY GOD YOU ARE STUPID. You saw "serious" and that in your mind meant "simple???" LOL
Answer the question and stop being such a ****.
I just said how I would stop him from buying a gun. You asked and I answered.

Now I'm asking you how you would stop him from buying a gun and you have nothing. So, once again, like I fucking said:

”So you want to do nothing about allowing 18-year-old psychopaths like Ramos getting access to AR-15s.”

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