We should stop having a national panic attack every time there's a shooting incident

Here is what we do know. A maniac with semi automatic weapons entered a school and started brutally murdering CHILDREN while the police did nothing. This is NOT a political issue. Stop making it one.

You mean a trans kid..

And they did do something, just not what you wanted.

Maybe they should have gone in guns blazing and risk other kids lives.
I'd rather fully fund 2 security officers per school than hire lousy volunteers. No pay means no effort. More pay means more effort.

Picture a small sleepy school with 15 classrooms in rural Nebraska. WHAT ON EARTH are two full time security guards going to do there? They could patrol that school for a thousand years and never see a single incident.

You realize I hope this is Covid response for the Right--yes? It's the mirror image of looking at a horrible situation and panicking and overreacting.
You mean a trans kid..

Very relevant! It is why the far left is not running their standard narratives, even about mental problems.

And they did do something, just not what you wanted.
They stood around for 40 minutes and let kids die.

Not entirely true.

Poor radio communications is among the concerns raised about how police handled the 24 May shooting and why they didn’t confront the gunman for more than an hour, even as anguished parents outside the school urged officers to go in.

Maybe they should have gone in guns blazing and risk other kids lives.
Maybe they should have done their fucking job. They are trained for this sort of thing.

Starting to learn they were not as well trained as many want to push.

“I didn’t issue any orders,” Arredondo said. “I called for assistance and asked for an extraction tool to open the door.”
Yep, should stop giving a fuck about other people. It's the US, Republic of Selfish. Fuck other people. If I shoot you in the head I shouldn't go to prison because YOU DON'T FUCKING MATTER and NO ONE CARES.
Well your side has basically brought back the wild wild west, so don't act so surprised or be so dramatic when you see it becoming exactly that again.

I suggest that everybody arm up because the Democrat's have brought back the wild wild west. All the ingredients are there, exactly how is was back then. Funny how history repeats itself huh ?
It is their fucking job! If they are not going to do their job and let children die, they should be fired. Every. One. Of .Them.
And it's the democrat's job not to set cop's up through indirect means or through proxies, and instead support the police in so that they can do their jobs as is expected of them to do. Hopefully what took place wasn't linked to any climate in which the Democrat's have since fostered and/or created in this country, otherwise for highly politicized reasons. Wow.
And it's the democrat's job not to set cop's up through indirect means or through proxies, and instead support the police in so that they can do their jobs as is expected of them to do. Hopefully what took place wasn't linked to any climate in which the Democrat's have since fostered and/or created in this country, otherwise for highly politicized reasons. Wow.
Its the cops fault that these children are dead. Plain and simple. No spin.

Very relevant! It is why the far left is not running their standard narratives, even about mental problems.

They stood around for 40 minutes and let kids die.

Not entirely true.

Poor radio communications is among the concerns raised about how police handled the 24 May shooting and why they didn’t confront the gunman for more than an hour, even as anguished parents outside the school urged officers to go in.

Maybe they should have done their fucking job. They are trained for this sort of thing.

Starting to learn they were not as well trained as many want to push.

“I didn’t issue any orders,” Arredondo said. “I called for assistance and asked for an extraction tool to open the door.”
Hindsight is always 2020, so of course these cops could possibly be getting set up after the fact (especially in an emotionally charged environment that involves the deaths of innocent little children in a but, but, but what if type of situation or thing that's going on now against them), and it makes one wonder if that is exactly what's taking place here ? Not like it hasn't been a pattern developing over some years now in this country. Hmmmmm. Best be right about the cop's, because they are the folk's last lines of defense against these created monster's for which many are looking at, and basically know whose creating these monster's of today.

Now can each incident train the nation on how to combat these new threats ? We can only hope so, but the people need to stay focused on Washington, and keep a sharp eye on who is kicking the can on down the road, and who is picking that can up and throwing it into the trash can.
Its the cops fault that these children are dead. Plain and simple. No spin.
Nope, it's the gunman's fault as he pulled the trigger on each and everyone of those children. Now where did he come from, who inspired him, what inspired him, where did he buy that gun or get it from, what did his social media say, and what type of record did he have already, and who did he follow politically, and what type of character did he have ??? Why all these things are highly important ? Because not only does the nation need to secure the school's, but it needs to draw a profile on these types, and go straight to the source that has created such monster's....... Don't let the trail run cold either, just keep it hot until the source is revealed and dealt with via the ballot box or through the justice system if politics (a political climate that may have been created), wasn't involved.
No one here is talking about defunding police, idiot
It's all involved either indirectly or directly. So it's all on the table in order to find the culprit's maybe hiding their hands in it all still.
OK, gay boy, I don't do mind readers. Besides, you are incredibly bad at it. Faggot
So you admit you want to do nothing about preventing people like Ramos from getting an AR-15. Thanks for playing, dumbass.

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