We should stop having a national panic attack every time there's a shooting incident

It's profoundly ignorant and dangerous to start taking rights away from people when there's no evidence it will have any effect on school shootings but that doesn't seem to matter in this discussion.
You're right, if the Democrat's would stop using every crisis in order to further their overall agenda's, people might listen to some of the things they have to say. Until then this stuff is going no where. So what's it up to now in the numbers of shootings lately (?), and it keeps on getting higher.

A full in debt super honest look at who the real threat to society has been over the years, and with all the rhetoric involved should be front and center in a huge historic investigation about all of this, because the lives of the innocent lost should not be forgotten so easily.

1st the leftist have to be stripped of their technology dash board's or it will just be the same ole same ole till the cows come home.
What do you want to do about school shootings and mass murders?

Anything that would matter?

You continue lying.

The first step is securing school grounds and buildings, the second is improving the overall security of schools with controlled access and security camera's.

3rd is providing an immediate armed response to school shooters.

These are the same things I've been talking about since the subject first came up.
Spending other people's tax money is not capitalism.

Why would any school district pay more than is necessary to accomplish their security goals? That would be fiscally irresponsible and a breach of fiduciary responsibility.
A huge portion of their budget should allow the schools to get hardened for safety. Schools bring in enough tax revenues where the cost shouldn't exceed the project of securing the schools without busting their budgets.
A huge portion of their budget should allow the schools to get hardened for safety. Schools bring in enough tax revenues where the cost shouldn't exceed the project of securing the schools without busting their budgets.
Depending on the size of the campus and individual buildings it can vary greatly but you are right, as a percentage of the budget you're talking about minimal spending to get a very positive return.

How hard is it to have doors that lock from the outside that are resistant to being broken through?

How expensive is it to have automatic locking doors between the entry and the main hallways?

It certainly isn't cost prohibitive to take such steps.
Studies are NOT needed. Any district with decent people will easily support it. If not the people don't care.
Agree, studies should be done on each need, and then appropriate funds gathered.
Every school should have a security risk assessment and that should be the guide used by the boards to decide what measures to implement and on what schedule. It doesn't all have to be done in a single budget year either.

Start with the obvious like locking doors and a double doored entry atrium and add from there as needed.
Not enough. Case closed. 2 security people per school. Full time jobs. Little affect on taxes.
Studies are NOT needed. Any district with decent people will easily support it. If not the people don't care.
Agree with that too.. But studies are needed unless you want 10% going to the big guy... ROTFLMBO.

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