We should stop having a national panic attack every time there's a shooting incident

Not to mention the one (so far) survivor who was hospitalized because she couldn’t take the stress of this trauma. She now has a heart condition.
Republicans have no soul.
They love their guns SOOOOOOOO much!
I'd rather fully fund 2 security officers per school than hire lousy volunteers. No pay means no effort. More pay means more effort.
Not at all. Our kids are worth a small increase in taxes. It IS that simple.
Uh not unless the increases are needed, because current budgets might be enough to handle it, and each school doesn't have the same needs.
You know why we will never agree to ANYTHING you ass fuckers want?

Neither are you traitorous magaturd fuckbois. Wouldn't trust you losers as far as I could throw you. There's no consensus, no unity with anyone outside of your cult. Magaturds caused this rift, not Democrats.

Suffer mother fucker.
I'd rather fully fund 2 security officers per school than hire lousy volunteers. No pay means no effort. More pay means more effort.
You are fabricating bullshit.

We have an all volunteer military and don't pay them worth a shit yet they are the best in the world.

I've been training these school volunteers since the state authorized the program so I know just how full of crap you are.
Neither are you traitorous magaturd fuckbois. Wouldn't trust you losers as far as I could throw you. There's no consensus, no unity with anyone outside of your cult. Magaturds caused this rift, not Democrats.

Suffer mother fucker.
You two get a room and quit derailing the thread.
Sadly most Republicans want to do nothing
And most Democrats want to lay more unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding.
Which is the same thing.
And most Democrats want to lay more unnecessary and ineffective restrictions on the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms by the law abiding.
Which is the same thing.
Repeating yourself only points out that you don't give a shit about kids getting killed like this
Repeating yourself only points out that you don't give a shit about kids getting killed like this
You have yet to propose anything that could have a measurable difference on these types of shootings so best have a good long look in the mirror.
I'd rather create 2 good paying jobs than ask for volunteers.
Why, some volunteers might do the job better than those in it just for the money ?? Money sometimes isn't a motivator, where as retirees might love to feel needed again, and would do one heck of a job.
How does having cops stand around too afraid to do anything for 40 minutes while kids are being brutally murdered help kids?

Maybe they would not have been so afraid if the last couple of years were not about demonizing cops and defunding them?

But who cares about that as long as you can use political points over the death of these kids at the hands of a trans person.
This isn't ever going to end, so the best thing we can do is stop panicking about it.

Yep, should stop giving a fuck about other people. It's the US, Republic of Selfish. Fuck other people. If I shoot you in the head I shouldn't go to prison because YOU DON'T FUCKING MATTER and NO ONE CARES.
Maybe they would not have been so afraid if the last couple of years were about demonizing cops and defunding them?
It is their fucking job! If they are not going to do their job and let children die, they should be fired. Every. One. Of .Them.
It is their fucking job! If they are not going to do their job and let children die, they should be fired. Every. One. Of .Them.

We still do not know everything yet, I have a feeling we never will. In a few months this will all be forgotten for the new shiny object the far left wants to dangle in front of everyone. Like a prime time event on Trump!

It is the job of the police to stop riots as well, and people got killed. So those cops should be fired as well?

Should the police use force when crowds throw things at them?

So the politics of the day killed more people..

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