"We will not be silenced." -- President Trump responds to Twitter ban.

All he needs to do is sue them on the incitement allegation.
The onus is on them to prove he incited.
Given that the speech they removed was full of "Go home....be peaceful. ...don't be violent" etc, they're gonna have a hard time proving. Unless they get another corrupt Judge.

That speech was given after the fact. But, there is still plenty of evidence of that. Sure, that is ALL he can sue them on, but they'll bring up a shit load of other stuff. Remember, Starr was appointed to only look into Whitewater. Look at the rabbit hole that investigation went down. And if you don't think Trump's enemies would find the ways and means to start talking about other stuff, you've never been in a court room.

Anyway. It is a moot point. He is a coward. He won't sue.
"plenty of evidence" where?
Put it up.
TIME to start passing out RICO charges...

He's still president. Once he's out of office though, Jan 21, all bets are off.
Once Trump becomes a private citizen he can sue all those Big Tech and media outlets who said he incited violence.
They will have to produce the verbatim quotes and argue that it was incitment.
Fat chance of that. He will clean up. Trump will be charged with nothing because he has done nothing wrong.
He won't sue big tech. Too much of a coward. Plus he'd be scared shitless of the can of worms that would open up. I would LOVE him to sue them....if I was them, I'd go 'bring it on'. Not only would he lose (there is plenty of evidence and tweets of his incitement) we'd probably get to know all the things he doesn't want us to officially know about him.
All he needs to do is sue them on the incitement allegation.
The onus is on them to prove he incited.
Given that the speech they removed was full of "Go home....be peaceful. ...don't be violent" etc, they're gonna have a hard time proving. Unless they get another corrupt Judge.

On what grounds could he sue them? Are you assuming that they are obligated to provide him with a platform?
DEvin Nunes is suing them for $250 million, and the chop owner who turned over Hunter Biden's laptop to Giuliani is suing them for $500 million.
A drop in the bucket -- Dominion is suing Sydney "Release the Kraken" Powell for $1.3 billion.
We are not 1935 Germany. Americans are in for a jarring wake-up call if they think this fight is over.

President Donald Trump responded to Twitter’s move to permanently suspend his account from its platform late Friday, condemning the big tech giant and saying that it does not stand for free speech.

The president also said he anticipates a “big announcement” soon and that his team is negotiating with other sites and is also looking at building a separate platform.

“As I have been saying for a long time, Twitter has gone further and further in banning free speech, and tonight, Twitter employees have coordinated with the Democrats and the Radical Left in removing my account from their platform, to silence me—and YOU, the 75,000,000 great patriots who voted for me,” Trump said in a statement.

“Twitter may be a private company, but without the government’s gift of Section 230 they would not exist for long,” he added.

“I predicted this would happen. We have been negotiating with various other sites, and will have a big announcement soon, while we also look at the possibilities of building out our own platform in the near future. We will not be SILENCED!” he said.

“Twitter is not about FREE SPEECH. They are all about promoting a Radical Left platform where some of the most vicious people in the world are allowed to speak freely,” Trump continued. “STAY TUNED!”

He's social media kryptonite.

Nobody's gonna touch him.
TIME to start passing out RICO charges...

He's still president. Once he's out of office though, Jan 21, all bets are off.
Once Trump becomes a private citizen he can sue all those Big Tech and media outlets who said he incited violence.
They will have to produce the verbatim quotes and argue that it was incitment.
Fat chance of that. He will clean up. Trump will be charged with nothing because he has done nothing wrong.
He won't sue big tech. Too much of a coward. Plus he'd be scared shitless of the can of worms that would open up. I would LOVE him to sue them....if I was them, I'd go 'bring it on'. Not only would he lose (there is plenty of evidence and tweets of his incitement) we'd probably get to know all the things he doesn't want us to officially know about him.
All he needs to do is sue them on the incitement allegation.
The onus is on them to prove he incited.
Given that the speech they removed was full of "Go home....be peaceful. ...don't be violent" etc, they're gonna have a hard time proving. Unless they get another corrupt Judge.

On what grounds could he sue them? Are you assuming that they are obligated to provide him with a platform?
DEvin Nunes is suing them for $250 million, and the chop owner who turned over Hunter Biden's laptop to Giuliani is suing them for $500 million.
A drop in the bucket -- Dominion is suing Sydney "Release the Kraken" Powell for $1.3 billion.
They will have to investigate the machines to see if she was lying or not.
Because he's the most transparent and available President ever.

He's transparent like Anna Nicole Smith was a good actress.
How are his tax returns? His college exam results? I could go on....

The DNC and the media scrutinized every inch of this man's life since he became an adult. Every word he uttered, every witness or friend who could tell us when he said the word "p - - s y" every girl he ever looked at, every financial transaction, etc etc etc. That, for all intents and purposes, made him the most transparent president in history. yes! So spare me the tax returns. And spare me from getting nauseous over the hypocrisy that exudes from every pore on the skin of the left and the media.

You have any free time. Go tell us Obama managed to procure a Connecticut social security card when he was 14 years old. By Connecticut law he would not get one at that age unless he filed in person. The guy was never in connecticut and why he would travel from Hawaii to Conn. just to get a social security card sure is a puzzler. Oh, of course you will quickly call if fake news, because ABC or CBS never mentioned it. Well I have the articles, the experts, the data, et al. that proves it. But, I cannot give you the link because Google scrubbed those reports since, just like they scrubbed a lot of documented evidence about his phony birth certificate and pizzagate. IOW, hypocrites like your side make for bad leaders and truth tellers.
And what's what his birth certificate? This proves Obama was born in Kenya!

Never mind. Neither you nor anyone else is interested in the truth.

PS --- that is not the birth certificate I was referring to. It is the phony one he released waiting 2/1/2 years to do so as the controversy raged. Nice guy, our president. Then the digital graphic experts had a field day with it pointing out all its incongruities and "alterations." WorldNetDaily did a nice job of quoting the experts and documenting all of it. Of course the public did not want to know the ugly truth and the DNC and the Media saw to it that they would not have to worry about it. Just another running joke with your side.
Ahh, I'm glad to see you reference WND. What do you say to this...?

However, FactChecker.org says it obtained Obama's actual certification of live birth and that the document was indeed real. The site discredited some of the claims of Internet bloggers, such as that the certificate as viewed in a scanned copy released by Obama's campaign lacked a raised seal. FactChecker.org also established that many of the alleged flaws in the document noted by bloggers were caused by the scanning of the document.
A separate WND investigation into Obama's certification of live birth utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic. The investigation also revealed methods used by some of the bloggers to determine the document was fake involved forgeries, in that a few bloggers added text and images to the certificate scan that weren't originally there.
Factchecker???? Really???
How did you miss this??

A separate WND investigation into Obama's certification of live birth utilizing forgery experts also found the document to be authentic.

WND agreed with factchecker that his COLB was indeed authentic.
All he needs to do is sue them on the incitement allegation.
The onus is on them to prove he incited.
Given that the speech they removed was full of "Go home....be peaceful. ...don't be violent" etc, they're gonna have a hard time proving. Unless they get another corrupt Judge.

That speech was given after the fact. But, there is still plenty of evidence of that. Sure, that is ALL he can sue them on, but they'll bring up a shit load of other stuff. Remember, Starr was appointed to only look into Whitewater. Look at the rabbit hole that investigation went down. And if you don't think Trump's enemies would find the ways and means to start talking about other stuff, you've never been in a court room.

Anyway. It is a moot point. He is a coward. He won't sue.
"plenty of evidence" where?
Put it up.
Here's a whole list, but for the specifics of last Wednesday, go to the end of the story. If "You will never take back our country with weakness" is not incitement, I'm JFK...

They held the nation hostage for 2 1/2 years. The media obsessed on these charges and lies and fake news for the same period. Republicans were afraid to act on any of Trump's initiatives fo
They held the nation hostage for 2 1/2 years. The media obsessed on these charges and lies and fake news for the same period. Republicans were afraid to act on any of Trump's initiatives for fear of how the DNC and the deep state were controlling, threatening, blackmailing, et al. Corrupt rogue judges were striking down Trump's directives, such as stopping the flow of illegal immigrants, stopping unvetted Middle Easterners from entering our country, and other measures I cannot recall. And vile fake impeachment trial was another drawn out event that prevented the congress and the nation from acting on other measures or issues. This, to me, is tantamount to silencing Trump.

So if I used the wrong word "silencing" the net effect of all this vile sick and criminal machinations was far worse than silencing his voice. My apologies.
Your lot spent 4 years and $70 million on a blow job. The biggest difference between Clinton and Trump is that Clinton lied about a blow job. Big deal. Trump lies almost every tweet. And no, there is no deep state. And no, there is no corrupt rogue judges. And no, there was no fake impeachment. He WAS impeached. And he WILL be (rightly so) again. Republicans are not afraid of anything. The leadership (like the Dem leadership) is duplicitous and full of shit. Just look how they fast tracked the latest USSC judge. Please, no one is innocent, but the Orange Fuckwit took it all to a new (low) level. He is a disgrace.
At least Trump didn't shake down a Cancer Charity for 4.5 million dollars.

If you are from across the pond, I cannot imagine Europe is getting any viable truths that the right in the USA is trying to disseminate. I am sure they have problems of their own so really are not expected to spend a lot of time researching this. Hence, Trump is vilified by the masses in almost all nations. When the actual truth of our nation is the the LEFT and the mainstream media are vile and they lie and coverup all of their own sins and criminal acts. Plus they are as anti-Christian as can be. That is more than just my opinion, but it is where we stand right now.
Trump has a lot of support in Europe. We have State-funded media propaganda which attacks him daily, but most intelligent people read between the lines, and don't drink the Koolaid. People are afraid of airing their views in public for fear of cancel culture. Really much the same as over there.
Trump has very little support in Europe.

At first Europe laughed at US choice of President but they actually move towards pity....

That was the reason given by Big Tech for banning Trump. Their final strike.

Love it. "Their final strike". You're almost admitting their were previous strikes due to his behaviour.
First strike was the "Go home peacefully" speech.
He then got a warning that he would be banned if he broke the rules within 24 hours.
His next tweet was "I won't go to the inauguration". Twitter classed that as incitement to violence and banned him.
Enjoy your high taxed, Stalinist, dystopian future.
Trumps toadies are eaten up by Biden derangement syndrome.
Stop stealing our gags, witless Bidenite.
Your gag ran out of gas. Ours just got a full tank.
Old Joe is gonna be a laughaminute.
I've my popcorn ready.
Him and his cohorts have already got rid of the First Amendment and are killing unarmed Pro Democracy protesters, and he's not even inaugurated.
Wait until the first black fella is shot by some cop. That will be a wake up call for those who voted multiple times for him.
Wut?? He's not even president yet and he already repealed the First Amendment? Talk about efficiency. Who knows how he did it, but I'm still impressed. And what unarmed pro-democracy protester was killed?
TIME to start passing out RICO charges...

He's still president. Once he's out of office though, Jan 21, all bets are off.
Once Trump becomes a private citizen he can sue all those Big Tech and media outlets who said he incited violence.
They will have to produce the verbatim quotes and argue that it was incitment.
Fat chance of that. He will clean up. Trump will be charged with nothing because he has done nothing wrong.
He won't sue big tech. Too much of a coward. Plus he'd be scared shitless of the can of worms that would open up. I would LOVE him to sue them....if I was them, I'd go 'bring it on'. Not only would he lose (there is plenty of evidence and tweets of his incitement) we'd probably get to know all the things he doesn't want us to officially know about him.
All he needs to do is sue them on the incitement allegation.
The onus is on them to prove he incited.
Given that the speech they removed was full of "Go home....be peaceful. ...don't be violent" etc, they're gonna have a hard time proving. Unless they get another corrupt Judge.
Not a problem. I, among many others, will gladly sign an affidavit stating Impeached Trump incited the seditious insurrection.
I've asked several times here for people to produce the verbatim quote where he incited violence.
So far no takers.
Don’t be simplistic. There is no single quote, but months (years) of Trump grooming his supporters to stoke their hatred and fear so that he can weaponize them. Somehow thousands of his supporters were all on the same page about storming the Capitol on his behalf. That’s an accident?
Trumps toadies are eaten up by Biden derangement syndrome.
Stop stealing our gags, witless Bidenite.
Your gag ran out of gas. Ours just got a full tank.
Old Joe is gonna be a laughaminute.
I've my popcorn ready.
Him and his cohorts have already got rid of the First Amendment and are killing unarmed Pro Democracy protesters, and he's not even inaugurated.
Wait until the first black fella is shot by some cop. That will be a wake up call for those who voted multiple times for him.
Wut?? He's not even president yet and he already repealed the First Amendment? Talk about efficiency. And what unarmed pro-democracy protester was killed?
The 14 year veteran, mother/wife/daughter from San Diego, shot dead during an act of Civil Disobedience.
TIME to start passing out RICO charges...

He's still president. Once he's out of office though, Jan 21, all bets are off.
Once Trump becomes a private citizen he can sue all those Big Tech and media outlets who said he incited violence.
They will have to produce the verbatim quotes and argue that it was incitment.
Fat chance of that. He will clean up. Trump will be charged with nothing because he has done nothing wrong.
He won't sue big tech. Too much of a coward. Plus he'd be scared shitless of the can of worms that would open up. I would LOVE him to sue them....if I was them, I'd go 'bring it on'. Not only would he lose (there is plenty of evidence and tweets of his incitement) we'd probably get to know all the things he doesn't want us to officially know about him.
All he needs to do is sue them on the incitement allegation.
The onus is on them to prove he incited.
Given that the speech they removed was full of "Go home....be peaceful. ...don't be violent" etc, they're gonna have a hard time proving. Unless they get another corrupt Judge.
Not a problem. I, among many others, will gladly sign an affidavit stating Impeached Trump incited the seditious insurrection.
I've asked several times here for people to produce the verbatim quote where he incited violence.
So far no takers.
Don’t be simplistic. There is no single quote, but months (years) of Trump grooming his supporters to stoke their hatred and fear so that he can weaponize them. Somehow thousands of his supporters were all on the same page about storming the Capitol on his behalf. That’s an accident?
That's your interpretation. Much like the bearded weirdo on Twitter interpretated the words "American patriots" as a dog whistle for inciting violence.
TIME to start passing out RICO charges...

He's still president. Once he's out of office though, Jan 21, all bets are off.
Once Trump becomes a private citizen he can sue all those Big Tech and media outlets who said he incited violence.
They will have to produce the verbatim quotes and argue that it was incitment.
Fat chance of that. He will clean up. Trump will be charged with nothing because he has done nothing wrong.
He won't sue big tech. Too much of a coward. Plus he'd be scared shitless of the can of worms that would open up. I would LOVE him to sue them....if I was them, I'd go 'bring it on'. Not only would he lose (there is plenty of evidence and tweets of his incitement) we'd probably get to know all the things he doesn't want us to officially know about him.
All he needs to do is sue them on the incitement allegation.
The onus is on them to prove he incited.
Given that the speech they removed was full of "Go home....be peaceful. ...don't be violent" etc, they're gonna have a hard time proving. Unless they get another corrupt Judge.
Not a problem. I, among many others, will gladly sign an affidavit stating Impeached Trump incited the seditious insurrection.
I've asked several times here for people to produce the verbatim quote where he incited violence.
So far no takers.
Now you're lying as I posted some of his quotes in this very thread.
TIME to start passing out RICO charges...

He's still president. Once he's out of office though, Jan 21, all bets are off.
Once Trump becomes a private citizen he can sue all those Big Tech and media outlets who said he incited violence.
They will have to produce the verbatim quotes and argue that it was incitment.
Fat chance of that. He will clean up. Trump will be charged with nothing because he has done nothing wrong.
He won't sue big tech. Too much of a coward. Plus he'd be scared shitless of the can of worms that would open up. I would LOVE him to sue them....if I was them, I'd go 'bring it on'. Not only would he lose (there is plenty of evidence and tweets of his incitement) we'd probably get to know all the things he doesn't want us to officially know about him.
All he needs to do is sue them on the incitement allegation.
The onus is on them to prove he incited.
Given that the speech they removed was full of "Go home....be peaceful. ...don't be violent" etc, they're gonna have a hard time proving. Unless they get another corrupt Judge.
Not a problem. I, among many others, will gladly sign an affidavit stating Impeached Trump incited the seditious insurrection.
I've asked several times here for people to produce the verbatim quote where he incited violence.
So far no takers.
Now you're lying as I posted some of his quotes in this very thread.
Quotes inciting violence at Washington??
Post them. Have you forgotten already?
TIME to start passing out RICO charges...

He's still president. Once he's out of office though, Jan 21, all bets are off.
Once Trump becomes a private citizen he can sue all those Big Tech and media outlets who said he incited violence.
They will have to produce the verbatim quotes and argue that it was incitment.
Fat chance of that. He will clean up. Trump will be charged with nothing because he has done nothing wrong.
He won't sue big tech. Too much of a coward. Plus he'd be scared shitless of the can of worms that would open up. I would LOVE him to sue them....if I was them, I'd go 'bring it on'. Not only would he lose (there is plenty of evidence and tweets of his incitement) we'd probably get to know all the things he doesn't want us to officially know about him.
All he needs to do is sue them on the incitement allegation.
The onus is on them to prove he incited.
Given that the speech they removed was full of "Go home....be peaceful. ...don't be violent" etc, they're gonna have a hard time proving. Unless they get another corrupt Judge.
Not a problem. I, among many others, will gladly sign an affidavit stating Impeached Trump incited the seditious insurrection.
I've asked several times here for people to produce the verbatim quote where he incited violence.
So far no takers.
Don’t be simplistic. There is no single quote, but months (years) of Trump grooming his supporters to stoke their hatred and fear so that he can weaponize them. Somehow thousands of his supporters were all on the same page about storming the Capitol on his behalf. That’s an accident?
That's your interpretation. Much like the bearded weirdo on Twitter interpretated the words "American patriots" as a dog whistle for inciting violence.
It’s not my interpretation. It was the interpretation of thousands of his supporters. All that tough talk. Never concede. Call them patriots. Tell them the fate of the country rests on this.

He might as well been grooming child soldiers.

The proof is in the results. Thousands of people thought this is what they were supposed to do. And they did it. For him.

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