"We will not be silenced." -- President Trump responds to Twitter ban.

They should have banned him five years ago.
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Actually, the funny part about that is ... imagine if Hillary had insisted that and convinced her base it was true by convincing her base there was massive widespread election fraud in several states and only in states she lost ... now imagine there was no such fraud ... then imagine her base believed her anyway ... lastly, imagine her base was inspired to attack the Capitol while Congress was certifying the election for Trump, in search lawmakers and VP Joe Biden to hang for not ignoring the will of the people.

Imagine all that and you'll see just how crazy you would have thought her and her base would have to have been to support that insanity.
Two reasons for these polls.
1. People are afraid to say they like Trump, just like in the U.S.
2. Saying you hate Trump is cool. Low self esteem and low information people do it all the time, to get likes on Facebook. It's like the surly teenager saying they hate school

Trump was the father figure that the U.S never had. Now they have old Joe. The least inspiring world leader since Boris Yeltsin.
Plenty of comedy material and memes for the next 4 years.
1) No, my mother is English and I have a lot of relatives in England who are Tories (repub voters). They think he is a joke. France hates him. Germany hates him. Spain and Italy hate him. ALL the nordic countries hate him. There are Europeans who do like him however. They mostly live in a country ruled by a former member of the KGB.
2) Nothing cool about hating Trump. Why is it 'cool'?
3) Trump was a father figure like Jeffrey Dahmer was a vegetarian.....
4) Trump was a despairing world leader.
5) Joe IS boring. But that's what the US needs right now after the train wreck of the past four years.
Joe is boring???
You forget his tenure with Obama, with 4 wars on the go at the same time.
The mediterranean migrant crisis.
His arming of sectarian death gangs in Syria who wanted to cleanse Christian of the Middle East.
The destruction of Libya which even brought back slavery of blacks in markets.
The rise of ISIS.
The birth of BLM.
The kids in cages.

As opposed to Trump...
Most peaceful President since Jimmy Carter.
Peace in the Middle East.
Destruction of ISIS.
End of kids in cages.
End of missile crisis in Korea and better relations North and South.
Less unarmed blacks killed by cops.
Booming economy. More jobs.
You forgot the rise of the White Isis. Right wingers have been on a murder spree since Trump was elected.

Because he's the most transparent and available President ever.

He's transparent like Anna Nicole Smith was a good actress.
How are his tax returns? His college exam results? I could go on....

The DNC and the media scrutinized every inch of this man's life since he became an adult. Every word he uttered, every witness or friend who could tell us when he said the word "p - - s y" every girl he ever looked at, every financial transaction, etc etc etc. That, for all intents and purposes, made him the most transparent president in history. yes! So spare me the tax returns. And spare me from getting nauseous over the hypocrisy that exudes from every pore on the skin of the left and the media.

You have any free time. Go tell us Obama managed to procure a Connecticut social security card when he was 14 years old. By Connecticut law he would not get one at that age unless he filed in person. The guy was never in connecticut and why he would travel from Hawaii to Conn. just to get a social security card sure is a puzzler. Oh, of course you will quickly call if fake news, because ABC or CBS never mentioned it. Well I have the articles, the experts, the data, et al. that proves it. But, I cannot give you the link because Google scrubbed those reports since, just like they scrubbed a lot of documented evidence about his phony birth certificate and pizzagate. IOW, hypocrites like your side make for bad leaders and truth tellers.
And what's what his birth certificate? This proves Obama was born in Kenya!

Never mind. Neither you nor anyone else is interested in the truth.

PS --- that is not the birth certificate I was referring to. It is the phony one he released waiting 2/1/2 years to do so as the controversy raged. Nice guy, our president. Then the digital graphic experts had a field day with it pointing out all its incongruities and "alterations." WorldNetDaily did a nice job of quoting the experts and documenting all of it. Of course the public did not want to know the ugly truth and the DNC and the Media saw to it that they would not have to worry about it. Just another running joke with your side.
Because he's the most transparent and available President ever.

He's transparent like Anna Nicole Smith was a good actress.
How are his tax returns? His college exam results? I could go on....

The DNC and the media scrutinized every inch of this man's life since he became an adult. Every word he uttered, every witness or friend who could tell us when he said the word "p - - s y" every girl he ever looked at, every financial transaction, etc etc etc. That, for all intents and purposes, made him the most transparent president in history. yes! So spare me the tax returns. And spare me from getting nauseous over the hypocrisy that exudes from every pore on the skin of the left and the media.

You have any free time. Go tell us Obama managed to procure a Connecticut social security card when he was 14 years old. By Connecticut law he would not get one at that age unless he filed in person. The guy was never in connecticut and why he would travel from Hawaii to Conn. just to get a social security card sure is a puzzler. Oh, of course you will quickly call if fake news, because ABC or CBS never mentioned it. Well I have the articles, the experts, the data, et al. that proves it. But, I cannot give you the link because Google scrubbed those reports since, just like they scrubbed a lot of documented evidence about his phony birth certificate and pizzagate. IOW, hypocrites like your side make for bad leaders and truth tellers.
Oh, god, I really wish people like you would have the words 'conspiracy theorist' under your avatar so I know what I'm dealing with. Just fuck off....god...
Gladly, I tire of egotistical big mouths who end up being cowards all too often when they have no answers.
Ignorance is bliss... but only for a time.
Actually, the funny part about that is ... imagine if Hillary had insisted that and convinced her base it was true by convincing her base there was massive widespread election fraud in several states and only in states she lost ... now imagine there was no such fraud ... then imagine her base believed her anyway ... lastly, imagine her base was inspired to attack the Capitol while Congress was certifying the election for Trump, in search lawmakers and VP Joe Biden to hang for not ignoring the will of the people.

Imagine all that and you'll see just how crazy you would have thought her and her base would have to have been to support that insanity.
I like the more reality-based 'James Bond' type version.
TIME to start passing out RICO charges...

He's still president. Once he's out of office though, Jan 21, all bets are off.
Once Trump becomes a private citizen he can sue all those Big Tech and media outlets who said he incited violence.
They will have to produce the verbatim quotes and argue that it was incitment.
Fat chance of that. He will clean up. Trump will be charged with nothing because he has done nothing wrong.
He won't sue big tech. Too much of a coward. Plus he'd be scared shitless of the can of worms that would open up. I would LOVE him to sue them....if I was them, I'd go 'bring it on'. Not only would he lose (there is plenty of evidence and tweets of his incitement) we'd probably get to know all the things he doesn't want us to officially know about him.
Two reasons for these polls.
1. People are afraid to say they like Trump, just like in the U.S.
2. Saying you hate Trump is cool. Low self esteem and low information people do it all the time, to get likes on Facebook. It's like the surly teenager saying they hate school

Trump was the father figure that the U.S never had. Now they have old Joe. The least inspiring world leader since Boris Yeltsin.
Plenty of comedy material and memes for the next 4 years.
1) No, my mother is English and I have a lot of relatives in England who are Tories (repub voters). They think he is a joke. France hates him. Germany hates him. Spain and Italy hate him. ALL the nordic countries hate him. There are Europeans who do like him however. They mostly live in a country ruled by a former member of the KGB.
2) Nothing cool about hating Trump. Why is it 'cool'?
3) Trump was a father figure like Jeffrey Dahmer was a vegetarian.....
4) Trump was a despairing world leader.
5) Joe IS boring. But that's what the US needs right now after the train wreck of the past four years.
Joe is boring???
You forget his tenure with Obama, with 4 wars on the go at the same time.
The mediterranean migrant crisis.
His arming of sectarian death gangs in Syria who wanted to cleanse Christian of the Middle East.
The destruction of Libya which even brought back slavery of blacks in markets.
The rise of ISIS.
The birth of BLM.
The kids in cages.

As opposed to Trump...
Most peaceful President since Jimmy Carter.
Peace in the Middle East.
Destruction of ISIS.
End of kids in cages.
End of missile crisis in Korea and better relations North and South.
Less unarmed blacks killed by cops.
Booming economy. More jobs.
"Booming economy. More jobs."

Funny, you mention that but you ignore Obama's last 3 years in office when 8 million jobs were added; compared with Trump's first 3 years where 6½ million jobs were added.

TIME to start passing out RICO charges...

He's still president. Once he's out of office though, Jan 21, all bets are off.
Once Trump becomes a private citizen he can sue all those Big Tech and media outlets who said he incited violence.
They will have to produce the verbatim quotes and argue that it was incitment.
Fat chance of that. He will clean up. Trump will be charged with nothing because he has done nothing wrong.
What's stopping him from suing them now? Not to mention, he's going to have his hands full with suits and criminal charges filed on him.
Gladly, I tire of egotistical big mouths who end up being cowards all too often when they have no answers.

So you rarely look in the mirror???
Oh, I know I am a sinner and a big mouth. But I do not run away from questions or challenges. Plus, do not think you made a well reasoned point by dismissing all charges with the phase "conspiracy nut" or something similar. A lame rejoinder.
TIME to start passing out RICO charges...

He's still president. Once he's out of office though, Jan 21, all bets are off.
Once Trump becomes a private citizen he can sue all those Big Tech and media outlets who said he incited violence.
They will have to produce the verbatim quotes and argue that it was incitment.
Fat chance of that. He will clean up. Trump will be charged with nothing because he has done nothing wrong.
He won't sue big tech. Too much of a coward. Plus he'd be scared shitless of the can of worms that would open up. I would LOVE him to sue them....if I was them, I'd go 'bring it on'. Not only would he lose (there is plenty of evidence and tweets of his incitement) we'd probably get to know all the things he doesn't want us to officially know about him.
All he needs to do is sue them on the incitement allegation.
The onus is on them to prove he incited.
Given that the speech they removed was full of "Go home....be peaceful. ...don't be violent" etc, they're gonna have a hard time proving. Unless they get another corrupt Judge.
TIME to start passing out RICO charges...

He's still president. Once he's out of office though, Jan 21, all bets are off.
Once Trump becomes a private citizen he can sue all those Big Tech and media outlets who said he incited violence.
They will have to produce the verbatim quotes and argue that it was incitment.
Fat chance of that. He will clean up. Trump will be charged with nothing because he has done nothing wrong.
He won't sue big tech. Too much of a coward. Plus he'd be scared shitless of the can of worms that would open up. I would LOVE him to sue them....if I was them, I'd go 'bring it on'. Not only would he lose (there is plenty of evidence and tweets of his incitement) we'd probably get to know all the things he doesn't want us to officially know about him.
All he needs to do is sue them on the incitement allegation.
The onus is on them to prove he incited.
Given that the speech they removed was full of "Go home....be peaceful. ...don't be violent" etc, they're gonna have a hard time proving. Unless they get another corrupt Judge.

On what grounds could he sue them? Are you assuming that they are obligated to provide him with a platform?
TIME to start passing out RICO charges...

He's still president. Once he's out of office though, Jan 21, all bets are off.
Once Trump becomes a private citizen he can sue all those Big Tech and media outlets who said he incited violence.
They will have to produce the verbatim quotes and argue that it was incitment.
Fat chance of that. He will clean up. Trump will be charged with nothing because he has done nothing wrong.
He won't sue big tech. Too much of a coward. Plus he'd be scared shitless of the can of worms that would open up. I would LOVE him to sue them....if I was them, I'd go 'bring it on'. Not only would he lose (there is plenty of evidence and tweets of his incitement) we'd probably get to know all the things he doesn't want us to officially know about him.
All he needs to do is sue them on the incitement allegation.
The onus is on them to prove he incited.
Given that the speech they removed was full of "Go home....be peaceful. ...don't be violent" etc, they're gonna have a hard time proving. Unless they get another corrupt Judge.

On what grounds could he sue them? Are you assuming that they are obligated to provide him with a platform?
Same as the Sandman case. Defamation. Their actions will cost Trump Inc millions.
He has a clear cut case.
TIME to start passing out RICO charges...

He's still president. Once he's out of office though, Jan 21, all bets are off.
Once Trump becomes a private citizen he can sue all those Big Tech and media outlets who said he incited violence.
They will have to produce the verbatim quotes and argue that it was incitment.
Fat chance of that. He will clean up. Trump will be charged with nothing because he has done nothing wrong.
He won't sue big tech. Too much of a coward. Plus he'd be scared shitless of the can of worms that would open up. I would LOVE him to sue them....if I was them, I'd go 'bring it on'. Not only would he lose (there is plenty of evidence and tweets of his incitement) we'd probably get to know all the things he doesn't want us to officially know about him.
All he needs to do is sue them on the incitement allegation.
The onus is on them to prove he incited.
Given that the speech they removed was full of "Go home....be peaceful. ...don't be violent" etc, they're gonna have a hard time proving. Unless they get another corrupt Judge.

On what grounds could he sue them? Are you assuming that they are obligated to provide him with a platform?
DEvin Nunes is suing them for $250 million, and the chop owner who turned over Hunter Biden's laptop to Giuliani is suing them for $500 million.

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