"We will not be silenced." -- President Trump responds to Twitter ban.

Trump has a lot of support in Europe.
Just so popular....
Oh, god, I really wish people like you would have the words 'conspiracy theorist' under your avatar so I know what I'm dealing with. Just fuck off....god...
Typical reply from someone with a room temp IQ
.....the brain dead left can't examine facts so they just say 'conspiracy theory' now. Fucking losers.
Trump has a lot of support in Europe.
Just so popular....
View attachment 441373
Two reasons for these polls.
1. People are afraid to say they like Trump, just like in the U.S.
2. Saying you hate Trump is cool. Low self esteem and low information people do it all the time, to get likes on Facebook. It's like the surly teenager saying they hate school

Trump was the father figure that the U.S never had. Now they have old Joe. The least inspiring world leader since Boris Yeltsin.
Plenty of comedy material and memes for the next 4 years.
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We are not 1935 Germany. Americans are in for a jarring wake-up call if they think this fight is over.

President Donald Trump responded to Twitter’s move to permanently suspend his account from its platform late Friday, condemning the big tech giant and saying that it does not stand for free speech.

The president also said he anticipates a “big announcement” soon and that his team is negotiating with other sites and is also looking at building a separate platform.

“As I have been saying for a long time, Twitter has gone further and further in banning free speech, and tonight, Twitter employees have coordinated with the Democrats and the Radical Left in removing my account from their platform, to silence me—and YOU, the 75,000,000 great patriots who voted for me,” Trump said in a statement.

“Twitter may be a private company, but without the government’s gift of Section 230 they would not exist for long,” he added.

“I predicted this would happen. We have been negotiating with various other sites, and will have a big announcement soon, while we also look at the possibilities of building out our own platform in the near future. We will not be SILENCED!” he said.

“Twitter is not about FREE SPEECH. They are all about promoting a Radical Left platform where some of the most vicious people in the world are allowed to speak freely,” Trump continued. “STAY TUNED!”

TIME to start passing out RICO charges...
Trump has a lot of support in Europe.
Just so popular....
View attachment 441373
That question was based on the handling of the Chinavirus LOL at Belgium, the worst death rate in the world, sneering at Trump.
B-b-b-but I thought Europe loved Trump??
Worldly, wise, intelligent people who analyse and delve into topics do..
Bozos who watch CNN and Euronews in Starbucks......not so much.
Two reasons for these polls.
1. People are afraid to say they like Trump, just like in the U.S.
2. Saying you hate Trump is cool. Low self esteem and low information people do it all the time, to get likes on Facebook. It's like the surly teenager saying they hate school

Trump was the father figure that the U.S never had. Now they have old Joe. The least inspiring world leader since Boris Yeltsin.
Plenty of comedy material and memes for the next 4 years.
1) No, my mother is English and I have a lot of relatives in England who are Tories (repub voters). They think he is a joke. France hates him. Germany hates him. Spain and Italy hate him. ALL the nordic countries hate him. There are Europeans who do like him however. They mostly live in a country ruled by a former member of the KGB.
2) Nothing cool about hating Trump. Why is it 'cool'?
3) Trump was a father figure like Jeffrey Dahmer was a vegetarian.....
4) Trump was a despairing world leader.
5) Joe IS boring. But that's what the US needs right now after the train wreck of the past four years.
Typical reply from someone with a room temp IQ
.....the brain dead left can't examine facts so they just say 'conspiracy theory' now. Fucking losers.
Says Cletus from Arkansas....
OK. Honest question.
Election is over. Give us your honest appraisal of Biden?
Average leader. However, could have alzheimers, a stroke or two and be in a zimmer frame, and I still would have him over Trump. Any day of the week.
How did Trump make this announcement with his free speech locked down by Twitter? Oh, he can still communicate?? Who knew?
He made this statement on his POTUS account Friday, if I'm not mistaken. This isn't news. Twitter immediately took it down because it was full of more rah-rah us vs. them incitement. There was a rumor he might be making a statement today, but the time came and he didn't. Trump is still Pres and he can call a presser. He can have his office put out an official statement. But he needs to do it without a bunch of pumped up bullshit.
Any verbatim quotes of this "incitement"?
Sure, we have Impeached Trump saying, "and we fight. We fight like Hell and if you don’t fight like Hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore."

and his son saying, "we’re coming for you."

and his attorney saying, "let's have trial by combat."

And then Impeached Trump sends them off to the Capitol; which like a commander sending his troops off to battle, he has them go fight the battle without him. He heads back home after telling them he would go with them. He never stops lying to them and they never stop believing him.

And he's retweeted such incendiary things in the past such as, "the only good Democrat is a dead Democrat" and he tweeted how Democrats would "fight to the death" if the roles were reversed as he moaned how McConnell and Republicans are letting Democrats just steal the election from him without a "fight."
Two reasons for these polls.
1. People are afraid to say they like Trump, just like in the U.S.
2. Saying you hate Trump is cool. Low self esteem and low information people do it all the time, to get likes on Facebook. It's like the surly teenager saying they hate school

Trump was the father figure that the U.S never had. Now they have old Joe. The least inspiring world leader since Boris Yeltsin.
Plenty of comedy material and memes for the next 4 years.
1) No, my mother is English and I have a lot of relatives in England who are Tories (repub voters). They think he is a joke. France hates him. Germany hates him. Spain and Italy hate him. ALL the nordic countries hate him. There are Europeans who do like him however. They mostly live in a country ruled by a former member of the KGB.
2) Nothing cool about hating Trump. Why is it 'cool'?
3) Trump was a father figure like Jeffrey Dahmer was a vegetarian.....
4) Trump was a despairing world leader.
5) Joe IS boring. But that's what the US needs right now after the train wreck of the past four years.
Joe is boring???
You forget his tenure with Obama, with 4 wars on the go at the same time.
The mediterranean migrant crisis.
His arming of sectarian death gangs in Syria who wanted to cleanse Christian of the Middle East.
The destruction of Libya which even brought back slavery of blacks in markets.
The rise of ISIS.
The birth of BLM.
The kids in cages.

As opposed to Trump...
Most peaceful President since Jimmy Carter.
Peace in the Middle East.
Destruction of ISIS.
End of kids in cages.
End of missile crisis in Korea and better relations North and South.
Less unarmed blacks killed by cops.
Booming economy. More jobs.
TIME to start passing out RICO charges...

He's still president. Once he's out of office though, Jan 21, all bets are off.
Once Trump becomes a private citizen he can sue all those Big Tech and media outlets who said he incited violence.
They will have to produce the verbatim quotes and argue that it was incitment.
Fat chance of that. He will clean up. Trump will be charged with nothing because he has done nothing wrong.

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