Wealth and Income Inequality in the United States

No, we didn't have higher taxes in the 50s, just higher federal rates....Property taxes were vastly lower and state income, sales and other "fees" were either non-existent or a pittance compared to today...Moreover, the costs of compliance with tax and other regs has gone through the roof.

But all of that is a diversion from the fact that what you know about economics and business accounting couldn't fill out both sides of a matchbook.

I do so love it when you guys make shit up.

"The effective corporate tax rate — that is, the percentage of corporate profits that is paid in federal corporate income taxes — has followed a similar pattern. During the 1990s, corporations as a group paid an average of 25.3 percent of their profits in federal corporate income taxes, according to new Congressional Research Service estimates. By contrast, they paid more than 49 percent in the 1950s, 38 percent in the 1960s, and 33 percent in the 1970s."

The Decline of Corporate Income Tax Revenues — Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

I would point out that the drop in corp taxes corresponds to the rise in inequality, but I'm sure you'll just ignore that.
That's FEDERAL TAXES, which are only one part of the overall tax bite on people and businesses, you damned ignoramus.
You have to make a certain percentage in profit to keep your doors open, you ignorant fool.

And what do you think that percentage is?
It varies, depending upon the business...Places like restaurants need a higher profit margin, where a dry goods store can get by on a tighter percentage.

You really are in way over your head here, Mr. Stupid.
since lowering them we have more start ups, thus expansion.
The seniors relying on dividends dont need to eat anyway.

Raising corporate tax rates will not put an end to all dividends.

But way to be alarmist.

Google is your friend it leans left. LEARN TO USE IT.


Why is it you think businesses make obscene profits? Lets ignore volume OK. I want you to feel good about yourself.
Can you tell me where I'm wrong?

Sure. You said this "The businesses are in business to make a profit from what they create(do), so raising taxes on them will just make them pass that on to the consumer."

We tax the profits of companies, which is revenue minus the total cost of business. Raising taxes on profits does not make your costs go up, so there is nothing to pass along to consumers. This is also why raising taxes on profits is a good idea, because then a company can lower their tax burden by increasing the cost of doing business, and they can do that by paying their workers more.
You have to make a certain percentage in profit to keep your doors open, you ignorant fool.

Like I said....NFI.

If you tax 0% of income or profits you net zero revenue because well, you're not getting any revenue.

If you tax 100% of income or profits you net zero revenue because nobody would work or generate income.

There is a point between these two extremes that maximizes tax revenues and it is that precise point at which economic incentive is not discouraged but any further tax increase will alter behavior of people in ways that distorts the free market and diminishes income to the treasury.

The wise economic leader has studied and understands this principle and seeks to maximize revenues.

The sociopathic socialist or marxist leaning person resents that anybody has more than somebody else and seeks to punish the 'rich' even if it results in less benefit to all.

As President Obama once said something to the effect on the campaign stump. "It isn't a matter of revenue. It is a matter of fairness."
It varies, depending upon the business...Places like restaurants need a higher profit margin, where a dry goods store can get by on a tighter percentage.

heh heh please, I would love to hear you explain this more!

Restarants have a lot more loss than a dry goods store does. A resturant needs to make more money per plate to make up for the food they have to throw away and can not sell.
Google is your friend it leans left. LEARN TO USE IT.
Or in other words, you posted something as a fact and you can't prove it's a fact.


100% false.

Companies have trillions in cash right now, which means they are making profits, paying dividends, re-investing and STILL have money left over. To claim that a tax increase will rob dividend payments is not true.
It varies, depending upon the business...Places like restaurants need a higher profit margin, where a dry goods store can get by on a tighter percentage.

heh heh please, I would love to hear you explain this more!

Do you understand the differences between labor intense and non labor intense. It wasnt explained properly By calling it profit. But they do need higher mark ups.
Pub dupes are so ignorant and brainwashed, they're perfect tools of the greedy myopic rich we have now. Thank you Ronnie Raygun and Murdoch, you made hating the poor acceptable, and we're close to a banana republic. Crappe jobs, schools, hater moron Ugly 'Mericans. Now #45 in rich/ poor gap, behind Nigeria and Ivory Coast, with the jackazzes biotching abount basically non existent welfare Kings and Queens, and trying to keep us with by FAR the most expensive and cruelest health care- ANY help is COMMUNISM--- MORONS!! ty
Sure. You said this "The businesses are in business to make a profit from what they create(do), so raising taxes on them will just make them pass that on to the consumer."

We tax the profits of companies, which is revenue minus the total cost of business. Raising taxes on profits does not make your costs go up, so there is nothing to pass along to consumers. This is also why raising taxes on profits is a good idea, because then a company can lower their tax burden by increasing the cost of doing business, and they can do that by paying their workers more.
You have to make a certain percentage in profit to keep your doors open, you ignorant fool.

Like I said....NFI.

If you tax 0% of income or profits you net zero revenue because well, you're not getting any revenue.

If you tax 100% of income or profits you net zero revenue because nobody would work or generate income.

There is a point between these two extremes that maximizes tax revenues and it is that precise point at which economic incentive is not discouraged but any further tax increase will alter behavior of people in ways that distorts the free market and diminishes income to the treasury.
Um...No...There are lots of other things to tax besides productivity.

Taxes on profits, incomes and other permutations of productivity are, as a matter of course, drags on that productivity...It's axiomatic: tax something and you get less of it.

Excises like fuel taxes and fees like hunting/fishing licenses are the fairest and least production-burdensome, as they apply only to those utilizing the given amenity...But then the committed looter wouldn't have any pockets to try and pick.

The wise economic leader has studied and understands this principle and seeks to maximize revenues.

The sociopathic socialist or marxist leaning person resents that anybody has more than somebody else and seeks to punish the 'rich' even if it results in less benefit to all.

As President Obama once said something to the effect on the campaign stump. "It isn't a matter of revenue. It is a matter of fairness."
Pub dupes are so ignorant and brainwashed, they're perfect tools of the greedy myopic rich we have now. Thank you Ronnie Raygun and Murdoch, you made hating the poor acceptable, and we're close to a banana republic. Crappe jobs, schools, hater moron Ugly 'Mericans. Now #45 in rich/ poor gap, behind Nigeria and Ivory Coast, with the jackazzes biotching abount basically non existent welfare Kings and Queens, and trying to keep us with by FAR the most expensive and cruelest health care- ANY help is COMMUNISM--- MORONS!! ty

Read this I think you will find it enlightening.

It varies, depending upon the business...Places like restaurants need a higher profit margin, where a dry goods store can get by on a tighter percentage.

heh heh please, I would love to hear you explain this more!

Do you understand the differences between labor intense and non labor intense. It wasnt explained properly By calling it profit. But they do need higher mark ups.
No, Mr. Stupid doesn't understand any of it.

On top of labor intensity, there are also the issues of perishability and waste involved in a restaurant, that a dry goods store doesn't need to deal with.

We're dealing with a total rube here, and it's getting more and more evident the further this thread goes.

Were I Mr. Stupid, I'd quit while I was behind, before I got even behinder. :lol:
It varies, depending upon the business...Places like restaurants need a higher profit margin, where a dry goods store can get by on a tighter percentage.

heh heh please, I would love to hear you explain this more!

Restarants have a lot more loss than a dry goods store does. A resturant needs to make more money per plate to make up for the food they have to throw away and can not sell.

Obviously. But you're talking about revenue not profits. We don't tax revenue in this country. We tax profits. If a restaurant makes $500K in profits and a dry good store makes $500K in profits, they are taxed the same. Raising that tax rate will not force one out of business over the other.
Hmm. Look at that. You point out someone is ignorant on a subject and they stop posting about it.


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