Welcome to the pushback: Texas business owner fires every vaccinated worker to avoid the Biden penalty

This thread just shows you how stupid Trump Humpers are, they are celebrating because folks just lost their jobs.
Well it's obvious the so called labor shortage is a compete hoax and is fake news. He will find an overabundance of incredibly hard working people.
Oh...mask don't make you safe from the ching Chong virus?
Any filtration better than none, but No. In a pinch, I'll take what marginal protection I can get. Been doing dangerous things in dangerous environment off and on all my life, using best equip and practices available, none of them guaranteeing 100% safety where I was or what I was doing. Best precautions have gotten me by with only 1 major injury. I'll stick with the precautions.
What a dumb ass. Would not want to eat at one of his restaurants. Pretty unlikely he would be letting his patrons know, with a sign on the door "ABSOLUTELY NO VACCINATED EMPLOYEES ON STAFF HERE ** ENJOY YOUR MEAL!
Oh, don't worry. There will be plenty of people to let his potential patrons know.
You would be celebrating if unvaxxed people lost their jobs and you fucking know it.

I hope this business owner writes Joe the Installer and tells him that he beat the fines and penalties by firing everyone over his arbiterary Covid limit! Maybe Subversive Joe can give all of them jobs at the WH!
Oh, don't worry. There will be plenty of people to let his potential patrons know.

You THREATENING the guy, dickwad? Gonna organize like you did to steal the election? I hope so.

I hope the guy goes PUBLIC and lets the world know how Biddum's stupid, illegal policies are COSTING PEOPLE THEIR JOBS NOW.
I'll take what marginal protection I can get.
Aren't you vaccinated? What do you need a mask for? A mask will give you 0.00001% better protection.

More people died of Covid on JOE'S watch this year with 75% of the country on vaccines than did all last year with Trump and no vaccines and you tried to run Trump out of office for it.

Obviously, the time has come to impeach Joe. How many more thousands of people will die at this boob's hands due to his grave mishandling of the Covid situation.
You THREATENING the guy, dickwad? Gonna organize like you did to steal the election? I hope so.

I hope the guy goes PUBLIC and lets the world know how Biddum's stupid, illegal policies are COSTING PEOPLE THEIR JOBS NOW.
You're triggered again, snowflake.
Are you even listening to yourself? You sound looney tunes. If the anti-vaxxers didn't sound so unhinged maybe people would care more.
Then you need to tell all those minorities that are unvaccinated to get vaccinated seeing the majority of them vote Democrat!
What a dumb ass. Would not want to eat at one of his restaurants. Pretty unlikely he would be letting his patrons know, with a sign on the door "ABSOLUTELY NO VACCINATED EMPLOYEES ON STAFF HERE ** ENJOY YOUR MEAL!

Actually, Sleepy Joe FORCED the restaurant owner to take the action to get his staff under a hundred. The "dumb asses" are Biden and his stooges.
Not much there to see and hear, but then I don't put blind trust in any media.

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