Welfare equivalent to $50,000 a year job in many states

I'm a retired truck driver. Right now the transportation industry is short over 60,000 drivers, and it's predicted to get worse as us boomers retire. No, it's not easy work, but some jobs can pay up to 6 figures a year depending on what kind of job you're willing to accept.

We have able bodied people on welfare (working or not) while this industry is begging for workers. Some jobs offer on the job training if you sign a one year contract with the company. If you don't want to be obligated to that, you can pay for training on your own which is only a couple thousand bucks and the school will guarantee you a job as well.

Walmart is so desperate for drivers they are offering their warehouse workers the opportunity to advance themselves into this new career. They still can't find enough people.

lol they have been 'short of drivers' for decades now. Uncle Sammy pays a lot of bux for driver training schools. There must be 10 CDLs for every truck by now. They can't run them off fast enough. They would rather do without drivers than have to pay them same as oher workers. The claim they '$95K a year' is ludicrous, like the claim 'Ford is paying $5 a day' was back in the early 20th century; few actually made that much, it's just a number PR uses to rope in suckers. They're going to robot trucks, and since over the road drivers aren't paid by the hour and don't get time and half due to be exempt from Federal labor laws will have 100 hour work weeks, if they're lucky; they will learn to game their driver logs and work more than that.

100+ hour work week makes that rare $100K a year job about $19 an hour tops, and being extremely lucky every single week. $19 an hour of course is less than minimum wage adjusted for real inflation.
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Why would anyone work?

A young woman on welfare with two children is the equivalent of a $50,000 a year job - and that’s before you consider commuting costs. If she has three children, her TANF and food stamps and “earned” (cough-cough) income credit reach $60,000.

Now consider that many welfare types live with extended families, so that the young woman with two children is living with her own mother, who still has a teenager at home, and they get the equivalent of another $40,000 a year. So a family with two adults, a teen, and two kids gets nearly $100,000 a year.

Now consider the typical family, headed by two high school graduates. Mom works In a support role in an accounting firm for $20 an hour, and Dad works the deli counter at Harris Teeter for $22 an hour. Together, they bring in $80,000 - BEFORE taxes.

No wonder we have a labor shortage.
We just raised the minimum wage here in Nebraska because $9.00 an hour was living in poverty. It's now $15.00 an hour . My question is how long will that be good for ? I believe anyone who makes less than $75,000 a year is struggling to make ends meet. One idea I proposed years ago was to set ALL government workers salaries at the median level of what working people make no matter what their job is, president on down. That way they'd have a vested intrest in improving everyone's lot in life, not just their own. Of course social security should be brought up to that level too.
lol they have been 'short of drivers' for decades now. Uncle Sammy pays a lot of bux for driver training schools. There must be 10 CDLs for every truck by now. They can't run them off fast enough. They would rather do without drivers than have to pay them same as oher workers. The claim they '$95K a year' is ludicrous, like the claim 'Ford is paying $5 a day' was back in the early 20th century; few actually made that much, it's just a number PR uses to rope in suckers. They're going to robot trucks, and since over the road drivers aren't paid by the hour and don't get time and half due to be exempt from Federal labor laws will have 100 hour work weeks, if they're lucky; they will learn to game their driver logs and work more than that.

100+ hour work week makes that rare $100K a year job about $19 an hour tops, and being extremely lucky every single week. $19 an hour of course is less than minimum wage adjusted for real inflation.

As a person that did it for a long time, trust me, you have zero idea of what you're talking about.

Yes, we have always needed drivers, but not like we do today. You can't cheat log books any longer. It's all done electronically with GPS. And no, you cannot by law work 100 hours per week or anything close. As for autonomous trucks, we can't even get cars right yet. Furthermore even autonomous vehicles have to have a licensed driver on board ready to take over a vehicle if something goes wrong with it, and also to be there during spot checks which happen all the time. They will never be able to drive city in our lifetime. All they can do is go straight on a highway from point A to point B. From there a licensed driver has to take over to the trucks destination.

I posted what Walmart is offering, but there are many jobs that pay close to that. If you own your truck, you easily make six figures because you have to cover your maintenance and repairs. Local drivers too are needed that do pay an hourly rate plus OT.

Bottom line is there are plenty of jobs out there, and we have people that would rather go on welfare or otherwise not take the initiative to better themselves for a promising career.
You can thank Covid and Democrats for that. Faced with a good paying job of hard work and responsibility where a person can lead the rebuilding of a major company, 75% of the useless twats at Twitter have said that if they have to actually get out of bed and go to work rather than sleep around the house until mid-morning unshaven working at their kitchen table in their underwear, they'd rather LOSE THEIR JOB.
That is just wrong. You are only projecting your hatred of Twitter onto it’s workers. Come on Toob! Working remotely has been shown to be a good option for a number of jobs, particularly, tech. Who cares if they work in their pajamas as long as the job get’s done? It’s especially good if you family members to care for and need to skew your hours. You also have to consider that Twitter has had remote work for some time now as a standard, not temporary phase. That means people have been able move to places that are more affordable and still have a job. It also means they’ve been able to attract talent from anywhere in the country and been competitive because the worker doesn’t have to move and be uprooted.

What Elon has done is stupid frankly. Within a few days, he has come in, done mass layoffs, fired people and so alienated most of the workforce, they’re quitting. He has repeatedly put the cart before the horse and now Twitter is a wreck because he’s lost skilled people in software, security etc. who can just as easily find a job elsewhere. He had no idea how complicated the company is because he didn’t take the time to learn about it and he is so thin skinned he reacts impulsively. And the security aspects and privacy issues are serious.

Twitter was already in some trouble, not enough revenue to support it’s growth, and Musk way overpaid for it, and that’s causing a huge problem he hasn’t made a good start on fixing.

Too bad they might find it very difficult to convince Welfare that they deserve support for walking out on a good job, and last I checked, Meta and others in the industry aren't exactly hiring.

So be kind.. .. .. the next pencil you buy off a one-legged homeless person on the streets may be a former Twitter Executive that censored a president of the United States. :smoke:
Got a link for all these claims?
It was reported at the time, and in Google, years ago.

Now Google isn’t allowing that news on its site because it shows how low-income workers would rather keep their income low and get OPM than support themselves with the higher income.
Severely cut the programs. Secondly is to make getting fixed a requirement before receiving one red cent from any welfare program. No more having kids to get a bigger HUD house or larger welfare check plus SNAP's. No more section 8 housing in the suburbs. If you need housing, you have to go where the costs are the cheapest to the taxpayers.

"Folks, if you pay people not to work, don't be too surprised when they don't!"
Rush Limbaugh
Also, make having a job part of getting welfare. Why should all the adults in a house combine all their freebies, and not a single one of them work?

I know a girl who is age 23 and has two children. She lives with her mother, who is early 50s, and both are on welfare. Neither one has a job, not even a part-time job, because they say the need to take care of je children. Why doesn’t ONE work, and the other stay at home?

Answer: because they do just as well, if not better, by living off of OPM.
Again, taxpayers should not be paying her to raise her children. If she can't raise them, then she shouldn't have them. I would like a nice new 4 wheel drive truck so I can get a plow and do my parking lot and driveway. Why don't I have one? Because I can't afford it. Don't have things you can't afford. This is something any 8 year old can figure out.
Know who you’re replying to: Winston claims to have an MBA and intentionally worked no fewer than 10 hours a week to keep his income so low that taxpayers would provide full welfare for all six of his children.
Also, make having a job part of getting welfare. Why should all the adults in a house combine all their freebies, and not a single one of them work?

I know a girl who is age 23 and has two children. She lives with her mother, who is early 50s, and both are on welfare. Neither one has a job, not even a part-time job, because they say the need to take care of je children. Why doesn’t ONE work, and the other stay at home?

Answer: because they do just as well, if not better, by living off of OPM.

It's called playing the system. I evicted a couple with two children about ten years ago for getting behind on rent and getting worse. She stayed home and the father worked a full-time job, but were not married because as far as government was concerned, she was a single woman with two children.

By being married she would not have gotten any SNAP's benefits. I was told by some other tenants of mine it was in the $300.00 a month range.

I brought them over to talk about the problem and suggested that when he's home on the weekend, she could get a part-time job working 10 hours on Saturday and Sunday. They chose to be evicted instead. That's how lazy our government has made people these days.

You and I are about the same age, so you remember when no welfare program paid shit. People only used it as an emergency because it was too hard to survive on. Today (as you pointed out) welfare is an option to work since many can live just as good on these programs as they can working.
I'm a retired truck driver. Right now the transportation industry is short over 60,000 drivers, and it's predicted to get worse as us boomers retire. No, it's not easy work, but some jobs can pay up to 6 figures a year depending on what kind of job you're willing to accept.

We have able bodied people on welfare (working or not) while this industry is begging for workers. Some jobs offer on the job training if you sign a one year contract with the company. If you don't want to be obligated to that, you can pay for training on your own which is only a couple thousand bucks and the school will guarantee you a job as well.

Walmart is so desperate for drivers they are offering their warehouse workers the opportunity to advance themselves into this new career. They still can't find enough people.

This is it exactly! There is no reason in hell for jobs to go begging at $18 an hour and have all these able-bodied adults on welfare. The reason they get away with it is because the Democrat Marxists WANT them unemployed and on the government dole.

And what’s going to happen when we are in the worst of the recession and jobs can‘t be found, Dems will be screaming to give them an additional $600 a week again. On top of the food stamps and everything else.

If there are layoffs and we have people unable to work:

1) The only extra cash should go to people who HAD been working

2) The amount should be no higher than 75% of their earnings.

3) When the economy recovers and jobs are plentiful again, every able-bodied adult has 30 days to find and secure a job - INCLUDING the deadbeats who were never working prior. Only exception is for a single parent with a child under five years old.
It's called playing the system. I evicted a couple with two children about ten years ago for getting behind on rent and getting worse. She stayed home and the father worked a full-time job, but were not married because as far as government was concerned, she was a single woman with two children.

By being married she would not have gotten any SNAP's benefits. I was told by some other tenants of mine it was in the $300.00 a month range.

I brought them over to talk about the problem and suggested that when he's home on the weekend, she could get a part-time job working 10 hours on Saturday and Sunday. They chose to be evicted instead. That's how lazy our government has made people these days.

You and I are about the same age, so you remember when no welfare program paid shit. People only used it as an emergency because it was too hard to survive on. Today (as you pointed out) welfare is an option to work since many can live just as good on these programs as they can working.
Yes, and that was the point of the entire thread. These leftists keep saying: well, what’s the solution to the problem?

Duh. The solution is to stop making welfare so generous that it is higher than the income of an average person who works for a living. People living off of other people’s money instead of taking a job should not be given SOOOOO much charity that they shop at a Whole Foods, and middle-class people with jobs go to Aldi.

And yes, I think we should start calling these programs “charity” to remind people that they are living off the earnings of other people. The word “entitlement” just sends the wrong message.
We just raised the minimum wage here in Nebraska because $9.00 an hour was living in poverty. It's now $15.00 an hour . My question is how long will that be good for ? I believe anyone who makes less than $75,000 a year is struggling to make ends meet. One idea I proposed years ago was to set ALL government workers salaries at the median level of what working people make no matter what their job is, president on down. That way they'd have a vested intrest in improving everyone's lot in life, not just their own. Of course social security should be brought up to that level too.
1) If you made all government salaries at the median of what the job pays in private industry, the vast majority of government workers would get a pay cut. Except for the top GS workers, govt workers earn more than their counterparts in private. That’s why it’s so hard to get in.

2) And social security should be brought up that level, too? What level? The level of what an accountant makes, or a store manager, or what? And….WHERE WOULD THE MONEY COME FROM TO DO THAT?

3) I would like to see the COLA for govt workers held to no more than 50% of the inflation rate. Right now, they are fine with inflation because they know the taxpayers will make them whole, but if they had to suffer a little bit of the consequences of their vote like regular folks do, they would be more vested in finding solutions.
This is it exactly! There is no reason in hell for jobs to go begging at $18 an hour and have all these able-bodied adults on welfare. The reason they get away with it is because the Democrat Marxists WANT them unemployed and on the government dole.

And what’s going to happen when we are in the worst of the recession and jobs can‘t be found, Dems will be screaming to give them an additional $600 a week again. On top of the food stamps and everything else.

If there are layoffs and we have people unable to work:

1) The only extra cash should go to people who HAD been working

2) The amount should be no higher than 75% of their earnings.

3) When the economy recovers and jobs are plentiful again, every able-bodied adult has 30 days to find and secure a job - INCLUDING the deadbeats who were never working prior. Only exception is for a single parent with a child under five years old.

Democrats need to expand their tent. Their two largest groups in that tent are government dependents and victims. If this country had few dependents and victims, then who would need the Democrat party around? So they need to create as many as possible, and it's working too unfortunately.

Now the new push is to make illegals into instant citizens so they can vote. Many of these immigrants can't speak the language and are very under educated. Like our uneducated, they also have children they can't care for or feed without the government. Make them citizens, they will get to vote, and we both know who they'll be voting for.
Democrats need to expand their tent. Their two largest groups in that tent are government dependents and victims. If this country had few dependents and victims, then who would need the Democrat party around? So they need to create as many as possible, and it's working too unfortunately.

Now the new push is to make illegals into instant citizens so they can vote. Many of these immigrants can't speak the language and are very under educated. Like our uneducated, they also have children they can't care for or feed without the government. Make them citizens, they will get to vote, and we both know who they'll be voting for.
We’re moving more and more into 3rd-world territory by the day.

The Dems’ enemies are the self-supporting middle class. That’s why you see them attempting to eviserate us via high inflation and increased taxation. Their goal is to have us squashed under the weight of the massive dependent class, who they are now importing.
We’re moving more and more into 3rd-world territory by the day.

The Dems’ enemies are the self-supporting middle class. That’s why you see them attempting to eviserate us via high inflation and increased taxation.

It boils down to our cart theory:

A town builds a huge cart. The people of the town can pull the empty cart effortlessly. As some get tired of pulling the cart, they jump in the cart instead and of course, the people pulling the cart slow down. As more and more people jump into the cart and half the town is in it instead of pulling, the cart stops.

Our country is at a point where the cart is just about stopped. If we don't start throwing people out of that cart, it will stop.
It boils down to our cart theory:

A town builds a huge cart. The people of the town can pull the empty cart effortlessly. As some get tired of pulling the cart, they jump in the cart instead and of course, the people pulling the cart slow down. As more and more people jump into the cart and half the town is in it instead of pulling, the cart stops.

Our country is at a point where the cart is just about stopped. If we don't start throwing people out of that cart, it will stop.
Perfect analogy - and so sad.
That is completely stupid. If you are going to hold employers responsible for the bad decisions of their employees, you'll have many less employers.

People don't open up businesses as a social obligation, they open up businesses to provide products or services for a profit. They offer jobs for X wage. If you can't make it on the wage they offer, then it's up to you to find a job that pays the wage you need. If you can't find anybody willing to pay you more money, then you fd up, not your employer. It's up to YOU to make yourself worth more money, not them to overpay you.
Not sure how you get taxing businesses the equivalent of the "welfare" their employees receive is punishing employers for their employees making bad decisions. If anything, those employers are exploiting the bad decisions of their employees. Those employees couldn't afford to work for them without those benefits, especially the EITC. Hell, many employers, Walmart the most glaring example, provide consulting services to employees to help them get those benefits, especially advance payment of the EITC, comes in on every check. A clear example of the government subsidizing the wages of those employees.

Would it cause prices to go up. Yeah, probably. But hell, you the taxpayer are paying for the entire cost of those benefits under the status quo. If business absorb even ten percent of the cost the taxpayer comes out ahead.

And the bit about "People don't open up businesses as a social obligation". You are a dinosaur. That is precisely what people do today and it is reflected in mission statements and core values. You start a business today for the sole purpose of getting rich you will be destroyed in the marketplace. For the sole purpose of turning a profit, you will never turn one. The Millennials are a different breed, and rather you realize it or not, they now control the marketplace.
There would not be a labor shortage in this country if you took away the incentives to stay out of the workforce.

The Republican party views government assistance as a temporary safety net. The Dimocrat party views them as a hammock.

Not sure how you get taxing businesses the equivalent of the "welfare" their employees receive is punishing employers for their employees making bad decisions. If anything, those employers are exploiting the bad decisions of their employees. Those employees couldn't afford to work for them without those benefits, especially the EITC. Hell, many employers, Walmart the most glaring example, provide consulting services to employees to help them get those benefits, especially advance payment of the EITC, comes in on every check. A clear example of the government subsidizing the wages of those employees.

Would it cause prices to go up. Yeah, probably. But hell, you the taxpayer are paying for the entire cost of those benefits under the status quo. If business absorb even ten percent of the cost the taxpayer comes out ahead.

And the bit about "People don't open up businesses as a social obligation". You are a dinosaur. That is precisely what people do today and it is reflected in mission statements and core values. You start a business today for the sole purpose of getting rich you will be destroyed in the marketplace. For the sole purpose of turning a profit, you will never turn one. The Millennials are a different breed, and rather you realize it or not, they now control the marketplace.

We had that different breed all along. That different breed is called lazy lowlife. It's just that it expanded more now that they let the Democrats do what they did to them.

No, a person(s) do not take the time and money, borrow up to their eyebrows, secure a building, machines, business supplies to provide jobs. Nobody takes those huge risks for that reason. As a landlord I get into the same discussion with apartments. I didn't do what I did as a social obligation. I get as much as I want (or can get) because I made the investment; not my tenants, not government, I did it for my own benefit.

Your value as an employee is based on your employers ability to replace you. If you do a job anybody can do, you don't get paid very much. If you want to make better money, you acquire the training and skills to get a job not everybody can do. If you want to make great money, you get the training and skills to get a job most people can't do. That's how it works.

I hope next time Republicans get power again they start slashing these programs so we never have this problem again. If all you can do is make little money, then get a job that works a lot of hours. If you don't have a job that allows that, then get two jobs. That's what we used to do years ago, and there was never such a thing as labor shortages.

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