Welfare Queen says Working is Stupid

Yup, blacks just LOVE living in ghettos, and racism is over. Blacks vote Dem because they are highly educated liberals lol. No racists in the New BS GOP!
Can you name any racist members of Congress? I can't think of any.

Whether blacks love living in the ghetto or not, who forces them to live there? I certainly don't.
Half the GOP, judging by their voting. Racism in housing, employment, and in general is well documented.

Go ahead FrankoFOS, show us that documentation.
Anywhere but the Pub Propaganda machine lol.
Yup, blacks just LOVE living in ghettos, and racism is over. Blacks vote Dem because they are highly educated liberals lol. No racists in the New BS GOP!
Can you name any racist members of Congress? I can't think of any.

Whether blacks love living in the ghetto or not, who forces them to live there? I certainly don't.
Half the GOP, judging by their voting. Racism in housing, employment, and in general is well documented.
Please quote something anyone of them has said that's racist. If it's "well documented," then you should have no trouble.
A) They're not stupid. B) Racism is well documented in employment and housing duh.
Yup, blacks just LOVE living in ghettos, and racism is over. Blacks vote Dem because they are highly educated liberals lol. No racists in the New BS GOP!
Can you name any racist members of Congress? I can't think of any.

Whether blacks love living in the ghetto or not, who forces them to live there? I certainly don't.
Half the GOP, judging by their voting. Racism in housing, employment, and in general is well documented.

Go ahead FrankoFOS, show us that documentation.
Anywhere but the Pub Propaganda machine lol.

That's what I thought; typical lib response.
Yup, blacks just LOVE living in ghettos, and racism is over. Blacks vote Dem because they are highly educated liberals lol. No racists in the New BS GOP!
Can you name any racist members of Congress? I can't think of any.

Whether blacks love living in the ghetto or not, who forces them to live there? I certainly don't.
Half the GOP, judging by their voting. Racism in housing, employment, and in general is well documented.

Go ahead FrankoFOS, show us that documentation.
Anywhere but the Pub Propaganda machine lol.

That's what I thought; typical lib response.
Google racism in housing or UE. DUH.

What the resulting map shows is that the most “dependent states,” as measured by the composite score, are Mississippi and New Mexico, each of which gets back about $3 in federal spending for every dollar they send to the federal treasury in taxes. Alabama and Louisiana are close behind.

If you look only at the first measure—how much the federal government spends per person in each state compared with the amount its citizens pay in federal income taxes—other states stand out, particularly South Carolina: The Palmetto State receives $7.87 back from Washington for every $1 its citizens pay in federal tax. This bar chart, made from Wallet Hub's data, reveals the sharp discrepancies among states on that measure.

On the other side of this group, folks in 14 states, including Delaware, Minnesota, Illinois, Nebraska, and Ohio, get back less than $1 for each $1 they spend in taxes.

It’s not just that some states are getting way more in return for their federal tax dollars, but the disproportionate amount of federal aid that some states receive allows them to keep their own taxes artificially low. That's the argument Wallet Hub analysts make in their 2014 Report on Best & Worst States to be a Taxpayer.

Part of the explanation for why southern states dominate the “most dependent” category is historical. During the many decades in the 20th century when the South was solidly Democratic, its congressional representatives in both the House and the Senate, enjoying great seniority, came to hold leadership positions on powerful committees, which they used to send federal dollars back to their home states in the form of contracts, projects, installations.

Another part of the explanation is easier to discern. The reddest states on that map at the top—Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, New Mexico, Maine—have exceptionally high poverty rates and thus receive disproportionately large shares of federal dollars. Through a variety of social programs, the federal government disburses hundreds of billions of dollars each year to maintain a “safety net” intended to help the neediest among us. Consider, for example, the percentage of each state’s residents who get “food stamps” through the federal government’s SNAP program. This chart tells the story.

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?

Typical truck driver, not very bright. What the states don't pick up, we taxpayers in other states do.

Are Welfare Recipients mostly Republican?
Posted on February 22, 2012 by Tino

Paul Krugman is in puzzlement, having observed that Red States get more welfare funding, while Republican voters oppose the welfare state. He portrays Republicans as “Moochers” who are either hypocritical or too stupid to know their own best interest.

But as we know, states do not vote, individuals do. There is only a paradox if Republican voters receive welfare at above average rates while voting against it. From the Gellman-paradox we know that the low-income voters who drag down the Red States average tend to vote disproportionally for Democrats. Republican voters earn significantly more than Democrats, even though Red state earn less than Blue states.

Krugman reports no individual level data, so let me. The Maxwell Poll has detailed information about welfare use. The data is from 2004-2007. During this period in these polls a plurality of voters supported Democrats. I will graph the two-party vote, more data is at the end.

Hardly surprising, we see that in a two-party split, 60-80% of welfare recipients are Democrats, while full time Workers are evenly divided between parties.

You have similar results in this recent NPR-Poll. Among the Long Term Unemployed, 72% of the two-party support goes to Democrats.

Share of Recipients of each program that self-identified as supporters of Republican party in 2004-2007 Maxwell Poll:

Gov. Subsidized Housing 12%
Medicaid: 16%
Food Stamps: 20%
Unemployment Compensation: 21%
Welfare or public assistance: 22%
Disability benefits from government 25%

Are Welfare Recipients mostly Republican? | Tino Sanandaji
The poor are the least likely to vote. Less half those with earned income of less than $20,000 a year vote. The Democrat leaning poor just don't vote. Those who are financially insecure largely opt out of the political system altogether. Those that are most dependent on government welfare programs are the least likely to vote. That opting out disproportionately affects Democratic support.

Among the poor that vote for Republican, do so because of issues that have little to do with social welfare, abortion, same sex marriage, immigration, and terrorism.

Pew: The poor like Democrats, but don't vote for them
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Can you name any racist members of Congress? I can't think of any.

Whether blacks love living in the ghetto or not, who forces them to live there? I certainly don't.
Half the GOP, judging by their voting. Racism in housing, employment, and in general is well documented.

Go ahead FrankoFOS, show us that documentation.
Anywhere but the Pub Propaganda machine lol.

That's what I thought; typical lib response.
Google racism in housing or UE. DUH.

If I did, what I would get is the same as you are BSn us about here. There is no discrimination in housing. The closest we get to that is the lib NYC where apartment associations are allowed to vote on who can and cannot move into their complex regardless of race, gender, sexual preference and so on.

For the rest of us, we are held to scrutiny when it comes to renting or selling a home. Trust me, I'm a landlord, I know all about these things.

If we were allowed to discriminate, I would still be living in one of the most thriving suburbs in Cleveland. If we were allowed to discriminate, you would still be able to take evening walks down our streets in the summer in safety. If we were able to discriminate, our property values would be much higher here today. If we were allowed to discriminate, our city would be in the black and not in the red and sinking further.

What the resulting map shows is that the most “dependent states,” as measured by the composite score, are Mississippi and New Mexico, each of which gets back about $3 in federal spending for every dollar they send to the federal treasury in taxes. Alabama and Louisiana are close behind.

If you look only at the first measure—how much the federal government spends per person in each state compared with the amount its citizens pay in federal income taxes—other states stand out, particularly South Carolina: The Palmetto State receives $7.87 back from Washington for every $1 its citizens pay in federal tax. This bar chart, made from Wallet Hub's data, reveals the sharp discrepancies among states on that measure.

On the other side of this group, folks in 14 states, including Delaware, Minnesota, Illinois, Nebraska, and Ohio, get back less than $1 for each $1 they spend in taxes.

It’s not just that some states are getting way more in return for their federal tax dollars, but the disproportionate amount of federal aid that some states receive allows them to keep their own taxes artificially low. That's the argument Wallet Hub analysts make in their 2014 Report on Best & Worst States to be a Taxpayer.

Part of the explanation for why southern states dominate the “most dependent” category is historical. During the many decades in the 20th century when the South was solidly Democratic, its congressional representatives in both the House and the Senate, enjoying great seniority, came to hold leadership positions on powerful committees, which they used to send federal dollars back to their home states in the form of contracts, projects, installations.

Another part of the explanation is easier to discern. The reddest states on that map at the top—Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, New Mexico, Maine—have exceptionally high poverty rates and thus receive disproportionately large shares of federal dollars. Through a variety of social programs, the federal government disburses hundreds of billions of dollars each year to maintain a “safety net” intended to help the neediest among us. Consider, for example, the percentage of each state’s residents who get “food stamps” through the federal government’s SNAP program. This chart tells the story.

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?

Typical truck driver, not very bright. What the states don't pick up, we taxpayers in other states do.

Are Welfare Recipients mostly Republican?
Posted on February 22, 2012 by Tino

Paul Krugman is in puzzlement, having observed that Red States get more welfare funding, while Republican voters oppose the welfare state. He portrays Republicans as “Moochers” who are either hypocritical or too stupid to know their own best interest.

But as we know, states do not vote, individuals do. There is only a paradox if Republican voters receive welfare at above average rates while voting against it. From the Gellman-paradox we know that the low-income voters who drag down the Red States average tend to vote disproportionally for Democrats. Republican voters earn significantly more than Democrats, even though Red state earn less than Blue states.

Krugman reports no individual level data, so let me. The Maxwell Poll has detailed information about welfare use. The data is from 2004-2007. During this period in these polls a plurality of voters supported Democrats. I will graph the two-party vote, more data is at the end.

Hardly surprising, we see that in a two-party split, 60-80% of welfare recipients are Democrats, while full time Workers are evenly divided between parties.

You have similar results in this recent NPR-Poll. Among the Long Term Unemployed, 72% of the two-party support goes to Democrats.

Share of Recipients of each program that self-identified as supporters of Republican party in 2004-2007 Maxwell Poll:

Gov. Subsidized Housing 12%
Medicaid: 16%
Food Stamps: 20%
Unemployment Compensation: 21%
Welfare or public assistance: 22%
Disability benefits from government 25%

Are Welfare Recipients mostly Republican? | Tino Sanandaji
The Democrat leaning poor just don't vote. Those who are financially insecure largely opt out of the political system altogether. Those that are most dependent on government welfare programs are the least likely to vote. That opting out disproportionately affects Democratic support.

Among the poor that vote for Republican, do so because of issues that have little to do with social welfare, abortion, same sex marriage, immigration, and terrorism.

Pew: The poor like Democrats, but don't vote for them

The blacks like Democrats too. A large percentage of them don't vote either, but the Democrats scramble to win that vote and in fact, many say that the minority vote will wipe out the Republican party. The black population in this country is only 13%.

Ask yourself: what does the Democrat party have to offer people but free stuff? Nothing.

Liberals and Demorats don't pay attention to politics, this is true. Look at the cable news ratings compared to Fox. Look at how many liberal outlets on the radio and television have failed. PBS, NPR and others would not be around today if not for taxpayer support. They just don't attract enough audience.

But a little here and a little there, their support of the Democrat party is priceless.
I'm happy that she's contributing to demand. There will always be people who abuse something, it's clear that the point of this thread is to portray the majority of welfare recipients as being like the caller in the video.
They aren't?...come on. MOst of the social spending dollars are due to those gaming the system. And over paid employees to administer the programs as well.
Do the managers really need assistants to the assistant undersecretary to the assistant director of the federal social security and welfare office in Podunk, Iowa?
I'm happy that she's contributing to demand. There will always be people who abuse something, it's clear that the point of this thread is to portray the majority of welfare recipients as being like the caller in the video.

She's "contributing to demand?" Bernie Madoff also contributed to demand. Do you defend his activities as well?

Aren't the majority of welfare recipients just like the caller? Do you think they don't know they are sucking off productive people while they do nothing in return?
I responded to your absurd thread with a true statement that is also absurd. When this lady spends, she contributes to demand, it's a simple fact. Every system has people who game it, get over it.
Of course not, the majority work. "Sucking off productive people." Hah, those "productive people" need to realize that the mother receiving food stamps down the street is helping to keep their local walmart up and running.
For Wal-Mart, food stamp cutback adds new challenge
And it's not just walmart that takes a hit. There's absolutely no reason to butcher people's spending power, especially the people who spend most of their income. At a time when we need demand, if anything, we need to be expanding benefits. No one has to pay for it. Deficit spending is a wonderful thing.
yeah. You argument is flawed when you refer to the recipient of social entitlements as "their" spending power....it is not THEIR spending power....It's OURS. The taxpayer.....That over stuffed bag of useless organic matter is spending MY money to cram her pie hole full of potato chips and fried chicken necks.
Yup, blacks just LOVE living in ghettos, and racism is over. Blacks vote Dem because they are highly educated liberals lol. No racists in the New BS GOP!
Can you name any racist members of Congress? I can't think of any.

Whether blacks love living in the ghetto or not, who forces them to live there? I certainly don't.
Half the GOP, judging by their voting. Racism in housing, employment, and in general is well documented.

Go ahead FrankoFOS, show us that documentation.
Anywhere but the Pub Propaganda machine lol.

Then show it to us, douche bag.
Can you name any racist members of Congress? I can't think of any.

Whether blacks love living in the ghetto or not, who forces them to live there? I certainly don't.
Half the GOP, judging by their voting. Racism in housing, employment, and in general is well documented.

Go ahead FrankoFOS, show us that documentation.
Anywhere but the Pub Propaganda machine lol.

That's what I thought; typical lib response.
Google racism in housing or UE. DUH.

You google it and then post a link that you believe supports your case.

Douche bags always expect others to do their work for them.
Yup, blacks just LOVE living in ghettos, and racism is over. Blacks vote Dem because they are highly educated liberals lol. No racists in the New BS GOP!
Can you name any racist members of Congress? I can't think of any.

Whether blacks love living in the ghetto or not, who forces them to live there? I certainly don't.
Half the GOP, judging by their voting. Racism in housing, employment, and in general is well documented.
Please quote something anyone of them has said that's racist. If it's "well documented," then you should have no trouble.
A) They're not stupid. B) Racism is well documented in employment and housing duh.

Where did I say "It's stupid," whatever "it" is?

Notice I asked you to name a member of Congress who has make racist statements, not quote some bogus government report. As far a I know, Hillary is the only one making racist statements in this election.
Listening to this bitch is enough to make you vomit:

Is that Stephanie? Or TemplarKormac ?

Or some of the other RWNJ traitors who refuse to work for a living?

Welfare queens are all Dimocrats. Republicans all work for a living.

Actually, if you subtract discriminated against blacks, there's no difference in the stats for whites.

In other words, the majority of welfare queens are Democrats, and that's if your claim is true. However, like everything else you post, I doubt it's true.
Maxwell Poll Appendix Material

About the Survey: The Calling Process, the Sample and Weighting

The 2007 survey was conducted during the last two weeks of September. A sample of telephone numbers was obtained from Survey Sampling, Inc. The sample of telephone was representative of households within the continental United States. That excludes Hawaii and Alaska.

Hey Ray. Your link. Surveyed all over the country. No info on welfare being democrats or republicans.

Maybe you need to stick with the Iranian guy.
Maxwell Poll Appendix Material

About the Survey: The Calling Process, the Sample and Weighting

The 2007 survey was conducted during the last two weeks of September. A sample of telephone numbers was obtained from Survey Sampling, Inc. The sample of telephone was representative of households within the continental United States. That excludes Hawaii and Alaska.

Hey Ray. Your link. Surveyed all over the country. No info on welfare being democrats or republicans.

Maybe you need to stick with the Iranian guy.
I remember telling a girlfriends' kids how to not make explosives.

13 year old kids should learn chemistry, but not that kind of chemistry.
“Welfare Queen”

The ignorance common to most on the right concerning public assistance is exceeded only by their stupidity and hate.

'Stigma runs deep when it comes to government programs designed to aid low-income individuals and families.

But it's all due to the misconception that these programs reward the undeserving, allowing people to "work the system" while rejecting the common (yet highly unrealistic) "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" values of our society. Welfare recipients are also often assumed to share a range of undesirable characteristics, most of which have racist and classist undertones.

These stereotypes simply aren't true. We need to dispel the myths surrounding government benefits so we can truly understand the value of welfare, the humanity of those receiving it and the improvements that could be made to better support those in need.'

6 welfare myths we all need to stop believing
“Welfare Queen”

The ignorance common to most on the right concerning public assistance is exceeded only by their stupidity and hate.

'Stigma runs deep when it comes to government programs designed to aid low-income individuals and families.

But it's all due to the misconception that these programs reward the undeserving, allowing people to "work the system" while rejecting the common (yet highly unrealistic) "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" values of our society. Welfare recipients are also often assumed to share a range of undesirable characteristics, most of which have racist and classist undertones.

These stereotypes simply aren't true. We need to dispel the myths surrounding government benefits so we can truly understand the value of welfare, the humanity of those receiving it and the improvements that could be made to better support those in need.'

6 welfare myths we all need to stop believing

Are Entitlements Corrupting Us? Yes, American Character Is at Stake

Aug. 31, 2012

"The growth of entitlement payments over the past half-century has been breathtaking. In 1960, U.S. government transfers to individuals totaled about $24 billion in current dollars, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. By 2010 that total was almost 100 times as large. Even after adjusting for inflation and population growth, entitlement transfers to individuals have grown 727% over the past half-century, rising at an average rate of about 4% a year.

In 2010 alone, government at all levels oversaw a transfer of over $2.2 trillion in money, goods and services. The burden of these entitlements came to slightly more than $7,200 for every person in America. Scaled against a notional family of four, the average entitlements burden for that year alone approached $29,000."

Are Entitlements Corrupting Us? Yes, American Character Is at Stake
Trust me, I'm a landlord, I know all about these things.

Funniest words you have ever written.
" Trust me, I'm a landlord, I know about these things" LMAO.

Aren't you the same landlord that waits until your tenants are three months behind in rent before you do anything? No you say?

Then were you lying about that couple where the woman wouldn't work? And her husband wouldn't work over 40 hours.
And after a couple months of not paying rent, you called them to your apt to tell them how to fix themselves.

Was that story a lie?

Or are you a piss poor landlord who let's tenants take advantage of you.

30 days is all my tenants get. That's the law. You can't start an eviction till they are 30 days late. Then it's attorney time.

You never let it drag on like you do.

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