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Well, at least one country learned a lesson from the failed Iraq War.

Well admit your premise was wrong then. Saddam's out, the oil is flowing and in relative terms, the country is a bastion of Middle East democracy. If you want a clusterfuck, ya gotta go back to Vietnam with 50,000 dead and nothing accomplished. Kennedy, Johnson, you know those progressives.

The premise is right. The Iraq War was a mistake, and made things worse for the US. Polls of Iraqis make this clear. Now, Iraq is supported by the Iranians. The "democracy" is a joke. Bombings take place often, with blood-soaked results. And there never were any WMD.

Sorry, 4000 US troops killed in vain because of misguided GOP polices. No wonder Obama won twice so easily.
I understand, you even said you find it tough to admit you're wrong.

I feel so sorry for you. Most Americans oppose the war now, and realize that liberals had been right all along. There are a few sad "dead-enders" still clinging to the pro-war arguments. America ignores them. When Gov. Perry insisted that we go back into Iraq during his ill-thought Presidential run, he became a national laughingstock. You are one too.

Conservative refusal to admit that the Iraq War was a mistake is one of the reasons that the US voters refuse to put the GOP back in the White House. The voters don't want to repeat the Presidency of George W. Bushtard.

The next GOP nominee will only have a chance at victory for the White House if he admits that the Iraq War was a mistake, and promises not to repeat the mistake.
By the time the 2016 election comes around, no one will be thinking about Iraq, we'll be well into obama's war starting with Syria. By then we might be fighting Iran and Russia.
The premise is right. The Iraq War was a mistake, and made things worse for the US. Polls of Iraqis make this clear. Now, Iraq is supported by the Iranians. The "democracy" is a joke. Bombings take place often, with blood-soaked results. And there never were any WMD.

Sorry, 4000 US troops killed in vain because of misguided GOP polices. No wonder Obama won twice so easily.
I understand, you even said you find it tough to admit you're wrong.

I feel so sorry for you. Most Americans oppose the war now, and realize that liberals had been right all along. There are a few sad "dead-enders" still clinging to the pro-war arguments. America ignores them. When Gov. Perry insisted that we go back into Iraq during his ill-thought Presidential run, he became a national laughingstock. You are one too.

Conservative refusal to admit that the Iraq War was a mistake is one of the reasons that the US voters refuse to put the GOP back in the White House. The voters don't want to repeat the Presidency of George W. Bushtard.

The next GOP nominee will only have a chance at victory for the White House if he admits that the Iraq War was a mistake, and promises not to repeat the mistake.
It's not so much admitting you're wrong which is your problem, rather it is knowing when you're wrong I guess.
I understand, you even said you find it tough to admit you're wrong.

I feel so sorry for you. Most Americans oppose the war now, and realize that liberals had been right all along. There are a few sad "dead-enders" still clinging to the pro-war arguments. America ignores them. When Gov. Perry insisted that we go back into Iraq during his ill-thought Presidential run, he became a national laughingstock. You are one too.

Conservative refusal to admit that the Iraq War was a mistake is one of the reasons that the US voters refuse to put the GOP back in the White House. The voters don't want to repeat the Presidency of George W. Bushtard.

The next GOP nominee will only have a chance at victory for the White House if he admits that the Iraq War was a mistake, and promises not to repeat the mistake.
It's not so much admitting you're wrong which is your problem, rather it is knowing when you're wrong I guess.

If the war was such a success, then the results of the 2006 & 2008 elections would have kept the GOP in power. That did not happen.

Why didn't the GOP keep the WH & Congress during the time of this supposedly successful war?

Let me guess. "Librul media!!" :lol:
I feel so sorry for you. Most Americans oppose the war now, and realize that liberals had been right all along. There are a few sad "dead-enders" still clinging to the pro-war arguments. America ignores them. When Gov. Perry insisted that we go back into Iraq during his ill-thought Presidential run, he became a national laughingstock. You are one too.

Conservative refusal to admit that the Iraq War was a mistake is one of the reasons that the US voters refuse to put the GOP back in the White House. The voters don't want to repeat the Presidency of George W. Bushtard.

The next GOP nominee will only have a chance at victory for the White House if he admits that the Iraq War was a mistake, and promises not to repeat the mistake.
It's not so much admitting you're wrong which is your problem, rather it is knowing when you're wrong I guess.

If the war was such a success, then the results of the 2006 & 2008 elections would have kept the GOP in power. That did not happen.

Why didn't the GOP keep the WH & Congress during the time of this supposedly successful war?

Let me guess. "Librul media!!" :lol:

You are illogical and, well, just not very bright. But you are a partisan hack, so that's something. Good for you...good for you...
The Iraq war was a success. The objectives were reached.

GOP "Check" list:

More than three thousand Americans dead - check

More than 30,000 Americans maimed for life - check

More than three trillion dollars spent - check

Our military depleted - check

Bin Laden let go - check

Thousands of no-bid contracts passed out to Republican "friends" - check

A home for al Qaeda - check

A new friend for Iran - check

Iraq now a religious theocracy by constitution - check

Iraqi oil going to the Chinese - check

Christian population reduced by a million - check

Christian churches burned to the ground - check

Iraqi women in burkas - check

US President being awarded with new pair of slightly used size 10 and one half shoes - check

Fox propaganda fooling right wing fools into believing Iraq is a wild success - check

Yep, it looks like Republicans met every single one of their goals. Iraq is the biggest GOP success to date. Even bigger than what they did to the economy. Even bigger than trillions in debt. Even bigger than blocking an American economic recovery.

It just goes to show you that when Republicans put their mind to it, they can do anything.

Picky, picky. Nobody's perfect. The chief goal of the war was achieved by the Commander-in-Chief: Halliburton made out like bandits.

You're just jealous that Cheney's friends got a larger return from their investment in campaign finance than you got from Wall Street. The First Amendment guarantees that we get the best government money can buy.

Also, Halliburton paid more taxes on the taxpayers' money Bush gave them than you did on the money he gave you. So your nitpicking criticism of the war should be put on Ignore because you're a taker, not a maker like those who did built that war. Let Obama build his war and we'll compare it to the wars Halliburton built and let's see who has the biggest payoff. Only the rich can create jobs and only the rich can create wars.
snippity dippity

The Iraq War was started by a GOP President, and conservatives wanted it badly. They got it, promptly f_____ it up, and got fired from Congress and the White House by the voters.

Anyone who thinks the Iraq War was not a mistake is delusional.
Attacking Iraq after 9/11 made perfect sense. :eusa_whistle::confused:

No, the only thing that makes sense is confiscating all Muslim oil in order to bankrupt the jihad. But our transnational oil companies piggyback off OPEC price-gouging, so they vetoed that move. After all, it's not like their sons would have to die fighting these sideshow wars.
Well, Prometheus, you've finally written something with a lot of truth in it.

Too bad it is still mixed up with ideological delusion and media brainwashing.

I like your signature line. · · :D

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UK Prime Minister David Cameron loses Syria war vote - POLITICO.com

By REID J. EPSTEIN | 8/29/13 5:44 PM EDT
President Barack Obama’s latest geopolitical problem: His closest ally won’t help him attack Syria.

But he is not letting that stop him.

Britain’s House of Commons on Thursday evening rejected a motion from Prime Minister David Cameron to endorse British participation in military action in Syria, potentially hurting Obama’s effort to punish the Bashar Assad regime for its reported use of chemical weapons.
The White House made clear after the vote that it is willing to act alone on Syria.
(PHOTOS: Scenes from Syria)
“We have seen the result of the Parliament vote in the U.K. tonight,” National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden said in a statement. “The U.S. will continue to consult with the U.K. government – one of our closest allies and friends.


The UK learned their lesson. Sadly, not even Obama gets how deeply stupid and unpopular getting involved in Syria is. When is he going to come to his senses? I would expect this kind of idiocy from Mitt and especially McCain, but from Obama? I'm very disappointed.
It may be a mantra of the left, but the Iraq war did not fail. Failure would have been the shrill prognostications (hopes) that Iraq would break up, become a hot bed for terrorists, lead to a much wider conflict and so on. Iraq today is better and less threatening to it's neighbors with some (gasp!) democratic institutions and no longer the realm of Saddam and his fine sons. Must be very disappointing to some, not to mention heresy, I know.

There were no WMD. There is no real democracy. Violence is rampant. Iraq is a client state of Iran. And all for the cost of a trillion in debt.

Smooth move, GOP. Way to go.

'Listen, I also find it tough to admit when I'm wrong and made a mistake,' but this is just embarrassing for you.

Since when?
I feel so sorry for you. Most Americans oppose the war now, and realize that liberals had been right all along. There are a few sad "dead-enders" still clinging to the pro-war arguments. America ignores them. When Gov. Perry insisted that we go back into Iraq during his ill-thought Presidential run, he became a national laughingstock. You are one too.

Conservative refusal to admit that the Iraq War was a mistake is one of the reasons that the US voters refuse to put the GOP back in the White House. The voters don't want to repeat the Presidency of George W. Bushtard.

The next GOP nominee will only have a chance at victory for the White House if he admits that the Iraq War was a mistake, and promises not to repeat the mistake.
It's not so much admitting you're wrong which is your problem, rather it is knowing when you're wrong I guess.

If the war was such a success, then the results of the 2006 & 2008 elections would have kept the GOP in power. That did not happen.

Why didn't the GOP keep the WH & Congress during the time of this supposedly successful war?

Let me guess. "Librul media!!" :lol:

The war was winding down in 2006. There was a need for a final surge in forces and strategic fighting to tip the scales. The period you are not discussing, the height of the anti-war movement in the US is 2004.

How did that work out for the left side?

I think it's a bogus premise to start with, but the Iraq war was only an issue to the left. Medicare Part D is why the right stayed home in 2006.
It may be a mantra of the left, snip it and zip it.

So how many dead Americans would it be worth to make Syria a somewhat nicer place?
Syria does not have much oil and I wouldn't invade to bring al-Queda to power.

It is enveloping Saudi Arabia, with Shiite Irag on the north and Shiite Iran on the east. So the Saudi jihadists want to eliminate Assad and hope that the new government is not allied with Iran. Our transnational oil companies piggyback off jihadist price-gouging (economic terrorism), so they have ordered their lawn jockey Obama to appease Saudi Arabia. Every time you buy a gallon of gas, you are paying $3 to either the American economic royalists or to the Arab royal jihadists.
It's not so much admitting you're wrong which is your problem, rather it is knowing when you're wrong I guess.

If the war was such a success, then the results of the 2006 & 2008 elections would have kept the GOP in power. That did not happen.

Why didn't the GOP keep the WH & Congress during the time of this supposedly successful war?

Let me guess. "Librul media!!" :lol:

The war was winding down in 2006. There was a need for a final surge in forces and strategic fighting to tip the scales. The period you are not discussing, the height of the anti-war movement in the US is 2004.

How did that work out for the left side?

I think it's a bogus premise to start with, but the Iraq war was only an issue to the left. Medicare Part D is why the right stayed home in 2006.

What a bunch of bullshit lies.

The war/occupation wasn't winding down in 2006 as the surge took place in 2007. The Iraq War was an issue to everyone and was a major reason for the 2006 elections turning out as they did. There is a reason Donald Rumsfeld resigned the day after the elections. Medicare Part D passed in 2003 as well, didn't seem to hurt Republicans in 2004.
UK Prime Minister David Cameron loses Syria war vote - POLITICO.com

By REID J. EPSTEIN | 8/29/13 5:44 PM EDT
President Barack Obama’s latest geopolitical problem: His closest ally won’t help him attack Syria.

But he is not letting that stop him.

Britain’s House of Commons on Thursday evening rejected a motion from Prime Minister David Cameron to endorse British participation in military action in Syria, potentially hurting Obama’s effort to punish the Bashar Assad regime for its reported use of chemical weapons.
The White House made clear after the vote that it is willing to act alone on Syria.
(PHOTOS: Scenes from Syria)


The UK learned their lesson. Sadly, not even Obama gets how deeply stupid and unpopular getting involved in Syria is. When is he going to come to his senses? I would expect this kind of idiocy from Mitt snip, flip, and flop.

There were no WMD. There is no real democracy. Violence is rampant. Iraq is a client state of Iran. And all for the cost of a trillion in debt.

Smooth move, GOP. Way to go.

Listen, I also find it tough to admit when I'm wrong and made a mistake, but this is just embarrassing for you.

They don't mind being embarrassed if they made out like bandits with their thousands of shares of oil company, defense industries, or Halliburton stock. They're red-faced all the way to the bank. When they count their money, they're red-faced from laughing their asses off at all us little people who expected the war to be about Iraqi Freedom.
If the war was such a success, then the results of the 2006 & 2008 elections would have kept the GOP in power. That did not happen.

Why didn't the GOP keep the WH & Congress during the time of this supposedly successful war?

Let me guess. "Librul media!!" :lol:

The war was winding down in 2006. There was a need for a final surge in forces and strategic fighting to tip the scales. The period you are not discussing, the height of the anti-war movement in the US is 2004.

How did that work out for the left side?

I think it's a bogus premise to start with, but the Iraq war was only an issue to the left. Medicare Part D is why the right stayed home in 2006.

What a bunch of bullshit lies.

The war/occupation wasn't winding down in 2006 as the surge took place in 2007. The Iraq War was an issue to everyone and was a major reason for the 2006 elections turning out as they did. There is a reason Donald Rumsfeld resigned the day after the elections. Medicare Part D passed in 2003 as well, didn't seem to hurt Republicans in 2004.

You're correct about Medicare Part D, my mistake.

That said, the war was not the reason the Democrats took the House in 2006. There wasn't a huge shift in the electorate. The left increased their ground game and the right stayed home.
The war was winding down in 2006. There was a need for a final surge in forces and strategic fighting to tip the scales. The period you are not discussing, the height of the anti-war movement in the US is 2004.

How did that work out for the left side?

I think it's a bogus premise to start with, but the Iraq war was only an issue to the left. Medicare Part D is why the right stayed home in 2006.

What a bunch of bullshit lies.

The war/occupation wasn't winding down in 2006 as the surge took place in 2007. The Iraq War was an issue to everyone and was a major reason for the 2006 elections turning out as they did. There is a reason Donald Rumsfeld resigned the day after the elections. Medicare Part D passed in 2003 as well, didn't seem to hurt Republicans in 2004.

You're correct about Medicare Part D, my mistake.

That said, the war was not the reason the Democrats took the House in 2006. There wasn't a huge shift in the electorate. The left increased their ground game and the right stayed home.

The GOP's mismanagement of occupation of Iraq is the number one reason that the Dems took Congress in the 2006 election. There was a huge shift in the electorate. Many voters finally realized that liberals were right about what a mistake invading Iraq would be.
What a bunch of bullshit lies.

The war/occupation wasn't winding down in 2006 as the surge took place in 2007. The Iraq War was an issue to everyone and was a major reason for the 2006 elections turning out as they did. There is a reason Donald Rumsfeld resigned the day after the elections. Medicare Part D passed in 2003 as well, didn't seem to hurt Republicans in 2004.

You're correct about Medicare Part D, my mistake.

That said, the war was not the reason the Democrats took the House in 2006. There wasn't a huge shift in the electorate. The left increased their ground game and the right stayed home.

The GOP's mismanagement of occupation of Iraq is the number one reason that the Dems took Congress in the 2006 election. There was a huge shift in the electorate. Many voters finally realized that liberals were right about what a mistake invading Iraq would be.

I bet you don't have any election data to show that. How many registered Republicans voted for Democrats in 2006? How many 2004 Bush voters voted for Democrats in 2006?

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