Well, I guess she has a point -- Pregnant Texas woman stopped for driving solo in HOV told police ...

When did they do that, have a link?
I posted a link earlier. I'll see if i can find it again. The text was clear, as was the intent. They wanted to extend all legal protections afforded to people, to fetuses as well. Rather than pass a law outlawing abortion, they tweaked the penal code, shoehorning in the prohibition by redefining a fetus as a person.
I posted a link earlier. I'll see if i can find it again. The text was clear, as was the intent. They wanted to extend all legal protections afforded to people, to fetuses as well. Rather than pass a law outlawing abortion, they tweaked the penal code, shoehorning in the prohibition by redefining a fetus as a person.

All they did was reduce the time you could get an abortion from 20 weeks to 6 weeks. Abortion is still legal in that state up to that time.
It talks about the changes to the penal code declaring fetuses to be persons. You know, the thing we've been talking about.

Listen, never fucking mind. Just ostrich up and carry on.

Irrelevant to the topic because the discussion here is that a woman got a ticket for being in a carpool lane when she was not carpooling. A fetus can't carpool. A fetus is a human being that is attached to the mother.
The living baby in the womb has as much right to live as the mother.

a zygote is not a 'baby' .... an embryo is not a 'baby' .... a fetus b4 any viability is not a 'baby'.

but a post born female with autonomy is a person - - - subject now to extremist views that forces her in a special kinda slavery.

And, ass-wipe, it's not the gun that has the rights, it's the people. Stupid sob.

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.... alrighty ... then according to yer myopic viewpoint ...

PEOPLE can CHOOSE to carry CONcealed weapons,
unbeknownst to anyone around them ... or CHOOSE not to... unbeknownst to anyone around them .... riiiiight?

but NOT a female that CHOOSES to carry full term - or CHOOSES not to ... unbeknownst to anyone around them.

so, by yer standards ... pregnant females aren't people.
2nd grader.jpg
Good grief how many pro choice loons keep saying it's not a baby.

Stop being obtuse

good grief, how many pro birth loons keep saying an acorn is the same as an oak tree.

stop being pro birth & fight to raise yer taxes to take care of all the post born real babies.
a zygote is not a 'baby' .... an embryo is not a 'baby' .... a fetus b4 any viability is not a 'baby'.

Regardless of what semantic games you want to try to play with terms that refer to different stages of a human life, a human being is a human being at every stage of his life. Even as a zygote, an embryo, or a fetus, he is still a human being, and killing he for no good reason is still murder.

No amount of sematic bullshit will ever hide the blood on the hands of those of you who defend this murderous practice.
Regardless of what semantic games you want to try to play with terms that refer to different stages of a human life, a human being is a human being at every stage of his life. Even as a zygote, an embryo, or a fetus, he is still a human being, and killing he for no good reason is still murder.

regardless of whatever pablum you spew ...


^^^ that's what you dream of ^^^
According to the most recent federal data, there are currently more than 400,000 children in foster care in the United States. They range in age from infants to 21 years old (in some states). The average age of a child in foster care is more than 8 years old, and there are slightly more boys than girls.

About the children


Cuts in Nutrition Assistance Would Make It Harder for Families to Afford Food​

The 2019 Trump budget cuts SNAP by more than $213 billion over the next ten years — or by nearly 30 percent. It imposes large benefit cuts on most households even though current benefits average just $1.40 per person per meal, and radically restructures how benefits are delivered. It also includes other benefit and eligibility cuts that would cause at least 4 million people to lose SNAP benefits altogether. The cuts would affect every category of SNAP participant, including the unemployed, the elderly, individuals with disabilities, and low-income working families with children.

Cuts in Housing and Energy Assistance Would Make It Harder for Families to Pay Rent​

As discussed below, the President’s budget includes substantial cuts in non-defense programs —programs outside defense that are funded each year through the annual appropriations process. Among these are substantial cuts in low-income housing programs that would affect a broad swath of low-income households, including several million working families with children, seniors, and people with disabilities. The 2019 Trump budget proposes the largest retrenchment of federal housing aid since the U.S. Housing Act was enacted in 1937.

  • Cancels Housing Choice Vouchers — which help low-income households afford private, modest apartments — for about 200,000 low-income households. These cuts would hit extremely low-income seniors, people with disabilities, and working families with children hard, undercut community efforts to reduce homelessness, and weaken housing stability, which is critical to children’s development and school attendance.
Raises rents on low-income families with HUD rental assistance. Nearly all households receiving rental assistance that are headed by a person who is not 62 or older or disabled would have to spend 35 percent of their income on rent, up from 30 percent under current law. Working families would bear the bulk of such rent increases and be especially hard hit, because they also could no longer subtract child care expenses from their incomes in determining their rent payments (i.e., rents would be raised from 30 percent of income after deductions for costs like child care to 35 percent of gross income).

The budget also raises the minimum monthly rent to $150, which means rents would triple or more for the poorest families; this change would largely hit households that live below half of the poverty line, and it would likely result in more evictions and homelessness.
The budget also eliminates the Social Services Block Grant (SSBG), which provides $1.7 billion in flexible funding to states each year for services such as child care, day programs for seniors and people with disabilities, services for homeless individuals and families, and others.

Trump Budget Deeply Cuts Health, Housing, Other Assistance for Low- and Moderate-Income Families | Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

& ^^^ that ^^^ doesn't take into account the 2017 tax cuts.
But of course actually she was NOT carrying "another person" in the car, she was pregant with a non-person, and the policeman understood that, as do all normal people. So she got a ticket.
You are a non person. You should go to the Planned Parenthood Extermination Camp to delete yourself.

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