Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

J'adore zdrawberry zhortgake fur dezzert.

Last night I made Chicken Tetrazinni with a side of green beans. Sliced mangoes for dessert.

Tonight, we're going out for sushi.
Where you finding ripe mangos? The ones I have seen in Ohio have not looked very good!

I live in Oaklandton CA - we get great produce (except for tomatoes - no hot house tomatoes ever taste good, imo) year round. Mangoes are usually pretty good even off season, but the very best are the small ataulfos from Mexico in season.
The oranges and pine apple you guys get are so much better than what we get also! I am envious!

We get wonderful produce in Arizona, but don't talk to me about seafood prices. I envy anyone who doesn't have to take out a second mortgage for a fish dinner.
My son goes out and catches crab almost every day...he and his missus eat crab as a late night snack regularly. Saves us a fortune in groceries.
J'adore zdrawberry zhortgake fur dezzert.

Last night I made Chicken Tetrazinni with a side of green beans. Sliced mangoes for dessert.

Tonight, we're going out for sushi.
Where you finding ripe mangos? The ones I have seen in Ohio have not looked very good!

I live in Oaklandton CA - we get great produce (except for tomatoes - no hot house tomatoes ever taste good, imo) year round. Mangoes are usually pretty good even off season, but the very best are the small ataulfos from Mexico in season.
The oranges and pine apple you guys get are so much better than what we get also! I am envious!

We get wonderful produce in Arizona, but don't talk to me about seafood prices. I envy anyone who doesn't have to take out a second mortgage for a fish dinner.
My son goes out and catches crab almost every day...he and his missus eat crab as a late night snack regularly. Saves us a fortune in groceries.

Suuure, rub it in.
Ham steak with apples.

One large ham steak
3 med apples (I used golden delicious it's all I had on hand)
3 Tbsp butter
3 Tbsp brown mustard
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp Worcestershire
1/4 cup packed brown sugar (I didn't pack mine)

Over medium low heat melt in skillet, add brown sugar and mustard and cook until blended
Add diced apples, mustard and Worcestershire, cook for approximately five minutes until apples are tender
Remove apple mixture (move to the sides of the skillet if there's enough room), add ham steak, cook on one side for 2 - 3 minutes then turn over and cover with apple mixture till done (approximately 3 more minutes).
I'm making one of mr. boe's favorite dinners tonight: pork chops in mushroom gravy with mashed potatoes and green beans. It's incredibly easy and quite yummy.
Ham steak with apples.

One large ham steak
3 med apples (I used golden delicious it's all I had on hand)
3 Tbsp butter
3 Tbsp brown mustard
1/4 tsp onion powder
1/4 tsp Worcestershire
1/4 cup packed brown sugar (I didn't pack mine)

Over medium low heat melt in skillet, add brown sugar and mustard and cook until blended
Add diced apples, mustard and Worcestershire, cook for approximately five minutes until apples are tender
Remove apple mixture (move to the sides of the skillet if there's enough room), add ham steak, cook on one side for 2 - 3 minutes then turn over and cover with apple mixture till done (approximately 3 more minutes).

" I don't pack mine".... :rofl:
I had some shaved pork shoulder, so I decided to do something Asian.
I marinated it in soy, garlic, ginger, red pepper flakes and s&p.
Then shredded some Chinese cabbage, carrots and green onions.
Added rice noodles at the end of the stir fry...oh...and a tsp of peanut butter and a small drizzle of sesame oil.
It was pretty decent. I think I added a touch too much soy.
Campbell's has become an American standard...

It's friggin hot out....so I made some simple tomato/cucumber/onion salad...got some shredded chicken breast leftover from the whole chicken I grilled Sunday....either going to make chicken salad with it or bbq.
Too hot for anything complicated.
Made with Krusteaz buttermilk pancake mix (just add water!) soaked in real butter and syrup.

Krusteaz comes from Pendleton.

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