Well? What did you have for dinner tonight??

Lobster Bisque
8oz Prime Rib
Crab Neptune
Mocha Mud Pie

The BoatHouse Restaurant

^ Last night. Tonight it's leftover pizza and broccoli soup. :razz:
Pizza joint down the street had a promotion where the time you call is the price you pay. So, I got a large pie for four bucks. Not bad.
Turkey meat loaf with collard greens and mashed potatoes, the greens went so well with the meat loaf, I brought extras for lunch today.
Last night was homemade hand cut chicken fried steak--lightly breaded and (immodestly perhaps) perfectly seasoned and also perfectly seasoned mashed potatoes all smothered in cream gravy made from steak drippings and complimented with bacon seasoned green beans and fruit compote on cottage cheese. It was really good. :) Tonight is pizza night with a wonderful cut of chuck roast going into the crock pot for tomorrow.
Ribeye steak, broiled (raining so no grill use...:()
Cucumber, tomato, onion salad with balsamic vinaigrette
Black and green olives and marinated artichoke hearts.
Spaghetti night...and I have to make the sauce at noon. I have an hour to pick up kids, get them fed, and get them to play practice, and an hour doesn't go far when it's three kids at two different locations, ages 14-8.

This is crunch week..the week before spring break (no practice) so the last rehearsals prior to the month of the show...

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