Wendy David running for Governor

Sources: Wendy Davis running for Texas governor

Maybe she can bring some common sense and decency to Texas.

I wish her the best.

I am glad she is running. It's always great to see a liberal faux hero fall very hard!

Why does the left hold a person up that thinks abortion rights are infringed upon that allows it up to 5 months? If you can't figure out by month 5 that you want to have an abortion, then what they hell are you waiting for.

You do realize Roe vs Wade only protected abortion rights in the first trimester (90 days or 3 months) and states could regulate after 90 days! I firmly support this and I support abortion rights!

Later term abortion is immoral. You better have a very good reason for it. I can only see at that point: Young victim of incest, fetus has defects or mother's life is in danger. Other than that you have to lack morals to think abortion is OK in the late term.
Can't wait for the conservative smear campaign...they should reach new lows

[MENTION=20321]rightwinger[/MENTION] Yea they should take thier play book from the Democratic smear campaign of Palin and Bachmann, they really showed us how to attack women. :cool:
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Ted Cruz:

The first vote we are going to take on this is a vote on what is called cloture on the motion to proceed.

The next vote we take will occur on Friday or Saturday and it will be on what is called cloture on the bill. That is the vote that matters. Cloture on the bill, the vote Friday or Saturday, is the vote that matters.

That is the vote that matters.

so if they had not yet proceeded, what was he objecting to ? -

* a publicity stunt for his party is more important for cruz than what is actually important - his Oath of Office.

... without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

Hypocrisy thy name is liberal.

Ripping the shit out of Cruz's filibuster saying he's grandstanding and setting up for a Presidential run.

BUT you bloody hypocrites cheer Wendy Davis on for her filibuster and grandstanding to set up for a run for the Governor's office.


You never cease to amaze me with your hypocrisy.

well you see, Cruz ending up voting YES for the very bill he was filibustering.

while Wendy Davis voted NO.

You're lying again.

Cruz did not vote on a bill. He voted along with others to bring the bill forth for debate and a vote after the debate.

Well if you really want to get technical he wasn't really filibustering was he?

And the Bill passed the Senate without the defunding the new healthcare laws which are set to go into effect even if the jack wads in DC can't get their acts together.
The world is upside down in the liberal mind. The concept of "decency" is translated to promoting the late term abortion blood bath where full term infants are stabbed in the back of the head and their brains sucked out with Frankenstein machines and if a baby slips out of the abortion monster's hands it's throat is cut on the table and it's body is thrown in the trash barrel. Maybe the eco loving libs recycle dead humans by selling them to hog farms. Who knows what the brave new abortion on demand democrat administration is capable of.

Actually, it's your view that is skewed.
Sources: Wendy Davis running for Texas governor

Maybe she can bring some common sense and decency to Texas.

I wish her the best.

Common sense and decency? The only issue she is known for us being so pro killing children that she fillibustered a bill to provide higher standards of care for the women who go to abortion clinics because it might result in fewer children dying.

Now how is that common sense? How is that decent?

Do you even know a single one of her positions aside from this? Im guessing you dont. Though I have no doubt youll be looking them up now to answer this, if you bother to do so.

First, Texas already banned late term abortions, the difference was 20 week versus 24 week. Second, there simply was no evidence presented that performing the procedure at clinics ever endangered the women's lives or provided sub-standard level of care for them either. It was all about shutting down as many clinic as possible. But thanks for recycling that piece of propaganda.
Can't wait for the conservative smear campaign...they should reach new lows

You can't smear someone by telling the truth

Remember the Swift Boat campaign? They told the truth about Kerry, and the media ignored it, focused on the extremists that didn't know their ass from a hole in the ground, and forever associated being honest about a politician with smear tactics.
Ted Cruz:

The first vote we are going to take on this is a vote on what is called cloture on the motion to proceed.

The next vote we take will occur on Friday or Saturday and it will be on what is called cloture on the bill. That is the vote that matters. Cloture on the bill, the vote Friday or Saturday, is the vote that matters.

That is the vote that matters.

so if they had not yet proceeded, what was he objecting to ? -

* a publicity stunt for his party is more important for cruz than what is actually important - his Oath of Office.

... without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.


I am pretty sure I explained this earlier. If you really wanted to know you would have read that, since you didn't, I have tp presume you are choosing to be ignorant.
Sources: Wendy Davis running for Texas governor

Maybe she can bring some common sense and decency to Texas.

I wish her the best.

Common sense and decency? The only issue she is known for us being so pro killing children that she fillibustered a bill to provide higher standards of care for the women who go to abortion clinics because it might result in fewer children dying.

Now how is that common sense? How is that decent?

Do you even know a single one of her positions aside from this? Im guessing you dont. Though I have no doubt youll be looking them up now to answer this, if you bother to do so.

First, Texas already banned late term abortions, the difference was 20 week versus 24 week. Second, there simply was no evidence presented that performing the procedure at clinics ever endangered the women's lives or provided sub-standard level of care for them either. It was all about shutting down as many clinic as possible. But thanks for recycling that piece of propaganda.

There wasn't any evidence in Pennsylvania either, mostly because Democrats never enforced the inspection laws that were on the books.
Ted Cruz:

The first vote we are going to take on this is a vote on what is called cloture on the motion to proceed.

The next vote we take will occur on Friday or Saturday and it will be on what is called cloture on the bill. That is the vote that matters. Cloture on the bill, the vote Friday or Saturday, is the vote that matters.

That is the vote that matters.

so if they had not yet proceeded, what was he objecting to ? -

* a publicity stunt for his party is more important for cruz than what is actually important - his Oath of Office.

... without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.


I am pretty sure I explained this earlier. If you really wanted to know you would have read that, since you didn't, I have tp presume you are choosing to be ignorant.

Senate Oath of Office

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

... or purpose of evasion

there was nothing Ted Cruz did that was not an "evasion" of existing Constitutional law ... sorry QW, if you read the post you would understand the "support" of our Constitution is not an exclusive privelage meant for only ones own political affiliation.
what's this woman's claim to fame...

filibustering for the right to ABORT babies in the late terms...just abort up to NINE MONTHS

they will vote her just for that reason alone...I hope she's NOT A MOTHER...if so I hope her kids are ashamed of her
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