Wendy David running for Governor

Yes, we know your type hates babies. Wendy Davis has got a shot in hell of winning that race.

Democrats want to let women abort if the choose to, and help them pay for food, clothes, housing, and childcare for their baby if they choose not to abort.

Conservatives want babies of unwed mothers to die in the street.

They only care about babies...in utero.

That is a retarded response. Where do you get this shit?

rdean and luddly

The world is upside down in the liberal mind. The concept of "decency" is translated to promoting the late term abortion blood bath where full term infants are stabbed in the back of the head and their brains sucked out with Frankenstein machines and if a baby slips out of the abortion monster's hands it's throat is cut on the table and it's body is thrown in the trash barrel. Maybe the eco loving libs recycle dead humans by selling them to hog farms. Who knows what the brave new abortion on demand democrat administration is capable of.
I can see the salivating already.

“I hope she does run,” says Katrina Pierson, who serves on the Texas Tea Party Caucus Advisory Board. “I think it would be great for Texas. I know Abbott would beat her, but then she vacates a senate seat, where we have a great person running to replace her.”

“Hanging out in D.C. with Nancy Pelosi doesn’t get you there,” he adds. “It makes me wonder if she realizes she’s on a suicide mission.."

Wendy Davis in 2014 | National Review Online
Wendy Davis is no Ted Cruz: her filibuster was successful, if only for a short time, while Ted Cruz failed and voted with the enemy that day.

A woman winning that office in Texas will be very, very difficult in and of itself. Ma Ferguson was governor as a surrogate for her husband, who couldn't hold office, and Ann Richards, who won because her opponent made the famous "if it's rape, lay back and enjoy it."
Everyone running for office should be expected to take a class in economics.

These people should realize that businesses need to make a profit to remain in business.

You speak as though American businesses are not profitable. Where do you get such ideas?

But why would we want business to make a profit? We're all a bunch of stupid socialist communists who want the government to take control of all businesses while determining what should and shouldn't be produced, and how much should be produced. All of us progressives know this is the best form of government and that private enterprise goes against the common good. :cuckoo:
Yes, we know your type hates babies. Wendy Davis has got a shot in hell of winning that race.

Democrats want to let women abort if the choose to, and help them pay for food, clothes, housing, and childcare for their baby if they choose not to abort.

Conservatives want babies of unwed mothers to die in the street.

They only care about babies...in utero.

That is a retarded response. Where do you get this shit?

This is what cons tell us all the time. Cut out all welfare for those welfare queens who have too many kids. You bitch about them having the kids, but you are against abortion, but you also bitch about having to support them when their parents can't or don't. Just saying. This is the typical con viewpoint.
The world is upside down in the liberal mind. The concept of "decency" is translated to promoting the late term abortion blood bath where full term infants are stabbed in the back of the head and their brains sucked out with Frankenstein machines and if a baby slips out of the abortion monster's hands it's throat is cut on the table and it's body is thrown in the trash barrel. Maybe the eco loving libs recycle dead humans by selling them to hog farms. Who knows what the brave new abortion on demand democrat administration is capable of.

You guys are all the same. You'll do anything you can to stop abortion completely yet you bitch when those who are pro choice do whatever it takes to keep abortion available as an option. The Texas bill that was passed will make it significantly more difficult for many women to get an abortion, even when it's in the first trimester. But you ass hats try to use late term abortions as the base of your argument when hardly anyone supports late term abortions.
Sources: Wendy Davis running for Texas governor

Maybe she can bring some common sense and decency to Texas.

I wish her the best.

I bet that gives you orgasms...will she run on repealing the laws on not being able to kill babies in the womb up to nine months?

That bill did a hell of a lot more than stop abortions past 20 weeks, something that very few people support to begin with. It was everything else in that shit bill that she opposed you ignorant idiot.
Wendy Davis is no Ted Cruz: her filibuster was successful, if only for a short time, while Ted Cruz failed and voted with the enemy that day.

A woman winning that office in Texas will be very, very difficult in and of itself. Ma Ferguson was governor as a surrogate for her husband, who couldn't hold office, and Ann Richards, who won because her opponent made the famous "if it's rape, lay back and enjoy it."

Texas is turning blue quicker than most realize. I don't think she will win, because it's still early, but I think it will be a tight race. Wait until 2016 when Hillary runs and puts Julian Castro on the ticket. That will make Texas extremely close. Worst case scenario for Dems is that Texas doesn't turn blue until 2020.
Hypocrisy thy name is liberal.

Ripping the shit out of Cruz's filibuster saying he's grandstanding and setting up for a Presidential run.

BUT you bloody hypocrites cheer Wendy Davis on for her filibuster and grandstanding to set up for a run for the Governor's office.


You never cease to amaze me with your hypocrisy.

Because what Cruz did WASN'T A FILIBUSTER.

I know that you know this.

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