Were we not promised indictments…

Democrats do have a way of staring at a dead body on the ground covered in blood and saying were! Where!
And for what is probably the 8th or 9th time of asking today, where the crime is shown in the Durham report, I am met with deflection.

What crimes did Durham recommend be charged in his report?
Of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, the entire US intelligence community, (non-elected Hunter Biden) and President Biden with certainty.

Yet, no indictments, broken laws or convictions.

Why is that?
Riiiiight the FBI is shitting themselves and claiming all sorts of reforms because nothing wrong happened and there was no corruption or collusion is that your argument? Here I'll just laugh in your face. :auiqs.jpg:
Hillary is CIA......
But that's beside the point here.

Those are not whistleblowers. They are disgruntled ex FBI agents paid via a Trump donor.

Hillary is at home drinking a glass of wine laughing at Trump the sexual abusers legal woes.
Riiiiight the FBI is shitting themselves and claiming all sorts of reforms because nothing wrong happened and there was no corruption or collusion is that your argument? Here I'll just laugh in your face. :auiqs.jpg:
Claiming what exactly?

What argument are you asserting for being a fuckup.
How many have died because the deep state installed Biden ? Ukraine. Afghanistan. Sudan now.

6 million illegals.
300 fentanyl deaths every day in the US.

Democrat kids, but still....not good.
How quickly you tards forget recent history!

Dipshit Donald blew off the Covid pandemic and allowed it to run rampant completely unimpeded and gain a strong foothold in America, leading to a million-plus deaths.

No one will ever match that kind of incompetence. Unless he is re-elected, of course.

More than 932,000 people have died since 1999 from a drug overdose.1 In 2020, 91,799 drug overdose deaths occurred in the United States. The age-adjusted rate of overdose deaths increased by 31% from 2019 (21.6 per 100,000) to 2020 (28.3 per 100,000).

Remind us who was president during that period.
Their is a subtle yet odd shift in the excuses this time though.

Typically trumpers claim deep state or Soros when investigations don't go their way.

While some of that is still occurring, it seems a much larger percentage of trumpers are simply making things up about the Durham report that simply aren't their. I have seen it in multiple thread.

They claim Durham found crimes but when you ask for proof they deflect, dodge, ad hominem and disappear.

It's going from lame conspiracies to outright just making shit up.
Well, it's like I said. They will never read the report and will just parrot what they are told to parrot.

Anything longer than a tweet is beyond their ability to absorb, and that limited intellectual bandwidth has been deliberately inculcated in them.
Those Sean handity indictments man…you have to get you fix.
You have no clue because you're an ignorant fucktard with no memory and have no e-mail "blasts" about it in your inbox.

That was 3 years ago, Oh Ye with the attention span and intellect of a gnat.

Tell me who Reality Winner is, hmm?

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