Were you surprised by the result of the Mueller investigation?

No, it is exactly what Barr said in his letter. You apparently did not read it. Don't you think it's a good idea to know what it is before forming an opinion on it?

"Mueller was unable to find any evidence of collusion" is in fact not a phrase in Barr's letter so your interpretation of his letter is not exact.
Are you crazy?

[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”


The Special Counsel’s investigation determined that there were two main Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election. The first involved attempts by a Russian organization, the Internet Research Agency (IRA), to conduct disinformation and social media operations in the United States designed to sow social discord, eventually with the aim of interfering with the election. As noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA in its efforts, although the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian nationals and entities in connection with these activities.


But as noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.

Here’s the text of the Mueller report summary letter, typed out for easy reading

The first quote is not proof that they found no evidence. Lifting a seemingly exonerating sentence from a report can even be done with Comey's Statements on Hillary Server. But the public got the whole statement then. Now we wait.
For what do you wait? Get the fuck over it. Hillary lost.

The edited and sanitized Report. I understand all you parrots have your talking point drilled into yer skulls and ya did your job disseminating the points, but the truth will catch up one day.
Sure. Yeah...right. Your just a conspiracy nut that thinks Trump is Lucifer. :aug08_031:
No, it is exactly what Barr said in his letter. You apparently did not read it. Don't you think it's a good idea to know what it is before forming an opinion on it?

"Mueller was unable to find any evidence of collusion" is in fact not a phrase in Barr's letter so your interpretation of his letter is not exact.
Are you crazy?

[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”


The Special Counsel’s investigation determined that there were two main Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election. The first involved attempts by a Russian organization, the Internet Research Agency (IRA), to conduct disinformation and social media operations in the United States designed to sow social discord, eventually with the aim of interfering with the election. As noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA in its efforts, although the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian nationals and entities in connection with these activities.


But as noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.

Here’s the text of the Mueller report summary letter, typed out for easy reading

The first quote is not proof that they found no evidence. Lifting a seemingly exonerating sentence from a report can even be done with Comey's Statements on Hillary Server. But the public got the whole statement then. Now we wait.
I understand you are disappointed that the report makes it clear that the Democrats have all been lying their asses off for the last two years and intend to continue lying.

Again, the report has not been released, and I'm not surprised by Barr's letter.
Of course you are surprised by it. You had hoped and believed Mueller's report would nail Trump on collusion with Russia and instead it said it found no evidence of collusion by Trump or anyone associated with him. Now it's time for you to man up and acknowledge we haven't heard a word of truth from any Democrat on this issue for two years.
No, it is exactly what Barr said in his letter. You apparently did not read it. Don't you think it's a good idea to know what it is before forming an opinion on it?

"Mueller was unable to find any evidence of collusion" is in fact not a phrase in Barr's letter so your interpretation of his letter is not exact.
Are you crazy?

[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”


The Special Counsel’s investigation determined that there were two main Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election. The first involved attempts by a Russian organization, the Internet Research Agency (IRA), to conduct disinformation and social media operations in the United States designed to sow social discord, eventually with the aim of interfering with the election. As noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA in its efforts, although the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian nationals and entities in connection with these activities.


But as noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.

Here’s the text of the Mueller report summary letter, typed out for easy reading

The first quote is not proof that they found no evidence. Lifting a seemingly exonerating sentence from a report can even be done with Comey's Statements on Hillary Server. But the public got the whole statement then. Now we wait.
For what do you wait? Get the fuck over it. Hillary lost.

The edited and sanitized Report. I understand all you parrots have your talking point drilled into yer skulls and ya did your job disseminating the points, but the truth will catch up one day.
Truth is already out. You liars lost the big one. No one believes anything you say. How does that taste, liar?
The DOJ "office" reviewed and summarized. It is over. Rosenstein was in on the summay. They quoted the Mule team.

No one from the Mules 20 DEMs are squaking, "the summary is wrong"!

Even dodo-brain Brennan-Clapper are saying "musta been bad info" huh?
And many more.....

What more do you stay-ar-home-red-commie SSDI posters need?
Land O' Goshen!

You are conflating Conspiracy and Obstruction.

On conspiracy it looks like Donnie is off the hook but Obstruction case is basically open for Congress to take up.

All of that is subject to full Mueller report review by the Congress..
so you're going to keep flinging shit on the wall until you MAKE something stick and all the while deny thats what you're doing.


??? I don’t fling anything. Those are what we call facts.

Upset that Trump is still open to investigation for Obstruction? Well maybe he shouldn’t constantly try abuse his position to obstruct investigations. Crazy thought.
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Seems to me, this caught the left flat-footed -- they really and truly believed this was a slam-dunk case conspiracy and obstruction.

- Did you allow your partisan rage to cloud your objectivity?
- Did you believe your own hype and that fed to you by the likes on MSNBC, CNN, and ABC?
- Were you more surprised by this than the 2016 election?
- Are you more emotionally let down by this than the 2016 election?
- If this - after 2 years of waiting with baited breath for the report, telling us daily that Mueller had the goods and it was a matter of time - does not convince you there was no collusion w/ Russia and/or obstruction of justice, what will?
- Why should we believe you?

Seems to me, this caught the left flat-footed -- they really and truly believed this was a slam-dunk case conspiracy and obstruction.

- Did you allow your partisan rage to cloud your objectivity?
- Did you believe your own hype and that fed to you by the likes on MSNBC, CNN, and ABC?
- Were you more surprised by this than the 2016 election?
- Are you more emotionally let down by this than the 2016 election?
- If this - after 2 years of waiting with baited breath for the report, telling us daily that Mueller had the goods and it was a matter of time - does not convince you there was no collusion w/ Russia and/or obstruction of justice, what will?
- Why should we believe you?


Yes I'm surprised that Mueller didn't give the Dems what they wanted. They wanted a recommendation for political cover and they didn't get it. Instead he tried to give them a smear campaign and a greenlight.
Bob Mueller is a week little puke who wants to be admired. What a pussy!

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"Mueller was unable to find any evidence of collusion" is in fact not a phrase in Barr's letter so your interpretation of his letter is not exact.
Are you crazy?

[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.”


The Special Counsel’s investigation determined that there were two main Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election. The first involved attempts by a Russian organization, the Internet Research Agency (IRA), to conduct disinformation and social media operations in the United States designed to sow social discord, eventually with the aim of interfering with the election. As noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that any U.S. person or Trump campaign official or associate conspired or knowingly coordinated with the IRA in its efforts, although the Special Counsel brought criminal charges against a number of Russian nationals and entities in connection with these activities.


But as noted above, the Special Counsel did not find that the Trump campaign, or anyone associated with it, conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in these efforts, despite multiple offers from Russian-affiliated individuals to assist the Trump campaign.

Here’s the text of the Mueller report summary letter, typed out for easy reading

The first quote is not proof that they found no evidence. Lifting a seemingly exonerating sentence from a report can even be done with Comey's Statements on Hillary Server. But the public got the whole statement then. Now we wait.
For what do you wait? Get the fuck over it. Hillary lost.

The edited and sanitized Report. I understand all you parrots have your talking point drilled into yer skulls and ya did your job disseminating the points, but the truth will catch up one day.
Truth is already out. You liars lost the big one. No one believes anything you say. How does that taste, liar?
They did lose, time after time.
The DOJ "office" reviewed and summarized. It is over. Rosenstein was in on the summay. They quoted the Mule team.

No one from the Mules 20 DEMs are squaking, "the summary is wrong"!

Even dodo-brain Brennan-Clapper are saying "musta been bad info" huh?
And many more.....

What more do you stay-ar-home-red-commie SSDI posters need?
Land O' Goshen!

You are conflating Conspiracy and Obstruction.

On conspiracy it looks like Donnie is off the hook but Obstruction case is basically open for Congress to take up.

All of that is subject to full Mueller report review by the Congress..
so you're going to keep flinging shit on the wall until you MAKE something stick and all the while deny thats what you're doing.


??? I don’t fling anything. Those are what we call facts.

Upset that Trump is still open to investigation for Obstruction? Well maybe he shouldn’t constantly try abuse his position to obstruct investigations. Crazy thought.

If he didn't move to defend himself they will have railroaded him out of office. Self defense is not obstruction. So when you get thugged and robbed and then strike your attacker with an object that disables him
You're telling me that is obstruction.


The DOJ "office" reviewed and summarized. It is over. Rosenstein was in on the summay. They quoted the Mule team.

No one from the Mules 20 DEMs are squaking, "the summary is wrong"!

Even dodo-brain Brennan-Clapper are saying "musta been bad info" huh?
And many more.....

What more do you stay-ar-home-red-commie SSDI posters need?
Land O' Goshen!

You are conflating Conspiracy and Obstruction.

On conspiracy it looks like Donnie is off the hook but Obstruction case is basically open for Congress to take up.

All of that is subject to full Mueller report review by the Congress..
so you're going to keep flinging shit on the wall until you MAKE something stick and all the while deny thats what you're doing.


??? I don’t fling anything. Those are what we call facts.

Upset that Trump is still open to investigation for Obstruction? Well maybe he shouldn’t constantly try abuse his position to obstruct investigations. Crazy thought.

If he didn't move to defend himself they will have railroaded him out of office. Self defense is not obstruction. So when you get thugged and robbed and then strike your attacker with an object that disables him
You're telling me that is obstruction.



...no dumbass, THEY wouldn't because as a matter of fact, THEY CLEARED HIM on conspiracy charges and all Trump did is FUCK HIMSELF, by breaking the law by trying to subvert the investigation and justice process.
The DOJ "office" reviewed and summarized. It is over. Rosenstein was in on the summay. They quoted the Mule team.

No one from the Mules 20 DEMs are squaking, "the summary is wrong"!

Even dodo-brain Brennan-Clapper are saying "musta been bad info" huh?
And many more.....

What more do you stay-ar-home-red-commie SSDI posters need?
Land O' Goshen!

You are conflating Conspiracy and Obstruction.

On conspiracy it looks like Donnie is off the hook but Obstruction case is basically open for Congress to take up.

All of that is subject to full Mueller report review by the Congress..
so you're going to keep flinging shit on the wall until you MAKE something stick and all the while deny thats what you're doing.


??? I don’t fling anything. Those are what we call facts.

Upset that Trump is still open to investigation for Obstruction? Well maybe he shouldn’t constantly try abuse his position to obstruct investigations. Crazy thought.

If he didn't move to defend himself they will have railroaded him out of office. Self defense is not obstruction. So when you get thugged and robbed and then strike your attacker with an object that disables him
You're telling me that is obstruction.



...no dumbass, THEY wouldn't because as a matter of fact, THEY CLEARED HIM on conspiracy charges and all Trump did is FUCK HIMSELF, by breaking the law by trying to subvert the investigation and justice process.

Wrong ....

He justifiably sought out alternatives to a frame job.....

There was no underlying crime therefore
There was no Justice to obstruct.

THEY didn't clear anyone. The entire Democratic contingent still thinks Trump is guilty of collusion and guilty of obstruction.
They had to be awakened from their pipedream by the realities of the mueller report. But as it is with most heads made of solid bone they have their very own version of reality and the facts of the case are wasted on them. They want to impeach just because they don't like Trump and that is their right I think they should go right ahead and do it. You know they going to go ahead with it ...the reason they're calling muller in to testify is so they can say to the American people "see Bob Mueller really thinks he's guilty so we have to impeach."....they don't have enough balls to do it on their own without having a Fall guy to point to.

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...no dumbass, THEY wouldn't because as a matter of fact, THEY CLEARED HIM on conspiracy charges and all Trump did is FUCK HIMSELF, by breaking the law by trying to subvert the investigation and justice process.
Wrong, hateweasel.

Mueller had the time and resources and didn't find any proof of a crime that wasn't easily explained as the acts of a falsely charged person.

Democrats don't have the character and maturity to accept reality.

Thats one reason Trump keeps kicking their asses.
??? I don’t fling anything. Those are what we call facts.

Upset that Trump is still open to investigation for Obstruction? Well maybe he shouldn’t constantly try abuse his position to obstruct investigations. Crazy thought.
Everyone is always open to investigation.

Including Lynch, Hillary, Obama, Clapper, ect....

Trump survived untouched after 2 Congressional investigations and a 2 year unlimited resourced investigation by rabid Trump haters.

Do you think he's worried about Porky Pig Naddler and his Finger Lickin' Comrads?
Seems to me, this caught the left flat-footed -- they really and truly believed this was a slam-dunk case conspiracy and obstruction.

- Did you allow your partisan rage to cloud your objectivity?
- Did you believe your own hype and that fed to you by the likes on MSNBC, CNN, and ABC?
- Were you more surprised by this than the 2016 election?
- Are you more emotionally let down by this than the 2016 election?
- If this - after 2 years of waiting with baited breath for the report, telling us daily that Mueller had the goods and it was a matter of time - does not convince you there was no collusion w/ Russia and/or obstruction of justice, what will?
- Why should we believe you?

Seems to me I'll wait and see what Mr. Mueller testifies to before the Congress. I haven't read a sentence in the report, have you?

My second question is a very simple one, why is Trump impeding the service of subpoenas? If he has done nothing wrong, why is he blockading this legal process?

My last question is two-fold (I don't expect an honest answer):
1. Do you believe the President of the United States is above the law?
2. Would your opinion differ if Obama impeded the service of subpoenas to any member of his administration, current or not?
??? I don’t fling anything. Those are what we call facts.

Upset that Trump is still open to investigation for Obstruction? Well maybe he shouldn’t constantly try abuse his position to obstruct investigations. Crazy thought.
Everyone is always open to investigation.

Including Lynch, Hillary, Obama, Clapper, ect....

Trump survived untouched after 2 Congressional investigations and a 2 year unlimited resourced investigation by rabid Trump haters.

Do you think he's worried about Porky Pig Naddler and his Finger Lickin' Comrads?

...Is this a serious post?

Trump now has a special investigator’s report on him full of well documented instances of him trying to obstruct justice.

Others on your list DO NOT, so that kinda makes his situation very different.
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...no dumbass, THEY wouldn't because as a matter of fact, THEY CLEARED HIM on conspiracy charges and all Trump did is FUCK HIMSELF, by breaking the law by trying to subvert the investigation and justice process.
Wrong, hateweasel.

Mueller had the time and resources and didn't find any proof of a crime that wasn't easily explained as the acts of a falsely charged person.

Democrats don't have the character and maturity to accept reality.

Thats one reason Trump keeps kicking their asses.

no one CHARGED, falsely or truly, Trump with anything. What the fuck are you talking about?

He was a subject of an investigation and time and time again abused his office to try to interfere and influence witnesses and officers of the law. That is textbook obstruction and the only reason he is not getting into an orange jump suit right now is because he happens to be a slightly-above-the-law POTUS.
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They would have bringing up impeachment a month ago if it was Obama in the WH

A month? There was talk of unloading Trump before he took office.
And McConnell had such good things to say about how to treat Obama before he got a foot in the WH? Difference is Trump is scum Obama a smart gentleman

Which brings your faux outrage over the hypothetical into the spotlight.

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