WH says Netanyahu election undermines the ideals of democracy

First, to be fair, Netanyahu has only been elected to the Knesset by virtue of him being higher on his parties list than the number of seats they are allotted. Right now no party or side has "won the election", That has to wait for a government to be formed.

Second, The White House sounds like a petulant child, that has been told it doesn't get the toy it wanted.
First, to be fair, Netanyahu has only been elected to the Knesset by virtue of him being higher on his parties list than the number of seats they are allotted. Right now no party or side has "won the election", That has to wait for a government to be formed.

Second, The White House sounds like a petulant child, that has been told it doesn't get the toy it wanted.
You'd be okay with a candidate here putting out a video calling people to vote because black people were going to the polls and that put the "right" candidates in trouble?
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Obama is having a tantrum because the guy he supported (possibly in an illegal manner) isn't the winner. Obama hasn't even tried to hide his hatred for Israel and it's disgusting.

Looks like America isn't the only country he wants to fundamentally change. I honestly think he'd cheer if radical Muslims conquered the world and imposed sharia law on us all.

I'm still waiting for Obama to show disdain for terrorists. Like maybe calling those cold-blooded scum terrorists.
Obama is having a tantrum because the guy he supported (possibly in an illegal manner) isn't the winner. Obama hasn't even tried to hide his hatred for Israel and it's disgusting.

Looks like America isn't the only country he wants to fundamentally change. I honestly think he'd cheer if radical Muslims conquered the world and imposed sharia law on us all.

I'm still waiting for Obama to show disdain for terrorists. Like maybe calling those cold-blooded scum terrorists.

I was reading that the State Department is going to be investigated for the monies given to One Voice who supposedly gave it to V15 to unseat Bibi.

Going to be very interesting especially since Obama's national field director from 2012 was heading up V15 in Israel.
Fuck obama... simply the sight of him is about enough to make me vomit.

I really hate that fucking prick... REALLY.
First, to be fair, Netanyahu has only been elected to the Knesset by virtue of him being higher on his parties list than the number of seats they are allotted. Right now no party or side has "won the election", That has to wait for a government to be formed.

Second, The White House sounds like a petulant child, that has been told it doesn't get the toy it wanted.
You'd be okay with a candidate here putting out a video calling people to vote because black people were going to the polls and that out the "right" candidates in trouble?

If there were a separate group of blacks lobbing mortar shells and rockets over my border at me, maybe I would be OK with that.
Fuck obama... simply the sight of him is about enough to make me vomit.

I really hate that fucking prick... REALLY.

It's interesting how much venom that man can emote from people. You are in the majority. So am I.
The White House was right. Read the whole quote don't just cherry pick the part you like.

If an American Presidential candidate tried to get people to vote by saying, "oh no black people are voting" or "oh no white people are voting" or any other color of people then I would absolutely condemn that. What Bibi said was beneath the dignity of his office and an embarrassment for Israel.
I'm happy that Netanyahu won if for no other reason it pisses Obama and the far left off their reaction to this has been funny as hell.
Yeah, these whackdoodle libs here have been going bugfuk for 24 hours.
I think Netanyahu's likely retention as prime minister makes the world a more dangerous place than if he had been replaced. It certainly makes a military conflict with iran more likely, and the peace process with the palestinians will suffer as well.
The White House was right. Read the whole quote don't just cherry pick the part you like.

If an American Presidential candidate tried to get people to vote by saying, "oh no black people are voting" or "oh no white people are voting" or any other color of people then I would absolutely condemn that. What Bibi said was beneath the dignity of his office and an embarrassment for Israel.
What racist comments do you think Netanyahu (a Semite) made about Arabs (also Semites)?

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