What A Blessing: Texas Adoption Agencies Could Ban Jews, Gays, And Muslims

Oh look leftists NOT approving of CHOICE once again....still trying to figure out if leftists think choice is OK for anything other than murdering babies.

This is about the opposite of CHOICE.
Nonsense. Its about allow adoption agencies CHOOSING who they want to allow to adopt children. They already CHOOSE based on certain criteria this just allows them to expand that.

So more children stay in foster care or an institution because of the adoption agency's baseless bias? How compassionate.
It is compassionate and it's not bias. Raising these kids in total Christianity is the pure moral thing to do. They must be one with the Bible.

That is laughable.

First of all, this ignores the 1st Amendment.

And second of all, your version of Christianity is divisive, hate-filled, and quite the opposite of the worship of a loving God.
Freedom of Religion actually so no it doesn't.
I am of the opinion that responsible couples who give up their children for adoption should have the right to request a restriction in the religion and sexual preference of potential adoptive parents.
If they want rights, they simply have to keep the child.
I second this. They aren't going to be the ones who take care of the kids and so why should they be allowed to tell the adoptive parents how to raise them?

God bless you always!!!

I am of the opinion that responsible couples who give up their children for adoption should have the right to request a restriction in the religion and sexual preference of potential adoptive parents.
If they want rights, they simply have to keep the child.
The keyword is responsible.
What if there is an illness, permanent loss of income or some other circumstance that compels a couple to put their child up for adoption?
Changes nothing. They give up the child, they give up all rights as well.
This is about the opposite of CHOICE.
Nonsense. Its about allow adoption agencies CHOOSING who they want to allow to adopt children. They already CHOOSE based on certain criteria this just allows them to expand that.

So more children stay in foster care or an institution because of the adoption agency's baseless bias? How compassionate.
It is compassionate and it's not bias. Raising these kids in total Christianity is the pure moral thing to do. They must be one with the Bible.

That is laughable.

First of all, this ignores the 1st Amendment.

And second of all, your version of Christianity is divisive, hate-filled, and quite the opposite of the worship of a loving God.
Freedom of Religion actually so no it doesn't.

For a religious agency that is true. But for a state agency to discriminate based on religion? That won't fly.
Nonsense. Its about allow adoption agencies CHOOSING who they want to allow to adopt children. They already CHOOSE based on certain criteria this just allows them to expand that.

So more children stay in foster care or an institution because of the adoption agency's baseless bias? How compassionate.
It is compassionate and it's not bias. Raising these kids in total Christianity is the pure moral thing to do. They must be one with the Bible.

That is laughable.

First of all, this ignores the 1st Amendment.

And second of all, your version of Christianity is divisive, hate-filled, and quite the opposite of the worship of a loving God.
Freedom of Religion actually so no it doesn't.

For a religious agency that is true. But for a state agency to discriminate based on religion? That won't fly.
This isn't about discrimination. It's about protecting children from Satan's disciples.
I am of the opinion that responsible couples who give up their children for adoption should have the right to request a restriction in the religion and sexual preference of potential adoptive parents.
If they want rights, they simply have to keep the child.
I second this. They aren't going to be the ones who take care of the kids and so why should they be allowed to tell the adoptive parents how to raise them?

God bless you always!!!


The point of the legislation is:
AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Parents seeking to adopt children in Texas could soon be rejected by state-funded or private agencies with religious objections to them being Jewish, Muslim, gay, single, or interfaith couples, under a proposal in the Republican-controlled Legislature.

This is not an argument about the rights of the biological parents. It is about the rights of those angels who choose to adopt a child not their own.
Nonsense. Its about allow adoption agencies CHOOSING who they want to allow to adopt children. They already CHOOSE based on certain criteria this just allows them to expand that.

So more children stay in foster care or an institution because of the adoption agency's baseless bias? How compassionate.
It is compassionate and it's not bias. Raising these kids in total Christianity is the pure moral thing to do. They must be one with the Bible.

That is laughable.

First of all, this ignores the 1st Amendment.

And second of all, your version of Christianity is divisive, hate-filled, and quite the opposite of the worship of a loving God.
Freedom of Religion actually so no it doesn't.

For a religious agency that is true. But for a state agency to discriminate based on religion? That won't fly.
I hope you're right. This will go to the Supreme Court. We'll see what our brand new justice does with it.
I suspect this will face Constitutional challenge.
It shouldn't. Nothing should come between doing what's right for our loving Christian God.

I was adopted by Jews, and it's the greatest honor I could be ever given. Give me Jews, Muslims, gays. ANYONE but people with your viewpoint.

Since I was an orphan, your kind of narrow minded sight is a riddle to me. You think that a starved, abandoned and neglected child really cares for which ethnic group or religion his adoptive parents belong? what children need is care.

You're not very intelligent.
I suspect this will face Constitutional challenge.
It shouldn't. Nothing should come between doing what's right for our loving Christian God.

I was adopted by Jews, and it's the greatest honor I could be ever given. Give me Jews, Muslims, gays. ANYONE but people with your viewpoint.

Since I was an orphan, your kind of narrow minded sight is a riddle to me. You think that a starved, abandoned and neglected child really cares for which ethnic group or religion his adoptive parents belong? what children need is care.

You're not very intelligent.
I see the Jews have indoctrinated you well.
Though it doesn't allow them to discriminate based on race, keeping white children out of Jewish, Gay, and Muslim homes is at least something needed. It's the moral Christian thing to do. It's the right thing to do.

Texas adoption agencies could ban Jews, gays, Muslims
By your logic the right thing to do is take innocent Muslim Jew and atheist kids away from their parents.

Kids up for adoption aren't Christians. They haven't decided for themselves. So they are up for grabs if a Jew Muslim or atheist wants to brainwash them.

As an atheist I would just lie

There is no such thing as an innocent Muslim it's like saying innocent Nazi.
I am of the opinion that responsible couples who give up their children for adoption should have the right to request a restriction in the religion and sexual preference of potential adoptive parents.

Now that is an interesting question. Should birth mothers be allow d to dictate by who and how their child will be raised when given up to adoption? .

No, they give up any rights.
So more children stay in foster care or an institution because of the adoption agency's baseless bias? How compassionate.
It is compassionate and it's not bias. Raising these kids in total Christianity is the pure moral thing to do. They must be one with the Bible.

That is laughable.

First of all, this ignores the 1st Amendment.

And second of all, your version of Christianity is divisive, hate-filled, and quite the opposite of the worship of a loving God.
Freedom of Religion actually so no it doesn't.

For a religious agency that is true. But for a state agency to discriminate based on religion? That won't fly.
This isn't about discrimination. It's about protecting children from Satan's disciples.

Your hatred is as dangerous as anything out there.

I strongly disagree with Odium. But at least he is working towards something. He has a goal to achieve. Your goals are all against things and filled with hate. YOu have no clue what it means to serve a loving God, and yet you use that as an excuse.
Indian Reservations are allowed to reject white adoptive parents for Indian kids when they remove kids from their parents.
I suspect this will face Constitutional challenge.
It shouldn't. Nothing should come between doing what's right for our loving Christian God.

I was adopted by Jews, and it's the greatest honor I could be ever given. Give me Jews, Muslims, gays. ANYONE but people with your viewpoint.

Since I was an orphan, your kind of narrow minded sight is a riddle to me. You think that a starved, abandoned and neglected child really cares for which ethnic group or religion his adoptive parents belong? what children need is care.

You're not very intelligent.

The greatest gift you can give a child is a loving nurturing home - it doesn't matter what the religion, race, or sexual orientation are. Denying a child that because you don't like what they are is morally wrong. I'm glad for you! :)
Indian Reservations are allowed to reject white adoptive parents for Indian kids when they remove kids from their parents.

I think that is more complex ... because there was a history of removing Indian children and putting them into outside foster care and families. I think the history of our nation with the Indian nations adds an additional level of complexity.

And I thought texas was all about personal choice and staying out of peoples lives. WTF?
Who the hell they hiring at the AP these days.. That article contains this gem.. Explain the sentence construction to me and then tell me this person understood the news they were writing..

Only South Dakota's is similarly sweepingly.

:ack-1: We're pretty doomed. And NOT just in Texas...
In a Christian Republic like ours, it should be government policy to make sure kids up for adoption go to only Christian homes.
1 in 4 Americans don't really believe in God. Of the other 3 they believe in generic god, Jewish god, jehova god and or Mohammad god.

If the person giving up the baby is christian why'd she get pregnant?

This another argument made up by the right to file up their base. Republicans know what they're doing

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