What A Blessing: Texas Adoption Agencies Could Ban Jews, Gays, And Muslims

It's so good to see this conversation has been so civil and not degraded into a racist bigoted free for all. :rolleyes:

IMHO If an organization is a Catholic adoption agency then they should place the kids with Catholic's, if Muslim then the kid should be placed with Muslims, if public than the kids should be placed with whatever family they can get. Unfortunate fact is if it goes to the SCOTUS( and it probably will) it will most likely be labeled discrimination and therefore unconstitutional due to the current climate in the USA. This of course could lead to less adoptions and more welfare mothers. I can see where someone might not want to give up a daughter if they knew that the adoptive family might be Muslim and force her to cover herself from head to toe just because she's a woman. A Jew might not want a Muslim family or a Muslim might not want a Jewish family and a Christian might not want an atheist family. Hell a Christian baker can't even turn down making a gay wedding cake so I have little hope that religious adoption agency's will be able to continue unobstructed on the grounds of religious freedom.
Adoption is much different than baking cakes. Apples and oranges.

"Apples and oranges"? Religious adoption and Christian bakery's aren't so different as they both fall under religious freedom and are therefore both fruit. It's also unconstitutional to restrict religious freedom but the left doesn't seem to understand that.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
What the left does understand, and that you don't seem to understand, is that the concept of religious freedom has been distorted, bastardized and weaponized by the religious right. It is only in recent history that it has become an excuse to discriminate.
Lol....just like the homos have weaponized the government against people of faith. Don't cry when your tactics backfire on you. And remember, your side has always been the aggressor...you wanted to change society and force people to accept your lifestyle...and when the people were asked to vote on fag 'marriage' in the States... You lost the vast majority of times.
That's true. If it had been left up to the individual states you'd still have a majority that would not allow gay marriage. Now I personally think under the Constitution gays have a right to live their lifestyle. That said I don't think gays have a right to ram their lifestyle down everybody's throat who doesn't approve anymore than I.E. Catholic's can insist you abide by the Pope and follow Catholic traditions and policy's. And yes LGBT for the most part it is a lifestyle and not something you're born with or biological. Very few of the LGBT are actually born gay. This is evidenced by the who they choose as partners. I.E.If a lesbian hooks up with a lesbian who looks like a man( and most of them that i've seen do) than obviously they don't have a problem being attracted to men. It's a sexual preference not a biological thing. You can't force someone to accept your sexual preference. This means that a good portion of the LGBT is sexual preference and forcing people to accept their lifestyle should be unconstitutional. Sex change is mostly a mental issue and again people should not be legally forced accept it anymore than you guys should be forced to abide by my diagnosed germaphobe obsessive cleaning OCD.
Nobody is 'born' to be homosexual. Tons of studies have been done, especially the twin studies that debunk the idea of one being born that way.

It doesn't even make sense to make the claim. Men and women are physiologically designed to compliment each other, to become companions.
State funded agencies should not receive public money if they are legally allowed to discriminate.

Christian Conservatives need to understand it's not always about them.
This isn't about discrimination. It's about doing the moral thing in protecting these children from sexually abusive predatory disciples of Satan. As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative heterosupremacist with impeccable moral values and ethics, I applaud Texas for standing with God and doing his will. This is all about Love!

And yet there are many amongst you that would rape their own daughter and then tell her that she is the sinner that fell from the grace of thy father that created all of humanity.

Also you keep on writing about your Southern Baptist way of living which translate you once believed the Mark of Cain was the African American and believed they were cursed by God, so let cut the bullshit and let admit you are just another racist bigot that is not even good at it!

If a family offers a good loving home no matter their religion or sexual way of life then let the child be adopted to that family. Simple as that and I do not care if you object nor do I care about your claim of being this or that because when you write that it tell me you are not what you write buit instead a fucking fake piece of filth trying to play a game that is old and too damn boring!
State funded agencies should not receive public money if they are legally allowed to discriminate.

Christian Conservatives need to understand it's not always about them.
This isn't about discrimination. It's about doing the moral thing in protecting these children from sexually abusive predatory disciples of Satan. As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative heterosupremacist with impeccable moral values and ethics, I applaud Texas for standing with God and doing his will. This is all about Love!

No one who preaches as much raw hatred as you do should call themselves superior to anyone, and your "impeccable morals" are worth what a pig could spit.
This isn't about hatred. It's about protectionism and love for the children.

Pure nonsense on your part!

It is about your hatred for those that are not pure white and the same religion as you. You would also object to Italians and Irish to adopting children which would mean you would not be able to adopt a child!
State funded agencies should not receive public money if they are legally allowed to discriminate.

Christian Conservatives need to understand it's not always about them.
This isn't about discrimination. It's about doing the moral thing in protecting these children from sexually abusive predatory disciples of Satan. As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative heterosupremacist with impeccable moral values and ethics, I applaud Texas for standing with God and doing his will. This is all about Love!

No one who preaches as much raw hatred as you do should call themselves superior to anyone, and your "impeccable morals" are worth what a pig could spit.
A read yesterday that Steve is actually a leftie's sock and he writes this way to make RW's look bad. Don't let him get under your skin; he's not real.

I have been making that claim and believe he or she is a sock that is a pathetic joke...
I didn't choose to be straight. I just am.

People didn't choose to be gay. They just are.
State funded agencies should not receive public money if they are legally allowed to discriminate.

Christian Conservatives need to understand it's not always about them.
This isn't about discrimination. It's about doing the moral thing in protecting these children from sexually abusive predatory disciples of Satan. As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative heterosupremacist with impeccable moral values and ethics, I applaud Texas for standing with God and doing his will. This is all about Love!

No one who preaches as much raw hatred as you do should call themselves superior to anyone, and your "impeccable morals" are worth what a pig could spit.
A read yesterday that Steve is actually a leftie's sock and he writes this way to make RW's look bad. Don't let him get under your skin; he's not real.

I have been making that claim and believe he or she is a sock that is a pathetic joke...
I heard it from SYTFE; he must be a fan of yours! Steve draws out the rest of the garbage here better than a Roach Motel.
Now that is an interesting question. Should birth mothers be allow d to dictate by who and how their child will be raised when given up to adoption? You mentioned "responsible couples" in your post, but I doubt there are many responsible couples giving up kids for adoption. Having birth parents who were neither responsible or a couple is kinda how these babies ended up being adopted.

I would allow for input on religion and at least a lower middle class standard of living.
To be honest, I know quite a few adoptive parents who are more than dysfunctional but have good careers and nice homes.
You can be successful, yet irresponsible, or just downright evil.

Indeed they can. And that is not about religious beliefs or sexual orientation. There are plenty of horror stories about children being abused by "good christian" parents.
Only if the children have been infiltrated by Satan.
I would believe that you have been infiltrated by Satan, if I believed in Satan. Since I don't, I can only conclude that you are mentally ill.
You can't believe in Satan since you already are Satan. As a man of the holy faith who relishes on the word of God as well as his love, your words can't penetrate the superiority of my truth. I am truly an Aryan entity blessed by the Almighty!

Blessed by a Jewish God while at it!

Jesus was Jewish, well except the guy that cut your lawn and you wish to be on the down-low with
State funded agencies should not receive public money if they are legally allowed to discriminate.

Christian Conservatives need to understand it's not always about them.
This isn't about discrimination. It's about doing the moral thing in protecting these children from sexually abusive predatory disciples of Satan. As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative heterosupremacist with impeccable moral values and ethics, I applaud Texas for standing with God and doing his will. This is all about Love!

No one who preaches as much raw hatred as you do should call themselves superior to anyone, and your "impeccable morals" are worth what a pig could spit.
A read yesterday that Steve is actually a leftie's sock and he writes this way to make RW's look bad. Don't let him get under your skin; he's not real.

I have been making that claim and believe he or she is a sock that is a pathetic joke...
I heard it from SYTFE; he must be a fan of yours! Steve draws out the rest of the garbage here better than a Roach Motel.

I am only this way with 99.9% of the wanna-be racist crew on this site.

Ask yourself if Stevie Wonderless was really what he writes would he accept Ivanka after she converted to Judaism and he keep on writing about being some type of Christian ( which that sect was known for racism ) and yet worship the Jewish God and Jesus which was Jewish!?!

He's a damn fake and a horrible one at it. It is like buying a Chinese knockoff of a name brand which result in buying crap!
Great Breaking News:

Alabama follows Texas denying child predators AKA homosexuals from adopting.

Bill allowing adoption agencies to turn away gay couples signed into law
Pedophilia has nothing to do with homosexuality.

You are dumber than shit.
Homosexuals are pedophiles. It's a fact.

I knew many pedophiles that were married that raped little girls daily... Of course they're the right type of pedophiles because in the mind of those like you if they are old enough to bleed they are old enough to breed!
Adoption is much different than baking cakes. Apples and oranges.

"Apples and oranges"? Religious adoption and Christian bakery's aren't so different as they both fall under religious freedom and are therefore both fruit. It's also unconstitutional to restrict religious freedom but the left doesn't seem to understand that.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
What the left does understand, and that you don't seem to understand, is that the concept of religious freedom has been distorted, bastardized and weaponized by the religious right. It is only in recent history that it has become an excuse to discriminate.
Lol....just like the homos have weaponized the government against people of faith. Don't cry when your tactics backfire on you. And remember, your side has always been the aggressor...you wanted to change society and force people to accept your lifestyle...and when the people were asked to vote on fag 'marriage' in the States... You lost the vast majority of times.
That's true. If it had been left up to the individual states you'd still have a majority that would not allow gay marriage. Now I personally think under the Constitution gays have a right to live their lifestyle. That said I don't think gays have a right to ram their lifestyle down everybody's throat who doesn't approve anymore than I.E. Catholic's can insist you abide by the Pope and follow Catholic traditions and policy's. And yes LGBT for the most part it is a lifestyle and not something you're born with or biological. Very few of the LGBT are actually born gay. This is evidenced by the who they choose as partners. I.E.If a lesbian hooks up with a lesbian who looks like a man( and most of them that i've seen do) than obviously they don't have a problem being attracted to men. It's a sexual preference not a biological thing. You can't force someone to accept your sexual preference. This means that a good portion of the LGBT is sexual preference and forcing people to accept their lifestyle should be unconstitutional. Sex change is mostly a mental issue and again people should not be legally forced accept it anymore than you guys should be forced to abide by my diagnosed germaphobe obsessive cleaning OCD.
Nobody is 'born' to be homosexual. Tons of studies have been done, especially the twin studies that debunk the idea of one being born that way.

It doesn't even make sense to make the claim. Men and women are physiologically designed to compliment each other, to become companions.

The twins study really doesn't prove anything. They are still individuals.

What tells us more is the fact that there have been homosexuals throughout history. Even in times and cultures where they would be killed or ostracized for it. The fact that so many committed suicide or lived tortured lives makes the idea that it is a choice less likely.
This isn't about discrimination. It's about doing the moral thing in protecting these children from sexually abusive predatory disciples of Satan. As a Southern Baptist Christian conservative heterosupremacist with impeccable moral values and ethics, I applaud Texas for standing with God and doing his will. This is all about Love!

No one who preaches as much raw hatred as you do should call themselves superior to anyone, and your "impeccable morals" are worth what a pig could spit.
A read yesterday that Steve is actually a leftie's sock and he writes this way to make RW's look bad. Don't let him get under your skin; he's not real.

I have been making that claim and believe he or she is a sock that is a pathetic joke...
I heard it from SYTFE; he must be a fan of yours! Steve draws out the rest of the garbage here better than a Roach Motel.

I am only this way with 99.9% of the wanna-be racist crew on this site.

Ask yourself if Stevie Wonderless was really what he writes would he accept Ivanka after she converted to Judaism and he keep on writing about being some type of Christian ( which that sect was known for racism ) and yet worship the Jewish God and Jesus which was Jewish!?!

He's a damn fake and a horrible one at it. It is like buying a Chinese knockoff of a name brand which result in buying crap!
God isn't Jewish you moron. God is God.
No one who preaches as much raw hatred as you do should call themselves superior to anyone, and your "impeccable morals" are worth what a pig could spit.
A read yesterday that Steve is actually a leftie's sock and he writes this way to make RW's look bad. Don't let him get under your skin; he's not real.

I have been making that claim and believe he or she is a sock that is a pathetic joke...
I heard it from SYTFE; he must be a fan of yours! Steve draws out the rest of the garbage here better than a Roach Motel.

I am only this way with 99.9% of the wanna-be racist crew on this site.

Ask yourself if Stevie Wonderless was really what he writes would he accept Ivanka after she converted to Judaism and he keep on writing about being some type of Christian ( which that sect was known for racism ) and yet worship the Jewish God and Jesus which was Jewish!?!

He's a damn fake and a horrible one at it. It is like buying a Chinese knockoff of a name brand which result in buying crap!
God isn't Jewish you moron. God is God.

If you worship the God in that black book then you worship the Jewish God... Also Jesus was born Jewish and died Jewish, and again you worship a Jewish man!
Adoption is much different than baking cakes. Apples and oranges.

"Apples and oranges"? Religious adoption and Christian bakery's aren't so different as they both fall under religious freedom and are therefore both fruit. It's also unconstitutional to restrict religious freedom but the left doesn't seem to understand that.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
What the left does understand, and that you don't seem to understand, is that the concept of religious freedom has been distorted, bastardized and weaponized by the religious right. It is only in recent history that it has become an excuse to discriminate.
Lol....just like the homos have weaponized the government against people of faith. Don't cry when your tactics backfire on you. And remember, your side has always been the aggressor...you wanted to change society and force people to accept your lifestyle...and when the people were asked to vote on fag 'marriage' in the States... You lost the vast majority of times.
That's true. If it had been left up to the individual states you'd still have a majority that would not allow gay marriage. Now I personally think under the Constitution gays have a right to live their lifestyle. That said I don't think gays have a right to ram their lifestyle down everybody's throat who doesn't approve anymore than I.E. Catholic's can insist you abide by the Pope and follow Catholic traditions and policy's. And yes LGBT for the most part it is a lifestyle and not something you're born with or biological. Very few of the LGBT are actually born gay. This is evidenced by the who they choose as partners. I.E.If a lesbian hooks up with a lesbian who looks like a man( and most of them that i've seen do) than obviously they don't have a problem being attracted to men. It's a sexual preference not a biological thing. You can't force someone to accept your sexual preference. This means that a good portion of the LGBT is sexual preference and forcing people to accept their lifestyle should be unconstitutional. Sex change is mostly a mental issue and again people should not be legally forced accept it anymore than you guys should be forced to abide by my diagnosed germaphobe obsessive cleaning OCD.
Nobody is 'born' to be homosexual. Tons of studies have been done, especially the twin studies that debunk the idea of one being born that way.

It doesn't even make sense to make the claim. Men and women are physiologically designed to compliment each other, to become companions.
You do not know what you are talking about . Identical twins are not really identical in all respects.

Identical Twins Start Showing Differences in the Womb | LifeNews.com

Stop posting lies and propaganda. Try posting some of those "tons of studies "instead. You might also want to look into epigenetics.
A read yesterday that Steve is actually a leftie's sock and he writes this way to make RW's look bad. Don't let him get under your skin; he's not real.

I have been making that claim and believe he or she is a sock that is a pathetic joke...
I heard it from SYTFE; he must be a fan of yours! Steve draws out the rest of the garbage here better than a Roach Motel.

I am only this way with 99.9% of the wanna-be racist crew on this site.

Ask yourself if Stevie Wonderless was really what he writes would he accept Ivanka after she converted to Judaism and he keep on writing about being some type of Christian ( which that sect was known for racism ) and yet worship the Jewish God and Jesus which was Jewish!?!

He's a damn fake and a horrible one at it. It is like buying a Chinese knockoff of a name brand which result in buying crap!
God isn't Jewish you moron. God is God.

If you worship the God in that black book then you worship the Jewish God... Also Jewish was born Jewish and died Jewish, and again you worship a Jewish man!
Lol....dude, you need to edit this.
I have been making that claim and believe he or she is a sock that is a pathetic joke...
I heard it from SYTFE; he must be a fan of yours! Steve draws out the rest of the garbage here better than a Roach Motel.

I am only this way with 99.9% of the wanna-be racist crew on this site.

Ask yourself if Stevie Wonderless was really what he writes would he accept Ivanka after she converted to Judaism and he keep on writing about being some type of Christian ( which that sect was known for racism ) and yet worship the Jewish God and Jesus which was Jewish!?!

He's a damn fake and a horrible one at it. It is like buying a Chinese knockoff of a name brand which result in buying crap!
God isn't Jewish you moron. God is God.

If you worship the God in that black book then you worship the Jewish God... Also Jewish was born Jewish and died Jewish, and again you worship a Jewish man!
Lol....dude, you need to edit this.

And I did!

You can not accept Jesus was Jewish because idiots like you have to have a white man to worship but Jesus was brown, Arab looking and JEWISH!
"Apples and oranges"? Religious adoption and Christian bakery's aren't so different as they both fall under religious freedom and are therefore both fruit. It's also unconstitutional to restrict religious freedom but the left doesn't seem to understand that.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
What the left does understand, and that you don't seem to understand, is that the concept of religious freedom has been distorted, bastardized and weaponized by the religious right. It is only in recent history that it has become an excuse to discriminate.
Lol....just like the homos have weaponized the government against people of faith. Don't cry when your tactics backfire on you. And remember, your side has always been the aggressor...you wanted to change society and force people to accept your lifestyle...and when the people were asked to vote on fag 'marriage' in the States... You lost the vast majority of times.
That's true. If it had been left up to the individual states you'd still have a majority that would not allow gay marriage. Now I personally think under the Constitution gays have a right to live their lifestyle. That said I don't think gays have a right to ram their lifestyle down everybody's throat who doesn't approve anymore than I.E. Catholic's can insist you abide by the Pope and follow Catholic traditions and policy's. And yes LGBT for the most part it is a lifestyle and not something you're born with or biological. Very few of the LGBT are actually born gay. This is evidenced by the who they choose as partners. I.E.If a lesbian hooks up with a lesbian who looks like a man( and most of them that i've seen do) than obviously they don't have a problem being attracted to men. It's a sexual preference not a biological thing. You can't force someone to accept your sexual preference. This means that a good portion of the LGBT is sexual preference and forcing people to accept their lifestyle should be unconstitutional. Sex change is mostly a mental issue and again people should not be legally forced accept it anymore than you guys should be forced to abide by my diagnosed germaphobe obsessive cleaning OCD.
Nobody is 'born' to be homosexual. Tons of studies have been done, especially the twin studies that debunk the idea of one being born that way.

It doesn't even make sense to make the claim. Men and women are physiologically designed to compliment each other, to become companions.
You do not know what you are talking about . Identical twins are not really identical in all respects.

Identical Twins Start Showing Differences in the Womb | LifeNews.com

Stop posting lies and propaganda. Try posting some of those "tons of studies "instead. You might also want to look into epigenetics.
Idiot, identical twins have all the same environmental factors while in the womb....they would both be faggots if people were innately born to be faggots.

That's not the case, so your side fails.

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