What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like

LOL, you caught me. I have been laughing pretty hard at your posts, I do admit.
That's the hysteria that is often associated with negative eugenics minions. The cackling I s often accompanied by hand wringing.
You see it caricatured in cartoons or film representations of "Evil Nazis" . They like to project these personality traits onto their victims, do you also see this behavior attributed to "evil" Jews in Nazi propaganda posters.
I usually read a thread before responding but Im not reading what I bet is 21 pages of MAGA bluster. Truth is we are nowhere near a civil war. Fat pampered Americans arent fighting each other of anything. You can take that to the bank.
The next civil war:
And I said that the South viewed slavery, as well as taxation, as a state right which they felt was granted to them by the Constitution.
Well, the South except for the abolitionists and the slaves and women who couldn't vote of course.
Everything stemmed from state rights. It's that simple.

Yes, State rights and economics, which were tightly linked because of the south's agrarian economy. Saying slavery was the cause is moronic. The South didn't want slaves just to own slaves, it wasn't an end, it was a means. It was evil, but to say that Southerners sat around and said we own slaves, that's what we cared about not feeding our families is moronic
Yes, State rights and economics, which were tightly linked because of the south's agrarian economy. Saying slavery was the cause is moronic. The South didn't want slaves just to own slaves, it wasn't an end, it was a means. It was evil, but to say that Southerners sat around and said we own slaves, that's what we cared about not feeding our families is moronic
Yet all the farmers all over the US managed to survive without slaves.

What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like​

There’ll be no civil war. Wars are for young men to fight, and there is no ad hoc army of fighting age males to be cobbled together in North America.
Babylon Bee nails it.
Not so much. There isn’t any recent data. But what there was in 2020 was a poll that showed a majority of active duty personnel supported Biden. Since that time, we hear endlessly how the Military is not reaching recruiting goals because real Americans don’t want to serve under liberals or with Trans people or homosexuals.

So the majority you speak of, would have to sign up to serve with Minorities, Homosexuals, and gasp and clutch the pearls, trans people.
You mean the two or three trans people that can get through the psychological profiling that allows them to serve? My daughter and her boyfriend were both active-duty Army officers and they would tell you how hated Biden is by the troops. I used to work as a civilian Army recruiter until April 2022. Our contacts most of the time could not join because they were illegal aliens, DACAs, druggies, overweight, or special education students in school. Occasionally some would come right out and say they would not join because of the "wokeness" in the military. Often being transgender was mentioned, as well as refusing to take the COVID vaccine.

Again, I was there and you were not.
Duke Miller, a Marine sergeant and one of the few remaining examples of traditional masculinity, was asked about his feelings on the negative view of masculinity, but he seemed confused by the word "feelings" and then punched out an elk just because.
Thats funny right there. :auiqs.jpg:
We have had other threads like this in the past, however, never before do I think that this now is a possibility....Right now, the left is trying harder than ever to keep Trump off the ballot....So, deep is this desire that they are throwing caution to the wind, and openly showing their fascist side....It really seems like there is nothing we can agree on anymore...

So, what I am seeing is that we have a clear crossroads to deal with....Put Trump back in and the left will explode with their intent on destroying this nation, keep him from running, and the right will see this as the last nail in the coffin of freedom...So, my question to the board, is what do you think the spark will be?

There is no civil war coming and even if it did most of you keyboard warriors would wet yourselves.
Yes, State rights and economics, which were tightly linked because of the south's agrarian economy. Saying slavery was the cause is moronic. The South didn't want slaves just to own slaves, it wasn't an end, it was a means. It was evil, but to say that Southerners sat around and said we own slaves, that's what we cared about not feeding our families is moronic

On an earlier page I said that the correct answer was about 80% correct. Your explanation is the other 20%. Because before the Civil War got cranked up a lot of laws to prevent integration of the Blacks were passed.

One of those laws was the laws prohibiting the teaching Slaves to read or write.

Slavery was the biggest reason for the Civil War from the Confederate point of view. The articles of Confederation mention Slavery how many times?

Slavery was, as I said, about 80% of the contention.
You mean the two or three trans people that can get through the psychological profiling that allows them to serve? My daughter and her boyfriend were both active-duty Army officers and they would tell you how hated Biden is by the troops. I used to work as a civilian Army recruiter until April 2022. Our contacts most of the time could not join because they were illegal aliens, DACAs, druggies, overweight, or special education students in school. Occasionally some would come right out and say they would not join because of the "wokeness" in the military. Often being transgender was mentioned, as well as refusing to take the COVID vaccine.

Again, I was there and you were not.

Well I’m fortunate to work with a number of Vets. And they for the most part wouldn’t choose Trump again.

There are a few who say they would.
On an earlier page I said that the correct answer was about 80% correct. Your explanation is the other 20%. Because before the Civil War got cranked up a lot of laws to prevent integration of the Blacks were passed.

One of those laws was the laws prohibiting the teaching Slaves to read or write.

Slavery was the biggest reason for the Civil War from the Confederate point of view. The articles of Confederation mention Slavery how many times?

Slavery was, as I said, about 80% of the contention.

Slavery was the proximate cause, not the root cause, Cowboy. MAGA!
Well I’m fortunate to work with a number of Vets. And they for the most part wouldn’t choose Trump again.

There are a few who say they would.
Yes, the whole country is rallying for Biden, he's doing great!!

Live for today, I always say. You have until next November to live in your bubble, enjoy it, MAGA man!
LOL, a goober? Oh golly geeee whatever will I do a Donkey is mad at me!!!!!!
These Dems are vicious. Their material is a bit dated though.. It has been five decades since I was 12. I'd have really been upset then though, man, the Dems are relenless with the no you are, repeating what I said back to me and the small dick insults, damn. Then I became and adult, and they didn't ...

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