What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like

Maybe, but we are like 2 different countries living off the same checkbook, no real national identity and experiencing unabated immigration like never before. Not everyone here is fat and pampered, there is a lot of distrust and everyone knows something is wrong even if we can't agree on what it is. Acceptance has led to apathy, and will be replaced by demand for change, which will lead to hopelessness, and eventually will result in people having the feeling they have nothing left to lose. That will be a dangerous time, unless you have confidence in the same static leadership we have can avert it.
Meh. Differences are totally overblown in my opinion. There is really no difference living in Florida or California. I've lived in both. I have a place in Florida and my perm home is in North Carolina currently and as a liberal it's entirely transparent. The only place I discuss politics is online and it doesnt creep into my daily life. Why would anyone mess up our cushy lives over either gridlocked political party?
We have had other threads like this in the past, however, never before do I think that this now is a possibility....Right now, the left is trying harder than ever to keep Trump off the ballot....So, deep is this desire that they are throwing caution to the wind, and openly showing their fascist side....It really seems like there is nothing we can agree on anymore...

So, what I am seeing is that we have a clear crossroads to deal with....Put Trump back in and the left will explode with their intent on destroying this nation, keep him from running, and the right will see this as the last nail in the coffin of freedom...So, my question to the board, is what do you think the spark will be?
There won't be another civil war.
Civil War is when two governments within the same country go to war.
Revolution is when the ppl rise up against tyranny and th we corruption of an existing system.
Wars are typically fought over either money or religion. At this point I'm at a loss what particular event could spark such conflict here and so I'll toss in the towel.
The GOP has lost every popular vote since 1992 save for 2004 and that took terrorist attack and a war. They pretend that this is not important but it certainly underscores their unpopularity. Its almost cartoonish but when you’re supposedly the “tough guy” and you constantly get rejected...you resort to violence. On a national scale, that means civil war. So it’s no surprise that they are pining for one.

Put another way, the current system isn’t working for them. This is where the silly election fraud accusations come from. So they want to do by violence what they can’t do at the ballot box.
I see the lefties are still employing the "counter revolutionary" tactics of their betters. Insisting that those who object to tyranny, human rights violations and crime are the criminals.

Can't you find fresher material?
Mindless babble is not really helpful.
Sure, Rambo, as you babble on knowing nothing about me or my past. Or that of many you demean on this Board.

You're a punk, nothing more. Rest assured I'm no Rambo but I don't fear you. As for the "rest" I demean, if you're an asshole I'll let you have it.
Not so much. There isn’t any recent data. But what there was in 2020 was a poll that showed a majority of active duty personnel supported Biden. Since that time, we hear endlessly how the Military is not reaching recruiting goals because real Americans don’t want to serve under liberals or with Trans people or homosexuals.

So the majority you speak of, would have to sign up to serve with Minorities, Homosexuals, and gasp and clutch the pearls, trans people.
Many of us did sign up "with Minorities, Homosexuals, and gasp and clutch the pearls, trans people", and we are still who we were.

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