What about the precedent that the zionist ideology in Palestine sets for the rest of the world?

Go by my posting history then. The pro-Israeli faction is probably laughing hysterically now at the thought of me as a Zionist.
Just the fanatical, somewhat crazy and mostly uneducated ones who believe that there are no settlements, that there is no apartheid or even a supremacist mentality that rules the zionist narrative.

You absolutely are demonizing the Jews in this conflict even though you divide them into Zionists and the rest. When you conflate Nazism with Zionism. When you claim Jews (not just Zionists have no ties to their sacred places. When you condemn immigration from Europe but remain silent on corresponding immigration from Arab states.
I disagree completely. Many Jews can't stand the zionists, talk about conflating, many Jews understand the connections to the Nazis and see the ongoing occupation for what it is.

Where is the real concern for Palestinians? How about the huge development and infrastructure inequities, the problems for Palestinians in east Jerusalum as Jerusalem's borders are sureptiosly expanded to encompass Palestian areas without a corresponding citizenship? Or family reunification issues when families are split by borders? What about tbe complete lack of elections for the Palestinians and the unwillingness of those in power to give it up to a democratic process? Why do they have concrete for tunnels but not houses? Or rewarding those who condict deliberate attacks on civilians? There are so many issues to address but alas they require more effort to address because its not as simple as demonizing Jews and Zionists.
End the occupation and allow the Palestinians that right of return.

And when millions of Palestinians, many of whom werent born there or include those who's families immigrated from other countries...what then? What happens to the Jews?

Very few non-Jews immigrated to Palestine, contrary to the propaganda. From the Survey of

AWOL - The Ancient World Online: Online British Mandate: A Survey of Palestine

View attachment 167612

And Monte switches in, chiming in with the same irrelvant fake document he's posted a thousand times.
Nothing fake about the document. The only fake news is the Zionist propaganda. The Survey of Palestine was commissioned by the UN and produced by an Anglo-American Commission to set forth the facts prior to the partition of Palestine. Facts are facts.
...and yet, sock creator of Abi, despite your bullshit fake document, there are reliable Ottoman census sources from actual ottoman subjects and taxpayers that show there was definite Jewish majority in Jerusalem in the early 1800's, that had been building up for hundreds of years. While Arab Muslims were the minority there. It cites schools, residences, hospitals etc. Then there are quotes by British generals citing the mass illegal migration by Arabs from neighboring lands during the mandate,
There were about 8,000 Jews in Palestine according to the 1893 Ottoman Census. And 100s of thousands Muslims and Christian Palestinians. There was no migration of non-Jews to speak of. In fact, by the beginning of WW1 most Muslim and Christian men were drafted into the Ottoman army many of which never returned either killed or remained in other parts of the Ottoman Empire/Turkey Republic.

There were about 8,000 Jews in Palestine according to the 1893 Ottoman Census. And 100s of thousands Muslims and Christian Palestinians. There was no migration of non-Jews to speak of. In fact, by the beginning of WW1 most Muslim and Christian men were drafted into the Ottoman army many of which never returned either killed or remained in other parts of the Ottoman Empire/Turkey Republic.

View attachment 167624
And the troll responds with another irrelevant fake document. I cited Jerusalem, he cites "Palestine" which included Jordan and Syria in the 1800's. By the way, the way Ottoman's did not even recognize such a thing as Palestine or Palestinians.

I guess now that his sock Abi has been destroyed, we are in for another episode of Monte spamming the board and derailing topics with his propaganda and bullshit documents.
No you aren’t alright so far, you are way off base and have misrepresented your opponents position specifically so you could get the upper hand and gorse the conclusion you wanted. It’s called a strawman argument and it is false.
I know what a straw man is. My arguments and comments are purposely misrepresented here daily.

Please be specific. How have I misrepresented?
There were about 8,000 Jews in Palestine according to the 1893 Ottoman Census. And 100s of thousands Muslims and Christian Palestinians. There was no migration of non-Jews to speak of. In fact, by the beginning of WW1 most Muslim and Christian men were drafted into the Ottoman army many of which never returned either killed or remained in other parts of the Ottoman Empire/Turkey Republic.

View attachment 167624

Again this manipulated "document"?
I've already explained to You that Jerusalem is not the only district in which Jews lived and owned property.
No you aren’t alright so far, you are way off base and have misrepresented your opponents position specifically so you could get the upper hand and gorse the conclusion you wanted. It’s called a strawman argument and it is false.
I know what a straw man is. My arguments and comments are purposely misrepresented here daily.

Please be specific. How have I misrepresented?

What good would specifics do? You claim to know what a strawman is yet you still used it. Sounds to me like you just want to argue over the way you misrepresented it. Suffice to say it was all misrepresented.
What good would specifics do? You claim to know what a strawman is yet you still used it. Sounds to me like you just want to argue over the way you misrepresented it. Suffice to say it was all misrepresented.
How was what I said misstating the zionists' position? Be specific and use facts to support your contention.
What good would specifics do? You claim to know what a strawman is yet you still used it. Sounds to me like you just want to argue over the way you misrepresented it. Suffice to say it was all misrepresented.
How was what I said misstating the zionists' position? Be specific and use facts to support your contention.

Fact: you are lying.
I'm not trying to be funny, but seriously now. If I understand the zionist position, it boils down to might is right - or might makes right. But, there is also the idea that if a people were somewhere in ancient times, that they still retain rights to that land. I am constantly reminded about a peoples' right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland. Am I okay so far?


Now, since we came from Asia, across the Bering Straight, would this ideology not give Americans the right to demolish homes in Asia today, demolish entire cities even? Can we go on to murder and expel those living there today? If any remain, can we imprison them behind walls? Can we use our military to enforce a new government upon them based on our laws, in our cities built where theirs just stood?

I think it is important to see what a dangerous precedent this sets for people the world over.

The Zionists:

1. Have ancient roots in the land with the center being the Temple Mount.
2. Have been given the land via the UN.
3. Have fought for the land after the land was given to them and won.
4. Have been persecuted for centuries abroad in other lands that climaxed with the Holocaust.

I can't really come up with any more reasons why a people should stake a claim to a piece of land than that.

They are as legitimate as they come.
They have NO ANCIENT ROOTS,JUST A TERRORIST ORGANIZATION CREATED BY A GAY,ATHIEST SYNTHETIC JEW CIRCA 1890...moreover Persecuted by Christians ALL TYPES,,,but saved by Arabs,,,Moors,Turks,Palestinians etc,You speak with fork tongue
What good would specifics do? You claim to know what a strawman is yet you still used it. Sounds to me like you just want to argue over the way you misrepresented it. Suffice to say it was all misrepresented.
How was what I said misstating the zionists' position? Be specific and use facts to support your contention.

Fact: you are lying.
What good would specifics do? You claim to know what a strawman is yet you still used it. Sounds to me like you just want to argue over the way you misrepresented it. Suffice to say it was all misrepresented.
How was what I said misstating the zionists' position? Be specific and use facts to support your contention.

Fact: you are lying.

Read the OP.
You still have not supported your claim.
Here is post 1:
I'm not trying to be funny, but seriously now. If I understand the zionist position, it boils down to might is right - or might makes right. But, there is also the idea that if a people were somewhere in ancient times, that they still retain rights to that land. I am constantly reminded about a peoples' right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland. Am I okay so far?


Now, since we came from Asia, across the Bering Straight, would this ideology not give Americans the right to demolish homes in Asia today, demolish entire cities even? Can we go on to murder and expel those living there today? If any remain, can we imprison them behind walls? Can we use our military to enforce a new government upon them based on our laws, in our cities built where theirs just stood?

I think it is important to see what a dangerous precedent this sets for people the world over.

And here is post 2:
Oh, and if a small group of Americans came up with scrolls, claimed they were from God and that they were His chosen people, and He told them that they would be returned to their ancestral homeland, would that help or hurt the argument?
And when millions of Palestinians, many of whom werent born there or include those who's families immigrated from other countries...what then? What happens to the Jews?
You're making assumptions and then getting irritated at them.

No one knows how many will return. International law is clear about one generation has the same rights. What do you mean what will happen to the Jews? I thought we discussed this already, no? They get to live anywhere they want.
And when millions of Palestinians, many of whom werent born there or include those who's families immigrated from other countries...what then? What happens to the Jews?
You're making assumptions and then getting irritated at them.

No one knows how many will return. International law is clear about one generation has the same rights. What do you mean what will happen to the Jews? I thought we discussed this already, no? They get to live anywhere they want.

Except where they currently live right?
There were about 8,000 Jews in Palestine according to the 1893 Ottoman Census. And 100s of thousands Muslims and Christian Palestinians. There was no migration of non-Jews to speak of. In fact, by the beginning of WW1 most Muslim and Christian men were drafted into the Ottoman army many of which never returned either killed or remained in other parts of the Ottoman Empire/Turkey Republic.

View attachment 167624

Again this manipulated "document"?
I've already explained to You that Jerusalem is not the only district in which Jews lived and owned property.
What Monte Nazi is trying to do with these repetitive irrelevant fake documents is giving us ideas for designer toilet paper patterns.
International law is clear about one generation has the same rights.

You repeat this often. What law are you using here?
I posted it many times, use google.

And stop missing the point. you have nothing.

Here is post 1:
I'm not trying to be funny, but seriously now. If I understand the zionist position, it boils down to might is right - or might makes right. But, there is also the idea that if a people were somewhere in ancient times, that they still retain rights to that land. I am constantly reminded about a peoples' right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland. Am I okay so far?


Now, since we came from Asia, across the Bering Straight, would this ideology not give Americans the right to demolish homes in Asia today, demolish entire cities even? Can we go on to murder and expel those living there today? If any remain, can we imprison them behind walls? Can we use our military to enforce a new government upon them based on our laws, in our cities built where theirs just stood?

I think it is important to see what a dangerous precedent this sets for people the world over.

And here is post 2:
Oh, and if a small group of Americans came up with scrolls, claimed they were from God and that they were His chosen people, and He told them that they would be returned to their ancestral homeland, would that help or hurt the argument?

Repeatedly cutting and pasting the same pointless and irrelevant attempts at analogy serves what purpose?

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