What are libertarians?

Kaz, face it, you are a...

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  • ...liberal, you're against morality laws and for smaller, defense only military

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What are libertarians?

People who believe that they should be able to do pretty much anything as long as they're responsible for what they decide to do.

I can't get over that just about every point of conflict has to be determined on a case-by-case basis, since libertarians are such enemies of prior-restraint. It doesn't do somebody much good to get a large monetary judgement after the fact, if they're permanently maimed. To make it a little fairer the guilty party should be made chattel-labor for as long as the tort is in effect.

They're such a fringe that I just don't see anything there. It's like discussing the air inside of an empty but sealed bottle.

Let's face it, when the time comes to vote, exit polls show that most of them vote Republican/Democrat anyway.
Government is not society, moron, so your post is irrelevant to the subject of the OP.
They are the elected representatives of our society

It is part of being a civilization

No, they are elected to represent us in the government, not in society. Do you really not understand the difference? Maybe I should make it easier for you. Is there anything you do understand? Let's start with that and work up. The body of what you don't understand is just enormous and seemingly has no end.
We the People belong to a society. We have chosen a form of government that allows us to select representatives who will do what is in the best interests of our society.

What part of that is so hard for Randians to understand?

The part I don't understand is where I agreed to it.
You still here?

Can't answer the question?
You still here?

If you didn't agree with our form of government, you are welcome to leave at any time

Why should I leave? Why shouldn't government allow me to secede?

Why haven't you seceded fingerboy?

My take is that you lack the balls

Even you are not too stupid to understand what happened to people in the past who refuse to take orders from Uncle Sam.

As I predicted....Fingerboy lacks the balls

Why would I want to commit suicide?

Hey, I dare you to stick your hand in a meat grinder.

I bet you don't have the balls!

You stupid fucking moron.
What are libertarians?

People who believe that they should be able to do pretty much anything as long as they're responsible for what they decide to do.

I can't get over that just about every point of conflict has to be determined on a case-by-case basis, since libertarians are such enemies of prior-restraint. It doesn't do somebody much good to get a large monetary judgement after the fact, if they're permanently maimed. To make it a little fairer the guilty party should be made chattel-labor for as long as the tort is in effect.

They're such a fringe that I just don't see anything there. It's like discussing the air inside of an empty but sealed bottle.

Let's face it, when the time comes to vote, exit polls show that most of them vote Republican/Democrat anyway.

Libertarians are not a fringe. A significant percentage of Americans describe themselves as "libertarian." Tort law is more effective than regulation at protecting worker and consumer safety.
What are libertarians?

People who believe that they should be able to do pretty much anything as long as they're responsible for what they decide to do.

I can't get over that just about every point of conflict has to be determined on a case-by-case basis, since libertarians are such enemies of prior-restraint. It doesn't do somebody much good to get a large monetary judgement after the fact, if they're permanently maimed. To make it a little fairer the guilty party should be made chattel-labor for as long as the tort is in effect.

It only takes one large judgement to convince every business to change its practices.
What are libertarians?

People who believe that they should be able to do pretty much anything as long as they're responsible for what they decide to do.

I can't get over that just about every point of conflict has to be determined on a case-by-case basis, since libertarians are such enemies of prior-restraint. It doesn't do somebody much good to get a large monetary judgement after the fact, if they're permanently maimed. To make it a little fairer the guilty party should be made chattel-labor for as long as the tort is in effect.

It only takes one large judgement to convince every business to change its practices.

That doesn't help the injured people, plus some will just consider it the cost of doing business, if prior restraint with possible jail time for company officials isn't part of the mix. I just have to shake my head and do a face-plant, when libertarians say dumb stuff like that.
What are libertarians?

People who believe that they should be able to do pretty much anything as long as they're responsible for what they decide to do.

I can't get over that just about every point of conflict has to be determined on a case-by-case basis, since libertarians are such enemies of prior-restraint. It doesn't do somebody much good to get a large monetary judgement after the fact, if they're permanently maimed. To make it a little fairer the guilty party should be made chattel-labor for as long as the tort is in effect.

It only takes one large judgement to convince every business to change its practices.
What are libertarians?

People who believe that they should be able to do pretty much anything as long as they're responsible for what they decide to do.

I can't get over that just about every point of conflict has to be determined on a case-by-case basis, since libertarians are such enemies of prior-restraint. It doesn't do somebody much good to get a large monetary judgement after the fact, if they're permanently maimed. To make it a little fairer the guilty party should be made chattel-labor for as long as the tort is in effect.

It only takes one large judgement to convince every business to change its practices.

That doesn't help the injured people, plus some will just consider it the cost of doing business, if prior restraint with possible jail time for company officials isn't part of the mix. I just have to shake my head and do a face-plant, when libertarians say dumb stuff like that.

Classic liberal moron response. "The cost of doing business" can bankrupt a company. The lawsuit against Dow Corning over silicon breast implants cost the company billions of dollars and the scientific evidence showed that the implants were completely benign. Regulations almost always imposed after some catastrophe occurs. So, according to your syllogism, regulations don't help injured people.

One of these days some libturd in this forum will demonstrate the ability to think.
Libertarians are not a fringe. A significant percentage of Americans describe themselves as "libertarian."

A significant percentage that never seems to get any larger, hmmm. :eusa_think: IMO, it's a young person's philosophy with most seeing its multitude of holes as they mature.
It only takes one large judgement to convince every business to change its practices.

That doesn't help the injured people, plus some will just consider it the cost of doing business, if prior restraint with possible jail time for company officials isn't part of the mix. I just have to shake my head and do a face-plant, when libertarians say dumb stuff like that.

Classic liberal moron response. "The cost of doing business" can bankrupt a company. The lawsuit against Dow Corning over silicon breast implants cost the company billions of dollars and the scientific evidence showed that the implants were completely benign. Regulations almost always imposed after some catastrophe occurs. So, according to your syllogism, regulations don't help injured people.

Typical myopic libertarian response. You only look at the cases that help your thesis and sweep the rest under the rug. You know I'm right, you're starting to name call just like you do every time you're losing an argument. :funnyface:
What are libertarians?

People who believe that they should be able to do pretty much anything as long as they're responsible for what they decide to do.

I can't get over that just about every point of conflict has to be determined on a case-by-case basis, since libertarians are such enemies of prior-restraint. It doesn't do somebody much good to get a large monetary judgement after the fact, if they're permanently maimed. To make it a little fairer the guilty party should be made chattel-labor for as long as the tort is in effect.

They're such a fringe that I just don't see anything there. It's like discussing the air inside of an empty but sealed bottle.

Let's face it, when the time comes to vote, exit polls show that most of them vote Republican/Democrat anyway.

Libertarians are not a fringe. A significant percentage of Americans describe themselves as "libertarian." Tort law is more effective than regulation at protecting worker and consumer safety.

At time of voting, they are a fringe.

Until they find a leader who can take them further, that is so I agree that they are a large fringe but a fringe nevertheless.
Reading just the recent posts it seems we did this a few months ago with trans fats, did we not? I recall bantering with a Randbot idealist bent on insisting he has a Constitutional right to ingest trans fats.

Is that the thrust here?

It's not a Constitutional authority for the Federal government to ban trans fats if that's what you mean.
Of course it is

Why else do we have an FDA?

Where is that authority in the Constitution? Do you know what the 9th and 10th amendments say?

Are you aware of any cases where the FDA was declared unconstitutional due to the 9th or 10th amendment?

Why don't you file one?

They know damn well it's Constitutional. It's why they rely so heavily on propaganda.

Another word you don't know that you should Google as you are already on the internet. Enumerated.
What are libertarians?

People who believe that they should be able to do pretty much anything as long as they're responsible for what they decide to do.

They're stuck at some point between youth and adult.

So by your logic, do adults think you should not be able to do what you want even if you don't harm anyone else, or do they think you should be able to do what you want even if you do? I'm looking for the nuances of that.
What are libertarians?

People who believe that they should be able to do pretty much anything as long as they're responsible for what they decide to do.

I can't get over that just about every point of conflict has to be determined on a case-by-case basis, since libertarians are such enemies of prior-restraint. It doesn't do somebody much good to get a large monetary judgement after the fact, if they're permanently maimed. To make it a little fairer the guilty party should be made chattel-labor for as long as the tort is in effect.

Again, dumb ass, I said I am talking about small government libertarians not anarchists. You have a mental disease. It's called overt stupidity.
What are libertarians?

People who believe that they should be able to do pretty much anything as long as they're responsible for what they decide to do.

I can't get over that just about every point of conflict has to be determined on a case-by-case basis, since libertarians are such enemies of prior-restraint. It doesn't do somebody much good to get a large monetary judgement after the fact, if they're permanently maimed. To make it a little fairer the guilty party should be made chattel-labor for as long as the tort is in effect.

They're such a fringe that I just don't see anything there. It's like discussing the air inside of an empty but sealed bottle.

Let's face it, when the time comes to vote, exit polls show that most of them vote Republican/Democrat anyway.

So, you've evolved past personal liberty with personal responsibility.
What are libertarians?

People who believe that they should be able to do pretty much anything as long as they're responsible for what they decide to do.

I can't get over that just about every point of conflict has to be determined on a case-by-case basis, since libertarians are such enemies of prior-restraint. It doesn't do somebody much good to get a large monetary judgement after the fact, if they're permanently maimed. To make it a little fairer the guilty party should be made chattel-labor for as long as the tort is in effect.

It only takes one large judgement to convince every business to change its practices.

See dumb ass, the anarchist agreed with you.

Not knocking you Brian, not that you take it that way, but again I am referring to small government libertarians. Liberals are seriously stupid, they can't process that simple statement.
What are libertarians?

People who believe that they should be able to do pretty much anything as long as they're responsible for what they decide to do.

I can't get over that just about every point of conflict has to be determined on a case-by-case basis, since libertarians are such enemies of prior-restraint. It doesn't do somebody much good to get a large monetary judgement after the fact, if they're permanently maimed. To make it a little fairer the guilty party should be made chattel-labor for as long as the tort is in effect.

It only takes one large judgement to convince every business to change its practices.

That doesn't help the injured people, plus some will just consider it the cost of doing business, if prior restraint with possible jail time for company officials isn't part of the mix. I just have to shake my head and do a face-plant, when libertarians say dumb stuff like that.

Take your hand out of your pants and have a big boy discussion based on the thread subject. Notice the [OP] by my name. Do you know that that means, moron?
Take your hand out of your pants and have a big boy discussion based on the thread subject. Notice the [OP] by my name. Do you know that that means, moron?

It's interesting what different people will do when they're losing an argument. You're trying to COERCE me into arguing the way you want me to argue. I wouldn't talk too much about being a big-boy when you're obviously throwing a tantrum. Do you know what a report to the moderators is? I'd watch that tone, son.
What are libertarians?

People who believe that they should be able to do pretty much anything as long as they're responsible for what they decide to do.

I can't get over that just about every point of conflict has to be determined on a case-by-case basis, since libertarians are such enemies of prior-restraint. It doesn't do somebody much good to get a large monetary judgement after the fact, if they're permanently maimed. To make it a little fairer the guilty party should be made chattel-labor for as long as the tort is in effect.

They're such a fringe that I just don't see anything there. It's like discussing the air inside of an empty but sealed bottle.

Let's face it, when the time comes to vote, exit polls show that most of them vote Republican/Democrat anyway.

So, you've evolved past personal liberty with personal responsibility.

That's already granted. This is what makes it such a fine concept, but it's already been done.


That's why they vote either Democrat or Republican.

They're free to choose and they choose not to throw their vote away on something they already have. They would rather put the strength of their votes to an actual outcome.

So until this party can find a leader charismatic and powerful enough to show what really needs to be done (which quite possibly won't have anything to do with personal liberty / personal responsibility imho) then it will continue to be status quo.

Of course it's a good party as the premise is as solid as the US Constitution.

They get to register their disappointment and then swing their vote to whichever party that is closer to their tastes.

I see that as a political fringe.
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Take your hand out of your pants and have a big boy discussion based on the thread subject. Notice the [OP] by my name. Do you know that that means, moron?

It's interesting what different people will do when they're losing an argument. You're trying to COERCE me into arguing the way you want me to argue. I wouldn't talk too much about being a big-boy when you're obviously throwing a tantrum. Do you know what a report to the moderators is? I'd watch that tone, son.

Well, junior, if you want to post in my threads, read my op and address the question I asked. I stated clearly that I am referring to small government libertarians, not anarchists. It was even in the poll to drill that point home. Not to the chronically stupid, like you, to people with brains. Yet you persisted to go on for two pages the demonstration that you didn't read the original post and/or you are too stupid to grasp it. That is why I just insult you, dumb ass. Stay on topic, bitch. You did not, for two pages of your drivel. And go ahead and report me, dick.

Oh, also, when I want to talk about my feelings, I'll let you know, girlfriend. In the mean time, grow a pair, read the OP, and focus on the actual discussion.
What are libertarians?

People who believe that they should be able to do pretty much anything as long as they're responsible for what they decide to do.

I can't get over that just about every point of conflict has to be determined on a case-by-case basis, since libertarians are such enemies of prior-restraint. It doesn't do somebody much good to get a large monetary judgement after the fact, if they're permanently maimed. To make it a little fairer the guilty party should be made chattel-labor for as long as the tort is in effect.

It only takes one large judgement to convince every business to change its practices.

That doesn't help the injured people, plus some will just consider it the cost of doing business, if prior restraint with possible jail time for company officials isn't part of the mix. I just have to shake my head and do a face-plant, when libertarians say dumb stuff like that.

Gosh, if I were an anarchist, or if the thread were about anarchists, that would be a great point! I'm not, and it's not...
If libertarians were both socially and fiscally conservative and serious about small government they would have joined the Tea Party movement which is a realistic approach to their goals. 3rd party politics is doomed to failure and everyone knows it. There may be hard core libertarians left but the main libertarian movement has been hijacked by pot heads and dirty tricks lefties who want to syphon votes from the republican party.

We're socially conservative? We think drugs, prostitution, gambling and other morality laws should be repealed as it's not government's role to enforce morality. We think gay sex as sodomy laws should be repealed. We are mostly pro-choice. What are you talking about socially conservative?

Why should we join the tea party? They are not small government, they just want to put a dent in the growth of what we have, they do not want to transform government to what it was meant to be and should be.

I stand corrected. It seems that libertarians are certainly not socially conservative. As a matter of fact they make socially liberal democrats look like pikers. They may not be fiscally conservative either. The once logical sane libertarian movement has been hijacked by pot heads.

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