What are people thinking as they hear the Senate arguments?

At this moment one of the House Impeachment Managers just read the letter of Vice President Pence refusing Trump’s demand to arbitrarily and unconstitutionally reject the already confirmed electoral votes. Pence ended saying he must “do his duty.” It made a big impression on me, especially after watching the mobs screaming to hang him. To me, it was a remarkable reminder of what keeps our country a democracy and a Republic.

Now they are showing never-before-seen videos of overwhelmed Capitol police trying to stop violent political thugs armed with baseball bats and pipes breaking in — screaming for Trump and shouting “Kill ‘em!” & “Hang Pence’! This is the threat to our Republic that our impeached President unleashed. It is why he should be convicted, disgraced, and further prosecuted as appropriate.
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At this moment one of the House Impeachment Managers just read the letter of Vice President Pence refusing Trump’s demand to arbitrarily and unconstitutionally reject the already confirmed electoral votes. Pence ended saying he must “do his duty.” It made a big impression on me, especially after watching the mobs screaming to hang him. To me, it was a remarkable reminder of what keeps our country a democracy and a Republic.

Now they are showing never-before-seen videos of overwhelmed Capitol police trying to stop violent political thugs armed with baseball bats and pipes breaking in — screaming for Trump and shouting “kill ‘em!” This is the threat to our Republic that our impeached President unleashed. It is why he should be convicted, disgraced, and further prosecuted as appropriate.

Perhaps all that messing with the voting rules, creating the appearance of impropriety was a bad idea.

I have no faith in an "election day" that is really several weeks.

There are good reasons that we never did it that way before.
I just listened to the Senate Trial Presentations and have a few thoughts. Others will disagree, even violently. Listen to my thoughts, and then I’ll listen to yours...

The “House Managers” just refuted what I thought were preposterous Republican arguments that the Constitution won’t even allow for a trial of impeached ex-president Trump. I come away more than ever impressed with the Constitutional importance of what is now at stake.

This is not a ridiculous impeachment over lying about sex, or a hearing over the tragedy in Benghazi. This is about taking a stand against an out-of-control lame-duck President who tried to keep himself in office. This trial is about dealing with an attack on our whole democratic electoral system, on the Capitol itself. It is about re-asserting the power of Congress to stand against a mad President.

I personally have sometimes dreamt of seeing the impeachment and conviction of Presidents (of both parties) who lied and led us into murderous and totally unnecessary overseas military adventures. Of course these impeachments never happened. Yet now in D.C., in the heartland of our Republic and “empire,” political marketing and “America First” demagogy has succeeded ... in dividing the minds and hearts of Americans ... rather than Iraqis, Russians or Chinese.

Many of our own obsessions as a nation led to Jan. 6th, and its shadow will lie over our Republic for a long time. I think if this Senate doesn’t make an example of our most dangerous and outrageous recent demagogue we will be guaranteeing further more serious political mob action and even coup adventures in the future.

This is not a “show trial.” Well, just perhaps it will go down in history as a “show trial” ... if our people and politicians treat it as one. If few Republicans rise to the occasion and do their duty, if Donald Trump is not repudiated in the most severe Constitutional manner possible, then we are “showing” that we treat our great Republic and its institutions as crap.

It’s our Republic ... if we can keep it.

I'm thinking thousands of us are dying from Covid every day, while the DemoKKKrats are doing this.
Rep. Plaskett is making a good argument. Just watch these Trumpist marauders, rabble and seditionists. Talking about hanging Pence and committing violence against the nation on the orders of the pussy grabber. Extremely disturbing.
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I think yours is a very perceptive comment, and a warning to us all. The fact that sufficient numbers of Republican Senators apparently aren’t willing even now to convict ... is also a very ominous development. Not surprising, but ominous.
I'm wondering how many of the 74 million voters who supported Trump are still with him? Fifty million is a number I've heard mentioned a few times. Perhaps Trump will divide the Republican Party into a pair of warring faction by November 2022?
I just listened to the Senate Trial Presentations and have a few thoughts. Others will disagree, even violently. Listen to my thoughts, and then I’ll listen to yours...

The “House Managers” just refuted what I thought were preposterous Republican arguments that the Constitution won’t even allow for a trial of impeached ex-president Trump. I come away more than ever impressed with the Constitutional importance of what is now at stake.

This is not a ridiculous impeachment over lying about sex, or a hearing over the tragedy in Benghazi. This is about taking a stand against an out-of-control lame-duck President who tried to keep himself in office. This trial is about dealing with an attack on our whole democratic electoral system, on the Capitol itself. It is about re-asserting the power of Congress to stand against a mad President.

I personally have sometimes dreamt of seeing the impeachment and conviction of Presidents (of both parties) who lied and led us into murderous and totally unnecessary overseas military adventures. Of course these impeachments never happened. Yet now in D.C., in the heartland of our Republic and “empire,” political marketing and “America First” demagogy has succeeded ... in dividing the minds and hearts of Americans ... rather than Iraqis, Russians or Chinese.

Many of our own obsessions as a nation led to Jan. 6th, and its shadow will lie over our Republic for a long time. I think if this Senate doesn’t make an example of our most dangerous and outrageous recent demagogue we will be guaranteeing further more serious political mob action and even coup adventures in the future.

This is not a “show trial.” Well, just perhaps it will go down in history as a “show trial” ... if our people and politicians treat it as one. If few Republicans rise to the occasion and do their duty, if Donald Trump is not repudiated in the most severe Constitutional manner possible, then we are “showing” that we treat our great Republic and its institutions as crap.

It’s our Republic ... if we can keep it.
Unfortunately, the die is cast on the vote to convict.

The GQP'ers are putting their political ambitions over the Constitution. Not exactly a shock.
Demscum have been doing that for years, all they know to do.
This is not a ridiculous impeachment over lying about sex,

Bill Clinton was impeached for the crimes of perjury and obstruction of justice. That you pretend that is ridiculous, is you revealing you are not a serious or honest person.
Why was he testifying under oath?

Because of an accusation of sexual harassment.
Monica Lewinsky didn't accuse him of sexual harassment.
I just listened to the Senate Trial Presentations and have a few thoughts. Others will disagree, even violently. Listen to my thoughts, and then I’ll listen to yours...

The “House Managers” just refuted what I thought were preposterous Republican arguments that the Constitution won’t even allow for a trial of impeached ex-president Trump. I come away more than ever impressed with the Constitutional importance of what is now at stake.

This is not a ridiculous impeachment over lying about sex, or a hearing over the tragedy in Benghazi. This is about taking a stand against an out-of-control lame-duck President who tried to keep himself in office. This trial is about dealing with an attack on our whole democratic electoral system, on the Capitol itself. It is about re-asserting the power of Congress to stand against a mad President.

I personally have sometimes dreamt of seeing the impeachment and conviction of Presidents (of both parties) who lied and led us into murderous and totally unnecessary overseas military adventures. Of course these impeachments never happened. Yet now in D.C., in the heartland of our Republic and “empire,” political marketing and “America First” demagogy has succeeded ... in dividing the minds and hearts of Americans ... rather than Iraqis, Russians or Chinese.

Many of our own obsessions as a nation led to Jan. 6th, and its shadow will lie over our Republic for a long time. I think if this Senate doesn’t make an example of our most dangerous and outrageous recent demagogue we will be guaranteeing further more serious political mob action and even coup adventures in the future.

This is not a “show trial.” Well, just perhaps it will go down in history as a “show trial” ... if our people and politicians treat it as one. If few Republicans rise to the occasion and do their duty, if Donald Trump is not repudiated in the most severe Constitutional manner possible, then we are “showing” that we treat our great Republic and its institutions as crap.

It’s our Republic ... if we can keep it.
Unfortunately, the die is cast on the vote to convict.

The GQP'ers are putting their political ambitions over the Constitution. Not exactly a shock.
Demscum have been doing that for years, all they know to do.
So Trump is the same as "Demscum".

I just listened to the Senate Trial Presentations and have a few thoughts. Others will disagree, even violently. Listen to my thoughts, and then I’ll listen to yours...

The “House Managers” just refuted what I thought were preposterous Republican arguments that the Constitution won’t even allow for a trial of impeached ex-president Trump. I come away more than ever impressed with the Constitutional importance of what is now at stake.

This is not a ridiculous impeachment over lying about sex, or a hearing over the tragedy in Benghazi. This is about taking a stand against an out-of-control lame-duck President who tried to keep himself in office. This trial is about dealing with an attack on our whole democratic electoral system, on the Capitol itself. It is about re-asserting the power of Congress to stand against a mad President.

I personally have sometimes dreamt of seeing the impeachment and conviction of Presidents (of both parties) who lied and led us into murderous and totally unnecessary overseas military adventures. Of course these impeachments never happened. Yet now in D.C., in the heartland of our Republic and “empire,” political marketing and “America First” demagogy has succeeded ... in dividing the minds and hearts of Americans ... rather than Iraqis, Russians or Chinese.

Many of our own obsessions as a nation led to Jan. 6th, and its shadow will lie over our Republic for a long time. I think if this Senate doesn’t make an example of our most dangerous and outrageous recent demagogue we will be guaranteeing further more serious political mob action and even coup adventures in the future.

This is not a “show trial.” Well, just perhaps it will go down in history as a “show trial” ... if our people and politicians treat it as one. If few Republicans rise to the occasion and do their duty, if Donald Trump is not repudiated in the most severe Constitutional manner possible, then we are “showing” that we treat our great Republic and its institutions as crap.

It’s our Republic ... if we can keep it.

Most people (including me) do NOT think anything, for they are NOT looking at that clown show.
This is not a ridiculous impeachment over lying about sex,

Bill Clinton was impeached for the crimes of perjury and obstruction of justice. That you pretend that is ridiculous, is you revealing you are not a serious or honest person.
Why was he testifying under oath?

Because of an accusation of sexual harassment.
Monica Lewinsky didn't accuse him of sexual harassment.

She is completely ignorant of what actually happened, what the scandal and impeachment was all about.

I'm wondering how many of the 74 million voters who supported Trump are still with him? Fifty million is a number I've heard mentioned a few times.

If he has lost 20 million that’s a reasonable number.

interesting PEW analysis:

Among the 4,075 panelists who responded to both surveys, 25% of those who approved of Trump’s job performance in August changed their answer to disapproval in January. The drop was concentrated among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, since hardly any Democrats (and relatively few independents who do not lean to a party) approved of Trump’s job performance in August.

Let’s hope a lot of them who dumped TrumpQ vote in Texas Florida Ohio.
I'm wondering how many of the 74 million voters who supported Trump are still with him? Fifty million is a number I've heard mentioned a few times.

If he has lost 20 million that’s a reasonable number.

interesting PEW analysis:

Among the 4,075 panelists who responded to both surveys, 25% of those who approved of Trump’s job performance in August changed their answer to disapproval in January. The drop was concentrated among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents, since hardly any Democrats (and relatively few independents who do not lean to a party) approved of Trump’s job performance in August.

Let’s hope a lot of them who dumped TrumpQ vote in Texas Florida Ohio.

How many of those that disapprove would change their opinion, if they were told teh truth about how President TRump repeatedly condemned ws and nazis, instead of saying they were "very fine people",

as the media falsely told them?
I really try to be a reasonable guy. I have friends who voted for Trump. Never before have I felt this visceral hatred for Trump personally, or for tolerating his violent ignorant followers.

I don’t think I will ever be able to see somebody with a red Trump cap or a blue Trump flag again ... in the same way. Of course most of the Trump rally-goers did not invade the Capitol. I used to feel a bit sorry for such confused types. I don’t think there is any room after Jan. 6th for such empathy. Today everybody should be able to draw correct lessons about what “Trumpism” leads to.
I really try to be a reasonable guy. I have friends who voted for Trump. Never before have I felt this visceral hatred for Trump personally, or for tolerating his violent ignorant followers.

I don’t think I will ever be able to see somebody with a red Trump cap or a blue Trump flag again ... in the same way. Of course most of the Trump rally-goers did not invade the Capitol. I used to feel a bit sorry for such confused types. I don’t think there is any room after Jan. 6th for such empathy. Today everybody should be able to draw correct lessons about what “Trumpism” leads to.

How many friends are you telling that you are no longer their friend, because of political differences, you reasonable guy, you?
I did not say he accepted it. I said he was upset about it.

You are a liar. TrumpQ could not have mobilized the insurrectionists mob if he was upset about losing. He was upset, according to what he told the mob, because the election was stolen. He won in a landslide. Why would he be upset about losing? He’s a madman. he’s fucking insane. he thinks he won in a landslide.

And you still have your nose up his ass. How do you live with yourself?
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