What are the probabilities that Mueller has accessed Trump's tax returns?

And btw, had he not gone into politics, he'd be just like a lot of other casino/hotel builders who take money from people who are criminals.

......and, my friend, the above must ALSO be Manafort's major regret....The crook could have gone on for years being a slimy bastard, but the lure of more illegal profits in joining the Trump entourage has caused him his nightmare of probable prison.
I doubt the country would have a problem with Mueller exposing Trump's taxes. Perhaps a few Trumpbots would
You can doubt it all you want but the people would see it as unfair and will support the replacement of Mueller...Like it or not the people do not want the president that has turned the economy around run out of office...that chance for the dirty dems has passed...
Mueller is already looking at Trumps campaign finances and his business finances so chances are pretty damn good he will get to his personal finances too ...

Trump claims he owns 500 companies so it could take some time to see whats ligit and whats not ligit

Trump has already months ago told Mueller his past fiances and his family business is out of bounds and a line in the sand...so if Mueller goes there he will be replaced...

Well,I would hope that Trump DOES try to replace Mueller, and have one or more states pick up the investigation.......Trump's own little "Saturday Night Massacre."

Fun days ahead......lol
Starr did it to the Clintons... Reap what you sow....
Star's mission was to investigate the fiances of Bill and Hillary...then Bill perjured himself over a question about sex with an underling....
.Like it or not the people do not want the president that has turned the economy around run out of office...that chance for the dirty dems has passed...

ONLY a Trump ass kisser would label the recovery of our economy as his doing.

But, fear not, there about 1/3 of the population that is just as dumb as you are.
The appointment was to investigate possible Russian intervention in the campaign, which my means of logic means "pre election".

Therefore ya, tax forms prior to the election would be with Mueller's purview
Trump has already months ago told Mueller his past fiances and his family business is out of bounds and a line in the sand...so if Mueller goes there he will be replaced...
Obama was tougher with red lines.
The appointment was to investigate possible Russian intervention in the campaign, which my means of logic means "pre election".

Therefore ya, tax forms prior to the election would be with Mueller's purview
Trump has already months ago told Mueller his past fiances and his family business is out of bounds and a line in the sand...so if Mueller goes there he will be replaced...

Yep. I told the judge that questioning how much I had to drink before I pissed in that fountain was out of line, and shouldn't be considered, but he didn't listen to me either.
If Trump was involved in money laundering schemes with the Russians....is that collusion?
The investigation is on Russian influence in the election. If Trump is involved in illegal activities with Russia,,,that impacts the election
IF.....Buuuuahahahahahaha Trump did not collude with Russia...everyone knows it even Mueller....So now he wants to go back to Trump's first newspaper route...Wow!
I doubt the country would have a problem with Mueller exposing Trump's taxes. Perhaps a few Trumpbots would
You can doubt it all you want but the people would see it as unfair and will support the replacement of Mueller...Like it or not the people do not want the president that has turned the economy around run out of office...that chance for the dirty dems has passed...

If you say so.
Yep. I told the judge that questioning how much I had to drink before I pissed in that fountain was out of line, and shouldn't be considered, but he didn't listen to me either
Even for you that's a stupid analogy...
Seriously, folks, what are the chances that Mueller is building a case against Trump ........not because trump cheated on his tax returns (no CPA firm would risk it)........but because those tax returns reveal some very, VERY interesting facts about Trump's loans, obligations, and WHY this buffoon is so damn "in love' with Russian oligarchs?

So, what are the chances that Trump's tax returns have been accessed by the FBI??

100%......50%.......or 0%.???

He better already have.

Mueller's strategy is to build a case that would demand the GOP act on impeachment or pressure Orange Blowhard to resign.

Mueller knows that Pence will pardon Trump and thus Trump will go free. No matter what. But still the crimes he committed will be out there for all to see. And that pardon will insure Pence loses in 2020.

This circus will go on, and on, and on... It will be interesting to see if Don Jr. or Jared get fined or do time. They must know that for every Trump co-conspiritor that gets off with a fine, millions of independent voters are pushed to the left. And the GOP brand will be covered in crap for decades.

What would be really great, after he's impeached and the indictment is officially read in, the judge issues a gag order preventing Trump for tweeting anything about the case. When he tweets, new contempt charges are filed and his lawyers then claim diminished capacity...

I can't wait for the Netflix series...
Seriously, folks, what are the chances that Mueller is building a case against Trump ........not because trump cheated on his tax returns (no CPA firm would risk it)........but because those tax returns reveal some very, VERY interesting facts about Trump's loans, obligations, and WHY this buffoon is so damn "in love' with Russian oligarchs?

So, what are the chances that Trump's tax returns have been accessed by the FBI??

100%......50%.......or 0%.???
Pretty high odds. Illegally searching his tax records because RUSSIA! is a Nothing burger is inevitable.

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