What are you going to do about jews and blacks


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
White people, you can deport all the immigrants you want. Which will never happen, by the way.

But that still leaves you with the problem of the jews and blacks.

See, it's not so clear cut as it seems. You lost the country a long time ago, you can't get it back.
I tried moving to an all white gated community, but all my neighbors are Jewish now. WHAT HAS THE WORLD COME TO?!?!? :eek:
White people, you can deport all the immigrants you want. Which will never happen, by the way.

But that still leaves you with the problem of the jews and blacks.

See, it's not so clear cut as it seems. You lost the country a long time ago, you can't get it back.

Herpaderp derpity derp derp derp?

Damn - what deep thoughts you of the Khmer Rouge have....
This is so stupid.
LOL I keep sitting here just staring at aaronleland sig. Make it stoooooopppppppppp!

Quit derailing the thread. This is obviously a very serious issue. What are we going to do about the Jews? I have a plan. How about we build a wall around Israel?

Wait... there already is one? Shit. I have nothing then. :dunno:
White people, you can deport all the immigrants you want. Which will never happen, by the way.

But that still leaves you with the problem of the jews and blacks.

See, it's not so clear cut as it seems. You lost the country a long time ago, you can't get it back.

Actually it isn't the color that is the issue. It is the question of status. Black Americans are just fine. Jewish Americans are fine. Illegal Immigrants are not so fine. Radical Jihadist "refugee" are again not so fine.

You don't open the door to your home and welcome in anyone wandering by. You try and restrict access to your family. You lock your doors to further restrict access. But somehow you aren't racist by telling the world they can't come in to your home. The nation is our home. We should take the same precautions in letting someone in as you take with your family and your home. Who are they and what do they want? Do they mean you harm? Do they mean your family harm?

We may not always answer these questions perfectly. It we will never get an accurate answer if we don't ask the questions.

It isn't racism. It is common sense. It is the instinctive need to protect your family. The instinctive need that evolved in us over millions of years. Those with this evolutionary trait survived while those lacking it did not.

It isn't racism. It's what we human animals are supposed to do. Protect our own.

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White people, you can deport all the immigrants you want. Which will never happen, by the way.

But that still leaves you with the problem of the jews and blacks.

See, it's not so clear cut as it seems. You lost the country a long time ago, you can't get it back.

What do you suggest?
White people, you can deport all the immigrants you want. Which will never happen, by the way.

But that still leaves you with the problem of the jews and blacks.

See, it's not so clear cut as it seems. You lost the country a long time ago, you can't get it back.

Deport Immigrants? who would want to do that? Immigrants come here legally and typically are going to be type A motivated people who take initiative and start businesses and such. So why would someone want to deport a good citizen? but if you mean someone who commited a gang crime and came here illegaly from El Salvador, is sitting in jail and about to get out...... yet is protected from extradition because they live in a sanctuary city, Then yes, i would like to deport them all I want. If someone signed a contract and overstayed their visa, Then Yes they should do the honorable thing and be truthful to their word, not become an illegal.

The problems with jews and blacks are????? what, that they vote democrat? well hopefuly they will wise up and take the independent route and there will be no problem
White people, you can deport all the immigrants you want. Which will never happen, by the way.

But that still leaves you with the problem of the jews and blacks.

See, it's not so clear cut as it seems. You lost the country a long time ago, you can't get it back.

White people just want to deport the illegal ones. White people have never had a problem with legal immigration. White people approved and designed the gateway. Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses, was the white people's feelings on the matter.
It will happen. What won't happen is 1 million Muslims a year, for the next 10 years, flooding our nation under a Clinton regime.
Jews and blacks are not a problem.
It is clear cut. Whites make up 63% of the population of this country. Blacks make up 12%, Jews 2%. If Jews and blacks were a problem, they wouldn't still be here. But they are. Because white people aren't the racist/bigots you pretend we are.

How about you get something back, rational thought. Our immigration laws have served this country well for hundreds of years. Sneaking into another country is against the law, just like breaking into someone's home is against the law. There is no picking and choosing which laws can be broken and which cannot.
A country without borders is a free for all. That is what Trump wants to avoid. And we will all profit from it.
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White people, you can deport all the immigrants you want. Which will never happen, by the way.

But that still leaves you with the problem of the jews and blacks.

See, it's not so clear cut as it seems. You lost the country a long time ago, you can't get it back.
We lost the country on October 3, 1965, the day Lyndon Johnson signed the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act into law. Introduced in the House by Representative Emanuel Celler and shepherded through the Senate by Senator Jacob Javits, both Jews, it was celebrated that night in New York City as a Jewish victory. As for we "can't get it back", weren't you the guy who said Donald Trump is not going to be president?
White people, you can deport all the immigrants you want. Which will never happen, by the way.

But that still leaves you with the problem of the jews and blacks.

See, it's not so clear cut as it seems. You lost the country a long time ago, you can't get it back.

White people just want to deport the illegal ones. White people have never had a problem with legal immigration. White people approved and designed the gateway. Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses, was the white people's feelings on the matter.
It will happen. What won't happen is 1 million Muslims a year, for the next 10 years, flooding our nation under a Clinton regime.
Jews and blacks are not a problem.
It is clear cut. Whites make up 63% of the population of this country. Blacks make up 12%, Jews 2%. If Jews and blacks were a problem, they wouldn't still be here. But they are. Because white people aren't the racist/bigots you pretend we are.

How about you get something back, rational thought. Our immigration laws have served this country well for hundreds of years. Sneaking into another country is against the law, just like breaking into someone's home is against the law. There is no picking and choosing which laws can be broken and which cannot.
A country without borders is a free for all. That is what Trump wants to avoid. And we will all profit from it.
When I was born, whites made up 90 percent of the population. Now we are at 63? Something is a problem. What if Jews really were the problem, but they've just tricked us into thinking it's evil to notice? That if we notice, we'll be called names? Like anti-Semite?

You defend whites against the charge of racism, but what if that is exactly how they beat us--by convincing us that the worst possible sin is racism? If you think about it, to convince a people that the worst possible thing is to favor and defend your own people is to render them pretty fucking defenseless.
White people, you can deport all the immigrants you want. Which will never happen, by the way.

But that still leaves you with the problem of the jews and blacks.

See, it's not so clear cut as it seems. You lost the country a long time ago, you can't get it back.

White people just want to deport the illegal ones. White people have never had a problem with legal immigration. White people approved and designed the gateway. Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses, was the white people's feelings on the matter.
It will happen. What won't happen is 1 million Muslims a year, for the next 10 years, flooding our nation under a Clinton regime.
Jews and blacks are not a problem.
It is clear cut. Whites make up 63% of the population of this country. Blacks make up 12%, Jews 2%. If Jews and blacks were a problem, they wouldn't still be here. But they are. Because white people aren't the racist/bigots you pretend we are.

How about you get something back, rational thought. Our immigration laws have served this country well for hundreds of years. Sneaking into another country is against the law, just like breaking into someone's home is against the law. There is no picking and choosing which laws can be broken and which cannot.
A country without borders is a free for all. That is what Trump wants to avoid. And we will all profit from it.
When I was born, whites made up 90 percent of the population. Now we are at 63? Something is a problem. What if Jews really were the problem, but they've just tricked us into thinking it's evil to notice? That if we notice, we'll be called names? Like anti-Semite?

You defend whites against the charge of racism, but what if that is exactly how they beat us--by convincing us that the worst possible sin is racism? If you think about it, to convince a people that the worst possible thing is to favor and defend your own people is to render them pretty fucking defenseless.

So how much dominance should your race have to make you feel safe?
White people, you can deport all the immigrants you want. Which will never happen, by the way.

But that still leaves you with the problem of the jews and blacks.

See, it's not so clear cut as it seems. You lost the country a long time ago, you can't get it back.

White people just want to deport the illegal ones. White people have never had a problem with legal immigration. White people approved and designed the gateway. Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses, was the white people's feelings on the matter.
It will happen. What won't happen is 1 million Muslims a year, for the next 10 years, flooding our nation under a Clinton regime.
Jews and blacks are not a problem.
It is clear cut. Whites make up 63% of the population of this country. Blacks make up 12%, Jews 2%. If Jews and blacks were a problem, they wouldn't still be here. But they are. Because white people aren't the racist/bigots you pretend we are.

How about you get something back, rational thought. Our immigration laws have served this country well for hundreds of years. Sneaking into another country is against the law, just like breaking into someone's home is against the law. There is no picking and choosing which laws can be broken and which cannot.
A country without borders is a free for all. That is what Trump wants to avoid. And we will all profit from it.
When I was born, whites made up 90 percent of the population. Now we are at 63? Something is a problem. What if Jews really were the problem, but they've just tricked us into thinking it's evil to notice? That if we notice, we'll be called names? Like anti-Semite?

You defend whites against the charge of racism, but what if that is exactly how they beat us--by convincing us that the worst possible sin is racism? If you think about it, to convince a people that the worst possible thing is to favor and defend your own people is to render them pretty fucking defenseless.

So how much dominance should your race have to make you feel safe?
Same as everyone else has in their countries. Same as the Jews in Israel.

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