What are YOU?

What does Hillary think you are?

  • Deplorable

    Votes: 18 75.0%
  • Basement Dweller

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Super Predator

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Bimbo

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Racist

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • [Insert name here] Phobic

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • Tax cheat

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Who is Hillary?

    Votes: 3 12.5%

  • Total voters
I don't fit in any category, whether it's on the OP list or political parties.

Most people I know are the same. Just misfits, apparently, but I think we are the real majority.

I think gays should be allowed to marry and then they, and the rest of us, deserve to have secure borders to keep us safe.

I think there should always be a safety net for people who fall, but I resent those with entitlement mentalities that don't even try.

I think people should have the opportunity for fair wages, but that means completing an education and not allowing illegal aliens to drive wages down. Many who started at minimum wage decades ago are still with the same companies but moved up into a higher position and good pay.

I think we should help others when we are able, but only if it doesn't hurt us to do so. We don't have any extra money, but could still help refugees by sending aid to them instead of relocating them at great cost when they cannot be vetted.

I could go on, but think you get the point.

The two parties are just two different cheeks on the same ass.

Republicans are supporting Hillary. Democrats are supporting Trump. Despite the truth of the matter, the narrative is still that Trump is the favorite of all Republicans. Crazy.

We all know you're a racist and an Islamophobe and a homophobe, so yes, she was talking about you.

We all know you voted Obama in 2008 and 2012 because you think black skin color was a qualification and will vote Hillary in 2016 because you believe having a vagina makes her qualified.

You lie. What's the point of lying?

What's the point of you lying and saying those weren't/aren't your two reasons?
Did she insult you?

Was that too hard a question, Grandpa? It's your thread.
She insults me every time she speaks. She takes me as well of the rest of the country as suckers.

Which category (categories) are you in? Racist? Homophobe? Islamophobe? Xenophobe?
All of them except super predator and the funny thing is that would be the only one i qualify for based on my youth. Only problem was i am white. So i guess in Hillary's book i was just a criminal.
No, you’re a criminal because you’re a criminal, the consequence of your actions, having nothing to do with your race.

And you’re a liar – as Clinton doesn’t seek to ‘insult’ the American people, just speak the truth that some Americans are in fact deplorable bigots and racists, and far too many of those Americans are Trump supporters.

Let me guess. You don't seek to kiss her ass just put your lips up to her ass cheeks.
If you're insulted by being called a "deplorable", then don't be one. She was quite clear who falls into the deplorable category. Racists, homophobes, misogynists and islamophobes. If you're a "proud deplorable", which one of those are you?
So what's your Bigotry of Choice? Because bigots and haters were the people she was referring to. If you're brave enough to admit you're a hater, good on you. But I doubt that was your intention.
Link? You can't make a wild accusation of what someone else was "referring to" without proving proof.
If you're insulted by being called a "deplorable", then don't be one. She was quite clear who falls into the deplorable category. Racists, homophobes, misogynists and islamophobes. If you're a "proud deplorable", which one of those are you?
Who is she to judge like that Seawytch?!? I thought you people were "tolerant"? Seems disgustingly intolerant to call people "deplorable" simply because they hold different views.

Did it ever occur to you intolerant bigots that someone may have been born into a home that taught homophobia and they can't help it? They were trained to think that way since birth? Of course not - all you intolerant people do is label others and spread hate. And I just proved it using your own words and her words.

Hillary loves to insult the American people so where do you fall in her catagory of Americans?

Well Hillary Radom Clinton believes America is stronger together, but she will never say that about those who happen disagree with her. Pitting one group against the other is nothing new among democrats, as Obama has done it. Now liberals are acting all surprised over some of Trump's comments as if they are some how suddenly SHOCKED, or is it they are just numb to hear such talk actually coming from the "other" side.

Now Hillary, just believes that by using rhetoric like "deplorables" she doesn't need to focus so much about the issues. Rather she feels there stands a greater chance of winning by simply labeling the opposition in order to stir a reaction. Then Mrs Clinton can make the election focus about them and not so much about her views on the issues and her policies. This is why we find all these "uninformed" voters that have made their choice based only on emotions and party rhetoric, without a clue as to specifics surrounding their candidates policies.

To your point of emotions…I stopped caring about Donald Trump the moment he did this:


In mocking a reporter’s physical disability, he showed what type of person he is. It was the first of a pattern of incredibly rude behavior about women on their periods, judges with Hispanic names not being able to be impartial, comments about Ms. Fiorina’s face, Mr. Carson’s “child molester” temperament, Mr. Cruz’s father being involved in the JFK assassination, and telling Ms. Clinton that “You’d be in jail” if he were, get this, President and “in charge of the law”. Not only does all of these non-policy issues matter, they paint a picture of man with very little character.

I even left out the insane comments about Mr. McCain, the birther issue which he kept up until about a month ago, the juvenile name-calling, giving out his opponent’s phone number, and the sexual assault allegations.


As for “deplorables”, it was masterful. On one hand, it pushed him back on his heels a bit. It was good to see a democrat hit back for a change in my view. If you’re going to talk about Democrats as weak, elitist, amoral, etc… get ready to have your constituents unfairly labeled as well. But moreover, it was a dog whistle to the types of individuals the Clinton camp knew they could peel away from the GOP when their leader was Trump; college educated women and men. Losing this demographic in exchange for the “deplorables” is a loss for the GOP because college educated women and men vote, they are active, affluent, and are able to get others to follow them. When you’re a professional nurse, architect, accountant, etc… and are faced with two candidates who are vastly different; Trump who has done nothing but serve himself for 40+ years and HRC who has worked in the public sector for the same amount of time; Trump who knows nothing about the issues and clearly has no interest in your problems or helping you solve them and Clinton who knows the issues and is engaged as anyone about how Government can be an agent of empowerment…it’s not a hard call to make. And then you had the behavior or the candidate listed above. Rare is the professional who would admire someone of so little personal character.
If you're insulted by being called a "deplorable", then don't be one. She was quite clear who falls into the deplorable category. Racists, homophobes, misogynists and islamophobes. If you're a "proud deplorable", which one of those are you?
Who is she to judge like that Seawytch?!? I thought you people were "tolerant"? Seems disgustingly intolerant to call people "deplorable" simply because they hold different views.

Did it ever occur to you intolerant bigots that someone may have been born into a home that taught homophobia and they can't help it? They were trained to think that way since birth? Of course not - all you intolerant people do is label others and spread hate. And I just proved it using your own words and her words.


Whassa matter, Puppy? Started a bunch of threads nobody will play in so you had to resurrect a dead one?

No puppy, there isn't actually anything wrong with calling people deplorable for being racist, misogynist, homophobic, islamophobic or xenophobic. Those are deplorable positions to take.

Bigotry is not an immutable trait.
So what's your Bigotry of Choice? Because bigots and haters were the people she was referring to. If you're brave enough to admit you're a hater, good on you. But I doubt that was your intention.
Link? You can't make a wild accusation of what someone else was "referring to" without proving proof.

Look at the puppy that won't provide links asking for links. How adorably hypocritical.
Whassa matter, Puppy? Started a bunch of threads nobody will play in so you had to resurrect a dead one?
What's the matter guinea pig...had to double-down on your contradictions out of shame?
No puppy, there isn't actually anything wrong with calling people deplorable for being racist, misogynist, homophobic, islamophobic or xenophobic. Those are deplorable positions to take.
Who are you to decide that for society? Clearly you're an intolerant hypocrite (pretty disgusting guinea pig)
Bigotry is not an immutable trait.
Really? Says who guinea pig? Please show us the study you conducted on that.
Whassa matter, Puppy? Started a bunch of threads nobody will play in so you had to resurrect a dead one?
What's the matter guinea pig...had to double-down on your contradictions out of shame?
No puppy, there isn't actually anything wrong with calling people deplorable for being racist, misogynist, homophobic, islamophobic or xenophobic. Those are deplorable positions to take.
Who are you to decide that for society? Clearly you're an intolerant hypocrite (pretty disgusting guinea pig)
Bigotry is not an immutable trait.
Really? Says who guinea pig? Please show us the study you conducted on that.

What contradictions would those be, Puppy?

Society has decided that racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia are deplorable. Are you going to tell me you don't think racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia are deplorable? Do you not understand what deplorable means?

It's very obvious you don't understand what immutable means.
So what's your Bigotry of Choice? Because bigots and haters were the people she was referring to. If you're brave enough to admit you're a hater, good on you. But I doubt that was your intention.
Link? You can't make a wild accusation of what someone else was "referring to" without proving proof.

Look at the puppy that won't provide links asking for links. How adorably hypocritical.
Guinea pig....I add tons of links and you know it. Remember? You're always saying how every source "doesn't count"? :lol:
What contradictions would those be, Puppy?
That your "tolerant" when in fact you don't tolerate anyone who doesn't embrace your fascist ideology guinea pig.
Society has decided that racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia are deplorable.
Really? When did that occur guinea pig? Do you have a link to that?
Are you going to tell me you don't think racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia are deplorable?
No guinea pig. Unlike you, I am tolerant. I embrace freedom, free thought, and different view points.
It's very obvious you don't understand what immutable means.
It is obvious, guinea pig, that you are not only an intolerant fascist but that you're also furstated out of your inability to support your position.

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