What are YOU?

What does Hillary think you are?

  • Deplorable

    Votes: 18 75.0%
  • Basement Dweller

    Votes: 4 16.7%
  • Super Predator

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • Bimbo

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • Racist

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • [Insert name here] Phobic

    Votes: 8 33.3%
  • Tax cheat

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • Who is Hillary?

    Votes: 3 12.5%

  • Total voters

We all know you're a racist and an Islamophobe and a homophobe, so yes, she was talking about you.
how can you know that without knowing her?

By reading her posts here. :rolleyes:

Oh dear, Sassy put up a meme and gave the leftist twits the vapors....stop talking smack about people you don't know, dipshit
So what's your Bigotry of Choice? Because bigots and haters were the people she was referring to. If you're brave enough to admit you're a hater, good on you. But I doubt that was your intention.
Link? You can't make a wild accusation of what someone else was "referring to" without proving proof.

Look at the puppy that won't provide links asking for links. How adorably hypocritical.
Guinea pig....I add tons of links and you know it. Remember? You're always saying how every source "doesn't count"? :lol:

Okay Donald, you give the most links of anyone ever in the history of ever...but not when asked.
What contradictions would those be, Puppy?
That your "tolerant" when in fact you don't tolerate anyone who doesn't embrace your fascist ideology guinea pig.
Society has decided that racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia are deplorable.
Really? When did that occur guinea pig? Do you have a link to that?
Are you going to tell me you don't think racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia are deplorable?
No guinea pig. Unlike you, I am tolerant. I embrace freedom, free thought, and different view points.
It's very obvious you don't understand what immutable means.
It is obvious, guinea pig, that you are not only an intolerant fascist but that you're also furstated out of your inability to support your position.

How should racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia be "tolerated", Puppy?

You don't think racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia is deplorable? That doesn't make you tolerant, Puppy, that makes you an asshole. Thinking racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia aren't deplorable is, well, deplorable. Have you looked deplorable (and immutable) yet?

Guinea pig? :lol: You're getting as desperate as Trump, your candidate. :lol:
How should racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia be "tolerated", Puppy?
Um....by tolerating it. By respecting the fact that perople have views different from yourself. You're not too terribly bright, are you my fascist little guinea pig?
You don't think racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia is deplorable?
No, I don't guinea pig. I'm not an intolerant fascist who passes judgement on others. I actually embrace liberty guinea pig (including the liberty to not like something). The question is - why don't you? Oh wait...that's right. You're the fascist little guinea pig.
That doesn't make you tolerant, Puppy, that makes you an asshole.
Oh look...there is the fascist little guinea pig passing judgement on others and being intolerant again. What else is new?
Guinea pig? :lol: You're getting as desperate as Trump, your candidate. :lol:
Pupppy? You're getting as desperate, nasty, and fascist as Hitlery. :lol:
Whassa matter, Puppy? Started a bunch of threads nobody will play in so you had to resurrect a dead one?
What's the matter guinea pig...had to double-down on your contradictions out of shame?
No puppy, there isn't actually anything wrong with calling people deplorable for being racist, misogynist, homophobic, islamophobic or xenophobic. Those are deplorable positions to take.
Who are you to decide that for society? Clearly you're an intolerant hypocrite (pretty disgusting guinea pig)
Bigotry is not an immutable trait.
Really? Says who guinea pig? Please show us the study you conducted on that.

What contradictions would those be, Puppy?

Society has decided that racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia are deplorable. Are you going to tell me you don't think racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia are deplorable? Do you not understand what deplorable means?
You make deplorable crystal clear every day. Labeling those you disagree with is the left's bread and butter tactic.
How should racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia be "tolerated", Puppy?
Um....by tolerating it. By respecting the fact that perople have views different from yourself. You're not too terribly bright, are you my fascist little guinea pig?
You don't think racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia is deplorable?
No, I don't guinea pig. I'm not an intolerant fascist who passes judgement on others. I actually embrace liberty guinea pig (including the liberty to not like something). The question is - why don't you? Oh wait...that's right. You're the fascist little guinea pig.
That doesn't make you tolerant, Puppy, that makes you an asshole.
Oh look...there is the fascist little guinea pig passing judgement on others and being intolerant again. What else is new?
Guinea pig? :lol: You're getting as desperate as Trump, your candidate. :lol:
Pupppy? You're getting as desperate, nasty, and fascist as Hitlery. :lol:

I'll ask again since you didn't seem to understand the question. How should racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia be tolerated? What does that look like? Be specific.

Yes, I do make judgements on people who are racist, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic and islamophobic. They are deplorable beliefs and should be roundly condemned by all. You don't' condemn those things? You think they're "A-okay"? That isn't tolerance, that's something else entirely.

Riiiight...Hillary is the nasty fascist one.

That's going to be President Clinton to you and the rest of the U.S. :lol:
I'll ask again since you didn't seem to understand the question. How should racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia be tolerated? What does that look like? Be specific.
And I'll answer again since you clearly didn't seem to understand the answer guinea pig: by tolerating it. Perhaps you're so intolerant that you can't even grasp what it "looks like" to tolerate something? :dunno:
Yes, I do make judgements on people who are racist, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic and islamophobic.
Yes...we know guinea pig. We are all well aware of your intolerant fascism.
They are deplorable beliefs and should be roundly condemned by all.
Who are you to decide what is and what is not "deplorable beliefs" guinea pig? There are billions of people around the globe that would declare homosexuality "deplorable". Are you ok with that, hypocrite?
You don't' condemn those things? You think they're "A-okay"? That isn't tolerance, that's something else entirely.
Nah...unlike you fascist progressives I embrace liberty and free thought. I fully believe it's ok for you to be homosexual and I fully believe it's ok for someone else to not like that. And there is nothing wrong with that (as long as they don't physically assault you or harass you of course).
Yes, I do make judgements on people who are...islamophobic. They are deplorable beliefs and should be roundly condemned by all.
Oh the irony. Guinea pig here fiercely defending islam...the faith that dictates she should be horrifically raped and then beheaded for her homosexuality.

So to recap...you hate the people for hating the people who hate you? You can't make this shit up people. This is how bat-shit crazy progressives are. :lol:
Yes, I do make judgements on people who are...islamophobic. They are deplorable beliefs and should be roundly condemned by all.
Oh the irony. Guinea pig here fiercely defending islam...the faith that dictates she should be horrifically raped and then beheaded for her homosexuality.

So to recap...you hate the people for hating the people who hate you? You can't make this shit up people. This is how bat-shit crazy progressives are. :lol:
Progressives are all about hypocrisy... see: al gore
I'll ask again since you didn't seem to understand the question. How should racism, misogyny, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia be tolerated? What does that look like? Be specific.
And I'll answer again since you clearly didn't seem to understand the answer guinea pig: by tolerating it. Perhaps you're so intolerant that you can't even grasp what it "looks like" to tolerate something? :dunno:

Repeating "by toleranting it" isn't an answer, Donald. If someone is racist, sexist, etc., how should society "tolerate" those individuals? Nobody should speak out against their bigotry?

There are billions of people around the globe that would declare homosexuality "deplorable". Are you ok with that, hypocrite?

As long as they aren't legislating their declarations, yeah, I'll "okay" with them being wrong in their beliefs. Do you think their bigotry is "ok"?

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