What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I've already proven to you that you cannot be both an anarcho communist & anarcho capitalist at the same time, then changed your tune & said you are a life long Social Democrat...you only deserve to be mocked because you're way too stupid to pretend I value your opinions.
Are you finished with the insults? Or are you still too busy picketing sex-change operations and sending out chain-emails for the Republican party? :popcorn:

I'm not a republican, hipster. But how's being an Anarcho Communist Capitalist Social Democrat Green Party member treatin' ya?
How's being an ass treating you, doubt you know what any of those words mean anyway.
I've already proven to you that you cannot be both an anarcho communist & anarcho capitalist at the same time, then changed your tune & said you are a life long Social Democrat...you only deserve to be mocked because you're way too stupid to pretend I value your opinions.
I'm not a republican, hipster. But how's being an Anarcho Communist Capitalist Social Democrat Green Party member treatin' ya?
How's being an ass treating you, doubt you know what any of those words mean anyway.
That you can't understand the difference between ideals, long-term positions, and pragmatic political positions is your problem not mine. You haven't proven a thing, just made yourself ignorant in my eyes.
I've already proven to you that you cannot be both an anarcho communist & anarcho capitalist at the same time, then changed your tune & said you are a life long Social Democrat...you only deserve to be mocked because you're way too stupid to pretend I value your opinions.
How's being an ass treating you, doubt you know what any of those words mean anyway.
That you can't understand the difference between ideals, long-term positions, and pragmatic political positions is your problem not mine. You haven't proven a thing, just made yourself ignorant in my eyes.

Nothing you said here changes the fact you cannot be an anarcho communist & anarcho capitalist at the same time. That you're too stupid to understand this doesn't surprise me one bit, hipster. Lol
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I've already proven to you that you cannot be both an anarcho communist & anarcho capitalist at the same time, then changed your tune & said you are a life long Social Democrat...you only deserve to be mocked because you're way too stupid to pretend I value your opinions.
That you can't understand the difference between ideals, long-term positions, and pragmatic political positions is your problem not mine. You haven't proven a thing, just made yourself ignorant in my eyes.

Nothing you said here changes the fact you cannot be an anarcho communist & anarcho capitalist. That you're too stupid to understand this doesn't surprise me one bit, hipster. Lol
You can, both are non-coercive, non-state and generally untried systems. Anarchist-Communists can't force people to live in their society, and nor can Anarcho-Capitalists, that is why they can co-exist.

But I doubt someone that thinks only in Statist terms can comprehend the difference between political theory and pragmatic political reality i.e. you can be supportive of pre-existing political system x while advocating political theory y.

Thinking in terms of states and nations, when a political theory actually involves eliminating the nation-state, is silly. But be my guest.
no they cannot exist together. Anarcho Capitalism is all about private property rights & anarcho communists LOATHE private property rights. That's just one example, don't need anymore than that. In a stateless world, these two would be mortal enemies. You really suck at this.
That you can't understand the difference between ideals, long-term positions, and pragmatic political positions is your problem not mine. You haven't proven a thing, just made yourself ignorant in my eyes.

Nothing you said here changes the fact you cannot be an anarcho communist & anarcho capitalist. That you're too stupid to understand this doesn't surprise me one bit, hipster. Lol
You can, both are non-coercive, non-state and generally untried systems. Anarchist-Communists can't force people to live in their society, and nor can Anarcho-Capitalists, that is why they can co-exist.

But I doubt someone that thinks only in Statist terms can comprehend the difference between political theory and pragmatic political reality i.e. you can be supportive of pre-existing political system x while advocating political theory y.

Thinking in terms of states and nations, when a political theory actually involves eliminating the nation-state, is silly. But be my guest.
no they cannot exist together. Anarcho Capitalism is all about private property rights & anarcho communists LOATHE private property rights. That's just one example, don't need anymore than that. In a stateless world, these two would be mortal enemies. You really suck at this.
Nothing you said here changes the fact you cannot be an anarcho communist & anarcho capitalist. That you're too stupid to understand this doesn't surprise me one bit, hipster. Lol
You can, both are non-coercive, non-state and generally untried systems. Anarchist-Communists can't force people to live in their society, and nor can Anarcho-Capitalists, that is why they can co-exist.

But I doubt someone that thinks only in Statist terms can comprehend the difference between political theory and pragmatic political reality i.e. you can be supportive of pre-existing political system x while advocating political theory y.

Thinking in terms of states and nations, when a political theory actually involves eliminating the nation-state, is silly. But be my guest.
With what army? Neither system supports coercive or violent force being used against another society or group of individuals. Ideologically opposed maybe, but 'enemies' is harsh and inaccurate.
Wrong again, the Non Aggression Principle does not have any problem with the use of force so long as it is in self defense or reclaiming property that has been stolen. It wouldn't be armies, it'd be militias most likely. And I will even go far enough to say Ancoms are full of it when they claim to not believe in coeercion...how else are they supposed to deprive people of the right to own property but with coeercion?AnCap could work in my opinion, And technically you could still have a state & have an AnCap economic system by simply keeping government out of economic issues. You see, I know a Lot more than you think. I am a minarchist libertarian & I support a lot of the ideas in AnCap.
no they cannot exist together. Anarcho Capitalism is all about private property rights & anarcho communists LOATHE private property rights. That's just one example, don't need anymore than that. In a stateless world, these two would be mortal enemies. You really suck at this.
You can, both are non-coercive, non-state and generally untried systems. Anarchist-Communists can't force people to live in their society, and nor can Anarcho-Capitalists, that is why they can co-exist.

But I doubt someone that thinks only in Statist terms can comprehend the difference between political theory and pragmatic political reality i.e. you can be supportive of pre-existing political system x while advocating political theory y.

Thinking in terms of states and nations, when a political theory actually involves eliminating the nation-state, is silly. But be my guest.
With what army? Neither system supports coercive or violent force being used against another society or group of individuals. Ideologically opposed maybe, but 'enemies' is harsh and inaccurate.
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Something genetic makes some people hyperactive sexually, and it is about 30% of the population. These people range from philanderers to sexually obsessed people that engage in very risky behavior like unprotected orgies and swinger parties.

Most of these people are heterosexual, and almost all the rest are bisexual. The bisexuals drift in their behavior from preferring one sex or the other depending on what partners they find most compelling. A very small percentage develop an exclusive preference for the same sex and is only about 2% of the population.

These people, in my experience, seem to be very adventurous, risk taking, violent people.

In the past social norms compelled them to marry and have kids, but gay marriage will let the air out of that whole thing, though a few do the demographic duty. Most of them see no obligation to sacrifice for children as everything is about them, their sensual obsessions and standard of living.

Without the old Christian culture pushing everyone to have kids, their numbers will fall.

It will be a demographic suicide.

This is one of the most bizarre and ignorant rants I've read in a long time. Where does shit like this come from? Who makes it up and why would people believe it?

Seriously, you need to see a therapist.

And that therapist would likely have a duty to report some of these people as being mentally unstable.
i say it when another person says something right. :) :) :)

god bless you always!!! :) :) :)


so you think it's "right" to equate gays with thieves and murderers?

God does and God makes the rules!!!

Honestly, that's kind of fucked up.

Seriously, what kind of God condemns gay people to the same Hell he sends Hitler to.

do you know why I'm an atheist? Because after being force fed Christianity for 12 years, I simply refused to believe the universe is that badly designed.

By Christian logic, Ann Frank is burning in the same Hell Hitler is. She didn't accept Jesus into her soul.

Hitler burns Ann Frank once and he's considered evil. God burns Ann Frank for all eternity and he's considered good.

But it gets worse. God does let you into his Heaven if you beg his forgiveness, no matter how big of a degenerate you are. So Jeff Dahmner, who wasn't just gay, but a fucking CANNIBAL, asked Jesus to forgive him and was baptized before a fellow inmate brained him with a steel bar.

So let me get this straight. Ann Frank burns for all eternity, and Jeff Dahmner gets to sit on a cloud for all eternity kissing God's ass?

Seriously, how fucked up is that?
You sure that Amen didnt come from the Egyptian sun god Amen-Ra?

Actually the etymology of "AMEN" stemming from the Egyptian God amen-ra is a debunked theory. "so be it" is the literal translation from ancient Hebrew.

Who debunked it and where do you think the Hebrews got their language and religion from? Lets see some links.

There's many links, you know how to Google don't you ? Here's one : Where the Word "Amen" Came From

Judaism , naturally is heavily influenced by Egyptian, Semitic, Babylonian religion. The "Gilgamesh Epic" of Babylonian [Persian] origins had a lot of influence on the Old Testament as did Egyptian lore. But the word Amen , which can be found in the earliest Hebrew scriptures is of Hebrew origin.

The root word from whence it came is found in several Semitic Languages, including Aramaic . The word was adopted by the early Christian Church . The Hebrew word “amen” originally derives from another Hebrew word of similar meaning: ʼāmán. It is sometimes theorized, probably incorrectly, that this Hebrew word has its origins in the Egyptian god Amun, which is also sometimes spelled “Amen”. However, most scholars think this is a purely coincidental, and that there is no real connection between the two.

Amen to That !

There's a Twon in Austria knowm as "Fucking" [Pronounce Foo-king] - The similarity to a common English vulgarity is purely coincidental, and no - the ancestors of theses people did not found the Town of Intercourse PA.


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It means you aren't James Otto's sweetheart because you turned him into a homosexual. Its probably had something to do with you being a short, fat, ugly ass retarded bitch :)

God bless you always!!!


Wtf. As someone else said, a homosexual is not sterile. They can stil fuck someone of the opposite sex and get pregnant/ impregnate.

Yes- They can stil fuck someone of the opposite sex and get pregnant/ impregnate. In which case it is a heterosexual act that created the Child , the only thing homosexuality breeds is disease.

So quick to jump to conclusions. It can be recognized as a "bisexual" act as well. What then of bisexuality?

Bisexual = Half a Queer. But unless it's a Ménage à trois - when engaged with the opposite sex - it's a heterosexual act and if conception occurs, it's due to the hetero act, not the perverted act.
Yes we can...and do. We just can't do it with our partners of choice, like many infertile couples. Some straight couples use invitro fertilization and sperm banks...just like gays do. We can adopt too...just like straight couples. If "the lord" had wanted them to be fruitful, why make them sterile?

Actually, no you can't . As a Lesbian, your Lesbian activity can not produce a child. Only an act of artificial insemination with seed provided by a male can produce a child, so basically the act of artificial insemination is an imitation of the heterosexual act, without the intimacy The only thing your homosexual activity can breed is disease .

So? What does not having a child w/out artificial means have to do with our civil rights. Do you only think of women as worthy if they are popping out babies?

Follow the thread Fungus - that was in response to
Yes we can
by SeaHag , and a poor attempt to lend credibility to homosexual procreation. Now kindly go fester elsewhere .
Why didnt god just save the world himself or start over with a new set of people?

....or start over with a new set of people?

It's been done for Centuries - it's called regeneration - a product of heterosexual activity

A new set stupid. Not some that are being taught by the sinful ones to do the same thing.

Yes , there certainly are some people here who could use a "new set" or just a set .... now wtf were you really trying to say ?
so you think it's "right" to equate gays with thieves and murderers?

God does and God makes the rules!!!

Honestly, that's kind of fucked up.

Seriously, what kind of God condemns gay people to the same Hell he sends Hitler to.

do you know why I'm an atheist? Because after being force fed Christianity for 12 years, I simply refused to believe the universe is that badly designed.

By Christian logic, Ann Frank is burning in the same Hell Hitler is. She didn't accept Jesus into her soul.

Hitler burns Ann Frank once and he's considered evil. God burns Ann Frank for all eternity and he's considered good.

But it gets worse. God does let you into his Heaven if you beg his forgiveness, no matter how big of a degenerate you are. So Jeff Dahmner, who wasn't just gay, but a fucking CANNIBAL, asked Jesus to forgive him and was baptized before a fellow inmate brained him with a steel bar.

So let me get this straight. Ann Frank burns for all eternity, and Jeff Dahmner gets to sit on a cloud for all eternity kissing God's ass?

Seriously, how fucked up is that?

Actually Joe. Anne Frank died of disease in the concentration camp and never made it to the Ovens. AS for Dahmer , I believe he violated the Kosher Laws -[lol] so I think he's got a pitchfork up his ass as we speak.

how fucked up is that?
... Pretty Fucked Up, if you believe it. But I don't think anybody but the most fucked up wackadoodles believe those fairy tales anymore.
BTW...why do you worship Paul more than you do Jesus?

Jesus wasn't warped and anti gay enough for them. Paul fits the bill perfectly.

Jesus wasn't - PERIOD . He was a literary device. Paul was the founder of Christianity and he never once said Jesus was real , in fact Paul never quoted Jesus and if he had any real knowledge of an historic and physical Jesus, he would have quoted him.

Actually Joe. Anne Frank died of disease in the concentration camp and never made it to the Ovens. AS for Dahmer , I believe he violated the Kosher Laws -[lol] so I think he's got a pitchfork up his ass as we speak.

Wow, dude, way to avoid the point. Nicely played, man.

how fucked up is that?
... Pretty Fucked Up, if you believe it. But I don't think anybody but the most fucked up wackadoodles believe those fairy tales anymore.

Really? Frankly, given most of the homophobic bile we see on this thread involves some kind of spewing about Jesus, I'd say probably not.

I guess you are a more honest homophobe, you just think your "manhood" is threatened.
So you want a god that is more like yourself? Get in line buddy...most people do. I look at this attitude as the ultimate form of arrogance & self importance. If there is a God, you're opinion of how he does things probably means diddly squat.. And you can cry & whine about how unfair he is or you can simply ask his forgiveness, stop being an arrogant douche and go to heaven.

When you get there, according to the bible, your questions of why things had to be done the way he chose, will be answered.

If you don't believe in a god, if you sincerely are an atheist...you shouldn't be bothered by any of this. You know there is no god so why get offended by something that doesn't exist?

so you think it's "right" to equate gays with thieves and murderers?

God does and God makes the rules!!!

Honestly, that's kind of fucked up.

Seriously, what kind of God condemns gay people to the same Hell he sends Hitler to.

do you know why I'm an atheist? Because after being force fed Christianity for 12 years, I simply refused to believe the universe is that badly designed.

By Christian logic, Ann Frank is burning in the same Hell Hitler is. She didn't accept Jesus into her soul.

Hitler burns Ann Frank once and he's considered evil. God burns Ann Frank for all eternity and he's considered good.

But it gets worse. God does let you into his Heaven if you beg his forgiveness, no matter how big of a degenerate you are. So Jeff Dahmner, who wasn't just gay, but a fucking CANNIBAL, asked Jesus to forgive him and was baptized before a fellow inmate brained him with a steel bar.

So let me get this straight. Ann Frank burns for all eternity, and Jeff Dahmner gets to sit on a cloud for all eternity kissing God's ass?

Seriously, how fucked up is that?
What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

Gays are people too. Just because I shudder at the thought of being with another man, doesn't mean I have to hate them and condemn them.
However, I believe churches and priests/pastors should have the right to refuse to wed them, based on their religious views.

Gays agree. No church or religious leader will ever be forced to perform a ceremony against the tenants of their faith...by anything other than public opinion.

If churches have that right why can't cake makers have that right too?

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