What arms do we need to take the government back?

If you want to take back government, no amount of guns will help you

Your vote will
What exactly would votes change in a tyrannical government if a tyrannical government were to actually allow a vote? Do you think they would "count" enough votes against themselves and then surrender? Do you even understand what a tyrannical government is? Your posts throughout this thread suggest that you are completely ignorant of what a tyrannical government even is.

We have managed not to have a tyrannical government because we have the right to vote and a free press. Do you believe we are in danger of losing those things?
You left one off.

We have managed to avoid a tyrannical government because we have the right to vote, a free press, and over 100 million weapons.

We have avoided a tyrannical government through diligence and the opposition of incrementalism against fundamental rights.

We have already lost a free press, however. When the alleged 'free press' is loyal to one party, that is a detriment to a free republic.

Who left the door open and let the crazy person in?
If you want to take back government, no amount of guns will help you

Your vote will
What exactly would votes change in a tyrannical government if a tyrannical government were to actually allow a vote? Do you think they would "count" enough votes against themselves and then surrender? Do you even understand what a tyrannical government is? Your posts throughout this thread suggest that you are completely ignorant of what a tyrannical government even is.
What good will guns do when a tyrannical government has the most powerful military in the history of mankind?
Don't assume that6 the military would be in lockstep with a government that has become the enemy of the people
In that case we have something called a coup, not armed civilians fighting the government

But in all probability, the military would defend the country against an insurrection
No, the 2nd is the guarantee against it. In the Declaration of Independence, the founders gave us the foundation for when men must rise up against an unjust government.

Here, I thought you were versed in our founding. Now I find you lack even the most basic understanding for why we broke away from England.

We broke away from England because we lacked the freedoms to overthrow a tyrannical government without armed rebellion

The Civil Rights movement proved we do not need guns
the civil rights movement was about securing civil rights for all,not taking back a tyrannical government.....

It fought tyrannical government without firing a shot

a second american revolution
you had better look up the meaning of what a tyrannical govt is...

The Jim Crow South was a tyrannical government. They were worse than England in the Revolutionary War
like i said look at what a tyrannical govt is....A tyrannical ruler wields absolute power and authority, and often wields that power unjustly, cruelly, or oppressively.....now when was this country like that?...
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

We don't all agree that the second amendment defines our right to keep and bear arms, we don't all agree that a "well regulated militia" isn't a militia encumbered by regulation, and we don't all agree that "shall not be infringed" really means just that. This thread is not meant to debate the intent of the second amendment, but rather to debate which arms are needed if we are to over power and take back a tyrannical government.

Regardless of your beliefs, ideology, or opinions of what the second ammendment are, please list what arms you think we would need as private citizens if we were to assemble militias to overpower and take back a tyrannical federal government if this hypothetical event were to occur. Would we need more than millions of ar15 owners? Do we need baseball bats and metal garbage can lids? What do you think we would need?
The arms private citizens need to overpower a tyrannical government

1. The vote
2. A Free Press
3. The right of assembly
4. Freedom of Speech

It has worked for 230 years
Actually, it hasn't work. Lincoln abolished freedom in 1860. The U.S. has been a tyranny ever since.
We broke away from England because we lacked the freedoms to overthrow a tyrannical government without armed rebellion

The Civil Rights movement proved we do not need guns
the civil rights movement was about securing civil rights for all,not taking back a tyrannical government.....

It fought tyrannical government without firing a shot

a second american revolution
you had better look up the meaning of what a tyrannical govt is...

The Jim Crow South was a tyrannical government. They were worse than England in the Revolutionary War
like i said look at what a tyrannical govt is....A tyrannical ruler wields absolute power and authority, and often wields that power unjustly, cruelly, or oppressively.....now when was this country like that?...

16 War Crimes committed by Abraham Lincoln
Democrats think thier vote actually matters anyway

We forced trump down the GOP's throat ...while the establishment was having none of it or our crap .....lol to bad

The establishment forced hillary down yours

Bernie Sanders probABly could of beat him ...we know for a fact he was beating her during the primaries...but Hillary is a no good cheating twat ....remind me to send her a thank you card
Boomers, the MAGA generation, voting for the same old policies that disproportionately harm young people and minorities, destroying the comfortable middle class they were a part of, destroying the environment, destroying America.
If you want to take back government, no amount of guns will help you

Your vote will
What exactly would votes change in a tyrannical government if a tyrannical government were to actually allow a vote? Do you think they would "count" enough votes against themselves and then surrender? Do you even understand what a tyrannical government is? Your posts throughout this thread suggest that you are completely ignorant of what a tyrannical government even is.
What good will guns do when a tyrannical government has the most powerful military in the history of mankind?
Don't assume that6 the military would be in lockstep with a government that has become the enemy of the people
In that case we have something called a coup, not armed civilians fighting the government

But in all probability, the military would defend the country against an insurrection

Don't be too sure the government can certainly become a domestic enemy
If you want to take back government, no amount of guns will help you

Your vote will
What exactly would votes change in a tyrannical government if a tyrannical government were to actually allow a vote? Do you think they would "count" enough votes against themselves and then surrender? Do you even understand what a tyrannical government is? Your posts throughout this thread suggest that you are completely ignorant of what a tyrannical government even is.

We have managed not to have a tyrannical government because we have the right to vote and a free press. Do you believe we are in danger of losing those things?
You left one off.

We have managed to avoid a tyrannical government because we have the right to vote, a free press, and over 100 million weapons.

We have avoided a tyrannical government through diligence and the opposition of incrementalism against fundamental rights.

We have already lost a free press, however. When the alleged 'free press' is loyal to one party, that is a detriment to a free republic.
Sinclair, FOX, Limbaugh and Carr, etc. etc. are loyal to whom? Hannity, Breitbart?
Wake up.
I've got a left arm and a right arm. That's enough to protect me from any man half my age who is armed...and I'm 86. That's a guarantee.
If you want to take back government, no amount of guns will help you

Your vote will
What exactly would votes change in a tyrannical government if a tyrannical government were to actually allow a vote? Do you think they would "count" enough votes against themselves and then surrender? Do you even understand what a tyrannical government is? Your posts throughout this thread suggest that you are completely ignorant of what a tyrannical government even is.

We have managed not to have a tyrannical government because we have the right to vote and a free press. Do you believe we are in danger of losing those things?
You left one off.

We have managed to avoid a tyrannical government because we have the right to vote, a free press, and over 100 million weapons.

We have avoided a tyrannical government through diligence and the opposition of incrementalism against fundamental rights.

We have already lost a free press, however. When the alleged 'free press' is loyal to one party, that is a detriment to a free republic.
Sinclair, FOX, Limbaugh and Carr, etc. etc. are loyal to whom? Hannity, Breitbart?
Wake up.
Are they mainstream? Do they reach audiences of millions? Do they bill themselves as journalists who are working for the American people?

Perhaps you should wake up. No news ORGANIZATION should be loyal to a political party.

Understand yet?
If you want to take back government, no amount of guns will help you

Your vote will
What exactly would votes change in a tyrannical government if a tyrannical government were to actually allow a vote? Do you think they would "count" enough votes against themselves and then surrender? Do you even understand what a tyrannical government is? Your posts throughout this thread suggest that you are completely ignorant of what a tyrannical government even is.

We have managed not to have a tyrannical government because we have the right to vote and a free press. Do you believe we are in danger of losing those things?
You left one off.

We have managed to avoid a tyrannical government because we have the right to vote, a free press, and over 100 million weapons.

We have avoided a tyrannical government through diligence and the opposition of incrementalism against fundamental rights.

We have already lost a free press, however. When the alleged 'free press' is loyal to one party, that is a detriment to a free republic.
Sinclair, FOX, Limbaugh and Carr, etc. etc. are loyal to whom? Hannity, Breitbart?
Wake up.
Are they mainstream? Do they reach audiences of millions? Do they bill themselves as journalists who are working for the American people?

Perhaps you should wake up. No news ORGANIZATION should be loyal to a political party.

Understand yet?

No news organization is. Fox, on their opinion side does more than dabble, but their news is still just news. And that is driven by the almighty dollar.
What exactly would votes change in a tyrannical government if a tyrannical government were to actually allow a vote? Do you think they would "count" enough votes against themselves and then surrender? Do you even understand what a tyrannical government is? Your posts throughout this thread suggest that you are completely ignorant of what a tyrannical government even is.

We have managed not to have a tyrannical government because we have the right to vote and a free press. Do you believe we are in danger of losing those things?
You left one off.

We have managed to avoid a tyrannical government because we have the right to vote, a free press, and over 100 million weapons.

We have avoided a tyrannical government through diligence and the opposition of incrementalism against fundamental rights.

We have already lost a free press, however. When the alleged 'free press' is loyal to one party, that is a detriment to a free republic.
Sinclair, FOX, Limbaugh and Carr, etc. etc. are loyal to whom? Hannity, Breitbart?
Wake up.
Are they mainstream? Do they reach audiences of millions? Do they bill themselves as journalists who are working for the American people?

Perhaps you should wake up. No news ORGANIZATION should be loyal to a political party.

Understand yet?

No news organization is. Fox, on their opinion side does more than dabble, but their news is still just news. And that is driven by the almighty dollar.
Every news organization SHOULD be. However, when 90%+ is loyal to the Democrat party, the people get no real information. They get party propaganda.
I've got a left arm and a right arm. That's enough to protect me from any man half my age who is armed...and I'm 86. That's a guarantee.
You will need a lot more than that in order to take back a tyrannical government like the one this thread is about.
We broke away from England because we lacked the freedoms to overthrow a tyrannical government without armed rebellion

The Civil Rights movement proved we do not need guns
the civil rights movement was about securing civil rights for all,not taking back a tyrannical government.....

It fought tyrannical government without firing a shot

a second american revolution
you had better look up the meaning of what a tyrannical govt is...

The Jim Crow South was a tyrannical government. They were worse than England in the Revolutionary War
like i said look at what a tyrannical govt is....A tyrannical ruler wields absolute power and authority, and often wields that power unjustly, cruelly, or oppressively.....now when was this country like that?...

Read the US Constitution and explain how a tyrannical ruler is allowed

We have had tyranny in this country. In the first case it was resolved in the Civil War, the second by a peaceful Civil Rights era
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

We don't all agree that the second amendment defines our right to keep and bear arms, we don't all agree that a "well regulated militia" isn't a militia encumbered by regulation, and we don't all agree that "shall not be infringed" really means just that. This thread is not meant to debate the intent of the second amendment, but rather to debate which arms are needed if we are to over power and take back a tyrannical government.

Regardless of your beliefs, ideology, or opinions of what the second ammendment are, please list what arms you think we would need as private citizens if we were to assemble militias to overpower and take back a tyrannical federal government if this hypothetical event were to occur. Would we need more than millions of ar15 owners? Do we need baseball bats and metal garbage can lids? What do you think we would need?

A gallon of tequila and a fat sack of cocaine.
I've got a left arm and a right arm. That's enough to protect me from any man half my age who is armed...and I'm 86. That's a guarantee.
You will need a lot more than that in order to take back a tyrannical government like the one this thread is about.
Can you explain the tyrannical government you fear


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Democrats Seek To Outlaw Suburban, Single-Family House Zoning, Calling It Racist And Bad For The Environment
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