What arms do we need to take the government back?

I've got a left arm and a right arm. That's enough to protect me from any man half my age who is armed...and I'm 86. That's a guarantee.
You will need a lot more than that in order to take back a tyrannical government like the one this thread is about.
Can you explain the tyrannical government you fear


One like this

Democrats Seek To Outlaw Suburban, Single-Family House Zoning, Calling It Racist And Bad For The Environment
Charles Rotter / 2 days ago

Whoops to late

Badthink bad.

Badthinkers worse.

No more badthinkers, no more badthink.

See how easy?

It’s like a Final Solution to Hate.

Who could be opposed to that?
I can think of plenty of examples of tyranny to post but rightwinger is only looking to take the thread in yet another direction.
I've got a left arm and a right arm. That's enough to protect me from any man half my age who is armed...and I'm 86. That's a guarantee.
You will need a lot more than that in order to take back a tyrannical government like the one this thread is about.
Can you explain the tyrannical government you fear


One like this

Democrats Seek To Outlaw Suburban, Single-Family House Zoning, Calling It Racist And Bad For The Environment
Charles Rotter / 2 days ago

Whoops to late

Badthink bad.

Badthinkers worse.

No more badthinkers, no more badthink.

See how easy?

It’s like a Final Solution to Hate.

Who could be opposed to that?
I can think of plenty of examples of tyranny to post but rightwinger is only looking to take the thread in yet another direction.

They always do ....the full of shit commie bastids
We have managed not to have a tyrannical government because we have the right to vote and a free press. Do you believe we are in danger of losing those things?
You left one off.

We have managed to avoid a tyrannical government because we have the right to vote, a free press, and over 100 million weapons.

We have avoided a tyrannical government through diligence and the opposition of incrementalism against fundamental rights.

We have already lost a free press, however. When the alleged 'free press' is loyal to one party, that is a detriment to a free republic.
Sinclair, FOX, Limbaugh and Carr, etc. etc. are loyal to whom? Hannity, Breitbart?
Wake up.
Are they mainstream? Do they reach audiences of millions? Do they bill themselves as journalists who are working for the American people?

Perhaps you should wake up. No news ORGANIZATION should be loyal to a political party.

Understand yet?

No news organization is. Fox, on their opinion side does more than dabble, but their news is still just news. And that is driven by the almighty dollar.
Every news organization SHOULD be. However, when 90%+ is loyal to the Democrat party, the people get no real information. They get party propaganda.

If you check the history, the network that started it all was Foxnews. The aligned themselves with the far right so they could establish themselves as a front runner. It worked well. And now, they really don't know how to correct for that. MsNBC saw that and follow suit the other direction when they found themselves at the very bottom by aligning themselves with the far left. The other real mainstreamers like CBSNews, ABCNews, CNN and others are still trying to report the news. The problem right now is, Rump is so sensational that any real news on him just sounds Fake News. But you really can't make news up like that. If you want to get the news back on track, the first step is to get the sensational characters out of Washington Power. And that begins with getting Rump and his band of criminals along with Moscow Mitch back to doing whatever they want to do in the Civilian World. A little mediocrity ain't so bad after all.
We have managed not to have a tyrannical government because we have the right to vote and a free press. Do you believe we are in danger of losing those things?
You left one off.

We have managed to avoid a tyrannical government because we have the right to vote, a free press, and over 100 million weapons.

We have avoided a tyrannical government through diligence and the opposition of incrementalism against fundamental rights.

We have already lost a free press, however. When the alleged 'free press' is loyal to one party, that is a detriment to a free republic.
Sinclair, FOX, Limbaugh and Carr, etc. etc. are loyal to whom? Hannity, Breitbart?
Wake up.
Are they mainstream? Do they reach audiences of millions? Do they bill themselves as journalists who are working for the American people?

Perhaps you should wake up. No news ORGANIZATION should be loyal to a political party.

Understand yet?

No news organization is. Fox, on their opinion side does more than dabble, but their news is still just news. And that is driven by the almighty dollar.
Every news organization SHOULD be. However, when 90%+ is loyal to the Democrat party, the people get no real information. They get party propaganda.

Yeah, they do...at Fox. Elsewhere they get news.
I've got a left arm and a right arm. That's enough to protect me from any man half my age who is armed...and I'm 86. That's a guarantee.
You will need a lot more than that in order to take back a tyrannical government like the one this thread is about.
Can you explain the tyrannical government you fear


One like this

Democrats Seek To Outlaw Suburban, Single-Family House Zoning, Calling It Racist And Bad For The Environment
Charles Rotter / 2 days ago

Whoops to late

Badthink bad.

Badthinkers worse.

No more badthinkers, no more badthink.

See how easy?

It’s like a Final Solution to Hate.

Who could be opposed to that?
I can think of plenty of examples of tyranny to post but rightwinger is only looking to take the thread in yet another direction.
What direction?
Honoring our country and its Constitutional values?
I've got a left arm and a right arm. That's enough to protect me from any man half my age who is armed...and I'm 86. That's a guarantee.
You will need a lot more than that in order to take back a tyrannical government like the one this thread is about.
Can you explain the tyrannical government you fear
Sure, see post 146


Notice that the opening post was about a hypothetical takeover of a tyrannical government. Commies have difficulty processing hypothetical events, they are more like dogs and cats that can only process the here and now. Commies are only able to respond to this thread subjectively, with a post that supports commie agenda. They cannot step away from their subjective agenda long enough to process a scenario objectively.

You should be embarrassed
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

We don't all agree that the second amendment defines our right to keep and bear arms, we don't all agree that a "well regulated militia" isn't a militia encumbered by regulation, and we don't all agree that "shall not be infringed" really means just that. This thread is not meant to debate the intent of the second amendment, but rather to debate which arms are needed if we are to over power and take back a tyrannical government.

Regardless of your beliefs, ideology, or opinions of what the second ammendment are, please list what arms you think we would need as private citizens if we were to assemble militias to overpower and take back a tyrannical federal government if this hypothetical event were to occur. Would we need more than millions of ar15 owners? Do we need baseball bats and metal garbage can lids? What do you think we would need?

All we need to protect us from tyranny is to lock up people like you in a mental institution!
Why would conservatives need arms to take back “their government”?
the civil rights movement was about securing civil rights for all,not taking back a tyrannical government.....

It fought tyrannical government without firing a shot

a second american revolution
you had better look up the meaning of what a tyrannical govt is...

The Jim Crow South was a tyrannical government. They were worse than England in the Revolutionary War
like i said look at what a tyrannical govt is....A tyrannical ruler wields absolute power and authority, and often wields that power unjustly, cruelly, or oppressively.....now when was this country like that?...

Read the US Constitution and explain how a tyrannical ruler is allowed

We have had tyranny in this country. In the first case it was resolved in the Civil War, the second by a peaceful Civil Rights era
you have wandered so far from what this thread is about that it no longer is the original thread.....
It fought tyrannical government without firing a shot

a second american revolution
you had better look up the meaning of what a tyrannical govt is...

The Jim Crow South was a tyrannical government. They were worse than England in the Revolutionary War
like i said look at what a tyrannical govt is....A tyrannical ruler wields absolute power and authority, and often wields that power unjustly, cruelly, or oppressively.....now when was this country like that?...

Read the US Constitution and explain how a tyrannical ruler is allowed

We have had tyranny in this country. In the first case it was resolved in the Civil War, the second by a peaceful Civil Rights era
you have wandered so far from what this thread is about that it no longer is the original thread.....
Please, please...explain
The “arms” you need to take back government are the arms you use to pull a,ballot
you had better look up the meaning of what a tyrannical govt is...

The Jim Crow South was a tyrannical government. They were worse than England in the Revolutionary War
like i said look at what a tyrannical govt is....A tyrannical ruler wields absolute power and authority, and often wields that power unjustly, cruelly, or oppressively.....now when was this country like that?...

Read the US Constitution and explain how a tyrannical ruler is allowed

We have had tyranny in this country. In the first case it was resolved in the Civil War, the second by a peaceful Civil Rights era
you have wandered so far from what this thread is about that it no longer is the original thread.....
Please, please...explain
i have to explain it to you?....go back and read the opening stanza....its not about over throwing our current govt, its what would happen if a tyrannical dictator took control....how would we get it back....and your 4 little tenets wont work...
The Jim Crow South was a tyrannical government. They were worse than England in the Revolutionary War
like i said look at what a tyrannical govt is....A tyrannical ruler wields absolute power and authority, and often wields that power unjustly, cruelly, or oppressively.....now when was this country like that?...

Read the US Constitution and explain how a tyrannical ruler is allowed

We have had tyranny in this country. In the first case it was resolved in the Civil War, the second by a peaceful Civil Rights era
you have wandered so far from what this thread is about that it no longer is the original thread.....
Please, please...explain
i have to explain it to you?....go back and read the opening stanza....its not about over throwing our current govt, its what would happen if a tyrannical dictator took control....how would we get it back....and your 4 little tenets wont work...
I know, I know...Fantasy

Red Dawn
The “arms” you need to take back government are the arms you use to pull a,ballot
They tried that with the tea party and many were frauds, political plants, personally destroyed and not given office even if they won by shenanigans. The powers that be are in part national, regional, city and state families that control areas. We vote in many elections for those hand picked and backed by the powers. A lot of potential people who run are frozen out by others with many of their view as they split votes to let any of the anointed ones win.
It fought tyrannical government without firing a shot

a second american revolution
you had better look up the meaning of what a tyrannical govt is...

The Jim Crow South was a tyrannical government. They were worse than England in the Revolutionary War
like i said look at what a tyrannical govt is....A tyrannical ruler wields absolute power and authority, and often wields that power unjustly, cruelly, or oppressively.....now when was this country like that?...

Read the US Constitution and explain how a tyrannical ruler is allowed

We have had tyranny in this country. In the first case it was resolved in the Civil War, the second by a peaceful Civil Rights era
you have wandered so far from what this thread is about that it no longer is the original thread.....

The thread started as a ridiculous "what if" to begin with. Not at all surprising it veered off.

if a such a thing as the OP proposed ever happened, we don't know what would happen. I would imagine there would be an organized resistance that would enlist UN and other allied assistance. There would be no Red Dawn like these creepers fantasize about.
like i said look at what a tyrannical govt is....A tyrannical ruler wields absolute power and authority, and often wields that power unjustly, cruelly, or oppressively.....now when was this country like that?...

Read the US Constitution and explain how a tyrannical ruler is allowed

We have had tyranny in this country. In the first case it was resolved in the Civil War, the second by a peaceful Civil Rights era
you have wandered so far from what this thread is about that it no longer is the original thread.....
Please, please...explain
i have to explain it to you?....go back and read the opening stanza....its not about over throwing our current govt, its what would happen if a tyrannical dictator took control....how would we get it back....and your 4 little tenets wont work...
I know, I know...Fantasy

Red Dawn
if you did not want to talk about what the topic is...why did you jump in?.....
you had better look up the meaning of what a tyrannical govt is...

The Jim Crow South was a tyrannical government. They were worse than England in the Revolutionary War
like i said look at what a tyrannical govt is....A tyrannical ruler wields absolute power and authority, and often wields that power unjustly, cruelly, or oppressively.....now when was this country like that?...

Read the US Constitution and explain how a tyrannical ruler is allowed

We have had tyranny in this country. In the first case it was resolved in the Civil War, the second by a peaceful Civil Rights era
you have wandered so far from what this thread is about that it no longer is the original thread.....

The thread started as a ridiculous "what if" to begin with. Not at all surprising it veered off.

if a such a thing as the OP proposed ever happened, we don't know what would happen. I would imagine there would be an organized resistance that would enlist UN and other allied assistance. There would be no Red Dawn like these creepers fantasize about.
if it was so ridiculous why did you jump in?...
The Jim Crow South was a tyrannical government. They were worse than England in the Revolutionary War
like i said look at what a tyrannical govt is....A tyrannical ruler wields absolute power and authority, and often wields that power unjustly, cruelly, or oppressively.....now when was this country like that?...

Read the US Constitution and explain how a tyrannical ruler is allowed

We have had tyranny in this country. In the first case it was resolved in the Civil War, the second by a peaceful Civil Rights era
you have wandered so far from what this thread is about that it no longer is the original thread.....

The thread started as a ridiculous "what if" to begin with. Not at all surprising it veered off.

if a such a thing as the OP proposed ever happened, we don't know what would happen. I would imagine there would be an organized resistance that would enlist UN and other allied assistance. There would be no Red Dawn like these creepers fantasize about.
if it was so ridiculous why did you jump in?...
Because mocking the ridiculous is our National pastime.
like i said look at what a tyrannical govt is....A tyrannical ruler wields absolute power and authority, and often wields that power unjustly, cruelly, or oppressively.....now when was this country like that?...

Read the US Constitution and explain how a tyrannical ruler is allowed

We have had tyranny in this country. In the first case it was resolved in the Civil War, the second by a peaceful Civil Rights era
you have wandered so far from what this thread is about that it no longer is the original thread.....

The thread started as a ridiculous "what if" to begin with. Not at all surprising it veered off.

if a such a thing as the OP proposed ever happened, we don't know what would happen. I would imagine there would be an organized resistance that would enlist UN and other allied assistance. There would be no Red Dawn like these creepers fantasize about.
if it was so ridiculous why did you jump in?...
Because mocking the ridiculous is our National pastime.
at one time people thought it was ridiculous to think we would ever land on the moon....even though that was a waste of time and effort.....

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