What arms do we need to take the government back?

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

We don't all agree that the second amendment defines our right to keep and bear arms, we don't all agree that a "well regulated militia" isn't a militia encumbered by regulation, and we don't all agree that "shall not be infringed" really means just that. This thread is not meant to debate the intent of the second amendment, but rather to debate which arms are needed if we are to over power and take back a tyrannical government.

Regardless of your beliefs, ideology, or opinions of what the second ammendment are, please list what arms you think we would need as private citizens if we were to assemble militias to overpower and take back a tyrannical federal government if this hypothetical event were to occur. Would we need more than millions of ar15 owners? Do we need baseball bats and metal garbage can lids? What do you think we would need?

In the event of this hypothetical scenario, you wouldn't stand a chance against tanks, jets, nuclear weapons, and the greatest military in the world.

You just like to play with guns.

"Pew pew, I'm gonna take down the government."

If you want to take back government, no amount of guns will help you

Your vote will
What exactly would votes change in a tyrannical government if a tyrannical government were to actually allow a vote? Do you think they would "count" enough votes against themselves and then surrender? Do you even understand what a tyrannical government is? Your posts throughout this thread suggest that you are completely ignorant of what a tyrannical government even is.
What good will guns do when a tyrannical government has the most powerful military in the history of mankind?
If you want to take back government, no amount of guns will help you

Your vote will
What exactly would votes change in a tyrannical government if a tyrannical government were to actually allow a vote? Do you think they would "count" enough votes against themselves and then surrender? Do you even understand what a tyrannical government is? Your posts throughout this thread suggest that you are completely ignorant of what a tyrannical government even is.
What good will guns do when a tyrannical government has the most powerful military in the history of mankind?

seems they didnt work in Afghanistan,vietnam,korea and many other failed wars,,,
If you want to take back government, no amount of guns will help you

Your vote will
What exactly would votes change in a tyrannical government if a tyrannical government were to actually allow a vote? Do you think they would "count" enough votes against themselves and then surrender? Do you even understand what a tyrannical government is? Your posts throughout this thread suggest that you are completely ignorant of what a tyrannical government even is.
What good will guns do when a tyrannical government has the most powerful military in the history of mankind?

Hmmmm....ask the Afghanis, the Vietnamese......... and those countries were backward crap holes.....now imagine millions of armed Americans with advanced technology fighting for their homes and families, you dope......
230 years and we have never needed guns to regulate government
Not even close
230 Years is not that long of a time

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

One of the longest continuous forms of government on earth
Our Constitution is copied around the world
Hardly the longest

You need to study history and the factors that cause the decline of civilizations

Our government is corrupt and owned by the few not the many

You like most are too naive to see that

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It would be so simple to get a good start--with campaigns funded solely by taxes, no PACS, no fund raising by parties. Every candidate gets an equal amount of $ and advertising credit. It wouldn't stop all corruption, but getting the money out of politics would be a huge first step.
Nope I'm not paying for for anyone to run for office

Put a hard cap on money that can be collected and spent by wannabe politicians and stop all the billions of dollars of soft money that the DNC and RNC collect

Remove the tax deduction for political parties and organizations

But don't assume that the corruption begins and ends at the campaign level.

Corruption runs deep

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Alright. That would be a start. Most of the influence peddling is done in conjunction with campaign funding, isn't it?
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

We don't all agree that the second amendment defines our right to keep and bear arms, we don't all agree that a "well regulated militia" isn't a militia encumbered by regulation, and we don't all agree that "shall not be infringed" really means just that. This thread is not meant to debate the intent of the second amendment, but rather to debate which arms are needed if we are to over power and take back a tyrannical government.

Regardless of your beliefs, ideology, or opinions of what the second ammendment are, please list what arms you think we would need as private citizens if we were to assemble militias to overpower and take back a tyrannical federal government if this hypothetical event were to occur. Would we need more than millions of ar15 owners? Do we need baseball bats and metal garbage can lids? What do you think we would need?

In the event of this hypothetical scenario, you wouldn't stand a chance against tanks, jets, nuclear weapons, and the greatest military in the world.

You just like to play with guns.

"Pew pew, I'm gonna take down the government."

View attachment 296909
Are the rednecks going to get China to back them?
230 Years is not that long of a time

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

One of the longest continuous forms of government on earth
Our Constitution is copied around the world
Hardly the longest

You need to study history and the factors that cause the decline of civilizations

Our government is corrupt and owned by the few not the many

You like most are too naive to see that

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It would be so simple to get a good start--with campaigns funded solely by taxes, no PACS, no fund raising by parties. Every candidate gets an equal amount of $ and advertising credit. It wouldn't stop all corruption, but getting the money out of politics would be a huge first step.
Nope I'm not paying for for anyone to run for office

Put a hard cap on money that can be collected and spent by wannabe politicians and stop all the billions of dollars of soft money that the DNC and RNC collect

Remove the tax deduction for political parties and organizations

But don't assume that the corruption begins and ends at the campaign level.

Corruption runs deep

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Alright. That would be a start. Most of the influence peddling is done in conjunction with campaign funding, isn't it?

No, the solution is to take off all the caps......money is speech, cause you can't get your message out without it.......the only reason more normal people don't run for office is they can't get money. Allow people to bank roll them, with knowledge of who is doing it, and normal people would have a shot at gaining office more often.

Any cap helps the incumbents who are already in office...which is why they all want caps and public financing...once they are in, they have all the advantages.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed"

We don't all agree that the second amendment defines our right to keep and bear arms, we don't all agree that a "well regulated militia" isn't a militia encumbered by regulation, and we don't all agree that "shall not be infringed" really means just that. This thread is not meant to debate the intent of the second amendment, but rather to debate which arms are needed if we are to over power and take back a tyrannical government.

Regardless of your beliefs, ideology, or opinions of what the second ammendment are, please list what arms you think we would need as private citizens if we were to assemble militias to overpower and take back a tyrannical federal government if this hypothetical event were to occur. Would we need more than millions of ar15 owners? Do we need baseball bats and metal garbage can lids? What do you think we would need?

In the event of this hypothetical scenario, you wouldn't stand a chance against tanks, jets, nuclear weapons, and the greatest military in the world.

You just like to play with guns.

"Pew pew, I'm gonna take down the government."

View attachment 296909
Are the rednecks going to get China to back them?

The Chinese already back the democrats.
If you want to take back government, no amount of guns will help you

Your vote will
What exactly would votes change in a tyrannical government if a tyrannical government were to actually allow a vote? Do you think they would "count" enough votes against themselves and then surrender? Do you even understand what a tyrannical government is? Your posts throughout this thread suggest that you are completely ignorant of what a tyrannical government even is.
What good will guns do when a tyrannical government has the most powerful military in the history of mankind?

Hmmmm....ask the Afghanis, the Vietnamese......... and those countries were backward crap holes.....now imagine millions of armed Americans with advanced technology fighting for their homes and families, you dope......

Big difference is those wars were.......”over there”
Military powers fighting in distant lands have a shorter tolerance for casualties.

Fight on our own turf and it is a different ballgame
230 Years is not that long of a time

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

One of the longest continuous forms of government on earth
Our Constitution is copied around the world
Hardly the longest

You need to study history and the factors that cause the decline of civilizations

Our government is corrupt and owned by the few not the many

You like most are too naive to see that

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It would be so simple to get a good start--with campaigns funded solely by taxes, no PACS, no fund raising by parties. Every candidate gets an equal amount of $ and advertising credit. It wouldn't stop all corruption, but getting the money out of politics would be a huge first step.
Nope I'm not paying for for anyone to run for office

Put a hard cap on money that can be collected and spent by wannabe politicians and stop all the billions of dollars of soft money that the DNC and RNC collect

Remove the tax deduction for political parties and organizations

But don't assume that the corruption begins and ends at the campaign level.

Corruption runs deep

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Alright. That would be a start. Most of the influence peddling is done in conjunction with campaign funding, isn't it?


How is it do you think that a person who had a net worth of less than a million dollars when they got elected to Congress can be a multi-millionaire a couple terms later when their salary is 175K a year?
One of the longest continuous forms of government on earth
Our Constitution is copied around the world
Hardly the longest

You need to study history and the factors that cause the decline of civilizations

Our government is corrupt and owned by the few not the many

You like most are too naive to see that

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It would be so simple to get a good start--with campaigns funded solely by taxes, no PACS, no fund raising by parties. Every candidate gets an equal amount of $ and advertising credit. It wouldn't stop all corruption, but getting the money out of politics would be a huge first step.
Nope I'm not paying for for anyone to run for office

Put a hard cap on money that can be collected and spent by wannabe politicians and stop all the billions of dollars of soft money that the DNC and RNC collect

Remove the tax deduction for political parties and organizations

But don't assume that the corruption begins and ends at the campaign level.

Corruption runs deep

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Alright. That would be a start. Most of the influence peddling is done in conjunction with campaign funding, isn't it?

No, the solution is to take off all the caps......money is speech, cause you can't get your message out without it.......the only reason more normal people don't run for office is they can't get money. Allow people to bank roll them, with knowledge of who is doing it, and normal people would have a shot at gaining office more often.

Any cap helps the incumbents who are already in office...which is why they all want caps and public financing...once they are in, they have all the advantages.
2A, of course you think that. You are the one who always says MORE GUNS !! every time there is another mass shooting.
Allowing more money to politicians running for office will eliminate influence peddling. RRRRRiiiiiiigggghhhhtttttt.......
One of the longest continuous forms of government on earth
Our Constitution is copied around the world
Hardly the longest

You need to study history and the factors that cause the decline of civilizations

Our government is corrupt and owned by the few not the many

You like most are too naive to see that

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It would be so simple to get a good start--with campaigns funded solely by taxes, no PACS, no fund raising by parties. Every candidate gets an equal amount of $ and advertising credit. It wouldn't stop all corruption, but getting the money out of politics would be a huge first step.
Nope I'm not paying for for anyone to run for office

Put a hard cap on money that can be collected and spent by wannabe politicians and stop all the billions of dollars of soft money that the DNC and RNC collect

Remove the tax deduction for political parties and organizations

But don't assume that the corruption begins and ends at the campaign level.

Corruption runs deep

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Alright. That would be a start. Most of the influence peddling is done in conjunction with campaign funding, isn't it?


How is it do you think that a person who had a net worth of less than a million dollars when they got elected to Congress can be a multi-millionaire a couple terms later when their salary is 175K a year?
I know it is a START. Know what that means? a START
If you want to take back government, no amount of guns will help you

Your vote will
What exactly would votes change in a tyrannical government if a tyrannical government were to actually allow a vote? Do you think they would "count" enough votes against themselves and then surrender? Do you even understand what a tyrannical government is? Your posts throughout this thread suggest that you are completely ignorant of what a tyrannical government even is.
What good will guns do when a tyrannical government has the most powerful military in the history of mankind?
Don't assume that6 the military would be in lockstep with a government that has become the enemy of the people
One of the longest continuous forms of government on earth
Our Constitution is copied around the world
Hardly the longest

You need to study history and the factors that cause the decline of civilizations

Our government is corrupt and owned by the few not the many

You like most are too naive to see that

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It would be so simple to get a good start--with campaigns funded solely by taxes, no PACS, no fund raising by parties. Every candidate gets an equal amount of $ and advertising credit. It wouldn't stop all corruption, but getting the money out of politics would be a huge first step.
Nope I'm not paying for for anyone to run for office

Put a hard cap on money that can be collected and spent by wannabe politicians and stop all the billions of dollars of soft money that the DNC and RNC collect

Remove the tax deduction for political parties and organizations

But don't assume that the corruption begins and ends at the campaign level.

Corruption runs deep

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Alright. That would be a start. Most of the influence peddling is done in conjunction with campaign funding, isn't it?


How is it do you think that a person who had a net worth of less than a million dollars when they got elected to Congress can be a multi-millionaire a couple terms later when their salary is 175K a year?

Yes....millionaire socialist, Bernie Sanders should give a class on this.....
Hardly the longest

You need to study history and the factors that cause the decline of civilizations

Our government is corrupt and owned by the few not the many

You like most are too naive to see that

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It would be so simple to get a good start--with campaigns funded solely by taxes, no PACS, no fund raising by parties. Every candidate gets an equal amount of $ and advertising credit. It wouldn't stop all corruption, but getting the money out of politics would be a huge first step.
Nope I'm not paying for for anyone to run for office

Put a hard cap on money that can be collected and spent by wannabe politicians and stop all the billions of dollars of soft money that the DNC and RNC collect

Remove the tax deduction for political parties and organizations

But don't assume that the corruption begins and ends at the campaign level.

Corruption runs deep

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Alright. That would be a start. Most of the influence peddling is done in conjunction with campaign funding, isn't it?

No, the solution is to take off all the caps......money is speech, cause you can't get your message out without it.......the only reason more normal people don't run for office is they can't get money. Allow people to bank roll them, with knowledge of who is doing it, and normal people would have a shot at gaining office more often.

Any cap helps the incumbents who are already in office...which is why they all want caps and public financing...once they are in, they have all the advantages.
2A, of course you think that. You are the one who always says MORE GUNS !! every time there is another mass shooting.
Allowing more money to politicians running for office will eliminate influence peddling. RRRRRiiiiiiigggghhhhtttttt.......

No he says leave my guns and my rights alone when someone else commits a crime
Hardly the longest

You need to study history and the factors that cause the decline of civilizations

Our government is corrupt and owned by the few not the many

You like most are too naive to see that

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It would be so simple to get a good start--with campaigns funded solely by taxes, no PACS, no fund raising by parties. Every candidate gets an equal amount of $ and advertising credit. It wouldn't stop all corruption, but getting the money out of politics would be a huge first step.
Nope I'm not paying for for anyone to run for office

Put a hard cap on money that can be collected and spent by wannabe politicians and stop all the billions of dollars of soft money that the DNC and RNC collect

Remove the tax deduction for political parties and organizations

But don't assume that the corruption begins and ends at the campaign level.

Corruption runs deep

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Alright. That would be a start. Most of the influence peddling is done in conjunction with campaign funding, isn't it?


How is it do you think that a person who had a net worth of less than a million dollars when they got elected to Congress can be a multi-millionaire a couple terms later when their salary is 175K a year?
I know it is a START. Know what that means? a START

You assumed the worst corruption was in campaign financing

It goes far deeper that that
Hardly the longest

You need to study history and the factors that cause the decline of civilizations

Our government is corrupt and owned by the few not the many

You like most are too naive to see that

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
It would be so simple to get a good start--with campaigns funded solely by taxes, no PACS, no fund raising by parties. Every candidate gets an equal amount of $ and advertising credit. It wouldn't stop all corruption, but getting the money out of politics would be a huge first step.
Nope I'm not paying for for anyone to run for office

Put a hard cap on money that can be collected and spent by wannabe politicians and stop all the billions of dollars of soft money that the DNC and RNC collect

Remove the tax deduction for political parties and organizations

But don't assume that the corruption begins and ends at the campaign level.

Corruption runs deep

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Alright. That would be a start. Most of the influence peddling is done in conjunction with campaign funding, isn't it?


How is it do you think that a person who had a net worth of less than a million dollars when they got elected to Congress can be a multi-millionaire a couple terms later when their salary is 175K a year?

Yes....millionaire socialist, Bernie Sanders should give a class on this.....
Bernie has to hate himself or else he's a hypocrite
It would be so simple to get a good start--with campaigns funded solely by taxes, no PACS, no fund raising by parties. Every candidate gets an equal amount of $ and advertising credit. It wouldn't stop all corruption, but getting the money out of politics would be a huge first step.
Nope I'm not paying for for anyone to run for office

Put a hard cap on money that can be collected and spent by wannabe politicians and stop all the billions of dollars of soft money that the DNC and RNC collect

Remove the tax deduction for political parties and organizations

But don't assume that the corruption begins and ends at the campaign level.

Corruption runs deep

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Alright. That would be a start. Most of the influence peddling is done in conjunction with campaign funding, isn't it?


How is it do you think that a person who had a net worth of less than a million dollars when they got elected to Congress can be a multi-millionaire a couple terms later when their salary is 175K a year?

Yes....millionaire socialist, Bernie Sanders should give a class on this.....
Bernie has to hate himself or else he's a hypocrite

Yeah....I wouldn't bet on bernie hating himself.....left wingers don't have that capacity....
If you want to take back government, no amount of guns will help you

Your vote will
What exactly would votes change in a tyrannical government if a tyrannical government were to actually allow a vote? Do you think they would "count" enough votes against themselves and then surrender? Do you even understand what a tyrannical government is? Your posts throughout this thread suggest that you are completely ignorant of what a tyrannical government even is.

We have managed not to have a tyrannical government because we have the right to vote and a free press. Do you believe we are in danger of losing those things?
You left one off.

We have managed to avoid a tyrannical government because we have the right to vote, a free press, and over 100 million weapons.

We have avoided a tyrannical government through diligence and the opposition of incrementalism against fundamental rights.

We have already lost a free press, however. When the alleged 'free press' is loyal to one party, that is a detriment to a free republic.
If you want to take back government, no amount of guns will help you

Your vote will
What exactly would votes change in a tyrannical government if a tyrannical government were to actually allow a vote? Do you think they would "count" enough votes against themselves and then surrender? Do you even understand what a tyrannical government is? Your posts throughout this thread suggest that you are completely ignorant of what a tyrannical government even is.
What good will guns do when a tyrannical government has the most powerful military in the history of mankind?

Hmmmm....ask the Afghanis, the Vietnamese......... and those countries were backward crap holes.....now imagine millions of armed Americans with advanced technology fighting for their homes and families, you dope......

Big difference is those wars were.......”over there”
Military powers fighting in distant lands have a shorter tolerance for casualties.

Fight on our own turf and it is a different ballgame
There would be no fight with our military.

For the military to intervene in a civil war with the populace it is sworn to defend is ludicrous.

They would be violating their oaths.

I'm not sure why you think that in the event of a tyrannical government, the military would be on their side; given that our volunteer military have far more loyalty to the Constitution than those who would attempt to suspend and eliminate it.

Standing against a tyrannical government is what good guys do. Bad guys back tyrannical governments.

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