What beliefs define a 21st Century American conservative?

I have no objection to showing an ID to vote; I simply pointed out the obvious. This is an attempt by the Republican Party to disenfranchise likely Democratic Voters.
Prove it.
Else, youre just spouting more of your usual partisan bigotry.

While you're at it,
Regarding the onus to provide for the common defense and your claim to that effect....
Please show that, if the framers were here now, they'd see the current state of affairs, and agree with your interpretation.

Or do such standards only apply when you're discussing what they would have done regarding the 2nd?

Well, the framers are all dead but it's pretty clear that not all of them would agree with me, or you for that matter. In fact they had trouble agreeing amongst themselves on most issues.
So, you admit you made a dishonet claim when you spoke as to what the framers would think about the 2nd should they be around today.
No surprise, your dishonesty.

Now then.... prove your claim that the effort to require photo IDs to vote is is an attempt by the Republican Party to disenfranchise likely Democratic Voters.
I believe the American Left is economically to the left of real Communists is Vietnam and China. Moreover, what bothers them is not being identified as such, rather they are upset their older brothers in economic faith have abandoned them to embrace the evil of Free Markets
I believe the American Left is economically to the left of real Communists is Vietnam and China.

CrusaderFrank is a liar. He does not believe any such thing. He knows damned well what is wrong with that silly argument. He is lying.
I believe the American Left is economically to the left of real Communists is Vietnam and China.

CrusaderFrank is a liar. He does not believe any such thing. He knows damned well what is wrong with that silly argument. He is lying.
So says one of resident Communists and enemies to this Republic.

The T may not be a liar. He may be stupid enough to actually believe that I am a Communist. If so, I feel sincerely sorry for him.
identification is specifically designed to disenfranchise voters who might vote for Obama.

but this of course is exactly what our Founders would have wanted. They gave us an intelligent Republic such that the unsophisticated masses would be represented by sophisticated people who supported the common good. They did not want folks who can't even figure out how to get an ID to have a voice in, say, monetary policy something about which they know less than nothing. The most these folks can do is sell their votes for more liberal welfare programs; so they should be excluded. The next steps would be a voter IQ test and perhaps elimination of those who have a conflict of interest, i.e, those who derive most of their income from liberal government programs. Moreover, since Obama is so anti-American our Founders would have wanted voters who supported him excluding any way possible.

When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."
-- Benjamin Franklin
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The T may not be a liar. He may be stupid enough to actually believe that I am a Communist. If so, I feel sincerely sorry for him.

What's the difference between your agenda and the agenda of the Communist Party?
CrusaderFrank is a liar. He does not believe any such thing. He knows damned well what is wrong with that silly argument. He is lying.
So says one of resident Communists and enemies to this Republic.

The T may not be a liar. He may be stupid enough to actually believe that I am a Communist. If so, I feel sincerely sorry for him.

A liberal is often a tool of the communists but lacks the IQ to know it.
This is why even after 200 years of steady growth of government the liberal always wants still more and more growth; even when we are $15 trillion in debt . They can't say how big is big. They are on a journey whose destination is known only to their masters.

Why not read "Liberal Fascism" to get an 400 page understanding?

Norman Thomas quotes:
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
So says one of resident Communists and enemies to this Republic.

The T may not be a liar. He may be stupid enough to actually believe that I am a Communist. If so, I feel sincerely sorry for him.

A liberal is often a tool of the communists but lacks the IQ to know it.
This is why even after 200 years of steady growth of government the liberal always wants still more and more growth; even when we are $15 trillion in debt . They can't say how big is big. They are on a journey whose destination is known only to their masters.

Why not read "Liberal Fascism" to get an 400 page understanding?

Norman Thomas quotes:
The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.
They advocate the very same thing that brought down the Soviet Union...which never went away...:eusa_whistle:
I believe the American Left is economically to the left of real Communists is Vietnam and China.

CrusaderFrank is a liar. He does not believe any such thing. He knows damned well what is wrong with that silly argument. He is lying.

I know your sense of abandonment and betrayal is deep; I can't help that. All I cam do is point out that real Communists have openly embraced Free Market economics and Democrats still bitterly cling to the failed redistributive model.
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When I read those words, I see the meaning a bit more broadly - hence our different perspective on our Constitution. I see the Federal Government has a role in protecting us from disease; from such a perspective I see the role of government in providing preventative protections to all citizens as part of providing a common defense.
Please show that, if the framers were here now, they'd see the current state of affairs, and agree with your interpretation.

Or do such standards only apply when you're discussing what they would have done regarding the 2nd?

Finally we get to securing the rights of all citizens. Given the effort by the Republican Party to root out voter fraud, many states are in the process of changing the laws on what ID must be presented by a person who wishes to vote. Everyone - at least every honest person - understands this is an effort to unlevel the playing field and exclude voters who are likely to vote for Obama.
This is, of course a lie.
But, aside from your brazen dishonesty...
If you agree that it is OK to require a photo ID to buy a gun, you must then agree that it is OK to require a photo ID to vote.

I have no objection to showing an ID to vote; I simply pointed out the obvious. This is an attempt by the Republican Party to disenfranchise likely Democratic Voters. There must be provisions in the new laws for citizens who do not have a proper ID and cannot get one in time, to vote. Ballots submitted by those without ID may be provisional, and subject to verification of there being legally cast, but no one should be disenfranchised by a part time government employee.

The laws are supposed to be focused on rooting out fraud; they must not be used to disenfranchise legally entitled citizens to exercise their right to vote. I am making an allegation that the Republican Party has conspired to disenfranchise voters in the next election. I don't have to prove it, the evidence that the right to vote has been denied, restricted and made more difficult in our nations past is well known and given the few arrests and convictions from 2008 it's pretty obvious voter fraud is not epidemic.

If that was true you should be able to explain why SCs new law, which the DOJ shot down, is more burdensome than the old law which gave fewer options for a person to prove they are legal residents of the state.
Please show that, if the framers were here now, they'd see the current state of affairs, and agree with your interpretation.

Or do such standards only apply when you're discussing what they would have done regarding the 2nd?

This is, of course a lie.
But, aside from your brazen dishonesty...
If you agree that it is OK to require a photo ID to buy a gun, you must then agree that it is OK to require a photo ID to vote.

I have no objection to showing an ID to vote; I simply pointed out the obvious. This is an attempt by the Republican Party to disenfranchise likely Democratic Voters. There must be provisions in the new laws for citizens who do not have a proper ID and cannot get one in time, to vote. Ballots submitted by those without ID may be provisional, and subject to verification of there being legally cast, but no one should be disenfranchised by a part time government employee.

The laws are supposed to be focused on rooting out fraud; they must not be used to disenfranchise legally entitled citizens to exercise their right to vote. I am making an allegation that the Republican Party has conspired to disenfranchise voters in the next election. I don't have to prove it, the evidence that the right to vote has been denied, restricted and made more difficult in our nations past is well known and given the few arrests and convictions from 2008 it's pretty obvious voter fraud is not epidemic.

If that was true you should be able to explain why SCs new law, which the DOJ shot down, is more burdensome than the old law which gave fewer options for a person to prove they are legal residents of the state.

No where in the US Constitution does it require a voter to provide Identification. If the GOP and those who support this effort want that to be the law of the land, amend the Constitution.

If it was the Original Intent of the founders to require voter ID, cards would have been invented and each white man of majority age would have been provided with one.
I have no objection to showing an ID to vote; I simply pointed out the obvious. This is an attempt by the Republican Party to disenfranchise likely Democratic Voters. There must be provisions in the new laws for citizens who do not have a proper ID and cannot get one in time, to vote. Ballots submitted by those without ID may be provisional, and subject to verification of there being legally cast, but no one should be disenfranchised by a part time government employee.

The laws are supposed to be focused on rooting out fraud; they must not be used to disenfranchise legally entitled citizens to exercise their right to vote. I am making an allegation that the Republican Party has conspired to disenfranchise voters in the next election. I don't have to prove it, the evidence that the right to vote has been denied, restricted and made more difficult in our nations past is well known and given the few arrests and convictions from 2008 it's pretty obvious voter fraud is not epidemic.

If that was true you should be able to explain why SCs new law, which the DOJ shot down, is more burdensome than the old law which gave fewer options for a person to prove they are legal residents of the state.

No where in the US Constitution does it require a voter to provide Identification. If the GOP and those who support this effort want that to be the law of the land, amend the Constitution.

If it was the Original Intent of the founders to require voter ID, cards would have been invented and each white man of majority age would have been provided with one.

One has to ask why you would so strenuously object to keeping the voting process honest? For what purpose do you want to make it easier for special interests to corrupt the system? The Founders probably didn't consider the ability to bus large numbers of people into highly populated areas and pay them to vote a certain way. If some were not entirely legal who cares. Other than those who don't want the candidate who is manipulated?

Voter ID protects my unalienable right to have my vote count as much as the next person and to have an honest election. Here in New Mexico, for instance, the margin determining the outcome has been as few as 500 or so people. It wouldn't take a huge initiative to cheat by 500 votes.

I take my privilege to vote very seriously and want my vote to count. I highly resent those who are paid to vote a certain way or who would intentionally skew the natural results of an election. I personally would like to return to the system where you had to get yourself to a specified place to register to vote at least two weeks prior to the election, had to have a positive ID and proof of address in order to register, and then make the effort to get to the polling place on the specified election day. That way we had only mostly people who cared about the process, cared about our Republic, cared about who would lead the nation voting.

Again when it is only "Obama supporters" who probably won't vote if they have to identify themselves, don't you think that is a really sad commentary on Obama and the people who elected him to office?
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If that was true you should be able to explain why SCs new law, which the DOJ shot down, is more burdensome than the old law which gave fewer options for a person to prove they are legal residents of the state.

No where in the US Constitution does it require a voter to provide Identification. If the GOP and those who support this effort want that to be the law of the land, amend the Constitution.

If it was the Original Intent of the founders to require voter ID, cards would have been invented and each white man of majority age would have been provided with one.

One has to ask why you would so strenuously object to keeping the voting process honest? For what purpose do you want to make it easier for special interests to corrupt the system? The Founders probably didn't consider the ability to bus large numbers of people into highly populated areas and pay them to vote a certain way. If some were not entirely legal who cares. Other than those who don't want the candidate who is manipulated?

Voter ID protects my unalienable right to have my vote count as much as the next person and to have an honest election. Here in New Mexico, for instance, the margin determining the outcome has been as few as 500 or so people. It wouldn't take a huge initiative to cheat by 500 votes.

I take my privilege to vote very seriously and want my vote to count. I highly resent those who are paid to vote a certain way or who would intentionally skew the natural results of an election. I personally would like to return to the system where you had to get yourself to a specified place to register to vote at least two weeks prior to the election, had to have a positive ID and proof of address in order to register, and then make the effort to get to the polling place on the specified election day. That way we had only mostly people who cared about the process, cared about our Republic, cared about who would lead the nation voting.

Again when it is only "Obama supporters" who probably won't vote if they have to identify themselves, don't you think that is a really sad commentary on Obama and the people who elected him to office?

"The Founders probably didn't consider the ability to bus large numbers of people into highly populated areas" nor did they consider an armed student going to a University Campus and killing 30 + students.
No where in the US Constitution does it require a voter to provide Identification.
Nowhere in the US Constitution does it require a citizen to provide identification when buying a gun - but, as you said. you do not oppose that.
Explain the difference.

And.. STLL waiting for proof that the intent in all of this is to reduce the number of Dem voters.
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Foxfyer wrote, "One has to ask why you would so strenuously object to keeping the voting process honest? For what purpose do you want to make it easier for special interests to corrupt the system?"

I do support free, open and honest elections. Do you recall Harris/Florida and Bush v. Gore? Do you support CU v. FEC and its impact already seen in Iowa? If you and I so value our right to vote, why would be go out of our way to disenfranchise others?
No where in the US Constitution does it require a voter to provide Identification. If the GOP and those who support this effort want that to be the law of the land, amend the Constitution.

If it was the Original Intent of the founders to require voter ID, cards would have been invented and each white man of majority age would have been provided with one.

One has to ask why you would so strenuously object to keeping the voting process honest? For what purpose do you want to make it easier for special interests to corrupt the system? The Founders probably didn't consider the ability to bus large numbers of people into highly populated areas and pay them to vote a certain way. If some were not entirely legal who cares. Other than those who don't want the candidate who is manipulated?

Voter ID protects my unalienable right to have my vote count as much as the next person and to have an honest election. Here in New Mexico, for instance, the margin determining the outcome has been as few as 500 or so people. It wouldn't take a huge initiative to cheat by 500 votes.

I take my privilege to vote very seriously and want my vote to count. I highly resent those who are paid to vote a certain way or who would intentionally skew the natural results of an election. I personally would like to return to the system where you had to get yourself to a specified place to register to vote at least two weeks prior to the election, had to have a positive ID and proof of address in order to register, and then make the effort to get to the polling place on the specified election day. That way we had only mostly people who cared about the process, cared about our Republic, cared about who would lead the nation voting.

Again when it is only "Obama supporters" who probably won't vote if they have to identify themselves, don't you think that is a really sad commentary on Obama and the people who elected him to office?

"The Founders probably didn't consider the ability to bus large numbers of people into highly populated areas" nor did they consider an armed student going to a University Campus and killing 30 + students.

The Founders absolutely were aware that there are bad people and there is a necessity for laws to discourage bad behavior or apply consequences for bad behavior when it happens. It is the basic original conservative principle of the rule of law to apply and be enforceable in ALL matters that affect the common defense, the general welfare, and our unalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

They also believed that the Constitution would work for only a mostly religious and moral people. Perhaps there are consequences for the modern assault on both Christianity and old fashioned morality? The Founders certainly recognized that in their commentary.
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No where in the US Constitution does it require a voter to provide Identification.
Nowhere in the US Constitution does it require a citizen to provide identification when buying a gun - but, as you said. you do not oppose that.
Explain the difference.

And.. STLL waiting for proof that the intent in all of this is to reduce the number of Dem voters.

Wow what a great point, never seen someone put it that way.

It'll be interesting to see what, if anything, is said by those holding this hypocritical stance.

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