What black people think about racism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
Are you the new MLK who is speaking for all blacks now?
You do not speak for all blacks.

I have lived and worked among plenty of black people who are not racist, are productive and successful, are completely mature adults and who do not blame whites for everythinv under the sun.

If you run around with a seething hatred of white people, are belligetent, rude and nasty to them, blame them for your own shortcomings and are a complete jerk to them OF COURSE they will react negatively to you.

That is not racism It is reacting TO racism.
In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
You must like it a lot here, because you never went back to Africa. So stop your bellyaching already.
In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
Are you the new MLK who is speaking for all blacks now?
MLK was a bible thumping blowhard who beat up white women for kicks. That's their hero.
In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.

I wouldn't presume the black community to be monolithic in their views. I had a black woman tell me years ago, "I get so sick of people thinking I support Obama just because I am black. I support Hillary because I am a woman."

Anyway, as for you individually, do you find that white liberals feeling a need to speak up and defend blacks to be patronizing? Do you think the black community in many ways is giving its voice away by not calling out white democrats for presuming to represent your interests even if the are well-meaning?

Just curious. I have posted here before that if I had been a black person back in the day, I would have been a hell of a lot more Malcolm X than I would have been Dr. King in my world view. I am not so sure that I wouldn't be that way today to some degree if I were a black person seeing what the Great Society programs created regardless of their intent.
Are you the new MLK who is speaking for all blacks now?

LOL... Tell me about it....

That asshole lacks any capacity for thought, yet it wants to assert it has a clue as to what normal human beings think.

People who THINK can not be of a single mind, individuals will always have a different perception and opinion.

Vacuous drones can not grasp that concept.

In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
Because I am not black, I will read all responses from black folks who post in this thread, honestly consider their experience, and try to imagine myself in their shoes.

At some point, there must be a discussion about where we go from here.

In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
Because I am not black, I will read all responses from black folks who post in this thread, honestly consider their experience, and try to imagine myself in their shoes.

At some point, there must be a discussion about where we go from here.


True. But before we get there , a thourough understanding most be created as to the cause of the problem and the continuing impact of such things on all sides to day. It must be understood that jim crow did not suddenly end with the stroke of the pen.
In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
Because I am not black, I will read all responses from black folks who post in this thread, honestly consider their experience, and try to imagine myself in their shoes.

At some point, there must be a discussion about where we go from here.


True. But before we get there , a thourough understanding most be created as to the cause of the problem and the continuing impact of such things on all sides to day. It must be understood that jim crow did not suddenly end with the stroke of the pen.

OIC...Whitey be owing you some reparations, huh?

It's no wonder you post so many threads like this when your motivation is financial.
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In this thread we hope to explore how blacks feel about continuing white racism, the impact of 243 years of racist law and policy, unfixed damage caused by those policies and the psychological/physiological/sociological impact of continuing white racism on blacks. Since the default position of many here in individual debates with black members on the topic of race is always," You don't speak for all blacks because all the blacks I know agree with me," I have invited other black members of this forum to provide input on this matter.
Get a job and feed your own damn babies.
You do not speak for all blacks.

I have lived and worked among plenty of black people who are not racist, are productive and successful, are completely mature adults and who do not blame whites for everythinv under the sun.

If you run around with a seething hatred of white people, are belligetent, rude and nasty to them, blame them for your own shortcomings and are a complete jerk to them OF COURSE they will react negatively to you.

That is not racism It is reacting TO racism.

And you don't speak for any.
I am black, not some white asshole who worked with blacks. You guys are white. You speak for no blacks.
243 years? Please show me a racist law in the books right now.
Thanks in advance, faggot.

There’s overwhelming evidence that the criminal-justice system is racist. Here’s the proof.

Not one law in that link. Why cant you back up your shit? Perhaps because they are lies? You lie all the damn time. You are a scared little joke. Grow some balls.
People are racial bigots, not the institution.
You do not speak for all blacks.

I have lived and worked among plenty of black people who are not racist, are productive and successful, are completely mature adults and who do not blame whites for everythinv under the sun.

If you run around with a seething hatred of white people, are belligetent, rude and nasty to them, blame them for your own shortcomings and are a complete jerk to them OF COURSE they will react negatively to you.

That is not racism It is reacting TO racism.

And you don't speak for any.

If 3 or 4 members of the KKK were to come in here and claim to speak for all whites, my telling them they aren't is just stating the obvious.

If you and other hateful blacks claim to speak for all blacks, my telling you that you aren't is stating the obvious.

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